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large force acting on a body in very short duriation is known as impulsive and
also known as impulse
2. the inherent property of a body resist any change of rest or change of uniform
motion unless it is infulenced upon by an external acting on it unbalanced force is
known as inertia
3. newton first law motion : every action continues to be in the state of rest or
the state of uniform motion unless external force acting on it
4. newton second law motion : the force acting on an object is equal to the rate of
change of its momentum
5. newton third law of motion : every action there is an equal and opposite
6. one newton is defined as the force act on 1kg of mass to give an acceleration
1ms-2 in the dirrection of force
7. if the three concerent and coplanar or equliburium then lamis theoram state that
the magnitude of each force of the system is propotional to the sine of the angle
between the two forces
8. pull is easier than push the object

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