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All alone, the baby fox sat there for days, watched the sun rise and set

again and again. He didn’t feel

hunger or pain. He only felt loneliness. He terribly missed the warmth of his home, his family. But
now nothing mattered, he was completely lost and far away from them, forever.

All he wished was for someone to help him, to save him from the loneliness he was drowning in. But
on day something happened. He saw a young girl, with dark black hair and deep blue eyes, so deep
he wondered if they were made from water. She looked at the tree in awe. It looked like she hasn’t
seen anything like it before. She slowly took steps towards it and then started climbing it. She came
to a halt just a few branched beneath the fox. She sat there without any movement and watched the
sun, just like the fox above her.

She sat there for what felt like hours, then finally got up. Startled by the sudden movement, the fox
above her quicky took action just as she was about to climb down the tree. She looked up in the
direction from where the noise came from. She directly made eye contact with the fox, and searched
through his eyes as if trying to read them. The fox strangely, sensed no danger or threat from her.
Instead, he felt the warmth he felt with his family. After a few seconds, she started climbing up to the
branch where the fox sat. She reached out her hands towards the weak fox. The fox didn’t move or
flinch, but instead walked towards her, in her hands.

The young girl picked him up and secured him on her back and started climbing down the tree. When
she reached the ground, she placed him on the ground. She quietly gestured him to follow her, and h
didn’t hesitate in doing so. When they reached a small village which was full of people. The small fox
hasn’t been around so many humans before. He came closer to the young girl, somehow afraid from
the people around him, but not her. After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a small cottage,
which he assumed to be her house. She signalled him to wait outside while she went in.

After a while, she came back with something in her hands. When she came close enough, he realised
that she was carrying fruits. She laid them in front of him and offered him to eat. He felt like hasn’t
eaten in forever, as h started eating. After he was finished, she picked him up and took him inside the
small cottage. He placed down some blankets on top of a pile of grass. She picked him up and laid
him there. He has not felt so comfortable before a fell fast asleep with the girl softly patting him of
the back.

The next morning, after eating the delicious fruits again and something he didn’t recognise, they
headed toward the forest. After exploring it a bit they came to the magnificent tree again and started
climbing it gain, but this time they were together. After climbing the top of the tree, they sat there,
watching the sun and talking to each other. Even though they couldn’t understand each other, they
felt the emotion behind their voice. The days went by, and everyday they explored the forest, each
time deeper than ever, and discovered its secrets, together.

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