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Intermediate 1 Unit 5

Picasso Exhibit
a. Do you remember the dialogue in the computer lessons? In the dialogue below a girl is
inviting a boy to go out with her. Choose the best phrases to complete their dialogue.

Jean: Ben, are you free tomorrow? How about coming with me to the latest exhibition at
the Wheeler Gallery / “The Phantom of the Opera” at the Rose Theater / the
concert at the City Concert Hall?

Ben: Sorry, I can’t, Jean. I have an exam. / I have an appointment with the dentist. / I promised
to help a friend move to a new apartment.

Jean: Perhaps we could make it next week / tomorrow / this weekend instead.

Ben: I’d like to, but I’m very busy at the moment.

b. Practice the dialogue with a partner according to your choices.

c. Underline the phrases in the dialogue from activity a. that you can use to invite or to
refuse an invitation. Mark which of the following phrases can be used for inviting or
refusing an invitation.
Inviting Refusing

1. How about going to an art exhibition?

2. Perhaps we could make it another time.
3. Can you come to the ballet tomorrow?
4. Sorry. I can’t.
5. Are you free for a movie?
6. I’m afraid it’s not possible.
7. Would you like to see a play?
8. Oh, dear. I won’t be able to.

d. Your friend wants to invite you out, but you have to refuse the invitation. Use the phrases
from activities a. and c. to write a dialogue between you and your friend.

e. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 5

Passive Voice: Indirect Form

a. Read these sentences from the arts page of a newspaper. Match each sentence to the
appropriate picture.

1. Last week, the actress Mary Reed was presented

with a Golden Globe award for life-long achievement.

4 a.
John Quill has been promised a one-man
exhibition of his sculptures at the New Arts Gallery.

A group of photography students has been given the
opportunity to show their work at the railway station in

5 b.
Pop star Mick Starlight, who is recovering in the hospital,
was sent cards and flowers by his friends.

Dancers Sarah Hill and Anthony Elliot were paid
$100,000 to appear in a special ballet performance in
Paris last week.
1 c.

3 d. 2 e.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 5

b. Read about Rowena Richard, an artist who sculpts in wood. Circle the correct form of the
verb to complete the text.

R owena Richard is an 80 year-old artist who works with wood. She (1) began/
was begun creating works of art at the age of 60. One day, she looked out of her
window and saw a log of wood which (2) left/had been left on the sidewalk. She
got the idea to make it into a sculpture. She (3) told/was told that her first work
showed exceptional talent so she decided to continue sculpting in wood. One day
she (4) offered/was offered an exhibition at her local museum.

The exhibition was a great success and since then she (5) has given/has been given
the opportunity to (6) exhibit/be exhibited her work all over the country.
Her work is now very famous and she (7) pays/is paid a lot of money for her

c. Write an interview with Rowena Richard based on the information given in activity a. Try
to use expressions such as:

• I was / have been given the chance …

• I was / have been asked to …
• I was / have been promised …
• I was / have been sent …

Interviewer: So, Rowena. How did you start creating works of art?
Rowena: Well, I was 60 years old and one day I _______________________________
Interviewer: _____________________________________________________________

Rowena: _____________________________________________________________

Interviewer: _____________________________________________________________
Rowena: _____________________________________________________________

d. Practice your interview with a partner.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 6

Unit 6
At Work

The Job Interview

a. Do you remember the interview from the computer lesson? Read the job ad that Karen cut
out from the newspaper and answer the questions that follow.

Ad agency requires
for new client in the food business.
The applicant should have at least 2 years’ experience
in the advertising business, including copywriting.
Experience working with clients is an advantage.
Applicants should send their resumes to Bob Johnson,
Bingham Advertising, 1605 Thirty-ninth Avenue,
New York City, 39704

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Intermediate 1 Unit 6

Which word is used in the ad for:

1. A person who writes the text in an ad? __________________________
2. A person or company that uses the services of another person or company?
3. Knowledge and skill gained by doing something? __________________________
4. A person applying for a job? __________________________
5. A summary of a person’s working history? __________________________

b. Complete the resume that Karen sent to Bob Johnson. Use the headings provided below.

Address • Computer Skills • Education • Email • Interests

Languages • Name • Phone Number • Work Experience

1. ________________: Karen Sommers
2. ________________: 1897 East Fifty-first Street, Johnstown, NJ, 39086
phone number : (690) 570 4929
3. ________________
4. ________________:
5. ________________: (1992-1996) Graduated Rockwell High School
(1998-2000) Graduated State College, Business Studies
(2003) Fordham College, Copywriting Courses
work experiene : (2002-2004) Kenyon-Barnett Advertising Co.
6. ________________
Junior Copywriter
Secretary, Marketing Dept. Receptionist
(2001) Garnett King Advertising
Temporary Secretary
(2000) Boundwell Advertising Agency
Temporary Secretary
computer skill
7. ________________: Microsoft Office, familiar with the Internet
8. ________________: Conversational Spanish
9. ________________: Creative writing, theater, traveling

c. Write your own resume. Remember to include information about your education and
work experience, as well as personal details such as your address and contact information.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 6

a. The company you read about in the computer lesson also has a new Human Resource
Officer. Read the notice that the company posted on its notice board, telling them about
the Human Resource Officer’s services. Complete the notice with the phrases below.

• ask for a transfer to another department • moving to another office abroad

• make an intelligent decision • need a change of job
• think you qualify for a raise or promotion

Notice to all colleagues!

We have a new Human Resource Officer. Do you think you
need a change of job
(1) ___________________________________ but want to remain in the
company? (2) Do you want to think you quality for a raise or promotion
ask for a transfer to another
Do you (3) ________________________________________________?
Does our International Department attract you?
moving to another office abroad
Are you interested in (4) ______________________________________?
Then make an appointment with our friendly new Human Resource Officer.
make an intelligent decision
She can help you (5) ___________________________ about your future.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 6

b. Read three e-mails sent by employees of the company. Which ones were sent to the
accountant and which to the Human Resource Officer? Fill in the name in the “To:” line.

To: _______________
From: George Barnet

I work in the Marketing Department but I think that my talents and experience can be put
to better use in a different department. I want to know if it’s possible to transfer to the Sales
Department. Please let me know when I can come and talk to you about this.

To: _______________
From: Harry Cooper

I work in the Shipping Department. In my work I have to know all the laws and
regulations about sending goods all over the world. I would like to transfer abroad
for about a year or two, using my present work experience. I would like to make an
appointment to come and see you.

To: _______________
From: Sylvia Stone

I work in the Production Department. There have been a lot of new orders and I have been
working a lot of overtime recently. I am afraid I will have to pay a lot of what I have earned
in income tax, so I would like to know if I can save tax in any way. May I come and talk to
you some time, perhaps during my lunch break?

c. Imagine you are either the company accountant or the Human Resource Officer. Write a
reply to one of the e-mails, suggesting a time to meet.

d. Read your reply to your partner.

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