Earth and Life Science

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Isabela City, Basilan




DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and write the LETTER of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET

1. Why is earth considered the densest planet in the solar system?

A. Because its temperature is more than 120 degrees Celsius.

B. Because 40% of Earth’s surface is covered of water.
C. Because it contains 28% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% argon.
D. Because it is the third planet from the Sun and the only object in the universe known to harbor life.

2. To enable life, Earth is unique among planets in our solar system for having water in its liquid
form at the surface, approximately how many % of Earth’s surface is covered with water?

A. 90 %
B. 100 %
C. 70 %
D. 40 %

3. What is unique about the earth?

A. Proximity to the sun- too much heat.

B. Proximity to the sun-neither too much heat nor too little.
C. Proximity to the sun- too much cold in the day.
D. Proximity to the sun-too much heat in the day and cold in the night.

4. What is unique about the existence of water in the earth?

A. Overflowing and never ending.

B. Neither too much nor too little- that is in liquid form.
C. Too much cold.
D. Has its point of freezing in the south and north pole.

5. Earth is the only planet that is habitable, wherein the atmosphere is 100 miles thick. Which of the
following statements is CORRECT regarding the Earth’s atmosphere?

A. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100 miles thick. It keeps the surface warm & protects it from radiation &
small- to medium-sized meteorites
B. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100 miles thick. It does not keep the surface warm & protects it from
radiation & small- to medium-sized meteorites
C. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100 miles thick. It keeps the surface warm & does not protect it from
radiation & small- to medium-sized meteorites
D. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100 miles thick. It keeps the surface warm & protects it from radiation &
large- to medium-sized meteorites

6. Aria is asking her teacher on the different subsystems of the earth. Her teacher provided her the
information except for one which is not included. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major
geological subsystems of Earth?

A. Biosphere
B. Hydrosphere
C. Photosphere
D. Geosphere
7. ¾ of the earth is water. Which subsystem comprises bodies of water?

A. Geosphere
B. Hydrosphere
C. Biosphere
D. Atmosphere

8. Sahara Desert and Rainforests in Amazon are the largest landforms on earth. Which of the following
subsystem comprises desert and rainforest?

A. Geosphere
B. Hydrosphere
C. Biosphere
D. Atmosphere

9. How does the atmosphere support other subsystems?

I. It supplies organisms the needed oxygen and carbon dioxide.

II. It absorbs all the minerals and nutrients from the geosphere.
III. It serves as a reservoir for water vapor.
IV. It shapes the Earth’s landforms by its constant movement as the wind.

A. I and II
B. I, II and III
C. I, III and IV
D. III and IV

10. Which of the following are TRUE about the hydrosphere?

I. Ice and water vapor suspended in the atmosphere are included in the hydrosphere.
II. Freshwater is greater than the amount of salt water on Earth?
III. The water on Earth is constantly moving.
IV. Water can move from the Earth’s surface to the air by precipitation and then fall back to Earth by evaporation.

A. I only
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. III and IV

11. Why do minerals have different crystal shapes?

A. Because light reflect from crystal surface.

B. Because energy is released during Crystallization.
C. Because of impurities that produce surface variations.
D. Because of the internal arrangement of the atoms.

12. Why isn't color alone very useful in mineral identification?

A. Many minerals have the same color.

B. One mineral can have many different colors.
C. The presence of one element can cause many colors.
D. Minerals have only one color.
13. Carmen is a SCI-NET student. She wants to know what is the exact composition of a Dolomite. After
performing an experiment, Carmen found out that it was composed of which of the following chemical

A. MgSO4
B. CaMg(CO3)2
D. H2O

14. What can you infer about graphite from the fact that you can scratch it with just your fingernail?

A. It’s not very lustrous.

B. It’s not very hard.
C. Its streak is black colored.
D. It has fracture.

15. Minerals have different physical properties to help the scientists identify them. Which of the following
is NOT a physical properties of a minerals?

A. Color
B. Hardness
C. Size
D. Luster



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