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Test 1 Training Reading and Writing Part 6

1 Put a tick (✔) if you can see or a cross (✘) if you can’t see the things in the picture.

clouds moon monkeys tree

ship jellyfish parrots girl

TIP! In Part 6, x
think of
boy bottle man woman questions
about the
bowl helicopter rainbow picture
and how
to answer
Answering questions about a picture them.

2 Match the questions and answers.

A bottle with a message in it. It’s jumping out of the water.

She’s climbing a tree. A helicopter and some clouds.
A man and a woman. He’s taking a photo.
They are by a waterfall.

0 Where are the people and animals? They are by a waterfall.

1 What can you see in the sky?

2 What is the fish doing?

3 Who is in the boat?

4 What is the man trying to catch?

5 What is the boy doing?

6 What is the girl doing?

Test 1 Training Reading and Writing Part 6

Your turn!
TIP! Think carefully
3 Look at the picture and the mixed up words. Make sentences about the
about the picture. order of the
words. In
Part 6 you
write two
about the

garden / day / It’s / sunny / the / a / in

It’s a sunny day in the garden.

1 man / and / lemonade / woman / drinking / The / are

2 baby / drawing / The / is / the / girl

3 table / a / on / There’s / book / the

4 game / children / are / football / a / of / Two / playing

5 swimming / with / in / pool / girls / ball / are / The / playing / a / the

Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing Part 6

Part 6
– 6 questions –

Look and read and write.


What are the chickens doing? eating

Who is driving the tractor? the woman 35
Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing Part 6

Complete the sentences.

1 Two of the buildings have got a round .

2 The boy is wearing a pair of .

Answer the questions.

3 Where are the rabbits?

4 Which animal is crossing the river?

Now write two sentences about the picture.

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