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Pressure Groups
Anticipating buyer behaviour based
on economy context and shoppers’
financial confidence.

A Kantar solution
In Urban 4 Key Cities of Vietnam, only 25% of households consider themselves to be in a
comfortable financial position, while 21% are feeling the strain.
No financial worries, We have enough money
We need to deprive We are not doing well
we don’t need to pay to allow us some extras It comes out correctly ourselves sometimes at all
attention once in a while

5% 20% 54% 19% 2%

25% Comfortable 54% Managing 21% Struggling

Source: Worldpanel Division | Consumer Confidence Survey | Urban Vietnam 4 key cities | MAT Q3’22 | Field work from Aug 29 th to Sep 11th 2
High income does not guarantee comfortable spending.

% Pressure group by income

16 18
21 24



Only 3 over 10
36 high & mid-high income
25 27
21 households are
Total HH Income(<=10mln) HH Income(>10- HH Income(>17- HH Income(>26mln) with spending.
<=17mln) <=26mln)

Comfortable Managing Struggling

Source: Worldpanel Division | Consumer Confidence Survey | Urban Vietnam 4 key cities | MAT Q3’22 | Field work from Aug 29 th to Sep 11th 3
Struggling shoppers are cutting back – is this even
more pronounced in your category?

Change in Grocery Spend per Household YTD P9’22 vs YA

Struggling -1.6%

Managing -1.8%

Comfortable 5.5%

Source: Worldpanel Division | Urban Panel & Consumer Confidence Survey | Urban Vietnam 4 key 4
Kantar expert solutions help you answer:

o WHO amongst your shopper base is most under pressure and feeling
the strain compared to your competitors'?

o HOW are your shoppers in different financial positions behaving and

reacting to changes, such as rising inflation?

o WHAT are the ways in which you can continue to support shoppers
across the financial spectrum?

Contact us at to find out how you can

support shoppers during times of inflation.

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