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Once upon a time, the laziest monkey is found sitting on a branch of the tree.

He’s name is
Ryan. He’s known for being the most laziest monkey in that jungle. He’d have a plan to be
productive but then, when its time to do what he planned he’d make an excuse to do it the next
day. He held a bunch of bananas until a friend of his came.
“Ryan, what are you doing?” He asked. “Relaxing, obviously.”
His friend, Jale looked at him confused. “Shouldn’t you be finding food?”
Ryan then remembered about the upcoming storm. He knew he should find food and save it till
the storm. “I know,” but he was too lazy to. Besides, he can still do it later—or tomorrow–,
there’s a lot of food in the jungle anyways. “I’ll do it later.” Jale walked away with his basket of
Ryan continued to eat his bananas, when he finished he went swimming. Its been a while since
he swam to clean himself. As he was swimming, he saw other monkeys passing by with leaf
made baskets and goods in it. “I can do it tomorrow.” The storm will come in three days
probably, he has three days to gather food. I can do it the whole day tomorrow. Then the next
two days I can relax again. He planned in his head and went back to swimming.
The next day came in, he was about to get up when he realized the clouds were slightly raining.
He felt lazy because of it. It was cold and sprinkling, but was a good day to sleep the whole day.
Which he did. Maybe tomorrow would be sunny, then he can gather food.
The next day came. He woke up in the middle of the night from the thunders. He looked
outside. It was dark and windy, the trees almost bending because of how strong the wind was.
The leaves were also falling off the tree. It looked like it was storming already, shouldn’t it be
starting tomorrow?
He worried his house would, break down. But it was still intact, so he went back to sleep. But
then he remembered about his food. If this is the storm then how about his food?
He woke up again from the strong wind, but this time it was morning already. It was raining,
and windy, but no thunders. He rushed outside to find food. When he got out he saw how
ruined everything was. He still continued and went to places where most foods grew.
He arrived but there weren’t much, some were ruined. He looked around fighting the rain and
wind. Also his frustration. He started to regret not doing it earlier. Some said the storm was
going to be the worst for this year, so it might take days. Meaning he had to gather more than
one basket. But he was only able to fill one and a half basket. When the rain started getting
stronger he went back, fast. The food might not last for a week, but if he saves it, it will. He
started feeling the regret of not doing it earlier, now he had to starve. He wondered what about
the other monkeys? They must have more. He felt frustrated but he can’t do anything about.
He just swore to himself he’ll be more responsible next time.

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