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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader

Project Option
Revised 1.1.19
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP
Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies of all instructional resources,
including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Paulina Phlong Multiple Subject 5th
Mentor Email School/District Date
Brea Olinda Unified School
Shinobu Hirota February 23, 2023
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for
CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Facilitates systematic
T - Guide students to think
opportunities for students to apply
critically through use of
critical thinking by designing
questioning strategies,
Promoting critical structured inquires into complex
posing/solving problems, and T–
thinking through problems.
T – Applying reflection on issues in content. Innovating
1.5 inquiry, problem S - Students pose and answer a
S – Exploring S - Students respond to varied S-
solving, and wide-range of complex questions
questions or tasks designed to Innovating
reflection and problems, reflect, and
promote comprehension and
communicate understandings based
critical thinking in single lessons or
on in depth analysis of content
a sequence of lessons.
T – Makes adjustments and
adaptations to differentiate
Planning Instruction T – Makes ongoing adjustments to
instructional plans. Uses culturally
and Designing instructional plans and uses a
T – Applying responsive pedagogy and T–
4.5 Learning variety of materials as the
S – N/A additional materials to support Integrating
Experiences for All instructional needs arises to
students’ diverse learning needs.
Students support student learning.
S – N/A
T – Engages in reflection T – Reflects individually and with
individually and with colleagues on colleagues on refinements in
the relationship between making teaching practice and connections
Developing as a T–
T – Applying adjustments in teaching practice among the elements of the CSTP to
6.1 Professional Integrating
S – N/A and impact on the full range of positively impact the full range of
Educator S – N/A
learners. learners.

S – N/A S – N/A
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
Teachers will learn about Artificial
How can ChatGPT help Intelligence in education and how
teachers implement AI in to implement it in a way that
ChatGPT – Implementing AI in Education
education to complement complements traditional methods
traditional methods? of teaching, grading, and content
How Project Fits into
Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Assessed
The target audience for this project are both new and seasoned teachers. This project fits into my Audience satisfaction will be
professional goals by allowing assessed through a Google Forms
Both teachers and students will benefit from this project. me to take leadership in survey on how useful and
educating teachers about interesting the presentation was,
how ChatGPT is not the end as well as how likely they are to
of teachers, but has the utilize ChatGPT within the
potential to greatly enhance classroom.
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 7
the learning experience for

The district is in need of new

content to teach that will
keep students engaged,
which ChatGPT can provide.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Directions: Identify at least one NBPTS and at least one Teacher Leader Model Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how
these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
TLMS Domain I – Fostering a collaborative culture to support educator
development and student learning. My special emphases will be incorporated through the support of
educator development on ChatGPT to enhance student learning and
TLMS Domain IV – Facilitating improvements in instruction and student improve overall instruction. Teachers will be able to collaborate
learning. through the generating of these lessons through ChatGPT in their team
settings to foster a collaborative culture for the benefit of both teachers
NBPTS Proposition 4 – Teachers think systematically about their practice and students.
and learn from experience.
Inquiry Implementation Plan
Discuss Results
Analyze Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 with Mentor
Milestone 4
Milestone 5
Good Teaching
“Unlocking the ChatGPT
Identify name and date for
Potential of AI in Prepare Google Professional Analyze results from Debrief with
Ed: Deep Dive into Slides presentation Development with survey mentor
ChatGPT and its Leadership
Impact on
March 4, 2023 March 29, 2023 April 19, 2023 April 28, 2023 April 28, 2023
I will show the Leadership Team how ChatGPT can be an effective tool to enhance the school’s curriculum.
Provide 1-2 sentence summary
Teachers will learn about Artificial Intelligence in education and how to implement it in a way that complements
of your teacher leader project.
traditional methods of teaching, grading, and content creation.
I plan to analyze the effectiveness of my “professional development” by having colleagues fill out an “exit ticket”
Summarize process for analyzing style survey that rates the presentation on engagement level and how likely they are to utilize ChatGPT in their
effectiveness of leadership role. own classrooms. In April, I will follow up with the teachers that were present to see if they actually ever used it
after the professional development.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was
“Don’t Ban ChatGPT in Schools. Teach With It.” by Kevin Roose
“Creating Collaborative Cultures” by Barbara Kohm & Beverly Nance
Ever since ChatGPT was released, the education field has gone into a
frenzy. Students have been using it to “write” essays and “solve” their
homework problems, which can be seen as a demise to active learning. Collaborative cultures are crucial to not only teacher success, but also
Therefore, some school districts have begun banning ChatGPT on school to overall school and student success as well. Teachers need to work
networks. together towards a common goal of helping a student, rather than
putting the pressure on one person. It is necessary for teams
collaborate and build on each other’s ideas, while sharing common
Ultimately, this is not the route to take because it won’t work, it can be goals that focus on student success. Kohn & Nance state, “Collaborative
useful for teachers, and it can teach students about the world they’ll cultures build the confidence teachers need to lead”. With that said,
inhabit. Yes, districts can ban ChatGPT from their school network, but the more support and interactions teachers have with their school
students can still use it on their phones or at home on their own wireless community, the less likely they are to put the blame or responsibility
network. As well, teachers can utilize it to enhance their lessons and even for student failure on someone else.
help them grade. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence is only going to
improve from here on out, so students need to learn how navigate their
way around these tools in the future.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at department/school/district
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 7
Another colleague, who teaches fourth grade in another district, always
My colleague, who teaches third grade, went through CSUF’s Induction
says how my school’s events are so much more different than his. I am
Program last year, but carried out her Teacher Leader Project in a
grateful that my school has a collaborative culture, where teachers PLC
different way. She decided to present on free or low-cost community
nearly every day in their grade-level teams, go out to staff happy hours
resources available near our school at one of our staff meetings. She said
every month, and genuinely want to spend time together. My
it was difficult for her to present her findings to the staff, as it made her
colleague, on the other hand, says that his school has an “every man for
uncomfortable to talk in front of a room full of adults, which I can
himself” climate, where teachers only look out for themselves, talk
empathize with her in. She also mentioned how she was unsure of how
behind each other’s backs, and consistently blame administrators or
receptive teachers were to these new programs or new information, even
support staff for any and all issues that arise. To counter these issues,
though it’s free and can be utilized in the classroom to enhance student
my colleague plans happy hours or outings with his staff with the
attempt of bringing them all together.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Revised Suggestions for Moving
CSTP Element Initial Rating Evidence/Rational for Rating
Rating Forward
level: Consider how to
Teacher asked questions of analysis increase complexity of task
thinking T–
and evaluation. beyond a single lesson so
through T – Applying Integrating
1.5 Students answered questions that that there are continuing
inquiry, S – Exploring S-
included all levels of Bloom’s. Students opportunities for students to
problem Integrating
created their own math problems. engage in inquiry in complex
solving, and
problem. How could you
extend lesson into PBL?
I can anticipate and plan for a
T – Made ongoing adjustments to wide range of adaptions to
Planning instructional plans and used a variety lessons using Chat GPT based
Instruction of materials and programs, such as on in-depth analysis of
and Designing utilizing Chat GPT, as the instructional individual student needs. I
4.5 Learning T – Applying needs arises to support student can engage with students to
Experiences learning. If a student needed help identify their learning needs
for All coming up with an outline for an essay, and make adjustments to
Students we referred to Chat GPT to help create best meet their learning
one. goals, all while utilizing Chat
I can maintain ongoing
reflective practice and action
T – Reflected individually and with
in supporting student
colleagues on refinements in teaching
learning and raising the level
practice and connections with Chat
of academic achievement
Developing as GPT to positively impact the full range
T– within my colleagues using
6.1 a Professional T – Applying of learners, such as English Learners
Integrating new and improved programs.
Educator and SpEd students. Grade-level teams
As a school, we can engage in
assisted each other in creating
and foster reflection
differentiated lessons to better target
amongst one another for
students who learn differently.
school-wide impact on
student learning.
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Contribution to
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by Teacher Product(s) Generated
Special Emphasis Standards:  PowerPoint Presentation I was able to contribute to my staff,
- TLMS Domain I – Fostering a collaborative culture to support  Presenter notes as Chat GPT has been the buzz topic
educator development and student learning.  Audience handouts of recess and lunch breaks in the
- TLMS Domain IV – Facilitating improvements in instruction and  List of ways teachers can staff lounge. Many teachers thought
student learning. utilize Chat GPT that it would be the end all of
- NBPTS Proposition 4 – Teachers think systematically about their  Post-presentation Google education and teacher’s jobs, but I
practice and learn from experience. Forms survey showed them that is not the case. I
showed the leadership team how
Through this project, I learned how to foster a collaborative culture within Chat GPT can make their jobs easier
grade-level teams by teaching the leadership team about Chat GPT, then by creating fun lesson plans that
having them relay the information back to their grade-levels. By showing target specific standards, as well as
my staff the capabilities of Chat GPT, such as creating a customized chat streamline the grading process.
bot for English Learners or creating standard-targeted lessons for our SpEd
students, we were able to explore ways to improve instruction, as well as
student learning. Although many teachers expressed concern over
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 7
Artificial Intelligence at the beginning, they realized after this presentation
that it’s not all bad and that they could use it to their own benefit as well.
Overall, I learned how to be an effective Teacher Leader through teaching
my staff about a new program and walking them through using it.
Mentor Feedback
Directions: The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
The topic is current and has great relevance to what is currently an
Effectiveness of resources designed by Candidate, including presentation, issue in the field of education. Ms. Phlong's handouts and resources, as
notes, handouts, and other resources. well as her other presentation materials, are thorough and easy to
Ms. Phlong's presentation was thorough, and it explored various
facets of Chat GPT, and how it can benefit not only students but us
educators. She clearly understood Chat GPT's pros and cons.
She provided opportunities for teachers to experiment with Chat GPT's
capabilities and coached/guided them with the use and operation of
Effectiveness of Candidate in teaching and coaching adults. (Refer to Adult
the program. She followed up with a discussion with the group,
Learning Principles in FOTIP Handbook [
focusing on their experiences, giving them time to reflect on
assumptions and beliefs about AI, and how they can implement the
program in their classrooms. By the end of her presentation, teachers
were comfortable, if not confident, that an AI program can be their
"friend" when used in a proper setting and left them with a confidence
and enthusiasm to use the AI program in their classrooms.
The topic has been a big interest to our teachers, especially in upper
grades, since Chat GPT has been released. The use of developing
technology is becoming more and more of a concern in education. Ms.
Phlong's presentation of Chat GPT allowed us to come together
Value of topic for audience.
to discuss how we can incorporate this technology into student learning
across grade levels, and benefit from this rather than focusing on
negative sides. Meaningful, thought-provoking discussions were
made possible among the staff members.
Ms. Phlong's delivery of the topic was engaging and easy to follow with
appropriate pacing. There were different opinions on the topic since
teachers all have varying teaching philosophies, but Ms. Phlong was
Overall delivery by Candidate of the professional development experience,
open to their ideas and opinions, validated them all, and was able to
including audience engagement, pacing, tone, and response to questions.
conduct mature meaningful conversations among staff members. She
answered all the questions from the audience. There were a lot of
positive takeaways from the presentation.
Analysis and Summary of Audience Assessment
Directions: Record assessment data into Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies of assessment tool with submission. Include
at least one graph in your summary.
Google Forms Survey: Teacher Leader Project: Chat GPT Presentation Survey

Summary of Quantifiable Data

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 7
Graph of Quantifiable Data

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 5 of 7
Other questions posed in the survey with staff responses:

What aspects of this presentation were most useful or valuable?

- Being able to use the program and ask for help during that time.
- It's an interesting topic and a bit out of my comfort zone. Paulina did a great job explaining ways that could be useful to me and my class.
- An opportunity provided by the presenter to actually logging in and trying it out. Otherwise I would not have had a motivation it try it out
on my own time.
- Just knowing the possibilities
- Lesson plan development, travel tips, and ways to incorporate hands-on activities across subjects.
- I had heard of Chat GPT and how engineers are using it. I hadn’t made the time to learn more about it or even search for it online. Being
introduced to Chat GPT by a colleague helped me understand how it can be used by teachers and students.
- I found the information overall helpful as I was not familiar with chat GPT. What made it personal it was the way that the presenter
connected the information to the grade level that I teach in the children I work with.
- How Chat GPT could help students/teachers create outlines for learning objectives.
- How it can be used in the classroom by teachers.

How would you improve this presentation?

- none it was great!
- N/A
- None, it was great.
- It was perfect 👍🏻
- N/a
- The presentation was great.
- The presenter gave detailed information and explanations about the slide shows. If I wanted more information she was able to answer any
questions I asked. The atmosphere was welcoming as well. We were also given an opportunity for a hands-on experience after the
overview and details that were pertinent to our grade levels. In conclusion there is nothing I would do to improve the presentation.
- She was great!!

How did this presentation impact your perception of Artificial Intelligence?

- I was able to see some ways to use it that would actually be beneficial to the classroom.
- A little relief...
- It's not all bad.
- I still frown upon it. I guess I’m more worried about it than anything.
- I’m amazed by AI—but scared all at the same time.
- Confirmed my belief that when used effectively and ethically, artificial intelligence has the potential to improve our lives.
- The presentation showed the positive benefits and uses of AI, but also showed us negative side effects and disadvantages. The presenter
gave enough of the positive that I would be willing to try use AI at some point in the classroom.
- n/a
- I learned a lot. I have a much better understanding of what it is, the strengths and limitations of AI, and the many ways it can be used.
Action Items (some may not be applicable)
For curriculum design, lesson I would like to implement a Chat GPT created lesson into one of my math lessons. I would like to gauge the
planning, assessment planning effectiveness of the interactive, hands-on part to see if my students really comprehended the standard or not.
Rather than having students wait for me to proofread their essays, I would like to see students utilize the
For classroom practice program to give them pointers on ways they could improve their essays, before submitting them to me. This
would streamline the editing process for all of my students, as well as for me.
For teaching English learners,
English Learners can utilize custom chat bots to practice their English on. For my students with special needs or
students with special needs, and
other instructional challenges, I can take a standardized lesson and have Chat GPT simplify it for me to better
students with other instructional
teach and reach said students.
This presentation showed me that it’s easier to present something to a smaller group of staff members, such as
For future professional my school’s Leadership Team, as everyone was attentive and engaged. If there were more people present, I find
development that there would be issues with crowd control or others talking over me. This way, my Leadership Team can take
what they learned back to their own grade-level teams.
Chat GPT would be a great presentation for anyone in education to hear about. This presentation can show
For supporting
educators that Chat GPT isn’t all bad and can actually be useful within education. Although, when using any form
of Artificial Intelligence, there are ethics and responsibilities to be considered when using programs like Chat

Other N/A

Other Notes and Comments

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 6 of 7
Overall, I am glad that I decided to change my Teacher Leader Project from Nearpod to Chat GPT. I didn’t find myself to be passionate enough about
Nearpod and thought that it was an easy way out. Exploring the world of Chat GPT and understanding the benefits of Artificial Intelligence has been
extremely eye-opening. I am glad that I was able to present on this riveting topic to my Leadership Team, as they had many takeaways from this
presentation as well. This project allowed me to become a better presenter and Teacher Leader.

Include copy of Google Survey Form assessment tool.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 7 of 7

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