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Abigial Patterson

Firdevs Idil Kurtulan


April 20, 2023

ENC2135 Reflection

“Who would want to learn how to write essays all day?”, is what I thought to myself

when others would tell me about their English homework. As a Homeschooled student, my

education had little English composition background. I was afraid to enroll in the ENC2135 class

at Florida State, fearing that my essays may not be on par with the standards that college level

composition demands. But after experiencing this class, I have learned a great deal about what it

means to utilize genres and rhetoric to craft compositions that persuade and inform. Rather than

fearing English composition, I now embrace it. Learning about rhetorical appeals and genre

conventions has encouraged me to analyze the compositions around me in addition to my own

works. It is now difficult to refrain from analyzing every work around me. Whether it be visual,

or text based, I now find myself looking deeper into the different elements that play a part in a

rhetorical symphony.

During ENC2135, I have learned so much about the different genres of writing found in

compositions. Coming into this class with little to no formal writing classes, I was initially

interested in the impact that genre conventions and elements can have on the way we think and

communicate. I learned that the different modalities of genres, such as visuals, text, and sound,

can enhance the compositions to more effectively connect with audiences. Additionally, through

this class I learned how important each step of composition creation like drafting, revision, and

editing is. By applying those composition creation steps, which I traditionally used in text-based

genres, I was able to create multi modal compositions. In the process of creating compositions in
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various genres, I gained knowledge into how the conventions of each genre shape the way

compositions are perceived.

Another thing I learned in this class is how to evaluate sources for credibility. By

analyzing multiple sources across many genres, I was able to identify the different rhetorical

strategies utilized by authors and the way that genre conventions impact the effects of such

rhetoric. Through this experience I’ve learned to evaluate sources more critically and to find the

ways in which authors use language, evidence, visual and text-based elements to persuade their

audience. By utilizing rhetoric to evaluate sources, I have found myself with a more critical

mindset when I’m presented sources or evidence. This skill will allow me to become a more

analytical individual when presented with compositions in personal and career experiences.

Through this experience I was enabled to evaluate sources more critically and to recognize the

ways in which authors may use language, evidence, visual and text-based elements to persuade

their audience.

Overall, this class has provided me with a deeper understanding of rhetorical elements

and the genre conventions that can utilize and impact them. This class has been great and helped

me develop my writing skills. I now have a deeper understanding of the writing process, genre

conventions, rhetoric, and citation. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had a supportive and

knowledgeable instructor who created a welcoming and encouraging environment for everyone

in the class. Approachable demeanor and constructive criticism has really grown me as a writer

without feeling judged or “bad at writing”.

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