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Election platform/manifesto/programme

The principles, values and projects that one or more candidates or political party present during their
campaign and commit to uphold and implement in order to secure as many votes as possible on
election day.

2.Hung parliament

A parliament in which no single party or coalition commands an absolute majority of seats.

3.Unicameral parliament

Parliament that consists of one chamber or house.

4. Bicameral parliament

A parliament consisting of two chambers, usually called an upper house and lower house.

5. Electoral Fraud

Any illegal act intended to reverse or modify an election result. This includes ballot stuffing, voting
more than once in the same election, buying votes, voting on someone else’s behalf without their
authorisation, etc.

6. Absentee vote/ballot

Method by which a person may vote without going to the polling station on election day. The ballot
paper is filled out and usually sent by email.

7. Constituent assembly

Body that is usually elected and whose purpose is to draft a country’s constitution.

8. Quota

Minimum number of seats or candidates determined by law that are reserved for marginalized or
underrepresented social categories, such as women or ethnic/religious minorities, in order to
facilitate their access to representative bodies.

9. Governance

Manner of understanding and implementing authority. Characteristics of good governance are a high
level of organisation and efficacy. It is measured by many different criteria: delivery, transparency,
participation and sharing of responsibility.

10. Prorogation

Act of ending a session of parliament. It takes place when an election is called.

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