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This course is designed the professional education subject The Teaching Profession. It shall
bring real life and vicarious experiences of a prospective teacher with emphasis on the
characteristics of a teacher as a person and as a professional. It shall provide a wide array of
opportunities for self-reflection that would prepare one to become a student teacher.
Field Study 6 is anchored on the professional education subject, The Teaching Profession.

Credit Unit: 1Unit

Time Duration: (17 hours)


 Describe the characteristics of a teacher as a person.

 Identify the competencies that make up a professional teacher in the classroom, in the
community and in the world.
 Document best practice of an outstanding teacher
 Write a clear description or present an illustration of a global teacher.
 Clarify one's personal values, attitude and beliefs about teaching


1. Who is regarded as a good teacher in your department? Ask that person if you can come and
observe her/his classes.
2. You may check how different teachers' organizations plan programs and activities. How do
they handle training programs as part of any initial training experience of the students?
3. When you engage yourself in practice like simulation for the teaching profession, what
aspect and features do not appear in your performance which you want to discuss?
4. A great deal can be learned from examining beliefs for personal practical knowledge. Make
observation notes of your belief which you want to be practiced by future teachers."
5. Based on your community linkages and thinking about your own practice, identify evidences
as part of your experience in the field. Present your own practice. How will you keep a
record of this to make sure you will have the evidence to hand in the future?

Focus Specific Tasks Learning Evidences

Develop a survey questionnaire
The Teacher as a to be used with students to find
Person out what personal qualities make
a good teacher.
Administer the survey Survey Results
instrument to at least one class.
Consolidate and interpret the Student's Creative Product
survey results.
Create a presentation of your
summary of findings through
Music, Poetry, Narrative, Story,
Collage or Picture.
The Teacher as a Interview a teacher to find out Professional Growth Timeline
Professional who or what contributed to
his/her professional growth.
Make a professional growth
Reflective Journal
timeline based on the interview

Write a reflective journal on this
The Teacher in Interview a teacher on his/her Teacher's Personal Growth and
the School Setting roles and responsibilities in the Professional Development
school setting. Map

Reflect on the teacher's sharing.

Reflective Journal on the
Roles/ Responsibilities
The Teacher in Interview at least three people in Interview Results
the Community the community on the teachers'
involvement, community
activities and utilization of
Community resources in
teaching. Community List of
Make a list of expectations of Expectations on the Teachers
the Community on the teachers' Role in the Community
community involvement. Linkages
Make a list of community
resources that are utilized by the
teacher in teaching.
The Global Find out through interview what Qualifications of Global
Teacher qualifications are necessary to Teachers
become a global teacher.
Conduct a survey of the number List of teachers Employed in
of teachers in the school who Other Countries
have opted to work abroad.


15.1 Recall/list down the qualities of the teachers that conform to the qualities of an effective
teacher. (Refer to your notes in your previous professional education courses that dealt with
qualities of an effective teacher).

15.2 Cite some instances when any of these qualities were 15.2 observed on the teacher in the
class you are observing. Support your statements.

15.3 How would you evaluate the personal characteristics of your cooperating teacher,
considering the total impact of his/her pattern of teaching personality upon his/her student

15.4 According to your personal judgment, how would a teacher 15.4 acquire an effective
teaching personality?

15.5 Observe the teacher in the classroom while he/she is occupied with his/her teaching tasks.

On the column on "Encouraging Behavior" (Galloway's Guide, indicate, with a check (/) on
the blank, which of the following behaviors, listed below, was shown by the teacher. On the
column on the "Restricting Behavior", write down his/her shortcomings in behavior.


______ Facial expression connotes enjoyment or satisfaction.

______ Facial expression shows understanding or acceptance of a student's/pupil's need or
______ The teacher maintains eye contact, indicating positive attention and willingness to listen.
______ The teacher moves towards students/pupils.
______ The teacher pats student's/pupil's back.
______ The teacher uses gestures to encourage students/pupils.
______ The teacher shows readiness and suggests alertness to respond to students/pupils.
______ Voice inflection suggests approval or support.
______ The teacher shows supportiveness by smiling.

Restricting Behavior


Student teachers need to be oriented with the forms, how to properly and accurately fill them
out and to determine the purpose of the various forms and how they enhance the teaching-
learning process.

Public and private educational institutions, particularly the primary and secondary levels
have their own forms that help facilitate preparations of the reports.

In this activity, discussions will be limited to the Civil Service Form No. 48 and the
Department of Education Forms as follows:

Form 1/SF1 - the School Register, is prepared by the teacher handling the class and is
submitted to the Principal’s office at the end of the school year.


16.1 Provide yourself with a copy of SF1 School Form 1. Fill out the form correctly and

16.2 State the objectives of SF1-School Form 1.


6.3 Give a comprehensive description of what information SF1 contains and then tell how it
could possibly be used as future reference.

SF2 (School Form 2) - the Daily Attendance Report, as the name suggests, is the teacher's
monthly report on enrolment and attendance. 16.4 Accomplish a blank SF2.

16.4 Accomplish a blank SF2.


16.5 How would you compare this SF2 with SF1?


16.6 What is reported in this form (SF2)?


16.7 How do the two differ in terms of purpose?



16.8 What data are found or indicated in these forms?


Forms 137 and 137 - E are the Permanent Record Forms. They hold very important and
confidential records in terms of specific data.

16.9 Examine a blank Form 137/137-E. What important specific data are recorded here?

CSC Form 48 in the Daily Attendance Record of every employee. This is accomplished
everyday. In office or schools which can afford bundy clocks or biometrics, this form is
accomplished by the gadget for the person whose name appears on the form.

16.10 Accomplish a CSC Form 48 for one month.



16.11 Describe the entries shown in this form.


16.12 State its objective.


SF5 or Forms 18A, 18E-1 and 18E-2 are reports on promotion. SF5 or Form 18A is for
secondary level employees. Form 18 E-1 is for elementary grades I to lll only and Form 18-E-2
is for elementary grades IV to Vl only.

16.13 Secure Blank forms. Tell the difference in data entries among the three.

16.14 Based on the data supposed to be entered in these forms, what purpose do you think would
these forms serve in the future?

After making a series of sub class observations, the transition phase from observer to the teacher
aide starts.

As teacher aide, make yourself available to extend any type of assistance, as far as the
classroom work is concerned, to you cooperating teacher.

You may be asked to:

3) Structure the bulletin board
4) Teach a song to the class
5) Distribute books/materials and test papers
6) Tell a short story/motivation
7) Prepare the board work
8) Demonstrate an art skill
9) Check test papers
10) Prepare seating arrangement
11) Accomplish forms
12) Record test results
13) Do any other tasks related to the teacher's classroom work

17.1 For six weeks make a daily log/record of any form of classroom task or any kind of
participation in the different facets of schoolwork.

Indicate he grade/year level, the date and time when you did the participation activity, the
nature of the work you performed and the name of the cooperating teacher you worked with.

First week

Second week

Third week


Fourth week

Fifth week

Sixth week

The teacher's work is not confined within the four walls of the classroom. Neither does
he/she limits his/her responsibility inside the school campus as he/she may extend his/her
services to the community. For this reason, he/she is looked up to as a community leader, an
organizer and an adviser.

In this phase of a pre-service teacher's training, the trainee nee will be immersed in
community work, in the form of an extension service program particularly to the Out of School
Youth or to the constituents of a barangay. The program is anchored as one of the thrusts of
education-extending the school to the community.

(For Bachelor of Secondary Education students only)
18.1 Sit with a team of six (6) students also taking this course. Make a proposal for an extension
service/outreach program. Indicate the following data.
l Program Title
ll Location
lll Introduction
1) Objectives (general and specific)
2) Plan of lmplementation
3) Organizational Set-up
4) Budgetary Allocation
5) Action Plan


Objectives Strategy Person Time Frame Success
Involved Indicator

(For Bachelor of Elementary Education students only). You can earn experience in community
work through voluntary participation in the program in any of the following:
1) Day care centers
2) Barangay reading center
3) Feeding programs
4) Purok Clean and Green Projects
5) Out of School Youth Sports Development
6) Community theatre groups/Cultural organizations
7) Adult Education
18.2 Form a group with five (5) members. Decide on the kind of community work you wish to
get involved in. Write a formal communication to the person/s in charge, expressing your
willingness to extend voluntary service, and noted by your instructor, College Chairman, and the
University Coordinator for Extension.


18.3 Make a narrative/picture report of your related learning experiences form your Community


CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
1. Contents of Has all the Has 90% of Has 60% Has less Has less than
the Portfolio required the needed of the than 60% 40% of the
contents. content. needed of the needed
content. needed content.

2. Quality of Entries are Entries are Entries are Some Entries are of
Entries very substantial and acceptable entries are very minimal
substantial and of better and of substantial substance.
of best quality: quality but substantial .
cooperating some written quality.
teacher’s documents are
signature, not supported
reflect actual by cooperating
experience. teacher’s
3. Presentation Creative and Creative, neat Creative, Minimal No creativity,
of Entries has a very and has strong neat and creativity, in disarray or
strong impact/appeal. has neat but no
impact/appeal. average with impact/appeal.
impact/app minimal
eal. impact/app
4. Promptness Submitted Submitted on Submitted Submitted Submitted
in the before schedule and one day two days three days after
Submission. deadline. deadline date. after after deadline.
deadline. deadline.


(Based on the Criteria for Rating)
19-20 4.75-5.0 1.10-1.0
17-18 4.25-4.5 1.25
15-16 3.75-4.0 1.5
13-14 3.25-3.5 1.75
10-12 2.5-3.0 2.25
7-9 1.75-2.25 2.5
4-6 1.0-1.5 2.75


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