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Speaking Project Script

Topic: My favorite music and why I love it

Students’ name:
Level: 5 (Intermedio)

 Use this script to organize the sections and topics of your video.
 Write what you are going to say in each section of the video.
 Consider time in each section.

Say hello using a common expression.

Introduce yourself (mention your name,

last name and subject)
Say what you are going to talk about in
the video. (“In this video, I’m going to
talk about...”)
1. Introduce your topics, use some
simple sentences.
My favorite genre of music is____. I
specially love _____, he/she/they is/are
from _____. My favorite song is _____.

2. Talk about your topics and

examples. Make sure all the
participants speak.
They wrote this song in _____, while
they were on tour. I like the song
because it says that _____. What is
your favorite song by _____? What did
you think when ____?

3. Express your opinions and ideas

based on the topic of your video. Close
the topic.

(Say goodbye using a common

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