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Capones, Jenny Rose B.

PCK 140
BSED MATH 3C November 7, 2022

1. What could be some possible challenges that school administrators and teachers may
encounter as they implement school improvements and innovations?

One of the possible challenges that school administrators and teachers may encounter
as they implement school improvements and innovations is the lack of educational budget/
funding. Some school improvements and innovations require an an enough budget to be
established, especially when it comes to facility improvements and introducing technology into
the classroom. Another challenge they may encounter is the ability of all students to adapt to
new innovations. Some students may have difficulty adjusting. Thus, administrators and
teachers must be hands-on in implementing those improvements and innovations. Lastly,
administrators and teachers may also face challenges such as time constraints. Implementing
school improvements and innovations need a long period of time since there are many steps
and things to consider when it comes to it. Furthermore, they must provide timely needs and
innovations for the school.

2.Do you agree that all of the approaches in curriculum improvement is a need of a school?
Why or why not? If not, identify the approach/approaches that you think is the only needed
approach/es to be able to improve a school.

For me, I do agree that all of the approaches in curriculum development is a need of
school since students are diverse. Student have different learning needs and learning
capabilities. Some curriculum development approaches may not work for some students but
may work for others. Moreover, students may find what they are suitable for based on these
approaches. Thus, they may be more willing to cooperate and participate in learning
discussions and activities. However, if one approach may not work to all students, then we can
disregard it since it is not necessary in improving the school.
3.Choose one (1) type of curriculum that you think is ideal to be implemented at present in order
to cater to the needs of the students. Justify your answer.

One type of the curriculum that I think is ideal to be implemented at present is the
differentiated curriculum. Since students are diverse, they have unique characteristics and
different learning needs to cater. In a classroom setting, for example, some students prefer
visual learning while others prefer auditory learning. Thus, this type of curriculum may help
determine what is suitable for the them and may fulfill the needs of each and every student. Also,
students may have the opportunity to choose their preferred learning style. Furthermore, this
may lead to an openness to differences. It can help resolve various issues such as gender
equality, racial discrimination, and others, as mentioned in the reading.

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