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Lab: #3

Date: November 3, 2022

Topic: Membrane Structure and Function

Aim: To investigate the properties of cell membranes.

Apparatus: 10 boiling tubes, marker, test tube rack, large beaker, tripod and gauze,
Bunsen burner, test tube holder, thermometer, 50 cm3 of distilled water
15 cm3 of ethanol and 15 cm3 of dilute HCL

1. Six boiling tubes were labelled 1 to 6. 3 discs of beetroot were placed in
each tube.
2. 10 cm3 of distilled water was added to tube 1, 10 cm3 of ethanol to tube 2
and 10 cm3 of dilute HCL was added to tube 3. The tubes were left in the
rack for observation.
3. 10 cm3 of distilled water to tubes 4,5 and 6
4. The beaker was half filled with water and tubes 4,5and 6 placed in the
beaker. The water was heated and test tube 4 removed when the
temperature reached 40 C, tube 5 when it reached it 65 C and tube 6
when it reached 100 C. The solution from the tubes were poured into
corresponding test tubes labelled 4,5 and 6.
5. Each tube was examined against a white background and its content
compared. The depth of colour was noted, and observations recorded in a
6. The depth of colour observed in each tube was accounted for.


Test Tube Depth of Colour

1 it can be seen that red, pink colour was
formed at the bottom of the test tube
2 Dark and murky red can be seen at the
bottom of this test tube
3 Dark pink and shade of purple can be seen
throughout the test tube
4 A light pink solution was observed in this
5 A brighter shade of pink was observed in
this test tube than in test tube #4
6 In this test tube a reddish solution was seen
Discussion: The different shades of colour observed from test tubes occurred because
of the permeability of beet root. The more pigment that leaked out of the cell of
the beet root shows that it has a high permeability. By heating test tubes 4,5
and 6 which contained pieces of beet root resulted in the pigments being
spread throughout the test tube than that of test tubes 1 and 2. This
happened because increases the permeability of the beet root cells.

Conclusion: This shows the function of the cell membrane, which is permeability

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