Tessa Rice Lesson Plan For Observation 10 27 2022 Edu 4583 4683

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Grade Level / Content Area Teacher Candidate Name Date of Lesson

9th Grade English / Language Arts Tessa Rice October 27, 2022
A. Content Area Standards - CAEP 1.2 (InTASC 4)
Michigan Common Core Standards
Reading Standards for Literature - Key Ideas and Details for grades 9-10
1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
3. Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a
text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.

Writing Standards - Production and Distribution of Writing for grades 9-10

6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking
advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically

Speaking and Listening Standards - Comprehension and Collaboration for grades 9-10
1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led)
with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own
clearly and persuasively.
a. Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation
by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned
exchange of ideas.

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the
organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

B. Learning Outcomes - CAEP 1.2 (InTASC 4, 5)

After this lesson, my students will create a group presentation using cooperation and discussion.

After this lesson, my students will have the ability to cite a piece of literature to demonstrate how an author may
describe their characters both through direct and indirect statements.

After this lesson, my students will understand how to create a presentation analyzing a specific character within a
piece of literature, using Google Slides.

C. Important Concepts for the Lesson - CAEP 1.2 (InTASC 4)

Important concepts for this lesson are character analysis and development, citing evidence to support student
character analysis, use of technology to create a presentation and describe it in front of the class, and ability to work
collaboratively with a group of students.

D. Essential Prior Knowledge for New Learning - CAEP 1.1 (InTASC 2)

Essential prior knowledge for this learning will be to have read, “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” by Jhumpa Lahiri,
which will be done the day before in class. Students must also understand how an author may use both direct and
indirect statements to describe a character. They will also need to know how to use Google Slides to create a
presentation, along with how to use Google Classroom to post the presentation.
E. Flexible and Responsive Instruction - CAEP 1.1 (InTASC 1, 2)

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Special Needs Students - Special Needs students will have the ability to type rather than write for this assignment. In
addition to this, they will also be in groups with students of similar ability to themselves and those with patience and
good cooperation skills. In addition, this presentation is divided, so they will only need to complete the slide that they
are responsible for, making speaking much easier. They will also have the support of their peers when presenting.

Advanced Students - Advanced students will be paired with those of similar ability. In addition to this, they will also
gain the ability to learn more cooperation techniques and develop their collaboration skills with other students.

Diverse Students - Children will organize themselves into groups for this project. They may be able to bounce new
ideas off of one another, and ideally, people of different ethnicities and genders will be working together in groups.
However, with the ability for students to pick their groups, there may be less group diversity.

F. - O. Instructional Procedures
F. Review – CAEP 1.2 (InTASC 4)
We will start out class, with the first 5-10 minutes as time for them to complete a chart that they needed to fill out
during reading yesterday. This chart was to initially get students thinking about how they might analyze characters
within the text. This also serves as a review, because it forces students to think about the reading from the previous
day, and it reminds them of what we did in class yesterday.
G. Lesson Launch – CAEP 1.2 (InTASC 4, 5)
I do not have a lesson launch prepared for this lesson.
H. Direct Instruction / Modeling – CAEP 1.3 (InTASC 8)
I will first set up my classroom, at the start of the day, into groups of four. After students complete the review during
the first few minutes of class, I will then go over the directions and grading criteria for the project on the smartboard.
These will also be posted to their Google Classroom website. This project will be to create a short, 5-6 slide
presentation about a character in the story as a group of 4-5 students. They will first create an introduction, then they
will create a slide listing character traits and qualities. After the second slide, 2 more slides will further describe 2 of
the traits listed above, using direct citations. The students will then describe how these quotations pertain to that
particular character trait using at least three sentences. The last slide will be to relate the character to someone to a
person or character that they know from their life experiences, this is to allow students to relate to the story. Once
directions are read, I will model how they may go about creating this slide, by demonstrating an example Google
Slides, showing the direct format I am looking for. After this, the students, already organized into groups, will number
themselves off 1-4, each number will correspond to the character from the story that they are assigned. This
demonstrates the modeling portion of the assignment. Once this is complete, they will have 20-30 minutes to create
their presentations, and hopefully present during the last 15-20 minutes of class.
I. Checking for Understanding (Formative Assessments) – CAEP 1.3 (InTASC 6, 8)
The closest thing to a formative assessment that I am using is the table from the day before. I will collect these with
the project to see if students had difficulty completing them or understanding directions. That way, I may modify this
type of chart in the future.
J. Guided Practice – CAEP 1.3 (InTASC 8)
My guided practice is the creation and demonstration of the presentation, which is supposed to allow students greater
understanding of how to analyze characters using textual evidence and put that information into practice. My rotation
around the classroom, filtering questions, takes the place of direct feedback while they are creating their presentation.
I may address the class as a whole after the presentation to tell them the positives of their presentations and what
they may be able to improve on for next time, providing direct feedback to the demonstration as well.
K. Closure – CAEP 1.3 (InTASC 8)
Closure will take place after all presentations are completed and read. I plan to have students evaluate one of their
classmates’ presentations and write a piece of information that they learned or had not thought about.
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L. Summative Assessment –CAEP 1.3 (InTASC 6)
I am unsure of what they summative assessment is for the short story unit, because Mr. Lovalvo is running it. It may
just be a large test. This is unknown for me as of right now.
M. Independent Practice (optional) - CAEP 1.3 (InTASC 8)
N. Lesson Timeline (Summary of Instruction) - CAEP 1.3 (InTASC 7)
Direct Instruction / Questions /
Guided Practice / Closure /
Review / Anticipatory Set Formative Assessments
Summative Assessment
The first few minutes of class will be I will explain directions for a short Guided practice will be the creation
presentation project analyzing
set aside to review the reading and presentation of the project and
characters within the short story, “Mr.
assignment from yesterday. This will Pirzada Comes to Dinner” by Jhumpa the direct classroom feedback I
allow the students to jump back into Lahiri. I will then model what I want provide. My closure will be to have
students reflect on one of their
the mind frame of the short story from this information through an
classmates’ presentations and write
“Mr. Pirzada Comes to Dinner” and example Google Slides that I created.
one thing they learned or did not think
the characters within it. It may also In addition, I will let students know
of in regards to a particular character.
allow students to finish the reading that these directions and the example
The summative assessment is not
are posted to Google Classroom. The
if they were unable to do so known at this time All of these are
“Formative Assessment” is actually
yesterday (only 4-6 students). detailed more fully in the above
the activity already filled out
sections of this lesson plan.
O. Lesson Materials and Supplies - CAEP 1.3 (InTASC 7)
Students will need their previous assignment from yesterday, a writing utensil (such as a pen or pencil), possibly
notebook paper, and their chromebooks with chargers. They will also need access to Google Classroom and Google
Slides. They will also need their Collections textbook.
I will need access to my teacher laptop and the smartboard. I will also need access to Google Classroom and Slides, as
well as the teacher’s version of the Collections textbook.

Revised 6/29/20 (3)

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