1 SEMESTER 18/19: Median Nerve-Carpal Tunnel Weakens Lateral 3 Digits Sensory Loss Paralysis

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1st SEMESTER 18/19

1. Carpel tunnel syndrome is associated with: select the correct answer

a) Ulnar nerve compression in the canal of Guyan median nerve- carpal tunnel
b) Normal flexion of the terminal phalanx of the thumb weakens
c) Impaired sensation over the little and ring finger lateral 3 ½ digits sensory loss
d) Sensory loss over the thenar eminence paralysis
e) Weakness of flexor pollicis longus

2. Femoral sheath does not contain

a) Femoral nerve genitofemoral nerve
b) Lymph node
c) Femoral artery
d) Femoral canal
e) Femoral vein

3. Regarding the cubital fossa

a) It is diamond shape
b) Brachial artery is lateral to biceps tendon
c) Radial nerve exists between the two heads of supinator
d) Contains the ulnar nerve
e) Brachialis is not a part of the floor

4. Select the correct association

a) Wasting of the muscles in the interosseous spaces dorsally median nerve lesion
b) Cubital fossa-most lateral content is the brachial artery medial
c) Dinner fork deformity in forearm-fracture head of radius lower end of radius
d) Wrist drop-carpal tunnel syndrome
e) Fall in the outstretched hand-tenderness in the floor of the snuffbox

5. The deep muscles of the anterior compartment of the forearm

a) Are all supplied by a branch of the radial artery + ulnar artery
b) Receive fibres from segments c7, c8 and t1 only (radial – C5- T1) (ULNAR – C8 – T1)
c) Are involved with supination of the forearm FLEXION + PRONATION
d) All have tendons which run through the flexor tunnel
e) All receive supply from the anterior interosseous branch of median nerve

6. The innervation of the diaphragm is done by the

a) Vagus nerve
b) Phrenic nerve
c) Dorsal rami of the first thoracic spinal nerve
d) Splanchnic nerve
e) Recurrent laryngeal nerve

7. The innervation of the serratus anterior muscle is done by

a) Subscapular nerve
b) Medial pectoral nerve
c) Axillary nerve
d) Lateral pectoral nerve
e) Long thoracic nerve
8. Which is false regarding the scapula
a) The trapezius may elevate the scapula
b) The trapezius may depress the scapula
c) The serratus anterior muscle is attached to its medial border
d) Damage to the thoracodorsal nerve causes ‘winged scapula’
e) Suprascapular nerve may be compressed in the suprascapular notch
9. Which is false regarding the coronary arteries
a) Both of them give off branches
b) Arise from the pulmonary trunk AORTIC ARCH
c) Arise from the left and right aortic sinuses within the aorta
d) They supply with blood the myocardium
e) There are two main coronary arteries: left coronary artery and right coronary artery

10. Which is true regarding the fractures

a) Multiple rib fracture does not cause tension pneumothorax
b) Fracture of the lower end of the tibia is not common compared to the upper end
c) Collis’s fracture may occur after fall on the outstretched hand
d) Fracture of the clavicle is usually in the junction of the lateral 2/3rd and medial 1/3rd
e) Fracture of the midshaft of humerus may injure the axillary nerve RADIAL NERVE

11. Which of the following is false regarding to the thorax.

a) The lingual of the left lung is just inferior to the cardiac notch
b) Pneumothoraxes air in the pleural cavity
c) Contraction of the external intercostal muscles will expand the chest cavity during forced inspiration
d) Costophrenic angle is the angle between the sternum and xyphoid process
e) Diaphragm is a voluntary muscle

12. Which of the following is not true regarding the femoral nerve?
a) Does not give rise to sacral nerve
b) Gives rise to the saphenous nerve which supplies the medial leg
c) Supplies the psoas major muscle
d) Supplies the pectineus and iliacus muscle
e) Supplies the anterior compartment muscles of the thigh

13. Which of the following is true?

Select the correct answer
a) Pectoralis major is attached to the scapula- pectoralis minor
b) Pectoralis minor is attached to the clavicle – pectoralis major
c) Winged scapula is a result of damage to the accessory nerve- long thoracic nerve
d) Trapezius is attached to the humerus
e) Sternocleidomastoid is innervated by the accessory nerve

14. Which of the following true regarding to the biceps brachii? select the correct answer
a) The short head arises from the acromion CORACOID PROCESS
b) Supplied by median nerve MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVE
c) Supinates forearm
d) The long head arises from the greater tuberosity SUPRAGLENOID TUBERCLE
e) Its 2 heads merge in the upper arm

15. Which of the following is false regarding to the heart?

a) The atrial and ventricular muscles are structurally and electrically separated by a fibrous ring
b) Sympathetic innervation from the heart is from T1-T4 spine segments
c) Referred pain is pain from the heart, felt as if it is coming from the left hand
d) Cardiac tamponade occurs due to fluid filling of the pericardial sac
e) Trabeculae cornea attach the mitral valve leaflets to the wall of the ventricular wall

16. Which one is not true regarding to the angle of louis (sternal angle)
a) Is a surface landmark which is easily palpable
b) The second costal cartilage is attached to the sternum at this level
c) Is a surface landmark which can be seen but not palpable in the midline of the sternum
d) Is at the level of the intervertebral discs T4/T5
e) The trachea divides at this level into two principle bronchi
17. Which structure is not inside the superior mediastinum
a) Thymus
b) Trachea
c) Subclavian arteries
d) Larynx
e) Esophagus

18. Which muscle is not in the anterior compartment of a limb

a) Coracobrachialis
b) Rectus femoris
d) Biceps brachii
e) Brachialis

19. The axillary artery

a) Is divided into 3 parts by teres major - PECTORALIS MINOR
b) Arises from the vertebral artery SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY
c) Supplies the pectoral muscles via the superior thoracic artery
d) Has no branches in its 3rd part - ANT & POST CIRCUMFLEX HUMERAL ARTERY + SUBSCAPULAR A
e) Is clasped in its 3rd part by the cords of brachial plexus – 2nd part

20. Which of the following is true?

a) The right lung hilum is located on its lateral side
b) Right lung has 3 lobes
c) Left lung has only one fissure, the horizontal

1st SEMESTER 18/19 – repeat

1. Which of the statements is true regarding the left bronchus?

a) Elastic cartilage is found in it- HYALINE
b) Is longer than right
c) Arch of aorta is an immediate inferior relation- SUPERIOR
d) Is more vertically placed than right bronchus- R. BRONCHUS MORE VERTICAL = PRONE TO
e) The descending thoracic aorta lies anteriorly- POSTERIOR TO L. BRONCHUS

2. True regarding the right recurrent laryngeal nerve ( BRANCH OF R. VAGUS)

a) Curve round the ligamentum arteriosus – R. SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY
b) Is related to the 3rd part of the subclavian artery
c) Innervates the heart
d) Cannot be compressed by enlarged paratracheal lymph nodes
e) It is a branch of vagus and can get involved in the disease of the apex of the lung

3. Which of the following is not a content of the adductor canal?

a) Femoral artery
b) Femoral nerve
c) Femoral vein
d) None of the answers
e) Nerve to vastus medialis

4. The short saphenous vein

a) Drain the lateral margin of the foot- leg
b) Lies anterior to the lateral malleolus
c) Lies deep to the deep fascia of the calf – superficial vein
d) Is accompanied by the saphenous nerve- sural nerve
e) Drains into the great saphenous vein- popliteal vein → ext. iliac
5. Select the correct answer regarding the brachiocephalic veins
a) Impression marks seen on right lung- left
b) Cross posterior to the common carotid arteries
c) Left brachiocephalic vein is shorter than the right lung- longer
d) It is anterior to thymus when it is well developed- posterior
e) Superior thyroid drain to it- int. jugular vein

6. Select the correct answer regarding the right coronary artery

a) Rarely supplies SA node
b) Gives anterior inter ventricular branch- post IV branch
c) Supplies the right atrium
d) Do not supply the AV node
e) Anastomoses with the left coronary artery- branch of LCA

7. The stability of the ankle joint is conferred by: TIBIA+ FIBULA + TALUS
a) Deltoid ligament
b) Medial and lateral malleoli gripping the sides of talus
c) Lateral collateral ligament
d) Posterior tibio-fibular ligament
e) All the answers

8. Which of the statements true regarding the clavipectoral fascia?

a) Is anterior to the apical group of axillary lymph nodes
b) Is attached to the acromial process
c) Splits to enclose the pectoralis major muscle
d) Is pierced by the thoraco-acromial nerve- THORACOAACROMIAL ARTERY
e) Is attached to the lateral border of the axilla

9. The esophageal opening in the diaphragm transmits all except

a) Esophageal branches of gastric veins
b) Vagal nerve trunk
c) Esophageal branches of gastric artery
d) Right phrenic nerve
e) Lymphatics

10. Which one of the following is not a part of deep posterior compartment?
a) Popliteus
b) Flexor digitorium longus
c) Soleus + plantaris + gastrocnemius = post deep leg muscles
d) Flexor halluces longus
e) Tibialis posterior

11. Select the correct answer regarding the thoracic duct

a) Lies between the esophagus and left pleura in the superior mediastinum
b) Opens at the junction of the right subclavian and internal jugular veins- LEFT
c) Starts at the level of 2nd lumbar vertebra- T12
d) Do not cross the midline- CROSSES AT T5
e) Drains no lymph from the abdominal viscera

12. The most superficial structure in the thoracic inlet is

a) Right subclavian artery
b) Thoracic duct
c) Vagus nerve
d) Superior vena cava- svc located infront of the bronchus + vagus nerve is behind the bronchus
e) Left subclavian artery
13. Select the correct answer regarding the axillary artery
a) Anastomoses with the branch of subclavian via posterior circumflex humeral artery
b) Is lateral to medial cord of brachial plexus
c) Is medial to axillary vein- LATERAL
d) Is medial to medial cord of brachial plexus
e) Gives suprascapular artery – SUBSCAPULAR ARTERY

14. True regarding the azygos vein – UNION OF R LUMBAR V + R SUBCOSTAL V

a) Found at sides of thoracic vertebral bodies
b) Found to the left of the thoracic duct
c) Passes anterior to the lung root
d) Enters the thorax via the opening of the diaphragm for esophagus T 12 –aortic hiatus
e) Originates partly from the sacral veins - originates from – lumbar azygous or post side of IVC
15. Which of the statements not true regarding the fibrous pericardium?
a) Is not supplied by the branch of the internal thoracic artery
b) Is not attached to the sternum
c) Some lymph drains to the tracheobronchial nodes
d) Is fused to the central tendon of the diaphragm
e) Extends from the 5th to 8th thoracic vertebrae
16. A 25-year-old man is unable to planter flex his foot. The most likely cause is damage to
a) Soleus
b) The superficial peroneal nerve – foot drop
c) Gastrocnemius
d) The tibial nerve
e) The L5 nerve root
17. Which vessel passes directly behind the right hilum
a) Azygos vein
b) Right phrenic nerve
c) Internal mammary artery
d) Hemi-azygos vein
e) Right vagus nerve
18. True regarding the pleura
a) Lies behind the thoracic aorta
b) Diaphragmatic pleura is not sensitive to pain
c) Pulmonary ligament allows distension of inferior pulmonary arteries
d) Mediastinal pleura is supplied by the phrenic nerve
e) Crosses the 8th rib at mid axillary line
19. Rotator cuff muscles not include
a) Teres minor
b) Subscapularis
c) Pectoralis major
d) Infraspinatus
e) Supraspinatus

1st SEMESTER 19/20 – juniors

01) Which is true regarding the Lungs

a. Horizontal fissure is not found in the left lung- ONLY OBLIQUE
b. Left is made up of 3 lobes- 2
c. Apex of the lung goes above the level of the lateral third of the clavicle
d. Pneumothorax may cause collapse of a whole lung
e. Right has a lingual lobe- LEFT

02) Which is true regarding the descending part of the thoracic aorta
a. Begins at the beginning of the arch of the aorta
b. Passes to the abdomen at the level of T12
c. Passes through the diaphragm behind the lateral arcuate ligament
d. Begins at level of T3 –( T4 AT STERNAL ANGLE )
e. Component of middle mediastinum- POSTERIOR MEDIASTINUM

02) Which is true regarding the Teres major muscle

a. Is supplied by the axillary nerve- TERES MINOR
b. Forms the lower border of the quadrangular space
c. Largely acts to extend the arm
d. Arises from the medial border of the scapula LATERAL BORDER
e. Forms the lateral border of the triangular space

03) Which of the following is true

a. Adductors are supplied mainly by the femoral nerve- OBTURATOR NERVE
b. Quadriceps are extensors of the knee joint
c. Hamstrings include Rectus femoris and biceps femoris- HAMSTRINGS – SEMITENDINOSUS+
d. Adductors include sartorius and pectineus- ADDUCTORS – ADDUCTOR LONGUS, MAGNUS, BREVIS,
e. The gluteal muscles are supplied by the Sciatic nerve – INF & SUP GLUTEAL NERVES

05) Which structure does not lie in the plane of lower border T4
a. Convexity of the arch of the aorta
b. Junction between superior and inferior mediastinum
c. Bifurcation of the trachea
d. Azygous enters SVC
e. Sternomanubrial joint

06) Which is true regarding the heart

a. The left atrioventricular septal cusp is attached to the interventricular septum
b. Coronary arteries arise 3 cm above the semilunar valves
c. Apex is situated in the 4th intercostal space medial to the midaxillary line
d. Fossa ovalis is not seen in the adult heart
e. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve is posteromedial to the aortic arch

07) Which is true regarding the popliteal fossa

a. Medial border is made up of the quadratus femoris- SUPEROMEDIAL ; SEMIMENBRANOSUS
b. Is a triangular fossa in the back of the knee- DIAMOND
c. Sciatic nerve is usually not found in the popliteal fossa- TIBIAL +COMMON FIBULAR ARTERIES ARE
d. Popliteal artery is not palpable in the popliteal fossa – deep so cannot palpable
e. Baker's cyst is a swelling due to an aneurysm of the popliteal artery in the popliteal fossa- semimembranosus

08) Which is true regarding the axillary artery

a. Arises from the vertebral artery- SUBCLAVIAN
b. Lateral thoracic branch supplies the female breast
c. Is divided into three parts by the teres major- PECTORALIS MINOR
d. Has no branches in its third part – ANT +POST CX BRANCH , SUBSCAPULAR ARTERY
e. Is clasped in its third part by the cords of the brachial plexus- 2nd part

09) Which of the following is true regarding the mediastinum

a. Heart is not limited to the middle mediastinum
b. Extends below the level of the 12th rib- t1 to t12
c. Does not contain the brachiocephalic veins – superior mediastinum
d. Esophagus is found only in the posterior mediastinum + superior
e. Trachea is found in the middle mediastinum- superior
10) Which is not a medial or internal rotator
a. Subscapularis – abduction
b. Teres major
c. Pectoralis major
d. Gluteus minimus
e. Adductor brevis

11) Obturator nerve is the nerve of the

a. Posterior compartment of thigh
b. Gluteal region
c. Anterior compartment of the thigh
d. Adductor compartment of the thigh
e. All of the answers

12) Which of the following is true regarding the femoral triangle

a. Femoral artery pulse may be palpable just lateral to the femoral canal – medial
b. Gracilis is the lateral margin of the femoral triangle – Sartorius
c. Contains the femoral sheath.
d. Medial border is made up by the lateral border of the adductor longus muscle – medial
e. Floor is made up of iliopsoas and pectineus

13) Which nerve does not pass through the muscles described?
a. Radial nerve and brachioradialis
b. Posterior interosseous nerve and supinator
c. Median nerve and pronator teres
d. Ulnar nerve and flexor digitorum superficialis
e. Musculocutaneous nerve and coracobrachialis

14) Which of the following is true

a. Foot drop is due to loss of plantar flexion
b. Dorsalis pedis is continuation of the posterior tibial nerve- artery
c. Tibialis anterior muscle is inserted into the 5th metatarsal base- 1st
d. Posterior tibial artery is palpable posterior to the lateral malleolus- medial
e. Tibialis posterior muscle arises from the deep Compartment of the posterior leg
15) Which vessel passes directly behind the right hilum
a. Right phrenic nerve
b. Internal mammary artery
c. Azygous vein
d. Hemi-azygous vein
e. Right Vagus nerve
16) The flexor retinaculum attaches to all except
a. Scaphoid
b. Hamate
c. Pisiform
d. Trapezium
e. Capitate
17) Great saphenous vein does not
a. Lies one hand's breath behind medial border of patella
b. Drains into the femoral vein below and lateral to the pubic tubercle
c. Contains up to 20 valves
d. Lie behind the medial malleolus – anterior
e. Most valves are found below the knee level
18) Which of the following is true
a. Posterior dislocations are the commonest in shoulder joint- anterior
b. Posterior cruciate ligament tears are commoner than anterior cruciate ligament tears- vice versa
c. Baker's cyst is due to a swelling of the suprapatellar bursa in the anterior thigh – semimembranosus – post
d. Posterior dislocations are the commonest in the hip joint
e. Neck of femur fractures may lead to avascular necrosis of the greater trochanter- neck

19) Which of the following is true with regard to the brachial plexus
a. The radial nerve is derived from C7,8 and T1 – c5 to t1
b. The nerve to subclavius is the only branch from the trunks
c. There are 7 divisions of the trunk
d. The roots lie between the scalene muscles
e. The axillary nerve is derived from the lateral cord- posterior

20) Which is true regarding the cubital fossa

a. The brachial artery pulse is palpable lateral to the biceps tendon- medial
b. Brachial artery is lateral to the median nerve
c. Biceps tendon is not palpable
d. Is a diamond shaped fossa – triangular
e. The radial nerve is not a content

2nd SEMESTER 18/19

01) Which is false of the innervation of the perineum

a) Dorsal nerve of the penis supplies the skin of the scrotum
b) The perineal nerve supplies sensory fibers to the skin of the lower vagina
c) The inferior rectal nerve supplies the external anal sphincter
d) The dorsal nerve of the penis/ clitoris supplies the corpus cavernosum
e) The inferior rectal nerve may supply the lower part of the vagina
02) Which is false in regard to the innervation by the inferior hypogastric plexus
a) Colon
b) Seminal vesicle
c) Uterus
d) Prostate
e) Vas deference
03) Which of the following is false of the ovary
a) Is suspended by the round ligament
b) Dimensions are 4*2*3 cm in reproductive mature woman
c) Is not covered by peritoneum
d) Is suspended by the infundibulopelvic ligament
e) Is suspended by mesovarium
04) Which of the following is false of the external anal sphincter
a) Is a band of smooth muscles
b) Fibers decussate in to superficial transverse perineal muscles anteriorly
c) Surrounds the lowest part of the anal canal
d) Fibers are attached to the anococcygeal raph anteriorly
e) Is a voluntary muscle
05) Following are the relations of the body of the pancreas, except
a) Bile duct
b) Left kidney hilum
c) Left psoas muscle
d) Lesser sac
e) Left crus of diaphragm
06) Which is false in regarding the appendix
a) Varies in length between 2 and 25 cm
b) It is formed by taenia coli convergence
c) It has a base constant in relation to the caecum
d) It always lies retro ileal in presence of disease
e) It has its own mesentery
07) Which statement is not true?
a) Subcostal plane pass through the baly of L3 vertebra
b) Transpyloric plane pass through the 1oth costal cartilage
c) Trans umblical plane pass through L3-L4 level
d) Trans tubercular plane pass through thelevel of the body of 5 th lumber vertebra
e) Mid Clavicular plane pass through the mid inguinal point
08) A lesion in the anterior abdominal wall above the umbilicus will drain to
a) Superficial inguinal lymph node
b) Deep inguinal lymph node
c) Para aortic lymph node
d) Axillary lymph node
e) Parasternal lymph node
09) Which is true regarding spleen
a) Is retroperitoneal
b) Is related to the 8th rib
c) Related on its part of visceral surface to the left supra-renal gland
d) Is normally palpable below the costal margin
e) Is drained by the splenic vein which empties in to the supra epigastric vein
10) Which is true regarding liver
a) Porta hepatis includes the inferior vena cava
b) Has 4 anatomical lobes
c) Bare area lies in the diaphragmatic surface
d) Falciform ligament contains ligamentam teres
e) Supplied by the branches of the superior mesenteric artery
11) Which is true of the inferior mesenteric artery
a) Supplies the hindgut as far as the dentate line of the anus
b) Crosses the uterus at the pelvic brim
c) Arises at the level of L2
d) Gives rise to the right colic artery
e) Passes posterior to the 3rd part of the duodenum
12) Which is false regarding to the relations of female
a) Peritoneum membrane covers the superior surface
b) Pubovesical ligaments
c) Ileum
d) Caecum
e) Pubic symphysis
13) Which is not seen in transverse section of L1 vertebral level
a) Upper pole of left kidney
b) Neck of pancreas
c) 9th costal cartilage
d) Hilum of right kidney
e) Pylorus
14) Which is not attached to the pubic crust
a) Transverse abdominis muscle
b) Rectum abdominis muscle
c) Internal oblique muscle
d) External oblique muscle
e) Pyramidalis muscle
15) Which is true regarding pelvic floor
a) Muscles include obturator internus
b) Is supplied by S2, S3 and S4
c) Is relaxed during quite respiration
d) Slopes down and forwards
e) Muscle illiococcygeus arises from illium
16) Which of the following is false
a) Mc Burney’s point found on the line drawn from the umbilicus to the anterio superior iliac point
b) Internal hemorrhoids are painful and accompanied by rectal bleeding at defecation
c) Indirect inguinal hernia may be found below the inguinal ligament
d) An enlarged spleen may be palpable in the right iliac fossa
e) Pudental nerve and vessels are in the lateral wall of the ischio rectal fossa
17) Which is true of the ejaculatory ducts
a) They open inside the prostate utricle
b) They transverse the prostate gland from anterio to theposterior
c) Are formed by the union of the seminal gland ducts and the vas deference
d) They begin at the level of the base of the urinary bladder
e) Prostatic secretions mix with the seminal fluid inside the ejaculatory duct
18) Which is the deference between the relationship of right and left renal vein
a) Both of them lie anterior to the renal artery
b) Right renal vein has relationship with the aorta
c) Right renal vein has anterior relationship with the aorta
d) Left renal vein has posterior relationship with the aorta
e) Left renal vein has anterior relationship with the aorta
19) Which lymph nodes drain to the lower anal canal?
a) Deep inguinal
b) Internal iliac
c) External iliac
d) Para aortic
e) Superficial inguinal
20) Which is not true regarding the stomach
a) Aorta is to the left of the lesser curvature
b) Pyloric opening at L1
c) Supplies by the branches of the coeliac trunk
d) Cardiac sphincter situated at T12
e) Completely invested by peritoneum

3rd SEMESTER 18/19

1) Which of the following is true?

a) Corpus callosum is a part of basal ganglia group of cells
b) Wernicke’s area functions as an association area in the pontine nuclei
c) Corpus striatum are descending tracts found between the pontine nuclei
d) Broca’s area is found in the superior gyrus of the temporal lobe
e) Corona radiate is made up of motor neuron cell bodies
2) Which of the following is false?
a) Straight venous sinus is located at the base of the occipital bone
b) Superior and inferior sagittal venous sinuses are located in the falx cerebri
c) Cavernous venous sinus is connected to the pterygoid plexus in the infratemporal fossa
d) Sigmoid venous sinus continues as internal jugular vein
e) A pulsation proptosis may occur due to an arterio-venous fistula in the cavernous sinus
3) Which of the following is false?
a) There are no nerve cell bodies in the pons
b) Ascending tracts carry afferent impulses
c) Pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts, both carry efferent impulses
d) Spinothalamic tracts do not conduct the sense of vibration
e) Spinal cord has both descending and ascending tracts
4) Which of the following is true?
a) Spinal cord ends at the lower end of the second sacral vertebra- lumbar
b) Peripheral nerves have axons of both sensory and motor nerves
c) A severed peripheral nerve cannot grow back to its previous point of innervation
d) Central nervous system includes the dorsal root ganglia and the sympathetic ganglia- peripheral
e) Alpha motor neuron’s cell bodies are found outside the central nervous system
5) Which structure is not a part of the infratemporal fossa?
a) Otic ganglion
b) Chorda tympani nerve
c) Maxillary artey
d) Lateral pterygoid plate
e) Submandibular ganglion
6) Sign of upper motor neuron lesions in the pyramidal tract is:
a) Absent deep tendon reflex on the ipsilateral side
b) Negative Babinski’s sign on the contralateral side
c) Absent superficial reflexes on the contralateral side
d) Tremors affecting the limbs on the contralateral side
e) Ataxia in the ipsilateral side
7) Which is true of the central sulcus?
a) Lies between the frontal lobes
b) Lies between the parietal and temporal lobes
c) Falx cerebri lies in it
d) Lies between the parietal lobes
e) Lies between the frontal and parietal lobes
8) Which is incorrectly pared?
a) Sphincter pupillae paralysis – midbrain lesion at the level of the superior colliculus
b) Presbyopia – ciliary muscle paralysis
c) Accommodation reflex – convergence of eyes
d) Optic disc cupping – glaucoma
e) Horner’s syndrome - miosis
9) Which of the following is true?
a) Ventricles of the brain have no continuity in to the spinal cord
b) Ventricles of the brain are found in both hemispheres of the cerebellum
c) CSF is absorbed in to the venous compartment of the vascular system
d) CSF is produced by the pineal body
e) Choroid plexus are found in the subarachnoid spaces
10) Which of the following is true?
a) Nasion and inion are both points in the medial sagittal plane
b) Pterion overlies a branch of the internal carotid artery between the skull and the duramator
c) Stylomastoid foramen transmits the mandibular branch of the facial nerve
d) The mastoid process is a part of the parietal bone – temporal
e) External occipital protuberance is known as lambda- inion
11) Which of the following is true?
a) The vagus nerve is located posterior to the carotid sheath in the neck- within
b) Carotid tubercle is at the level of the cricoid cartilage
c) Carotid triangle is located within the posterior triangle of the neck – anterior
d) Hyoid bone gives attachment to both bellies of the omohyoid muscle
e) Subclavian artery is located posterior to the scalenus medius muscle on the second rib- anterior , 1st rib
12) Which of the following is false?
a) Facial nerve supplies only one muscle in the ear
b) Facial nerve has both sensory and motor components
c) Bell’s palsy is due to facial nerve paralysis
d) All the muscle of facial expression are innervated by the facial nerve
e) Muscles in the neck are not supplied by the facial nerve – platysma
13) Which of the following is true?
a) Coronoid process of the mandible gives attachment to the messeter muscle
b) Temporomandibular joint is a synovial joint
c) The submandibular duct passes through the mylohyoid muscle
d) Lateral pterygoid muscle depressed and retracts the mandible
e) All muscles of mastication are supplied by the mandibular branch of the facial nerve
14) The medial surface of the lobes of thyroid gland are related to two nerves
a) Vagus and facial
b) Vagus and accessory
c) Accessory and ansa cervicalis posterior loop
d) External laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal
e) None of the all
15) Which is true of the circle of Willis
a) Middle cerebral artery supplies the pons – basilar artery
b) All branches are end arteries except the retinal arteries
c) Is situated just above the cranial vault
d) Valves direct flow to the cortices of the brain
e) Middle cerebral artery supplies the internal capsule – ant cerebral
16) The isthmus of the thyroid gland extends from tracheal ring
a) to 5
b) to 5
c) to 4
d) 2 to 3
e) to 4
17) Which is true of blow out fractures?
a) It may a contracoup injury
b) It may cause damage to the roof of the frontal sinus
c) It may cause diplopia
d) It may cause damage to the floor of the maxillary sinus
e) It does not cause enopthalmus
18) Which of the following is true?
a) Otoscopic view of a normal tympanic membrane shows a cone of light in the anterio-inferio quadrant
b) Chorda tympani is the only nerve located inside the middle ear
c) Nerve deafness occurs after damage to the nerve to the stapedius
d) Internal acoustic meatus opens in to middle ear- inner
e) Eustachian canal equates pressure between the middle ear and the inner ear
19) Which of the following is false of cranial nerve?
a) Facial nerve has motor, sensory and parasympathetic components
b) Cranial nerves does not innervate structures below the level of diaphragm
c) 3rd & 4th nerves originate from the mid brain
d) Olfactory and optic are purely sensory
e) Hypoglossal is purely motor nerve
20) Which of the following is true?
a) Midbrain includes pons and medulla oblongata
b) Hiatus in the tentorium cerebelli allows the passage of the brainstem
c) All peduncle of the cerebellum are directly connected to the midbrain
d) Brain stem includes thalamus, midbrain and cerebellum
e) Falx cerebri is not attached to the tentorium cerebri


1st SEMESTER 18/19

1. Signs of dehydration include

a) Elastic skin
b) Pulse rate of 130/minute in an adult- tachycardia
c) Bulging fontanelle in infants
d) Passing a lot of urine
e) Systolic blood pressure of 120mmHg in an adult
2. What is the strongest respiratory stimulant?
a) Baroreceptor stimuli
b) High blood pH
c) High blood CO2 partial pressure
d) Low blood oxygen partial pressure
e) Pulmonary stretch receptor stimuli
3. True regarding plasma proteins
a) Albumin is the least abundant protein
b) Globin is a clotting factor
c) Main function of fibrinogen is transporting substances
d) Most of them are synthesized in the lymph nodes
e) Some plasma proteins protect against infection
4. Which of the following clotting factor stabilizes the blood clot formed during hemorrhage?
a) Factor VII
b) Factor III
c) Factor I
d) Factor XII
e) Factor XIII
5. A patient with jaundice has very high serum bilirubin level. His urine has no bilirubin. What is
the type of jaundice he is suffering from?
a) Incompatible blood transfusion
b) Hepatocellular
c) None of all
d) Hemolytic
e) Extrahepatic bile duct obstruction
6. Which of the process where negative feedback control of homeostasis is present
a) Blood clotting
b) Child birth
c) Sexual arousal
d) Action potential
e) Temperature control
7. For maintaining homeostasis is an individual which of the following organ system is of least important?
a) Renal
b) Cardiovascular
c) Respiratory
d) Reproductive
e) hypothalamus
8. Most of the CO2 is transported in blood as
a) Bound to albumin
b) Dissolved in plasma 7%
c) Bound to globin in hemoglobin 23%
d) Bound to chloride ion
e) Bicarbonate 70%
9. Which of the following condition is associated with higher than normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR)?
a) Cancer
b) Pulmonary tuberculosis
c) Folic acid deficiency anemia
d) Primary polycythemia
e) Sickle cell anemia
10. In which of the following anemia types macrocytosis (larger than normal red cells) is not a feature.
a) Iron deficiency
b) Vitamin C deficiency
c) Vitamin B12 deficiency
d) Folic acid deficiency
e) Chronic alcoholism
11. Following data is from a 24-year-old man
✓ Anatomical dead space=150 ml
✓ Tidal volume=500ml
✓ Total lung capacity=5800ml
✓ Residual volume=1200ml
✓ Inspiratory reserve volume=3000ml
✓ Inspiratory
capacity=3500ml What is his functional
residual capacity?
a) 3500ml
b) 2300ml
c) 4000ml
d) 2850m
12. True regarding inspiration
a) Intra pleural pressure is more negative than it is during expiration
b) Intra pleural pressure is positive
c) Abdominal muscles are active during exercise
d) It is a passive process
e) Alveolar pressure equals that of atmospheric pressure
13. True regarding Rh blood grouping system
a) Only Rh negative people can produce anti D
b) Rh incapability will not arise in the first pregnancy of a Rh negative mother
c) Phenotype of a person with genotype Dd would be Rh negative
d) Rh negative blood can be transfused to donor with Rh positive /Rh negative blood group
e) Most of the population is Rh negative
14. True regarding body fluids
a) K is the most abundant cation in the interstitial fluid
b) Globin is the main substance that contribute to plasma oncotic pressure
c) Chloride is the most abundant anion in the intracellular fluid
d) Percentage is more in women compared to that of men
e) Intracellular compartment has the highest volume
15. Non pitting edema is a feature of edema due to
a) Malnutrition
b) Lymphatic obstruction
c) Congestive heart failure
d) Nephrotic syndrome
e) Chronic liver failure
16. Edema and its cause is correctly matched
a) Chronic kidney disease: decreased oncotic pressure
b) Inflammation: decreased capillary permeability
c) Liver failure: lymphatic obstruction
d) Hypertension: increased hydrostatic pressure
e) Heart failure: decreased oncotic pressure
17. Which of the following measurements can be obtained by spirometry?
a) Residual volume
b) Total lung capacity
c) Physiologic dead space
d) Vital capacity
e) Functional residual capacity
18. What is the type of hypoxia associated with normal arterial oxygen partial pressure?
a) Carbon monoxide poisoning
b) Sickle cell anemia
c) Histotoxic
d) Methaemoglobinaemia
e) Iron deficiency anemia
19. Following data is from a 24-year-old man
✓ Tidal volume=500ml
✓ Total lung capacity=5800ml
✓ Expiratory reserve volume=1100ml
✓ Inspiratory reserve volume=3000ml
✓ Inspiratory
capacity=3500ml What is the
vital capacity?
a) 3000ml
b) 5300ml
c) 4000ml
d) 4600ml
e) 6300ml
20. Deficiency of which of the following increase the bleeding time?
a) Vitamin C
b) Calcium
c) Vitamin k
d) Clotting factor XIII
e) Platelets

1st SEMESTER 19/20 – juniors

1. Which cell type has the potential to kill most number of bacteria?
a. Tlymphocyte
b. Neutrophil
c. Monocyte
d. B Lymphocyte
e. Esinophil
2. What is the transport method which does not require energy?
a. Symport
b. Pinocytocis
c. Facilitated
d. Phagocytocis
e. Antiport
3. What is the most important role played by vitamin B12 in haemopoeisis?
a. Support porphyrin production
b. Support production of DNA
c. Support heame synthesis
d. Facilitate iron absorption from intestine
e. Support maturation of red blood cells
4. Which statement is incorrect (not correct)
a. Homeostasis is maintaining nearly constant conditions in the body
b. Disease is disturbed state of homeostasis
c. Some positive feedback mechanisms can lead to death
d. Most of the body control mechanisms are negative feedback machanism
e. In disease homeostasis mechanism are not operating.
5. Which of the following medullary neuronal groups become active during breathing when exercising body?
a. Apneustic centre
b. Pontine Respiratory Group
c. Dorsal Respiratory Group (DRG)
d. Ventral Respiratory Group (VRG)
e. Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS)
6. Which of the following cell is important in the prevention of collapse of alveoli?
a. Iype 1 pneumocyte
b. Mast cell
c. Alveolar macrophage
d. Type 2 pneumocyte
e. Alveolarcapillary endothelial cell
7. Positive feedback control process is used in which of the following control systems?
a. Respiration
b. Blood clotting
c. Body temperature
d. Systemic blood pressure
e. Blood glucose
8. A patient with spontaneous bleeding problem his gum has a bleeding time of 10 minutes
(normal =2- 7 minutes). What is the most likely disorder?
a. Platelet deficiency
b. Vitamin B12 deficiency
c. Chronic liver disease
d. Haemophelia
e. Vitamin K deficiency
9. In which of the following pair the cell organelle and its function are correctly matched?
a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum posttranslational modification
b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - Lipid synthesis
c. Cytosol- Gene transcription
d. Ribosome-Transcription
e. Golgi apparatus - Oxidative phosphorylation
10. What is the cell type involved in innate immunity
a. B lymphocyte
b. Natural killer cell
c. Plasma cell
d. Reticulocyte
e. T lymphocyte
11. Which of the following immunoglobulin is secreted in breast milk?
a. Ig A
b. Ig M
c. Ig D
d. Ig E
e. Ig G
12. Which of the following disorder is associated with normal Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)?
a. B12 deficiency
b. Iron deficiency anemia
c. Pregnancy
d. Folic acid deficiency
e. Spherocytosis
13. Which blood unit carries the least risks for causing immediate transfusion reaction into a B positive patient?
a. Whole blood A positive
b. Whole blood AB positive
c. Packed red cells AB negative
d. Whole Blood O positive
e. Packed red cells O positive
14. Shift of the oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left is seen in
a. Iron deficiency anemia
b. Physical exercise
c. Fever
d. Acidosis
e. Feotal blood
15. White blood cell type and its function are correctly matched in:
a. B lymphocyte antibody formation
b. Mast cell secretion of immunoglobins
c. Eosinophil killing parasites
d. T lymphocyte cell mediated immunity
e. Plasma cell secretion of histamine
16. A patient with tiredness when doing normal day to day work has following blood report. Normal values
are given in parentheses.
✓ Hemoglobin 8 g/ d (12- 18)
✓ MCV 89 f (70 - 97)
✓ Reticulocyte 5% (1%)
Which of the following disorder is the cause of these findings in the report?
a. Folic acid deficiency
b. B12 deficiency
c. Bone marrow failure
d. Reduced red cell life span
e. Vitamin D excess
17. Disease condition and the cause of oedema are correctly matched
a. Heart failure - increased venous hydrostatic pressure
b. Malnutrition - fat soluble vitamin deficiency
c. Chronic liver failure - increased serum bilirubin level
d. Filariasis - increased urinary protein loss
e. Kidney failure- lymphatic obstruction.
18. A healthy 21 year old university student participates in a 6 km cross country running. Which of the
following muscles does the student use during expiration?
a. Sterncleidomastoid and Pectoralis major
b. Diaphragm and external intercostals
c. Internal intercostals and abdominal
d. Diaphragm only
e. Diaphragm and internal intercostals
19. True regarding body fluids
a. Proportion of body fluids increases with aging
b. The most abundant anion in intracellular fluid is Cl'
c. Protein content in extra cellular fluid is higher than that of intra cellular fluid
d. Amount of body fluids in infants is less than 50% of body weight
e. A female has lower body fluid proportion compared to a male of same age and weight.
20. Lung volumes of a 22 year old man are given in the figure. What is the vital capacity of the person in
milliliters? a. 2300
b. 4600
c. 3500
d. 5800
e. 6200

2nd SEMESTER 18/19

1. Which of the anterior pituitary hormones is both controlled and inhibited by the hypothalamus
a. Luteinizing hormone
b. Follicular stimulating hormone
c. Thyroid stimulating hormone
d. Growth hormone
e. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
2. Which of the following molecules is reabsorbed passively from all sections of the renal tubule
a. Water
b. Sodium
c. Haemoglobin
d. Amino acid
e. Glucose
3. In which segment of the renal tubule antidiuretic hormone (ADH) shows its action
a. Descending limb of loop of henle
b. Whole length of loop of henle
c. Collecting duct
d. Proximal tubule
e. Ascending limb of loop of henle
4. Receptors of which of the following hormone is situated in the cytoplasm of cells
a. Growth hormone
b. Thyroxin hormone
d. Cortisol
e. Epinephrine
5. Which of the following substances is most suitable for estimating the GFR-glomerular filtration rate
a. Uric acid
b. Inulin
c. Glucose
d. Creatinine
e. Urea
6. An example of autocrine is
a. Growth factor
b. Glucogon
c. Gastrin
d. Histamine
e. Acetyl choline
7. Which of the following hormone deficiency in first 2 months of the life would lead to short stature
and sub- normality
a. Growth hormone
b. Progesterone
c. Testosterone
d. Antidiuretic hormone
e. Thyroxin
8. Which of the following laboratory findings is indicative of urinary tract infection
a. Higher than normal serum creatinine
b. Urine specific gravity of 1010
c. 20 WBC/ HF in urine microscopy
d. Higher than normal urea
e. 15 RBC/ HF in urine microscopy
9. Breast milk secretion is inhibited during pregnancy by
a. Placental oestrogen
b. Insulin
c. Testosterone secreted by the adrenaline gland
d. Oxytocin
e. ADH
10. Breast development at puberty in women is stimulated by all of the following hormones except,
a. Glucagon
b. Cortisol
c. Prolactin
d. Progesterone
e. Oestrogen
11. Absorption of which of the following digestive productive is facilitated by bile salts?
a. Lecithin
b. Amino acids
c. Medium chain fatty acids
d. Short chain fatty acids
e. Long chain fatty acids
12. Which of the following does not stimulate growth hormone secretion?
a. Hyperglycemia
b. Exercise
c. Excitement
d. Starvation
e. Physical injury
13. True regarding loop of henle (LOH) in the renal tubule
a. Descending limb is permeable to sodium
b. Cortical nephrons have longer LOH compared to those of juxta medullary nephrons
c. It is responsible for countercurrent exchange mechanism
d. Sodium reabsorption in the thick segment is by secondary active transport mechanism
e. It is situated in the renal cortex
14. Which of the following prevents digestion of structural proteins in the pancreas by pancreatic
proteolytic hormones
a. Glucagon
b. Histamine
c. Mucus
d. Antitrypsin
e. Bile
15. True regarding the control of gastric juice secretion and the gastric motility
a. Stimulus for unconditioned cephalic phase is taste of a food
b. Stimulus for gastric phase is smell of food
c. Intestinal phase increases gastric motility
d. Gastric phase is associated with release of secretin from the intestinal mucosa
e. Highest amount of hydrochloric acid is secreted in the gastric phase
16. True regarding bile
a. Bile salts are derivative of cholesterol
b. Most abundant content is bile is bile pigments
c. Produce in the gallbladder
d. PH is acidic
e. Bile pigment facilitate absorption of amino acid
17. Which of the following substance is completely reabsorbed from the proximal segment of the renal tubule
a. Potassium
b. Glucose
c. Water
d. Sodium
e. Hydrogen ions
18. Which of the following hormone is a tyrosine derivative
a. Cortisol - steroid
b. Insulin – protein polypeptide
c. Aldosterone- steroid
d. Thyroxin- tyrosine
e. Oestrogen- steroid
19. Gastric mucosal cell type and its secretion is correctly matched
a. Partial cells – mucus
b. Surface mucus cell – hydrochloric acid
c. G cell – factor
d. Neck mucus cell – gastric lipase
e. Chief cells – pepsinogen
20. True regarding defecation
a. Can be controlled voluntarily
b. Reflex center is in the lumber spinal
c. Intrinsic sphincter is supplied by somatic nerves
d. Intrinsic sphincter consist of skeletal muscles
e. Extrinsic sphincter is under involuntary control

3rd SEMESTER 18/19

1. Which part of central nervous system control coordination among muscle controlling the abduction
of upper limb?
a. Cerebellum
b. Pituitary
c. Temporal lobe
d. Basal ganglion
e. Post central gurus
2. High density lipoprotein (HDL)
a. Is able to reduce the blood amino acid level
b. Help reduce atherosclerosis
c. Is not formed in liver
d. Does not contain cholesterol
e. Relatively contain a great lipid fraction
3. Which of the following does not assist to separate cancer cells from normal cell
a. Angiogenesis
b. Apoptosis
c. Contact inhibition
d. Metastasis
e. Size
4. Following a fall from a tree, a man sustained injury to his spinal cord. On examination: biceps reflex in
the right arm is absent; knee reflex in the right lower limb is exaggerated. Which part of the spinal
cord is damaged?
a. Lumber
b. Lower thoracic
c. Upper thoracic
d. Sacral
e. Cervical
5. Following a fall from a tree, a man sustained injury to his spinal cord. On examination: joint position
sense is lost in the left foot; lost left patellar (knee) jerk. Which of the other neurological deficiency
would also be present?
a. Wasting of left lower limb muscle
b. Absent thermal sensation and cold sensation in the left lower limb
c. Positive Babinski (extensor planter) reflex on the left side
d. Fasciculation in the left lower limb
e. Decreased tone in the left lower limb
6. Which of the following vitamin deficiency can lead to magaloblastic anemia
a. Vitamin D
b. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
c. Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
d. Vitamin B3 (niacin)
e. Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
7. What is the chemical sensation?
a. Taste
b. Balance
c. Joint position sense
d. Pain
e. Vision
8. Which of the following is neither disaccharide nor polysaccharide
a. Starch
b. Sucrose
c. Fructose
d. Maltose
e. Lactose
9. Upper motor signs include
a. Increase muscle power
b. Absent tendon reflexes
c. Muscle wasting
d. Normal planter reflex
e. Increased muscle tone
10. Which of the receptors depend on vitamin A of its function?
a. Vision
b. Cold
c. Taste
d. Olfactory
e. Auditory
11. Which of the following is false regarding carbohydrate and their availability
a. Manioc roots – starch
b. Cell membrane – cellulose
c. Liver – glycogen
d. Fruits – fructose
e. Human milk – lactose
12. Which of the following is false regarding PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
a. PCR is used in detecting HIV (human immune o deficiency)
b. PCR is not useful in genetic disease diagnosis
c. Formation of primer dimers is a problem in the method
d. PCR is useful in paternity determining test
e. It is used to amplify a several copies of interested gene/DNA sequence
13. Which of the following mechanism would explain the basis of acupuncture treatment
a. Synaptic delay
b. Receptor upgrading
c. Lateral inhibition
d. Diverting of stimuli
e. All or non-phenomenon
14. Which of the following is false regarding cellular organals
a. Golgi bodies modify enzymes
b. Lysosome contain hydrolytic enzymes
c. Triglycerides are synthesized in Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
d. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum contains ribosomes
e. Mitochondria is the powerhouse
15. Which of the following is false regarding enzymes & inhibitors
a. Enzymatic reactions are accelerated by optimum pH
b. Co-trimoxazole is structurally similar to the para-amino benzoic acid (PABA)
c. Organophosphate binds irreversibly to the acetyl choline esterase
d. Noncompetitive inhibitors bind to the active site of the enzyme
e. Methanol poisoning can be treated with ethanol
16. What is the ion involved in skeletal muscle contraction
a. Calcium
b. Sodium
c. Potassium
d. Magnesium
e. All the answers
17. Which of the following is false regarding amino acids
a. Aspartic acid is a non-essential amino acid
b. Glycine is the simplest amino acid
c. Serotonin is made from tryptophan
d. Thyroxin is made from tyrosine
e. Arginine is required heavily during adulthood more than in childhood
18. Which of the following somatic sensation is transmitted in the posterior column of the spinal cord
a. Pressure
b. Pain
c. Vibration
d. Crude touch
19. Warmth Which of the following is false regarding vitamin D
a. It is a lipid soluble
b. Vitamin D deficiency in adult leads to rickets
c. 1, 25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol is the active hormone of vitamin D
d. Liver act an important role in vitamin D metabolism
e. Vitamin D3 is made in the human skin
20. During photoreception which of the following would decrease
a. Metahodopsin
b. cGMP phosphodiesterase
c. Camp
d. Sodium influx in to rod
e. Transducin


1st SEMESTER 18/19

a. “Taste has a major role in identification of unknown properties of a substance” Briefly explain above the statement
b. Select five substances from Giza e Dawa group and explain how it acts as Ghiza and Dawa with
reference to their constituents

1st SEMESTER 19/20– juniors

01) Correct most correct statement regarding Mizaj e Advia

a. The har (hot) drugs interact with the hararat-e ghareeziya (innate heat) in the body and
produce dryness, while barid (cold) drugs suppress the heat.
b. None of all are correct
c. The har (hot) drugs produce dryness or Suppress the fluid secretions, while the ratab wet) drugs increase
fluidity/moisture in the body and remove dryness.
d. The har (hot) drugs interact with the hararat-e ghareeziya (innate heat) in the body and produce
heat, while barid (cold) drugs suppress the heat.
e. The yabis (dry) drugs produce hotness or suppress the fluid secretions, while the ratab wet) drugs
increase fluidity/moisture in the body and remove dryness.

02) Micronutrients

a. Could be provided by supplements only

b. Gives less amount of calories
c. Includes vitamins, minerals and amino acids
d. Cannot be stored in the body
e. Essential for body but in small amount ###
03) Most correct statement about 2nd degree drug is

a. A person having balanced temperament takes a single dose fixed for human will not feel any qaifiyat
b. Some of the second degree drugs are harm full to the body so need to be purified before use
c. It’s equal to repeated dose of 1st degree drugs ###
d. Repeated dose of 2nd degree drug can cause harm full effect on body
e. Repeated dose of motadil drugs can be used as 2 degree drugs

04) Select the true statement regarding energy values

a. Protein provides 2 kcal/gram. 4
b. Carbohydrates provide 9 kcal/gram. 4
c. Alcohol provides 12 kcal/gram. 7
d. Protein provides 7 kcal/gram. 4
e. Fat provides 9 kcal/gram.

05) According to Taxonomical Nomenclature which is correct form for mango plant,
a. Mangifera Indica
b. Mangifera indica (underlined)
c. Mangifera Indica (italic)
d. Mangifera indica (italic)
e. mangifera indica (italic)

06) The correct unit of Body Mass Index is

a. Kg/m2
b. m2/kg
c. g/cm
d. kg/m
e. kg/m

07) Out of following drugs, which plant's fruit is used as medicine?

a. Terminalia chebula – haleela
b. Centella asiatica - leaves
c. Papaver somniferum – opium - seeds
d. Santalum album - bark
e. Colchicum luteum – corms & seeds

08) Select the drug which is origin from Mineral kingdom (Maghaz e Madani)

a. Haldi - turmeric
b. Amrood - guava
c. Amla - nelli
d. Almas – cassia fistula
e. Abresham -

09) Dawa e Summi is,

a. Usually an edible substance
b. A substance used in treatment after purification
c. An absolute poison – summi muthlaq
d. A substance that can be use for treat a disease
e. A curable substance after heating
10) If the mizaj of a substance is Haar Yabis, most probably the dominant arkans of that substance are
a. Mitti and Aag
b. Mitti and Hawa
c. Aag and Mitti
d. Aag and Paani
e. All arkans in equal quantity

11) Select the function of Vitamin C in the body

a. Helps the body convert food in to fuel
b. Important for body growth and red blood cell production.
c. Plays a key role in respiratory celliary reaction
d. Plays a key role in nerve, muscle & heart function
e. Essential for eye sight

12) Which of the formula is most suitable to assess the Mizaj of compound formulation

a. Mizaj of comp. drug = (Mizaj x Drug) weight/Total weight (mizaj x drug weight)/ total weight
b. Mizaj of comp. drug = (Weight X Drug weight)/Total mizaj
c. Mizaj of comp. drug = (Total weight x Drug weight)/Mizaj
d. Mizaj of comp. drug = (Mizaj x Total weight)/Drug weight
e. Mizaj of comp. drug = (Mizaj x weight difference)/Total weight

13) Select the correct statement regarding Ghiza

a. Ghiza becomes a part and parcel of the body after Thaghayyur (Digestion)
b. Ghiza acts through its Kaifiyat to cure disease - maadda
c. Ghiza abolishes the Kaifiyat e Marziya - dawa
d. Ghiza will be eliminated after the absorption from the body - dawa
e. Ghiza is taken to rectify the disease conditions – dawa

14) Most correct statement regarding Mizaj e Sani Ghair Mustahgam Rikhv Mutlaq

a. Hot infusion is a very good example for this type of Mizaj – boiling – rikhv jadan
b. These are very rigid type, cannot be separated the constituents – mizaj saani mustahqam
c. Even inter molecular attraction is less than Mizaj e Sani Mustahqam, it needs some energy to
separate the constituents
d. Need more energy to separate the constituents
e. Very rare to find these type of substances

15) Select the correct statement on phytochemicals and antioxidants

a. They are two micronutrient groups in food
b. Should reduce the intake of phytochemicals and antioxidants in healthy person
c. They play an important role in prevention of disease
d. Colored fruits and vegetables are poor source of phytochemicals and antioxidants
e. These could be identify by morphological parameters

16) Select the correct statement regarding summi/summi mutlaq

a. Summi mutlaq substance due to its extreme Hot and Cold mizaj which produce disturbance on cell or
tissue level leads to fatel effect and even death.
b. There are purification process to detoxify all the types of poisonous substance – no process to purification
for summi mutlaq
c. Summi substance due to its extreme Hot and Dry mizaj which produce disturbance on cell or tissue
level leads to fatel effect and even death.
d. Summi mutlaq substance which act on madda and produce fatal effects on cells or tissue level and
finally leads to death.
e. Summi substance due to its extreme Hot and Cold mizaj which produce disturbance on cell or tissue
level leads to fatel effect and even death.

17) Ghiza e Dawa acts in the body by

a. Madha
b. Jawhar eg: opium
c. Specific chemical compound
d. Mizaj
e. Kaifiyat eg: spices

18) Select correct statement on DAWA

a. Dawa is a substance which helps in prevention of disease and healthy growth
b. Dawa is a substance which always produces a new mizaj in the body.
c. Dawa is a substance which undergoes into digestion and become part and parcel of the body
d. Dawa is a substance which rectifies abnormal growth and produce normal growth
e. Dawa is a substance which rectifies a disease condition and it produces a new mizaj in the body

19) Select a group of drugs in which 1st fixed dose of those causes’ harmful effects without leading fatal

a. Roghan kahu, Roghan khashkhas, Roghan,kurfa siya – 4th degree

b. Beesh, Tootiya, afiyoon – 4th degree
c. Ajwain khurashani, Badam talkh, Turbud
d. Gawzaban, Elaichi kalan, Anjeer – 1st degree
e. Ustakudoos, Badam, Gawzaban, Elaichi kalan – 1st degree

20) Which of the following classification method is helpful to identify and detect adulteration and more
convenient for practical study
a. Pharmacological classification
b. Serotaxonomical classification
c. Chemical classification
d. Morphological classification
e. Taxonomic classification

2nd SEMESTER 18/19

1) Which one is described the majoon best,

a) It is a unani preparation in solid form made of mixture of medicinal powers in sweet syrup
b) It is sweet in taste
c) An internal unani preparation in semi-solid form
d) An internal unani preparation in semi-solid form made of mixture of medicinal powers in sweet syrup
e) It is taken orally

2) Which of the following drugs has the daf e tasannnuj action

a) Zafran- musakhkhin, muqawwi e jigar, aza e raeesa, mufarreh, jail, qashir, muharrik e dauran e khoon,
{eg: asrool, afyoon, yebrooj, hilteet, ood saleb, jundbaidstar}
b) Kuchla – muqawwi e dimagh, qalb,summi, mane arq, muharrik e asab, dawran e khoon
c) Ambar -
d) Misk
e) Ajwain kurashani
3) Which of the following compound preparation is intended to use on eye disease
a) Nutool – liquid like joshanda, kaishanda or solution
b) Zaroor – zaroor dusting powder
c) Sanoon – tooth powder
d) Burud – eye wash
e) Ghalia – perfumed powder
4) Select the correct statement on muqawwi e jigar drugs
a) Muqawwi e jigar drugs are improve the liver function
b) Muqawwi e jigar drugs are decrease the production of bile
c) Muqawwi e jigar drugs are increase the production of bile
d) Statements a & c are correct
e) Statements a, b & c are correct
5) Select the most correct statements regarding substitution
a) If original drug is not available, another similar drug may be used in low dose – high dose
b) If an original drug is lost its potency, double or more than double dose ? of same drug can be used
c) If the important part of the original drug is not available, other parts of of the same drug cannot be used
d) All drugs are substituted for other drugs for all the occasions 
e) For an animal origin drug similar variety of same animal origin drug is preferable
6) Select the correct statement about munzij drug
a) They mature the Akhlath to expel out
b) Usually munzij drugs are given following the mushil drugs
c) All the munzij drugs are garam vo khushk in mizaj
d) They will not act on specific Akhlath
e) They are expel out the Akhlath from the body
7) Which of the following mode of action is destroying the surface by means of its penetrating power
a) Akkal – corrosive
b) Khatim cicatrizing
c) Jaali - detergent
d) Aasir- sqeezing
e) Jaazib - absorbant
8) Which of the following method is not suitable to arrest the bleeding from cut on finger
a) Application of powder of habbul aas ✓
b) Application of paste of loab e isapgol ✓
c) Application of lahzan paste on cut - lehzan thins the blood- so increases the bleeding
d) Keeping ice cubes on cut ✓ burudath action
e) Application of mazu powder on cut ✓ astringent
9) Isoprene is the basic unit of the
a) Glycosides
b) Alkaloids - nitrogen enclosed heterocyclic ring
c) Terpinoids
d) Tannin
e) Saponins
10) Select a drug which possessing muallid e dam (blood procreator): faulad, anar, angoor, aam, anda.
a) Opium
b) Surinjan
c) Aftimoon
d) Amila
e) Dooth
11) Which of the following combinations is most suitable to reduce the fever
a) Karanjwa, afsaanteen, gilo and neem
b) Surinjan, haldi, charaita and darchini
c) Azaraqi, haldi, asgand and sathavar
d) Gul e surk, aftimoon, pudina and dar haldi
e) Gaja, khiyar, elaichi and aamla
12) Select a unani murakkab dawa which belongs to Adviya sayyal
a) Arq e mundi
b) Majoon e surkh – neem jamid
c) Majoon e azaraqi – neem jamid
d) ..
e) Gulkand amaldas – jamid
13) Which of the following Adviya shayyal consist shehed as a chief ingreidient
a) Ma’ul jubun
b) Ma’ul asl
c) Ma’ul usool
d) Sharbat e sual
e) Sikanjabeen – { sirka + anjabeen ]
14) Select a unani compound formulation where essential oil part of the drug is collected
a) Zulal e Imli
b) Sharbath e tamarhind
c) Sikanjabeen asli
d) Murawwak kasni
e) Ma’ul usool
15) Select an internal neem jamid dosage form
a) Qurs - jamid
b) Anushdaru
c) Marham- neem jamid - external
d) Arq sayyal
e) Safoof jamid
16) Select a drug possessing mushil e Akhlath e salasa action
a) Amalthas
b) Behi
c) Tamar hind
d) Sibr
e) Suranjan
17) Select a drug which has strong mushil action
a) Alovera
b) Amila
c) Surinjan
d) Jamalgota
e) Shahatra
18) Which of the following preparation is specially made for vaginal use
a) Fateela – natural + artificial orifices
b) Hamool – anus + vagina
c) Huqna - enema
d) Farzaja
e) Shiyaf – all natural orifices
19) Select a drug with musaff e khoon action
a) Chukandar
b) Zeera
c) Amrood
d) Shahetra
e) Dooth
20) Which of the following chemical constituent produce hemolysis when injected in the blood stream
a) Saponins
b) Anthroquinones
c) Naphthoquinones
d) Tannins
e) Anthocyanins

3rd SEMESTER 18/19

1) Most beneficial statement regarding oral drug administration is

a) Preferable route of choice for all patients- unconscious patients cannot be preferred
b) Only selected drugs transported to the liver via the portal vein system
c) No wastage of drug after the administration- 1st pass metabolism
d) Disintegration of drugs by the gastric acid and digestive juices- disadvantage
e) Absorption may be take place in entire gastrointestinal tract
2) Select a suitable condition where Barah e Miq’ad route can be used – anal route
a) If the drug is introduced for the effect on uterus
b) If the patient is suffering from diarrhea or dysentery
c) If the patient is in unconscious
d) Drug is to be used for local action distal to Miq’ad area
e) If the drug is pleasant to take barah e Dahan
3) Select the correct statement regarding the action of Afiyun on eye
a) It produces contraction of circular muscle fibers of the iris and produce dilation of pupil
b) It produces contraction of longitudinal muscle fibers of the iris and produce contraction of pupil
c) It stimulate the lacrimal gland
d) It produces contraction of longitudinal muscle fibers of the iris and produce dilation of pupil – luffa/atropine
e) It produces contraction of circular muscle fibers of the iris and produce contraction of pupil
4) Select the statement which is correct on storage of drug
a) All the drugs containing volatile constituent should be stored in plastic containers- air tight containers
b) Compound drugs like pills, tablets, powders should be stored in lead coated vessels- IF SALT IS NOT AN
c) All drugs can preserved in sugar solution or honey- NOT ALL, SOME DRUGS- MURABBA, ANIMAL DRUGS
d) Drugs could be stored in cloth or jute bags- NO
e) One drug should be stored in one vessel only
5) Select the group that possess Mudir e bole action
a) Sahajna, Zeera, Amrood, Mooli
b) Saljam, Kasnees, Mooli, Zeera
c) Aam, Paan, Gajar, Zeera
d) Paan, Makko, Afsanteen, Mazu
e) Amrood, Anar, Paan, Aam
6) Select a drug that act on motor nerve endings and release the depression
a) Kuchla
e) Abrak -
7) Which of the following is most correct statement regarding GACP
a) Making a consistent and good quality product begins with selection of good ingredients
b) Marketing tool for promotion of sales
c) Improves the image of the company
d) Enhance the competitiveness
e) Establishes company reputation
8) Out of the following statement which is most correct regarding secondary metabolism
a) Products of secondary metabolism are directly involved in growth and development
b) Products of secondary metabolism are not directly involved in growth and development
c) These are the products resulting from primary metabolism
d) Secondary metabolism are directly depend on primary metabolism
e) Synthesis of amino acid and glucose is a primary function of secondary metabolism
9) The best combination to reduce inflammation and redness of Tabaqa Multahima is (CONJUNCTIVA)
a) Kaafoor and Patkari
b) Raswat and Surma
c) Patkari and Nilatootia
d) Patkari and Yabruj
e) Patkari and Raswat & TRIPALA
10) Select a drug which possessing ‘Mulayyin’ action
a) Anar
b) Zeera
c) Lahzan
d) Aamla
11) Select the sentence that describe the plant nursery
a) The place where mass multiplication of quality planting materials
b) Nursery is the place where planting materials are raised by vegetative means with care before
transplanting at proper site.
c) Nursery is the place where plants used to do research for their diseases
d) Nursery is the place for young saplings raised by seeds
e) Nursery is the place where planting materials are raised either by seeds or by vegetative means with
care before transplanting at desired site.
12) Select the correct statement regarding substitution
a) All drugs are substituted for other drugs for all the occasion
b) If original drug is not available another similar drug may be used in low dose
c) For an animal origin drug similar verity of same animal origin drug is preferable
d) The important part of original drug is not available other parts of same drug cannot be used
e) If an original drug lost its potency double or more than double dose of same drug can be used
13) According to your knowledge what is the drug of choice for patient suffering from sleeplessness due
to severe general body pain
a) Waj turqi
b) Asgand
c) Ajwain khurasani- GENERAL ANESTHETIC
14) Muharrikat e isthihalath (Metabolism stimulant) drugs are
a) Increase the hair growth, Hot in mizaj and Act generally and locally are incorrect
b) Increase the hair growth, Hot in mizaj and Act generally and locally are correct
c) Hot in mizaj
d) Act generally and locally
e) Increase the hair growth
15) Select a drug which has Muzifat e Qalb action
a) Jamalgota – ULCERATIVE
c) Beesh
16) Select the false statement on aftercare activities for medical plant cultivation
a) Taking steps to control weeds
b) Proper supply of nutrients
c) Applying a suitable pest management immediately after planting
d) Protection from heat and cold
e) Selecting a place with an availability of water
17) Select the drug which is increases the secretion of salivary glands
a) Kafi
e) Thambago, GINGER, DAR CHINI
18) Rhizomes of ‘zaranbath’ should be collected for best medicinal use- (Only after seed shedding)
a) When the leaves totally shaded- ROOTS OF PERENNIALS –LATE IN THE FALL
b) When the leaves are begins to shading, before flowering
c) In spring season – STEM BARK
d) In summer season
e) When the flowers are shaded
19) Which one of the following is correctly explain the Muqawwi e jigar?
a) Change the jigar in to har mizaj
b) Decrease the production of bile
c) Reduce inflammation of jigar
d) Increase the production of bile
e) Bring the mizaj and function of the jigar in to normal
20) Select the action which is most related to respiratory system
a) Daf e ufoonath
b) Muzjif
c) Munaffis e balgham
d) Daf e humoozat
e) Muqawwi


1st SEMESTER 18/19

1. Philosophical knowledge, scientific knowledge and Religious knowledge are integrated in unani medicine.
Analyze and explain this statement in the shade of Holistic health definition. (10 Marks)
2. In a study, researchers looked at the effects of nutrition on reading ability on children. In Group A, children ate
at least three ounces of dark green vegetables every day for one month. In Group B, children were fed their
regular diet. At the e
of the month, the children took a reading comprehension test. Those who ate the green vegetables every
day for one month (Group A) did not vary in their test scores when compared to Group B. (10 Marks)
I. Mention the independent and dependent variable/s and the research design that was followed in this
II. Write the conclusion of the above study in your own words.
III. Researchers from 2018/19 batch students, wanted to look whether the children’s Mizaj impact on their reading
ability. Write, how you can conduct this research. (Explain step by step up to report writing).

1st SEMESTER 19/20 – juniors

01) In following which is NOT a characteristic feature of the personality of the phlegmatic temperament
a. Patience
b. Kind and calm
c. Postpone the decisions
d. Irritation and contention
e. Passive

02) Exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease by all of the following EXCEPT
a. Increasing heart's functioning ability
b. Increasing the LDL level
c. Decreasing the elevated blood pressure
d. Increasing the number of capillaries to the heart muscles
e. Increasing HDL level

03) A researcher conducts an experiment that tests the hypothesis that anxiety has an adverse effect on
students' exam performance'
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Students are the dependent variable; exam performance is the independent variable.
b. Anxiety is the dependent variable, exam performance is the independent variable.
c. Anxiety is the independent variable, exam performance is the dependent variable.
d. Anxiety is the dependent variable, students are the independent variable.
e. Anxiety is the independent variable, students are the dependent variable

04) Which of the following statement about Hammurabis codes of law' is NOT true?
a. It was mentioned in the code that if a physician performed a success eye surgery, he would receive
10 shekels in money.
b. It included only medicine or its related ethics.
c. It was written in the language of "Akkadian".
d. At present, it resides in the Louvre Museum, Paris
e. It was formulated by 6th King of first Babylonian dynasty.

05) Which disease theory well explains that the 'diseases are the punishment of displeasure of the
supreme being (God).

a. Natural theory
b. Metaphysical theory
c. Punitive theory
d. Demonic theory
e. Miasmatic theory

06) A variable that is supposed to cause a change in another variable is called

a. A control variable
b. A numerical variable
c. A dependent variable
d. An intervening variable
e. An independent variable

07) Which of the following statement/s about convenience sampling is true?

a. It should always be avoided.

b. It is appropriate providing the sample size is extremely large.
c. It is a non-probability sampling technique.
d. It is used under some circumstances like market survey.
e. Both (c) and (d).

08) select the correct statement/s about 'AI Juz'un Nazharee

A - Describes a separate field about super natural force called lIm Al Umoor Al
llaahiyya B-Deals with moral philosophy
C- Explains practical and logical aspects more appropriate

a. A & B are correct

b. All are incorrect
c. Only A is correct
d. Only B is correct
e. Only C is correct

09) Select the best statement that explains one's procedural knowledge
a. Individuals' personal abilities are considered into this category
b. A skill or action that how to perform something
c. A knowledge that cannot check for its accuracy
d. A knowledge of a person's feeling of something
e. Individuals gathered this through observation

10) Which of the following statements about 'Edwin Smith Papyrus'is true?
a. Contains spells to avoid supernatural powers
b. Wrote by an American Edwin Smith in 1862
c. Has 22 pages and with the description of around 48 different types of fractures
d. It was stand as a working manual as itcontains 260 oral prescriptions
e. Mostly mentioned about diagnosis and management of wound, fractures and
gynecological conditions

11) Which of the following is NOT a health-compromising behavior?

a. Use of alcoholic beverages

b. Poor dietary habits
c. Smoking
d. Computer and phone games
e. Meditation
12) Column X has some affinity with those in column Y, Select the proper combination
I. Aesthetics a. Nature of existence
II. Cosmology b. Concerned with value judgments about what is
III. Metaethics beautiful or what one ought to value as beautiful
IV. Normative c. Standard of rule or principle
ethics d. Nature of judgments of moral write or wrong
V. Ontology
e. Origin and organization of the Universe


13) The words in column X have best explained the meanings with those in column Y, select the proper combination.
I. Empiricism A. a result based on experiment and empirical research
II. Skepticism B. a knowledge obtains from sensory experience
III. Materialism C. a theory of fundamental reality
IV. Logical D. An attitude of doubt toward a particular matter.


14) Column X has some affinity with those in column Y, select the proper combination.

I. Egyptian Medicine A. Cuneiform writing
II. Roman Medicine B. SwnW physician
III. Mesopotamian C. Humoural pathophysiology
IV. Greek Medicine D. Relied on homemade medicines


15) Select the correct statement/s regarding personality development

A. It is the development of attitudes and behaviors in an organized pattern that makes an individual distinctive.
B. Dream more while you are awake
C. Avoid negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead, invest your energy in the positive present moment
a. Only C is correct
b. A & B are correct
c. Only B is correct
d. All A, B&C are correct
e. Only A is correct

16) Select the true statement/s about Dalaalat ki taqseem

A. Dalaalat consists of physical object called as real evidences
B. Dalaalat we gather from experiments also considered as one of Dalaalat ki taqseem
C. Dalaalat if we heard from another person known as hearsay evidence
a. Only C is correct
b. A & B are correct
c. Only A is correct
d. Only B is correct
e. All are incorrect

17) Column X has some affinity with those in column Y,select the proper
combination. X

I. Rhazes
II. Avicenna
III. Biruni
IV. Zahra
vi Y
A. Kuliyat fi a-Tibb
B. Tasrif
C. Kitab al Saydala
D. Alqanun Fil TibbE. Al Hawi

18) A researcher writes a detailed report of the diagnosis, treatment, response to treatment and
then follow up after the treatment process of an individual patient. The researchers study interest is
a. Case study
b. Cohort study
c. Case control study
d. Case serious study
e. Cross sectional survey

19) Which of the following is NOT included in Ibn Zakariyā Rāzī's medical contribution?

a. Made a distinction between curable and incurable diseases

b. Wrote a treatise name 'Al Judari wa Al Hasbah
c. First found photoreceptor cells of the eye
d. First to produce many acids and many chemicals including alcohol and kerosene
e. Introduce calcination process in medicines

20) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of health-compromising behavior?

a. Addictive
b. Influenced by peer pressure
c. Common in the lower social classes
d. Open for strength in adolescence
e. Pleasurable and helps to cope with stress and develop gradually

2nd SEMESTER 18/19

1. Which one is not true about ‘Bait al Hikma’

a. Established and started by caliph al Ma’mun
b. Called as Khizanat al Hikma
c. Located at Damascus
d. Christian and Persian scholars were employed to translate works in to translate
works in to Arabic
e. Hunayn Ibnu Ishaq was appointed in change of Bait al Hikma’

2. In the following, which is not a type of somatoform disorders

a. Hypochondriasis
b. Conversion disorders
c. Body dysmorphic disorders
d. Somatization disorders
e. Somatoform itching disorders

3. Counselling is not suited in whom

a. The individuals who have lack of sleep/ sleep more than 9 hours
b. People who show lack of interest in things/ works etc.
c. Children who are extreme stubbornness
d. Children who associate bad friends
e. Children who strictly obey the institutional disciplines

4. In the following, which is not a factor to help in improve the doctor-patient relationship
a. Active listening
b. Agendas
c. Educating patients
d. Nonverbal communication
e. Allow overreacting

5. Select the correct statement/s about ‘Tibbi Ruh e Haiyawani’

A. Raw pneuma has been changed in the left ventricle as potent and concentrated form
of ruh e Haiyawani’
B. Ruh e haiwaniya is changed into Ruh e Taba’iyya at liver, the seat of Natural faculty
C. To receive the power of Ruh e Taba’iyya ,the raw pneuma intermingle with Akhlat e Kateefa
a. All A, B & C are correct
b. Only C is correct
c. A, B are correct
d. Only B is correct
e. All are wrong

6. Which chakra is responsible for the origination of sense of justice & ethics?
a. Brow chakra
b. Crown chakra HEART
c. Solar chakra
d. Sacral chakra
e. None

7. Which one of the following statement is not true?

a. Aroma therapy, energy healing and acupressure are included in vibrational medicine
b. Aromas create better mood and through that they will balance out most of the
negative emotions
c. ‘Subtle energy levels’ govern the health and illness of the body
d. Lavender oil affects the flow of the natural force
e. Engage in regular exercise will care the energy system of the body
8. A researcher writes a detailed report of the diagnosis, treatment, response to treatment
and then follow up after the treatment process of an individual patient. The researchers
study interest is
a. Cross sectional survey
b. Cohort study
c. Case study
d. Case serious study
e. Case control study

9. In the following, which is not a mental sign of stress

a. Back pain
b. Poor decision making
c. Intolerance
d. Irritability
e. Sleep troubles

10. The book ‘Tibb e Dara Shikohi’ was written by

a. King Shah Jehan
b. Maulank Bader Ud Din
c. Hakim Noordeen Mohammed
d. Prince Syed Abdulk Khan
e. Hakim Fazlullah

11. During 1st century up to the foreign invasion of Sri Lanka, which king has not given a
contribution in spread of unani medicine in SL?
a. King Pandukhabaya
b. King Rajasinha 3
c. Rajathi Raja Sinha
d. King Parakramabahu 1
e. King Senerath

12. Which of the following one is not described about a quantitative method
a. Help to approach on deductive reasoning
b. Systematic data collection techniques
c. Preserve stranded scientific technique
d. Can measure a problem
e. Answer the questions on the differences between social groups

13. In the following, which is not a tip to be more positive

a. Be unsatisfied with what you have
b. Look for something positive when you encounter problems
c. Be compassionate toward yourself and others
d. Smile and laugh as often as possible
e. Avoid complaining
14. Which of the following is not included in El Zehravi’s medical contribution
a. Tracheotomy
b. Cataract surgery
c. Use forces in child birth
d. Division of temporal artery for certain type of headache
e. Photoreceptor cells of the eye

15. Who are known as Gopala Muslims?

a. Descendants of Al Malik Mohamed Ibnu Thufail
b. Muwahid Sultan
c. Tibbu sultan
d. Sultan Kuttiya
e. None of them

16. In the following, which is not true about Al Qanoon Fit

a. Thesis 6 mantioned about the faculties of the body
b. Compiles by Persian Muslim Physician – Philosopher Avicenna (Ibnu Sina)
c. Greco-Roman, Persian, Chinese and Indian medicines were combined in it
d. Book 4 of Al Qanoon says about material medica
e. Unani basic concepts were described under 6 thesis in book 1

17. Which of the following is not considered a secondary data source

a. Diaries
b. Official statistics
c. Historical information
d. Case studies
e. Previous research

18. Which statement is not true about mind, emotions and behaviors?
a. Dishonesty and immoderation are some undesirable sanguine emotions
b. Amygdala and a structure in the frontal brain have close link with emotions and behaviors
c. Properly directed and channeled choleric emotions provide a powerful and dynamic individual
d. Negative emotions like moodiness and sadness will ruin the proper digestion in melancholic
e. Periaqueductal gray in involved in defensive and reproductive behaviors, maternal
attachments and anxiety

3rd SEMESTER 18/19

1. Which of the following statement is a false about Rabban Al Tabari?

a. One of his medical contribution is Hafzh Al Sihhah
b. He was a 9th century physician and psychologist
c. He was a convert from Christianity
d. Hygiene and dietetics are written in his book Firdous al-Hikma
e. He first discovered pulmonary circulation

2. Select the correct statement/s about ‘Ayurveda Act No. 31 of 1961’

A. It provides for the establishment of a Department of Ayurveda
B. It provides for the establishment of an Ayurvedic Medical Council
C. It provides for the establishment of an Ayurvedic College and hospital board
a. Only B is true
b. Only C is true
c. Only A and B are correct
d. A, B and C are correct
e. A, B and C are incorrect

3. Select the correct statement/s about indigenous medicine in Sri Lanka

A. Various Ola leave Manuscripts are some great available written material related to Sri
Lankan indigenous medicine
B. The Mahavansa, the main source of Sri Lankan history mentions that, Pandukhabaya
has built a hospital
C. Indigenous medical practitioners of Sri Lanka are registered with the Sri Lankan Ayurvedic
Medical Council
a. Only B is true
b. Only C is true
c. Only A and B are true
d. A, B and C are correct
e. A, B and C are incorrect

4. All the following statements about ’trisomial concept’ are true EXCEPT,
a. It intermixes with healthcare, religious belief and cultural activities
b. It is highlighted by unrestricted lifestyle choices
c. It is practiced in non-secular society
d. It involves with certain surgical practices
e. It includes preventive and curative aspects

5. Individual differences form an important part of work psychology, which of the

following Is/are relevant for job performance
a. Emotional intelligence
b. Cognitive studies
c. Personality varieties
d. Ability and special talents
e. All of the answers

6. Best conflict management style is

a. The avoiding style
b. The smoothing style
c. The bargaining style
d. The problem solving style
e. The ignoring style

7. Participative leadership has certain characteristics. Which of the following is a

characteristics feature for a participative leadership?
a. Takes the view that rewards and punishment motivate staff
b. Uses a clear chain of command
c. Believe success arises from leaders and staff working together
d. Makes decision alone by his own power
e. Seeks to involve staff in the decision making process

8. Select the incorrect answer from the following about jundishapur School
a. Kitab Al Hashishish was used as one of text books in this school
b. Founded during the reign of Shahpur II
c. Scholars were treated well to continue their scholarly pursuits and teaching
d. Ishaq bin Hunayn was one of the school’s leading
e. Hunayn bin Ishaq was one of the main translators in this school

9. In following which is not a key function of the Department of Ayurveda

a. Conducting clinical, pharmacological and literary research
b. Carrying on the business of manufacture, sale and distribution of ayurvedic
drugs and pharmaceuticals and ayurvedic medicinal preparation
c. Establishment and maintenance of hospital and dispensary services
d. Conducting seminars, and study courses
e. Propagation of herb cultivation and assisting projects to facilitate Ayurveda research

10. Select incorrect answer about Galan’s contribution to medicine

a. Performed anatomical dissections on living and dead animals
b. Differentiated between venous and arterial blood
c. Differentiated the symptoms of small pox and chicken pox
d. Performed operations on human patients
e. Discovered central nervous system

11. Nirmala was requested by her doctor to practice a pattern of breathing to relieve her stress.
The guideline was given by the doctor as to breath slow and long to fill up the abdominal
area, the chest area as well as the shoulder and the neck areas. What kind of breathing
pattern does the doctor prescribed for her?
a. Combined breathing
b. Apana breathing
c. Diaphragmatic breathing
d. Yogic breathing
e. Thoracic breathing
12. When you formulate the content of the presentation, you should consider mainly
a. Your special methods and strategy
b. Your purpose
c. The time limit
d. The audience’s need
e. The available material

13. According to the positive psychology, happiness involves all of the following EXCEPT,
a. Being cared of their own health
b. Having a level of wealth
c. Being engaged in an activity
d. Engaged with a meaningful activity
e. Engaging pleasure

14. In the following ancient scholars who was considered as surgeons,

a. Al Jurjani and Sushruta
b. Mohamed Ajmal Khan and Vaghbata
c. Hunain Ibnu Ishaq and Charak
d. Ali Ibnu Abbas Majushi and Charak
e. Rabban Al Tabari and Sushruta

15. In following which is not a principle of medical ethics

a. Justice
b. Confidential
c. Autonomy
d. Maleficence
e. Beneficence

16. Which of the following is true statement about anxiety?

a. Critical thinking makes the brain more anxiety state
b. Lymphatic system has a close relationship
c. Is due to the defect in Quwwat e Mutafakkkirah
d. Increase consumption of salty and astringent food minimize the effect
e. Pathology is in the Muqaddam DImagh

17. The column ‘x’ has some affinity with those in the column ‘Y’. Select the correct combination

‘X’ ’Y’
Energy therapy Yoga
Manipulative Qi Qong
therapy Body-mind Chiropracti
therapy Biological c Ayurveda
based Alterative Diet

18. To make a presentation effective and impressive, you should use;

a. Idioms and phrases
b. Passive sentences
c. Complex sentences
d. Simple and active form of sentences
e. Jargon

19. The word ‘critical’ in critical thinking refers to

a. A lack of respect to other people
b. Convincing others by any method
c. Attempt to win an argument
d. Using careful judgment
e. A fault-finding attitude

20. Select the correct statement/s about ‘Prana Vayu’

A. It flows inward and upward and saturates brain
B. It flows downward and out and saturates the chest region
C. It is situated in the heart and directs all other vayus
a. Only B is true
b. Only C is true
c. Only A and B are true
d. A, B and C are correct
e. All are incorrect


1st SEMESTER 18/19

1. Arkan-e-arba concept in Unani Medicine is the “Origin and Continuation of life” analyze this
in details. (10 marks)
2. Explain the following Avicenna’s statements using modern physiology in your own words
a. Normal balgham (serous humour) is able to transform into blood (Sanguineous
humour) at any time (04 marks)
b. Normal balgham (serous humour) moisten the joints and tissues (06 marks)
1st SEMESTER 19/20 – juniors
01) Select which is NOT describe about Balgham e Zaijaji
a. Later stage of Balgham e Zaijaji ends as Balgham e Fiji – vice versa
b. Is known as vitreous phlegm
c. Its sometime sour in taste
d. It's a kind of dense balgham
e. It's a one of the causes for paralysis

02) Select which is a feature in Kasarat e Balghami

a. Fullness of the liver

b. Hemorrhoids
a. Pain behind the eye
b. Heat on the abdominal region
c. Cough with copious phlegm

03) Select which is NOT a feature in Galba e Khoon

a. Flushed complexion with itchy skin
b. Heaviness of the body, especially behind the eyes
c. Anal bleeding
d. Congestion of the lung and dyspnoea
e. Congested liver

04) Select the correct statement/s about Mizaj e Ghair Motadil (Imbalanced temperament)
A. The temperament which deviates to certain degree from the moderation in the natural
temperament is known as Mizaj e Ghair Motadil
B. There are two main types of Mizaj e Ghair Motadil
C. Mizaj e Ghair Motadil helps to maintain the health of
human beings
a. A & B are correct
b. Only A is correct
c. Only B is correct
d. All A, B & C are correct
e. Only C is correct

05) In following, which is not a component of Umoor e Tabia (Basic Natural Factors)
a. Arkan (Elements)
b. Aaza (Organs)
c. Akhlat (Humours)
d. Mizaj (Temperament)
e. Al Hawa wal Muhit (Atmospheric air)

06) Which of the following combinations is wrong about the attribution of Mitti (Earth) to Human Physiology?
a. Habitual – more active
b. Mental state – Fearfulness
c. Tendency – Stable
d. Bodily function – Formation
e. Excretion – Feces
07) In following, which is not a main feature of Sin al Shaykhuhah (Old age)
a. Rutubat e Ghareeziya and Hararat e Ghareeziya markedly reduced
b. Normal metabolism becomes weak
c. Vigour and intellectual power both obviously increase
d. Rutubat e Ghariba Balla (abnormal metabolic compounds) dominates
e. Rutubat e Ghareeziya (Innate fluid) is deficient in the quantity required for the preservation of
Hararat e Ghareezíya (Innate heat)

07) Select the correct statement/s about Umoor e Tabi'a (Basic Natural Factors)
A. If they are working together in a balanced,harmonious manner, there is homeostasis and health
B. If they are not working together properly, there is dysfunction and it leads to disease
C. If any one of these factors or their essential components ceases to function, there is death.
a. Only C is correct
b. All A, B &C are correct
c. Only A is correct
d. Only B is correct
e. A & B are correct

08) Select the correct statement/s about Dam humour, those are
A. Plentiful than the other humours
B. Carries the vital force and innate heat
C. Partially matured substances in the blood
a. Only A is correct
b. A &B are correct
c. Only B is correct
d. Only C is correct
e. All are incorrect

10) Which of the following statement is incorect about the Imtizaj (Intermixture)?
a. Nafrat e Kimiyawiya (Chemical repulsion) is a cause of Imtizaj
b. Ulfat e Kimiyawiya (Chemical affinity) produces chemically stable compounds
c. Imtizaje Sazij is a kind of Imtizaj
d. Imtizaj e Hageegi is a kind of Imtizaj
e. Ulfate Kimiyawiya (Chemical affinity) is a cause of Imtizaj

11) Select the correct statement/s about Arkan (Elements) of the human body and modern science
A. According to modern scientific research, 80 elements are found in the human body.
B. Elements found in the human body are divided into three categories, such as bulk, micro and trace.
C. There are several diseases caused by deficiency or high concentration of elements in the human body
a. Only C is correct
b. A & B are correct
c. All A, B & C are correct
d. Only B is correct
e. Only A is correct

12) Which of the following statements is incorrect about the Mizaj (Temperament)?

a. When temperament exceeds its maximum level or fall below the minimum level such one is
considered to be in a state of health
b. The manner of thinking, behaving, or reacting is characteristic of a specific person
c. The temperament of the individual is very important as it is considered to be unique
d. Mizaj is defined as a new state of matter, having a quality different from that present in the
elements before coming into imtizaj(intermixture)
e. Mizaj has two extreme ranges of maximum and minimum levels

13) Select the true statement/s

A. Blood is regarded as mixture of all four kinds of Akhlat
B. Akhlat e Katifa help in the formation of ruh
C. All the colourless fluid are known as
Balghami humour
a. Only A is correct
b. A & B are correct
c. A &Care correct
d. Only B is correct
e. All are incorrect

14) Select the statement that NOT explains about Ghair Tabai Dam
a. bad humour generates within dam humour and spoil dam humour
b. disease ends with increment of yellow bile or black bile or both in blood
c. disease ends with increment of phlegmatic humour or black bile or both in blood
d. temperament may be changed to hotter or colder
e. bad humour from outside dam humour, then penetrate into it and spoil dam humour

15) Which of the following is not a type of Mizaj e Ghair Motadil Murakkab Maddi
(compound imbalance temperament due to any matter)?
a. Haar Barid Maddi
b. Barid Ratab Maddi
c. Barid Yabis Maddi
d. Har Ratab Maddi
e. Har Yabis Maddi

16) The humans who have Sard wa Khushk mizaj may be said as
a. Saudavi mizaj individuals
b. Balghami mizaj individuals
c. Satfravi mizaj individuals
d. Safravi wa Balghami mizaj individuals
e. Damavi mizaj individuals

17) Select which is NOT describe the function of Balghami Humour

a. Only, a definite proportion of balgham taken up by the tissue for their nourishment
b. Balgham was utilized by the body through the innate heat
c. Importantly, balgham carries ruh to the tissues whenever necessary
d. Balgham lubricate and protect the joints
e. It's a readily available substance, when there is a nutrient lack to the tissues

18) In following, which is not a direct component of the determinant of Mizaj (Ajnas Ashra) according
to Unani Medicine

a. Laun al Badan (Body complexion)

b. Malmas (Tactile Sensation)
c. Lahm wa shahm (Muscles and fat)
d. Tabi'at (Physis)
e. Hay'at al Aza (physique)
19) Select which is NOT true statement about abnormal balgham

a. Balgham e hulu is a kind of abnormal sweet taste balgham

b. Balgham e malih is hotter than all other varieties of
abnormal balgham
c. Balgham e Jassi is one of the main causes for isthisqa
d. Fermented form of Balghame hulu is a cause for Balgham e Hamiz
e. At the initial phase Balgham e Fijii will not show any symptoms

20) Select the correct statement/s about Arkan (Elements)

A. Ibnu Sina quoted that, simplest bodies are the four components such as fire, air, water and the earth.
B. Their forms are only pairs of the opposite qualities of hot, cold, dry and moist
C. The qualities of these Arkan are not essential for transformation, and they cannot be
transformed into elaborated forms
a. Only C is correct
b. A & B are correct
c. Only B is correct
d. All A, B & C are correct
e. Only A is correct

2st SEMESTER 18/19

1. Those Akhlath which take part in the formation of human body structures are called as
a. Akhlath-e-lateefa
b. Akhlath-e-kateefa
c. Akhlath-e-ghair mahmooda
d. Akhlath-e-raddia
e. None of above
2. In following, which is not an Aafal e haddi (function of the bone)
a. Provides the frame work for the body
b. The soft core (bone marrow) of bone is the site for formation of RBC, certain WBC and platelets
c. Protect soft internal organs
d. Helps in conduction impulses on the body
e. Provide surface for attachment of muscles and act as lever, permitting many
complex movements
3. Select correct statements about taba’I safra
A. Safra may float on the blood as because it is light in weight
B. Safra thin the blood and therefore it helps the blood to travel along the minute capillaries
C. Safra irritate the mouth of the stomach and sets up hunger and produce appetite
a. Only A & B are correct
b. All are wrong
c. Only C is correct
d. A, B, C are correct
e. Only B is correct
4. In following which is not a type of Quwa al mudrika Al BAtina (internal perceptive faculty)
a. Al Quwat Al Khayal
b. Al Quwat Al Hafizah
c. Al Quwat Al Mushtarak
d. Al Quwat Al Lams
e. Al Quwat Al Wahima
5. Which organ have Quwa wa hirkiya both (sensory and motor)
a. Uzn (ear)
b. Anaf(nose)
c. Lisan (tongue)
d. Jild (skin)
e. All of above
6. Select a false statement about the functions of taba’I sauda
a. Encourages intake of food
b. Remove the viscous fluid from the intestine
c. Activates the blood and make strong and thick
d. Gives a share of sauda to its mizaj organs such as bones
e. Nourishes the spleen
7. ribat (ligament) is included in
a. Aza-e-harrah
b. Aza-e-yabisa
c. Aza-e-barida
d. Aza-e-murakkaba
e. Aza-e-rataba
8. Ear is included in
a. Aza-e-haiwaniyya
b. Aza-e-tabaiyya
c. Aza-e-raeesa
d. Aza-e-nafsaniyya
e. Aza-e-tanassuliya
9. Select correct statement/s about taba’I sauda
A. Ghair taba’I sauda is hotter and lighter than normal taba’I sauda
B. If sauda become thinner/ thicker than normal these varieties are less curable to the treatment
C. Ghair taba’I sauda has tissue destructive in nature
a. Only B is correct
b. Only C is correct
c. All A, B, C are correct
d. Only A & B are correct
e. All A, B & C are wrong
10. Select one of the given symptom/ signs below is not suit to the condition of kasarat-e-sauda
a. Phlegm in the chest
b. Liver enlargement
c. Jaundice
d. Dark brown sputum
e. Astringent taste in the mouth
11. Select which set of answers are correct about the below given statements
A. An organ is said to be mu’ti (donor) which furnishes quwat (power) to another organ
B. An organ is said to be qabi which receives Quwat (power) from another organ (donor)
C. When the brain furnishes quwat e nafsaniya to other organs it becomes donor and other
organs are recipients, but when the heart supplies blood to the brain and other organs, the
heart becomes donor and other organs including the brain become recipient
a. Only A, B are correct
b. All A, B & C are correct
c. Only A is correct
d. Only A, C are correct
e. Only B, C are correct
12. The synonyms of Aza-e-Raeesa is
a. Aza-e- murakkaba
b. Aza-e-mufradah
c. Aza-e-harrah
d. Aza-e-alia
e. Aza-e-tabaiyya
13. After which hazim-e-ghiza (digestive of food) is converted, so that it can be a part of any uzwi (organ)
a. Hazim-e-dimag
b. Hazim-e-urooqi
c. Hazim-e-uzwi
d. Hazim-e-medi
e. Hazim-e-jigar
14. Which organ give nutrition to Qalb
a. Liver
b. Brain
c. Lungs
d. Aorta
e. Bones
15. Select correct statement/s about points determine the temperament of organs
A. Activity & blood supply of organ
B. Quantity of rooh (jauhar rooh and akhlat latifa)
C. Rate of metabolism
a. Only B, C are correct
b. Only A is correct
c. Only A, B are correct
d. All A, B & C are correct
e. Only A, C are correct
16. Features of Saudavi mizaj
a. Lean with good muscle tone
b. Fast bowel transit time
c. Have a violent natured dream
d. Have hard, dry compact stool
e. Strong innate heat with good metabolism
17. Quwa-e-tabaiyah is not responsible in
a. Excretion of waste from the tissues and body
b. Transformation of ghiza in the GIT
c. Attraction of ghiza to the body
d. Preservation of race
e. Circulating the nutrition to the tissue
18. Select correct statement/s about Quwat-e-nafsaniyah
A. Seat of quwat-e-nafsaniyah is brain
B. Perform intellectual, sensory, motor functions in the body
C. Organs pertaining to these faculties are brain, spinal cord and nerves
a. Only is correct
b. Only B, C are correct
c. All are correct
d. Only A, C are correct
e. Only A, B are correct
19. Select correct statement/s about Quwat-e-haywaniya
a. It carries vital force all over the body
b. Its subordinate quwat are are quwa-e-fa’ila and quwa-e-munfa’ila
c. None of them
d. Carries ruh from heart to tissue
e. It produces innate heat and supplies to tissues
20. In following which is not an example for aza-e-murakkabah (compound organ)
a. Asab (nerves)
b. Gurda (kidney)
c. Mari (oesophagus)
d. Ama (intestine)
e. Hanjara (trachea)

3st SEMESTER 18/19

1. Which one of these taste has potential to remove the obstruction of the vessels?
a. Astringent taste items like areconet
b. Pungent taste foods like cinnamon
c. Bitter taste foods like bitter guard
d. Unctuous taste foods like coconut oil
e. Sweet taste foods like sugar
2. The column ‘X’ has some affinity with those in column ‘Y’, select the correct combination

X C. Ruin hazim e meidi and make

the nasal mucus thick
I. Roughages in the diet D. Increase the self-life and
II. Overeat preserve the aroma and taste
III. Carotenoids E. Enhance satiety
IV. Ice-water consumption
V. Natural food preservatives

A. Inhibit cancer growth
B. Do not trigger the production
of CCK and do not give us
feel of fullness
3. A cylindrical, smooth and soft textured feces sample is where on the Bristol stool chart (BSC)
a. Type 6
b. Type 4
c. Type 3
d. Type 2
e. Type 5
4. In following which is the synonym of Tabi’at
a. Quwat e hissiya
b. Quwat e mudabbir lil badan
c. Quwat e khayal
d. Quwat e nafsaniya
e. Quwat e haiwaniya
5. Select the correct statement/s about harakat wa sukoon al badan
A. To maintain positive health and fitness, the body requires both exercise and rest
B. Exercise helps to cause the derangement in the mizaj of the heart and liver
C. Several exercise help muscles to grow and ensure increased blood supply and proper
functioning of the excretory system
a. Only A is true
b. Only C is true
c. Only A and B are true
d. Only A and C are true
e. All A, B and C are true
6. In following which is not a condition for palpating the pulse
a. Compare the patients pulse with healthy persons pulse
b. During examining the pulse, the patients hand should be in supine position and the
thumb is directed upwards
c. Pulse should not be felt when the patient is neither angry nor very much happy, or under
the stress of exercise and emotions
d. It is usual to felt the pulse of the right wrist with the left hand and of the left wrist with right hand
e. It is usual to felt the pulse of the right wrist with the right hand and of the left wrist with left hand
7. In following which is not a component of Asbabe Sitta Zarooriya
a. Laun al badan
b. Istiragh wa Intibas
c. Naum wa Yaqza
d. Al Hawa wal Muhit
e. Makoolat wa Mashroobat
8. Select the correct statement/s about the basis of natural diet
A. Natural diet is associated with longer telomeres
B. Natural salt is added to nuts and seeds to improve the health benefits
C. Natural food additives possess nutritional and therapeutic values too
a. Only A is true
b. Only B is true
c. Only A and C are true
d. Only A and B are true
e. All are true
9. In following which is not a feature of a pulse
a. Quantity of expansion (miqdar-e-imbesat)
b. Consistency/compressibility of artery (qiwam-e-ala)
c. Quality of pulse beat (kaifiyat-e-qara)
d. Period of pause between the beat (zamana-e-sukun)
e. Period of movement (zamzna-e-harakat)
10. A patient comes to you with a severe respiratory problem. In such a case select a list of food
variety which would be benefited him without aggravating the condition of his disease
a. Milk products, Butter, Cucumber
b. Milk products, White wheat flour, Spices
c. Spices, Refine sugar, Butter
d. Spices, Red meat, Green tea
e. Fresh cheese, Green tea, Refine sugar
11. In following which is not a benefit of a good night naum (sleep)
a. Improves the memory
b. Makes feel energized and alert the next day
c. Prevent cancer
d. Increase the stress
e. Keeps the heart healthy
12. Select the correct statement/s about Nabz (pulse)
A. The examination of pulse is one of the most important and practical means to diagnose a
disease and to assess its prognosis.
B. It also provides the first opportunity to develop patient-doctor relationship.
C. Galen was the great master of pulse diagnosis
a. Only A is true
b. Only C is true
c. Only A and B are true
d. Only A and C are true
e. All A, B and C are true
13. For the examination of nubz the fingers should be placed at
a. Mafsil
b. Wareed
c. Ribatat
d. Shiryan
e. Autar
14. Select the correct statement/s about tabi’at
A. Hippocrates said that Tabi‘at is that quwwat which is an executive power of the body, source
of all motions and rest
B. Rabban Tabri mentioned that, practically Tabi‘at is considered as an administrative power of the body
C. Ali Ibnu Abbas Majoosi mentioned that “Tabi’at itself recover the body from diseases”
a. Only A is true
b. Only C is true
c. Only A and B are true
d. Only A and C are true
e. All A, B and C are true
15. Which of the following statement is false about fat digestion
a. Heat of the stomach liquidize the lipids and thus emulsification of lipids starts in the stomach
b. Bile salts emulsify dietary fats in the small intestine, forming mixed micelles
c. Very little amount of fat excreted in the feaces
d. Chylomicrons move through the lymphatic system and bloodstream to tissue
e. Chylomicrons are formed in the lumen of the small intestine and enter in to the entrocytes
16. Regarding Qabz, which of the following statement/s is/are true?
A. According to unani concept muzmin qabz is the main cause for degenerative diseases
B. Qabz is one of the common features in damavi mizaj individuals
C. Elimination of qabz in old age by using laxative/ mild purgative in every 6 months can
minimize the old age diseases
a. Only A is true
b. Only C is true
c. Only A and B are true
d. Only A and C are true
e. All are true
17. Select the correct statement/s about ‘reasons of feeling radial pulse’
A. It is easily accessible and more clearly felt than any other arterial pulse because it is
subcutaneous and usually not covered by the muscles
B. It can be examine without embarrassment to the patient particularly in female
C. It has directly continuity with the heart and quite close to it
a. Only A is true
b. Only C is true
c. Only A and B are true
d. Only A and C are true
e. All A, B and C are true
18. According to the guideline of eating, Unani system of medicine said that ‘never eat on run’. Select the
correct physiological reason/s for the said guideline.
A. Eating too fast disrupts hormones that regulate appetite and hunger. These hormones are
responsible for signaling satiety and prevent the feeling of fullness
B. Eating fast reduce good cholesterol levels and increase bad cholesterol levels
C. Eating fast improves good digestion
a. Only A is true
b. Only B is true
c. Only A and C are true
d. Only A and B are true
e. All are true
19. Select the incorrect statement/s about hararte ghareeziya and ruthoobate ghareeziya
a. hararte ghareeziya means innate heat
b. hararte ghareeziya always depend on ruthoobate ghareeziya
c. Ibnu Sina stated that the hararte ghareeziyais not gifted by God
d. Ibnu Rushd defines hararte ghareeziya as hararat taba’i
e. Ruthoobate ghareeziya means innate fluid
20. Select the correct statement/s about consistency of artery (qiwam e ala)
A. Hard pulse (nabz-e-sulb) is the one which is not easily compressed with the examining finger
B. Soft pulse (nabz-e-layyan) is the pulse which is easily compressed with the examining finger
C. Medium pulse (nabz-e-motadil) is the pulse which is very easily compressed with the examining finger
a. Only A is true
b. Only C is true
c. Only A and B are true
d. Only A and C are true
e. All A, B and C are true

iGalba / kasrath – excess

Riqqath – deficiency

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