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Date: 3 RD JUNE 2022 Day: FRIDAY


Topics include:
1. Pharmacognostic Study of Carbohydrates
2. Pharmacognostic Study of Terpenoids
3. Pharmacognostic Study of Glycosides

1. Explain briefly the following chemical tests.

a. Bial test
b. Seliwanoff test
c. Benedict test
d. Barfoed test

2. Write the biological source, chemical constituents and uses of honey.

BS- Viscous and sweet secretion stored in honey comb of various bee species
CC – Dextrose, sucrose
Uses – antiseptic, antimicrobial, tx cough fever etc

3. Write the chemical constituents and uses of glycerrhiza.

Glyccyrrhizin @glycryhizic acid

50 times sweeter than sugar

Upon hydrolysis >> lsoe sweet taste >> give rise to aglycone glycyrrhetinic acid/ glycyrrhetic
acid (pentacyclic triterpene derivate of b-amyrin type) + 2 moles glucuronic acid

Carbenoxolone (oleandane derivative) >> can be prep from glycyrrhiza >> possess
mineralocorticoid activity >> used as anti-ulcer drug.

Other chemicals
- coumarin der
- flavonoid glycoside
- asparagine, glucose, mannitol, abt 20% starch.

4. Explain briefly the following chemical tests.

a. Tollens test
Used to detect digitalis glycoside.

Tollen reagent preparation: Add 0.1 N soln. AgNO3 to diluted NH4OH >> until white
precipitation initially formed >> further add NH4OH until white precipitate gets dissolved.

Small amount of glycoside is dissolved in few drops of pyridine. Then, fw mL of Tollen’s

regaent is added, then the mixture is heated gently.

Appearance of silver mirror shows positive test.

b. Leibermann-Burchard test

c. Keller-Kiliani test
For a-deoxy sugar (eg: digitoxose)
Dissolve glycoside in glacial acetic acid containing FeCl3 trace >> add same amt of FeCl3 into
H2SO4 along side of test tube to settle at the bottom.

Reddish brown color change to blueish green appears at junction of 2 reagents within 2-5 mins
spreading slowly into acetic aacid layer.

d. Kedde test
For cardenolides and cardenolide aglycones

Reagent prep: mix equal volume of 2% w/v sltn of 3,5-dinitrobezoic acid in methanol and 7.5%
w/v aqs sltn of KOH.

A solution of glycoside is treated with small amt of Kedde’s reagent

Development of blueor violet color that fades out in 1-2 hrs (positive test).

e. Raymond test
Fo activated methylene group at C1 in lactone ring

Raymond reagent: 1% w/v sltn of m-dinitrobenzene in ethanol or methanol.

Dissolve small quantity of glycoside in 1ml 50% ethanol. Add to it 0.1ml of Raymond reagent
and 2/3 drops of NaOH solution 20% w/v

Positive test: appearance of violet color slowly changing to blue

5. Write the biological source, chemical constituents and uses of foxglove leaves.

6. Write the chemical constituents and uses of senna leaf.

Sennoside A,B,C,D
Small quantity of monomeric glycosides and anthaquinones; Rhein-8-glucosides, Aloe-emodin
anthrone diglycoside, Isorhamnetin,
Kaempterol, salicyclic acid, resins, mucilage.

7. a. state the isoprene rule and special isoprene rule.

Isoprene rule – Wallach

The skeleton structure of all naturally occurring terpenoids are BUILD UP OF ISOPRENE UNIT;
*thermal decomp >> 1 isoprene unit >> eg; rubber
*polymerization under special condition

Special Isoprene Rule – Ingold

How isoprene units are linked

b. List FOUR (4) methods of isolation of essential oils.

Isolation of essential oils

1. Distillation

Simple Steam Distillation >> plant material directly immersed in water in stil then boiled >>
heterogenous vapour condense on cold surface >> essential oil separated based on diff in
density and immiscibility.

Saturated Steam
Steam injected through plant material placed on perforated tray
(can use moderate pressure)
- Plant does not contact water >> limits alteration of oil constituents
- Shorten duration tx
- Conserve energy
- Can be conducted on-line in automatic set up

Pulses of steam sent through plant material at very low pressure from top to bottom
- High quality product
- Save time and energy

Steam Distillation by Microwave under Vacuum

- plant heated selectively by microwave radiation
- pressure is reduced sequentially
- fresh plant req no added water
Adv: fast, consume little energy, higher quality

2. Expression
- Rind lacerated >> contents of ruptured secretory cavities are recovered
- Classic process >> abrasion on fruit with flow of water >> solid waste eliminated, essential oil
separated from aqs phase centrifugation.
- Machine (like espresso but no water) >> break cavities by depression and directly collect
essential oil >> prevent degradation linked to water.

3. Enfleurage (adsorption in purified fats)

- glass plate covered with thin coat of odorless fat (@ chassis) >> freshly cut individually laid to
the fat >> flowers are replaced with fresh ones >> gradually fat become saturated with flower
essential oil >> form pomade, treated w alcohol to extract oil from fat.

4. Extraction (using volatile solvents)

8. Briefly explain the macroscopic characteristics of ginger rhizome.

9. Write the chemical constituents and uses of strophanthus seeds.

10. Discuss briefly the chemistry cardiac glycosides.

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