The Efficacy of Kamias

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The Efficacy of Kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi) Fruit Extract

as a natural anti-fogging agent


Ma. Hannah Joy D. Acuzar

Christine Mesa


Background of the Study

Even if you've had a COVID-19 vaccination or have recovered from an infection, you

should still wear a mask. With masks comes one of the coronavirus pandemic's problem:

fogged-up eyewear. When warm air escapes from the top of your mask and hits the cooler

surface of your lens, this happens. Researchers discovered that fogging was the number one

vision-related barrier to wearing safety eyewear in the workplace in a study published in

Accident Analysis & Prevention (SafetyGlassesUSA, 2023).More than half of those surveyed

thought an anti-fog solution could help boost compliance. According to Nanofilm research

among safety professionals, 28 percent of respondents reported that fogged safety eyewear

contributed to an injury at work.

Fogging was cited as a deterrent to wearing safety glasses by 66 percent of


The fog that forms on glasses is made up of microscopic droplets of liquid water. This

occurs because the warmer air vapour condenses on the cooler glass surface. The droplets are

so dense that they impair our vision. This is why eyeglasses fogs up when one exits an air-

conditioned environment and enters the warm outdoors. This condensation of moisture

droplets on the lenses problem occurs until the eyeglasses warm up to a temperature close to

that of the surrounding air. Similarly, when you wear a mask, heated air escapes through the
top borders and reaches the glasses, causing them to fog up. In fact, the popular method of

cleaning glasses, which involves blowing air on them, fogging them up, and then cleaning

them with a soft tissue, operates on the same principle (Team StoryWeavers, 2020).

According to a Market Scope survey, more than 40% of eye care professionals believe

glasses fog will lead more people to get LASIK in 2021.

Kamias fruit, also known as Averrhoa Bilimbi, is a popular fruit found in people's

backyards, neighborhoods, and near residential areas. Because of its taste, this fruit is widely

used as a seasoning for a local Filipino cuisine known as sinigang. The extract from the

leaves and fruit is efficient against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella enteritidis.

Sour fruit contains vitamins B and C, iron, phosphorus, and antioxidants. Utilizing available

local natural materials as an alternative anticoagulant may give a cost-effective solution while

reducing synthetic manufacture (Stodocu, 2023).

The researchers developed an idea to assist those who wear glasses as a result. To test

the efficacy of kamias( Averrhoa bilimbi) fruit extract as a natural anti-fogging agent with the

use of experimental method. Yet, this study is aimed for all types of glasses, not just in


Statement of the Problem

The researchers will conduct a study to determine the efficacy of kamias (Averrhoa

Bilimbi) Fruit Extract as a natural anti-fogging agent. This type of product was chosen

primarily because kamias fruit extract is readily available in this city.

Specifically, this study will sought to answer the following :

1.Is the natural anti–fogging agent of kamias (averrhoa bilimbi) fruit extract effective

in eyeglasses?

2.Is the concentration of kamias fruit extract affect the efficacy of the anti–fogging


3.Is there a significant difference on the comparison of kamias (averrhoa bilimbi) fruit

extract as an anti–fogging agent to a commercial one?


Null Hypothesis

1.There is no significant difference in the natural anti–fogging agent of kamias

(Averrhoa Bilimbi) fruit extract effective in eyeglasses.

2.There is no significant difference in the concentration of kamias (Averrhoa

Bilimbi) fruit extract affect the efficacy of the anti–fogging agent.

3.There is a significant difference on the comparison of kamias (averrhoa bilimbi)

fruit extract anti–fogging agent to a commercial one.

Significance of the Study

People. The clientele in this study who wear eyeglasses and use Kamias (Averrhoa

Bilimbi) Fruit Extract as a natural anti-fogging agent will have a significant impact to their


Environment. The Researchers only used natural elements in this study, such as the

juice of the kamias , trying to make this product environment - friendly.

Community. The community will observe and gather proofs or evidence as to how

effective is the Kamias (Averrhoa Bilimbi) Fruit Extract as a natural anti-fogging agent.

School. Students who struggles when wearing a facemask which leads to fogged-up

eyewear can benefit in this product.

Future Researchers. This study will be the foundation for future research into

kamias (averrhoa bilimbi) as a natural anti-fogging agent.

Scope and Limitation

The study aims to determine the Efficacy of Kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi) Fruit Extract

as a natural anti-fogging agent. An experimental design will be used. This study will be

conducted by the Grade X - Researchers at Eusebio Lopez Memorial Integrated School,

Brgy. Paraiso, Sagay City. The study is only limited and focused only on eyeglasses.
Definition of Terms

Kamias - is the fruit of the tree with the scientific name Averrhoa bilimbi. The fruit

grows in clusters on trees, (Nutri-Asia Inc, 2020). It’s antidiabetic and antibacterial. The juice

from its fruit can be used for household purposes, like cleaning and bleaching

(, 1997).

Fog - is made up of microscopic droplets of liquid water, (SafetyGlassesUSA, 2023).

Facemask - a mask or protective covering for the face or part of the face, (Merriam-

Webster, 2023).

Eyeglasses - a device used to correct defects of vision or to protect the eyes that

consists typically of a pair of glass or plastic lenses and the frame by which they are held in

place. (Merriam-Webster, 2023).

Crushing - to squeeze or force by pressure so as to alter or destroy structure,


Filtration - the act of passing a liquid or gas through a piece of equipment in order to

remove solid pieces or other substances, (Cambridge Dictionary, 2023).

Mixing - to combine or blend into one mass (Merriam-Webster,2023).

Transferring - is the process of moving from one place to another, (Merriam-



According to National Geographic Society (1996), when it's extremely humid, fog

forms. For fog to form, there must be a lot of water vapor in the air. Water vapor molecules

combine during condensation to form tiny liquid water droplets that float in the air. These

tiny water droplets cause fog to form. Water vapor, a gas, is imperceptible.

Glasses Fog Up Because of Condensation.Condensation occurs on eyeglass lenses

when water vapor—from your sweat, breath, and ambient humidity—lands on a cold surface,

cools, and then transforms into tiny drops of liquid, forming the fog you see(Frames For

America, Inc. , 1996).

Those who wear glasses are all too familiar with the condensation that takes over

vision as lenses fog up during simple and everyday tasks such as sipping a cup of coffee,

working out at the gym, or going outside on a cold and rainy day. So, what's the science

behind this occurrence? Simply put, condensation occurs on eye lenses when hot air lands on

the cold surface of the lenses and transforms into tiny drops of water, forming a thin film that

you see as fog.The same thing happens when you put on a mask. Your warm breath escapes

through the top of the mask, causing your lenses to fog up.Aside from being annoying, foggy

glasses can be dangerous, especially for those who operate heavy machinery or work in jobs

that require clear vision at all times, such as first responders in emergency situations (Essilor,

The belimbing, also known as camias (or kamias), is native to Malaysia and

Indonesia. It belongs to the same family as the sweeter starfruit, which the Malays call

belimbing manis, to distinguish it from the camias,which they call belimbing asam for its

sour-tasting fruits. The scientific name, Averrhoa bilimbi, is derived from Averroes (b. 1126-

d.1198), a famous Moorish physician; and bilimbi is from the Malay name for the fruit,

belimbing,(National Library Board, 2022).

Bilimbi, scientifically known as Averrhoa bilimbi, is a popular fruit in many South-

East Asian countries, where it is used to flavor soups, dals, and curries. Aside from its

refreshing aroma and zesty taste, the bilimbi fruit has numerous health benefits, including

diabetes management, hypertension treatment, hemorrhoid relief, bone strengthening, and

cough and cold relief(Dhivya Bharat, 2021).

Kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi) is a beautiful small tree that grows to a height of 5-10 m.

Its fruits are fleshy and indehiscent, with glossy berries that are ellipsoid, obovoid, or nearly

cylindrical in shape. It is native to South-East Asia and the Moluccas (Maluku islands), but it

is widely cultivated in Indonesia, the Philippines, and most other tropical countries, including

those in the Americas. It spreads through seed or, less frequently, by air layering. It prefers

rich, moist, but well-drained soil and requires uniformly distributed rainfall with a 2-3 month

dry period. Blooming occurs throughout the year, and fruit is accessible virtually all year,

with one or two distinct harvest seasons. Bilimbi fruits are too sour to eat raw, therefore

they're used into pastes, relishes, sour spice, jams, jellies, and beverages. Bilimbi is also

utilized in traditional and local medicine. (CABI Copendium, 2015)

The medicinal properties of the kamias fruit are well known among Filipinos. It is used

by alternative medicine practitioners to treat a wide range of ailments, from inflammation to

fevers. Ascorbic acid, a type of vitamin C, is used as a healing agent. Ascorbic acid is a

natural immune booster that aids in the formation of a protective shield against bacteria and

free radicals (Panlasang Pinoy, 2018).

Vitamin A is important for vision because it keeps the cornea, the outside covering of

your eye, clear. It is also a component of rhodopsin, a protein in your eyes that allows you to

see in low light conditions,(Specialty Produce, 1996).

Bilimbi fruit is high in vitamins A and C, as well as potassium. According to research,

the fruit has powerful antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobrial properties. Bilimbi

fruit has the potential to help treat or prevent heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, and liver

damage,(Amy Ritcher, 2022).

The fruits, leaves, and stems of the Kamias or bilimbi tree have numerous health

benefits ranging from vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Its fruits are notable for being

anti-diabetic and antibacterial, though they are underappreciated. Kamias are commonly

found in backyards in the Philippines (Ang Pinoy, 2022).



Materials and Equipment

- Mortar and pestle - Kamias Juice

- Baking cup spoon - Isopropyl Alcohol

- Spray bottle - Lemon Extract Juice

- White plain cloth

- Glass bowl

- Funnel

- Gloves

- Strainer

Treatment and Variables

T0: 0 ml of alcohol;kamias fruit extracted juice only

T1:2.5 ml alcohol and 60 ml treated kamias fruit juice

T2: 5 ml alcohol;15 ml of lemon juice and 80 ml of extracted kamias fruit juice.

Once it was all done, you can now use it to test if it’ll work in a foggy eyeglass for

natural anti-fogging agent, if it is way more effective compared to a commercial one.

General Procedure


Freshly harvested kamias fruit were obtained from Eusebio heights Brgy.Paraiso and

from Prk.Santol Brgy. Paraiso Sagay City Negros Occidental. Materials and other

Components such as Isopropyl Alcohol, Lemon Juice, mortar and pestle, baking cup spoon,

spray bottle,glass bowl,funnel, and strainer are gathered from Acuzar's residency Villacin #1,

Brgy. Fabrica, Sagay City, Negros Occidental.The kamias fruit were immediately cleaned

and cutted in halves and put in a glass bowl.


The researchers pound the cutted kamias fruit extract using mortar and pestle until it

was finally crushed.


After the kamias fruit was finally crushed, it was then placed in a plain white cloth

and squeezed until the extracted juice of the kamias fruit was completely filtrated using a


After the kamias fruit was completely filtrate using the strainer,it was then mixed

with all the ingredients ( 5 ml alcohol, 15 ml of lemon juice and 80 ml extracted kamias fruit

juice) in a glass bowl, applying all the treatment that have been described.


Then, after the three treatment that have been applied,it is the part where the mixed

ingredients was transferred in a spray bottle using the funnel.

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