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Form 20 RepuBLic OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ‘THE COMPANIES ACT, 1995 (Section 318) EXTERNAL COMPANY APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION 1. Name of Company.. 2, Address of Registered or Head Office Company No 8, Address of Principal Office in Trinidad and Tobago... 4, Corporate Structure: (a) Jurisdiction in which incorporated; (©) Date and manner of incorporation; (@) Period fixed for duration of Company; (@) Extent to which liability of shareholders limited. 5. ‘Number of Class | Authorized] Subscribed | Paid-up or {Shares Company| Notninal or of Capital Capital Stated | is authorized | Par Value of Shares Capital toissue | Shares, if any 6, Restrictions, if any, on the business that the Company may carry on and the date on which the Company commenced or intends to commence any of its operations in Trinidad and Tobago. 7. The Directors of the Company are: Full Name “Address [ Geeupation 8. Documents attached are: (1@ Verified copy of corporate instruments defining constitution of Company; (©) Power of Attorney in accordance with section 323; (©) Statutory declaration by Directors; [F1@) Statutory declaration by Attorney-at-law. Date Name and Title Signature ‘TRE COMPANIES ACT, 1995 EXTERNAL COMPANY “APPLICATION POR REGISTRATION Fone 20 INSTRUCTIONS Hem 1 ‘Set out full legal name af eommpany. Heme Band $ ‘Set out address in fll, such as street, mumbor and if muli-office building, room number and postal code, Hem Give date, jurisdiction and manner of incorporation and particulars ofits eonporaee intCruments, includiig the period, if any, fixed ly is corporate instruments for its duration. With respect to jurediction, in Uhe ease of eourtries which are federal states, ‘as specific as possible, e.g. "The State of North Carolina, Unitod States nf America” Hone State particulars required by section 818(1)) ofthe Act Item 6 ‘frosritions ore to be placed on the business the company may carry on, set out the restrictions und state the date on which ‘the company commenced er intends to commence any of ita operations in Trinidad and Tobago, Rem 7 With respect to each director, set out first given name, middle name and family name and fall address. Aiso epecify ‘coupation. fem 8 A verified copy of each of ite corporate instruments with up-todate amendments must be tained from an appropriate offical ofthe jurisdiction where the company is incorporated or deemed tobe incurporated. A natarially certified copy wil be accepted. ‘There must also accompany the statement the statutory declarations required hy section 318(2\) ofthe Act one of which must Include a declaration that the Compeny i « validly existing Company. Signature ‘A director or authori officer of the company of an Attorney-at-aw shall gn the application Completed documents, in duslicats, and the proscrited feos are tobe fled at the office of the Registrar and one set of the duplicate originals would be returned to the company or its representative with the endorsemant "Registored” and the date of registration,

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