1.2 Edu 011 - Midterm Notes

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DAY 11 The Teacher and the Parents implementation of such programs.

As a PARENT 2. The right to access to any official record directly
relating to the children who are under their parental
Article 218 of the Family Code responsibility.
“The school, its administrators and teachers, or the
individual, entity or institution engaged in child care
shall have special parental authority and responsibility
over the minor child while under their supervision, CHAPTER 3: Duties and Obligations
instruction or custody.” Section 14 Duties of Parents
Article 219 of the Family Code In addition to those provided for under existing laws, all
“Those given the authority and responsibility under parents shall have the following duties and obligations:
(Article 218) shall principally and solidarily liable for 1. Parents, individually or collectively, through the
damages caused by acts or omissions of the school systems, shall help carry out the educational
unemancipated minor. objectives in accordance with national goals.
2. Parents shall be obliged to enable their children to
CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS obtain elementary education and shall strive to enable
Article IX: The Teachers and Parents them to obtain secondary and higher education in the
pursuance of the right formation of the youth.
Section 1 3. Parents shall cooperate with the school in the
Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial implementation of the school program curricular and
relations with parents, and shall conduct himself to co-curricular.
merit their confidence and respect.
Teachers need to build strong relationships with school
Section 2 stakeholders
Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper By: Business Mirror
authorities, of the progress and deficiencies of learner July 19, 2018
under him, exercising utmost candour and tact in
pointing out the learner's deficiencies and in seeking As teachers, our primary goal for our students is to
parent’s cooperation for the proper guidance and promote learning, inspire them to bring out their best
improvement of the learners. and help them become productive members of the
Section 3
A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy Some teachers are more popular than others among
and understanding, and shall discourage unfair criticism. students. These teachers become popular by building
good relationships with their students, and by treating
BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 232 them with respect. However, this ideal situation would
CHAPTER 2: Rights not be possible without the help and support of all
Section 8 Rights of Parents school stakeholders.
In addition to other rights under existing laws, all
Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an
parents who have children enrolled in a school have the
interest or concern for the school. They include parents,
following rights:
school administrators, board members, local
government officials, alumni and socio-civic groups who
1. The right to organize by themselves and/or with
contribute to the development of the school community.
teachers for the purpose of providing a forum for the
discussion of matters relating to the total school Thus, a healthy relationship between the teachers and
program, and for ensuring the full cooperation of stakeholders is important, as this will enable everybody
parents and teachers in the formulation and efficient to harmoniously work together, which will have a


positive impact on the students. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the

development of the youth; he shall, therefore, render
Parents desire a successful educational system for their the best service by providing an environment conducive
children; while the students themselves want to receive to such learning and growth.
good education. It’s easy to imagine the influence the
education system has on government officials, like city Section 2
councilors and district representatives, as voters also Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to
base their decision on the way public officials show actively participate in community movements for moral,
their support to the school system. social, educational, economic and civic betterment.

Section 3
Individuals at this age are pulling away from adults. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition
Being accepted by their peers is the key to develop their for which purpose he shall behave with honour and
self-esteem. When children feel good about themselves, dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as
it’s much easier to motivate them to become gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses,
academically proficient. much less illicit relations.

For example, a stakeholder’s input and relationship with

other stakeholders are important in the planning, Section 4
implementation and evaluation of, say, health Every teacher shall live for and with the community and
promotion and education programs in schools. Their shall, therefore, study and understand local customs
personal perceptions and understanding can help and traditions in order to have sympathetic attitude,
motivate children in the school environment. Parents, therefore, refrain from disparaging the community.
on the other hand, can support and influence the
adoption and implementation of a solid school Section 5
curriculum. In addition, the parents can help monitor Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in
and evaluate the implementation of the curriculum by the community informed about the school’s work and
keeping abreast with the performance of their children, accomplishments as well as its needs and problems.
particularly by monitoring their homework activities.
Section 6
Furthermore, the parents can help teachers by Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community,
monitoring the behavior and social development of especially in the barangay, and shall welcome the
their children at home, especially for children with opportunity to provide such leadership when needed,
special education needs. to extend counselling services, as appropriate, and to
actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of
As teachers, we know we are dealing with fragile beings.
the people.
Adolescence, for example, brings insecurities.
Individuals at this age are pulling away from adults.
Section 7
Being accepted by their peers is the key to develop their
Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant
self-esteem. When children feel good about themselves,
personal and official relations with other professionals,
it’s much easier to motivate them to become
with government officials, and with the people,
academically proficient.
individually or collectively.
DAY 12 The Teacher and the Community
Section 8
CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and
Article III: The Teacher and the Community worships as appropriate, but shall not use his positions
Section 1 and influence to proselyte others.


Section 6
DAY 13 The Teacher and Higher Authorities A teacher who accepts a position assumes a contractual
obligation to live up to his contract, assuming full
CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS knowledge of employment terms and conditions.
Article VI: The Teacher and Higher Authorities in the
Profession Article VII: School Officials, Teachers, and Other
Section 1
Every teacher shall make it his duty to make an honest Section 1
effort to understand and support the legitimate policies All school officials shall at all times show professional
of the school and the administration regardless of courtesy, helpfulness and sympathy towards teachers
personal feeling or private opinion and shall faithfully and other personnel, such practices being standards of
carry them out. effective school supervision, dignified administration,
responsible leadership and enlightened directions.
Section 2
A teacher shall not make any false accusations or Section 2
charges against superiors, especially under anonymity. School officials, teachers, and other school personnel
However, if there are valid charges, he should present shall consider it their cooperative responsibility to
such under oath to competent authority. formulate policies or introduce important changes in
the system at all levels.

Section 3
School officials shall encourage and attend the
professional growth of all teachers under them such as
Section 3 recommending them for promotion, giving them due
A teacher shall transact all official business through recognition for meritorious performance, and allowing
channels except when special conditions warrant a them to participate in conferences in training programs.
different procedure, such as when special conditions
are advocated but are opposed by immediate superiors,
in which case, the teacher shall appeal directly to the
appropriate higher authority. Section 4
No school officials shall dismiss or recommend for
Section 4 dismissal a teacher or other subordinates except for
Every teacher, individually or as part of a group, has a cause.
right to seek redress against injustice to the
administration and to extent possible, shall raise Section 5
grievances within acceptable democratic possesses. In School authorities concern shall ensure that public
doing so, they shall avoid jeopardizing the interest and school teachers are employed in accordance with
the welfare of learners who’s right to learn must be pertinent civil service rules, and private school teachers
respected. are issued contracts specifying the terms and conditions
of their work; provided that they are given, if qualified,
Section 5 subsequent permanent tenure, in accordance with
Every teacher has a right to invoke the principle that existing laws.
appointments, promotions, and transfer of teachers are
made only on the basis of merit and needed in the REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670


SECTION 8 Safeguards in Disciplinary Procedure authorities for administrative actions against non-
Every teacher shall enjoy equitable safeguards at each teaching personnel in their respective school divisions,
stage of any disciplinary procedure and shall have: For disciplinary actions or administrative cases against
a. The right to be informed, in writing, of the officers and employees of the Department of Education
charges; at its Central Office and against Presidential appointees,
b. The right to full access to the evidence in the namely: Assistant Superintendents, Superintendents,
case; Assistant Regional Directors, Regional Directors,
c. The right to defend himself and to be defended Assistant Secretaries and Undersecretaries of Education,
by a representative of his choice and/or by his the Secretary shall have original and exclusive
organization, adequate time being given to the jurisdiction. Decisions of the Secretary of Education
teacher for the preparation of his defense; and over administrative cases against said Presidential
d. The right to appeal to clearly designated appointees shall be subject to confirmation, disapproval
authorities. or modification by the President of the Philippines.
No publicity shall be given to any disciplinary action Section 2 Grounds for Disciplinary Action
being taken against a teacher during the pendency of An administrative complaint may be filed for any of the
his case. following grounds for disciplinary action:
a. Dishonesty
SECTION 9 Administrative Charges b. Oppression
Administrative charges against a teacher shall be heard c. Neglect of duty
initially by a committee composed of the corresponding d. Misconduct
School Superintendent of the Division or a duly e. Disgraceful and immoral conduct
authorized representative who should at least have the f. Being notoriously undesirable
rank of a division supervisor, where the teacher belongs, g. Discourtesy in the course of official duties
as chairman, a representative of the local or, in its h. Inefficiency and incompetence in the
absence, any existing provincial or national teacher’s performance of official duties
organization and a supervisor of the Division, the last i. Receiving for personal use of a fee, gift or
two to be designated by the Director of Public Schools. other valuable thing in the course of official
The committee shall submit its findings and duties or in connection therewith when such
recommendations to the Director of Public Schools fee, gift or other valuable thing is given by any
within thirty days from the termination of the hearings: person in the hope or expectation of receiving a
Provided, however, that where the school favor or better treatment than that accorded
superintendent is the complainant or an interested other persons or committing
party, all the members of the committee shall be acts punishable under the anti-graft laws
appointed by the Secretary of Education. j. Conviction of a crime involving moral
k. Improper or unauthorized solicitation of
December 1, 2006 contributions from subordinate employees and
DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2006 by teachers or school officials from school
l. Violation of existing Civil Service Law and
Section 1 Disciplining Authority Rules or reasonable office regulations
The disciplining authorities in the Department of m. Falsification of official documents
Education shall be the Secretary and the Regional n. Frequent unauthorized absences or tardiness
Directors in their respective regions. The in reporting for duty, loafing or frequent
Superintendents of Schools shall also be the disciplining unauthorized absences from duty during regular


office hours Section 3

o. Habitual drunkenness Procedure in Commencing Administrative Cases
p. Gambling prohibited by law Administrative proceedings may be commenced motu
q. Refusal to perform official duty or render proprio by the Secretary of Education, the Regional
overtime service Director, in case of DepED Officials and teaching and
r. Disgraceful, immoral or dishonest conduct non-teaching personnel, and the Schools Division
prior to entering the service Superintendents in case of non-teaching personnel
s. Physical or mental incapacity or disability within their jurisdiction. Said proceedings may also be
due to immoral vicious habits commenced upon sworn written complaint of any other
t. Borrowing money by superior officers from persons.
subordinates or lending by subordinates to
superior officers Section 4
u. Lending money at usurious rates of Form of Complaint
interest A complaint shall be under oath and shall be written in a
v. Willful failure to pay just debts or willful clear, simple, and concise language so as to inform the
failure to pay taxes due the government person complained of, about the nature and cause of
w. Contracting loans of money or other accusation against him to enable him to intelligently
property from persons with whom the office of prepare his defense or answer.
the employees concerned has business relations
x. Pursuit of private-business, vocation or Section 5
profession without the permission required by Content of Complaint
the Civil Service rules and regulations A complaint shall contain the following;
y. Insubordination a. Full name and address of the complainant
z. Engaging directly or indirectly in partisan b. Full name and address of the person
political activities by one holding a non complained as well as his position and office in
political office. the Department of Education
aa. conduct prejudicial to the best interest c. A narration of the relevant and material facts
of the service which should show the acts or omissions as
bb. lobbying for personal interest or gain in allegedly committed by the person
legislative halls or offices without authority. d. Certified true copies of documentary evidence
cc. Promoting the sale of tickets in behalf of and affidavits of his witnesses if any; and
private enterprises that are not intended for
charitable or public welfare purposes and even e. Certification or statement on non-forum
in the fatter cases if there is no prior authority shopping
dd. Nepotism as defined in Section 59,
Chapter 8, Subtitle A, Title I, Book V of E.O. Section 6
No. 292 When and Where to File a Complaint
ee. Sexual Harassment as defined and penalized Sworn written administrative complaints may be filed at
under CSC Resolution No. 01 0940. any time with the School Superintendents concerned
for cases against non-teaching personnel in their
A Grievance Committee is not allowed to hear and respective divisions or with the Regional Directors
decide administrative disciplinary cases. If a concerned for cases against teachers and against their
complainant charges the respondent with the personnel at their respective regional offices or at the
commission of administrative offenses, the same shall Legal Division of the Central Office for cases against
be disposed of accordingly by the Disciplining Authority. Presidential Appointees and employees at the Central
Office. The Secretary of Education can take cognizance
of any complaint or administrative case filed before any


office of the Department of Education. the Order of the disciplining authority

appointing him/them as investigator(s) and
shall be terminated within thirty (30) days
g. Investigation Report – Within five (5) days from
the termination of the preliminary investigation
or fact-finding investigation, the investigator(s)
Section 7 shall submit the complete records of the case to
Withdrawal of the Complaint the Disciplining Authority together with
The withdrawal of the complaint does not result in its his/their investigation report which should
outright dismissal nor in the discharge of the person contain his/their findings and recommendations,
complained of from any administrative liability. Where
there is obvious truth or merit to the allegations in the
complaint or where there is documentary evidence that h. If a prima facie case is established during the
would tend to prove the guilt of the person complained investigation, a formal charge shall be issued by
of, the same should be given due course. the Disciplining Authority. A prima facie case
shall mean that there is reasonable ground to
Section 8
Actions on the Complaint believe that the respondent is probably guilty of the
a. The disciplining authority concerned shall charge/s against him, and should be investigated
dismiss outright a complaint if on its face, there accordingly.
is obviously no truth or merit to the allegations
therein. Section 10 Formal Charge
b. The Disciplining Authority shall also dismiss the The Formal Charge shall contain a specification of
complaint if the same is not in accordance with charge(s), a brief statement of material or relevant facts
the required form and /or if it does not comply accompanied by certified true copies of documentary
with the required content of a complaint, evidence, if any, sworn statements covering the
c. If the complaint is sufficient in form and testimony of witnesses, if any, a directive to answer
substance, the disciplining authority shall give under oath the charge(s) in writing in not less than
due course to the complaint by appointing seventy-two (72) hours from receipt thereof, an advice
within ten (10) days from receipt of the for the respondent’ to indicate in his answer whether or
complaint an investigator(s) who shall conduct not he elects a formal investigation of the charge (s) and
fact-finding investigation or preliminary a notice that he is entitled to be assisted by a counsel of
investigation. his choice.
d. No action shall be taken on an anonymous
complaint, unless the Disciplining Section 11 Submission of Additional Evidence
e. After the termination of the hearing(s) for If the respondent had already submitted his Comment
clarificatory questions, the investigator(s) shall under oath or Counter-Affidavit during the Fact Finding
make an ex parte examination of records and Investigation or Preliminary Investigation, he shall be
documents submitted by the complainant and given the opportunity to submit additional evidence.
by the person complained of as well as the
documents readily available from other Section 12 Prohibited Pleadings
government offices. The Disciplining Authority shall not entertain dilatory
requests for clarification, bills of particulars, or motions
f. A fact-finding investigation or preliminary to suspend proceedings on account of a pending court
investigation shall commence not later than five case in the absence of a temporary restraining order or
(5) days from receipt by the investigator(s) of injunctive writ. If any of these pleadings are interposed


by respondent, the same shall be considered as an the formal hearings.

answer and shall be evaluated as such.
Section 18 Duration of Preventive Suspension
Section 13 Answer When the administrative case against an officer or
The Answer, which shall be in writing and under oath, employee under Preventive Suspension is not finally
shall be specific and shall contain material facts and decided by the disciplining authority within the period
applicable laws, if any, including documentary evidence, of ninety (90) days after the date of the Preventive
sworn statements covering testimonies of witnesses, if Suspension, unless otherwise provided by special law,
there be any, in support of his defense(s). It shall also he shall be automatically reinstated in the service,
include a statement indicating whether or not he elects provided that when the delay in the disposition of the
a formal investigation. case is due to the fault, negligence or petition of
respondent, the period of delay should not be included
Section 14 Failure to File an Answer in the counting of the ninety (90) calendar day period of
If the respondent fails or refuse to file his Answer to the Preventive Suspension.
Formal Charge within five (5) days from receipt thereof,
he shall be considered to have waived his right thereto Section 19 Remedies from the Order of Preventive
and the Formal Investigation may commence. Suspension
The respondent may file a Motion for Reconsideration
with the disciplining authority or may elevate the same
Section 15 Preventive Suspension to the Civil Service Commission by way of an Appeal
Upon motion of the complainant or Motu Proprio, the within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof.
proper Disciplining Authority may issue an Order of
Preventive Suspension upon issuance of the Formal
Charge immediately thereafter to any subordinate
officer or employee under his authority pending an
investigation, if the charges involve: Section 20 Formal Investigation
a. Dishonesty Although the respondent does not request a Formal
b. Oppression Investigation, one shall nevertheless be conducted
c. Grave Misconduct when the allegations of the complaint and the Answer
d. Neglect in the Performance of Duty; or of the respondent, including the supporting documents
e. If there are reasons to believe that the of both parties, the merits of the case cannot be
respondent is guilty of charges which would decided judiciously without conducting investigation.
warrant his removal from the service.
DAY 14 The Teacher and the Profession The Teacher
Section 16 Reason for Preventive Suspension and Business
An Order of Preventive Suspension may also be issued
by the Disciplining Authority to temporarily remove the CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS
respondent from the scene of his misfeasance or Article IV: A Teacher and the Profession
malfeasance and to preclude the possibility of exerting
undue influence or pressure on the witnesses against Section 1
him or tampering of documentary evidence on file with Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the
his Office. noblest profession, and shall manifest genuine
enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.
Section 17 Substitute for Preventive Suspension
In lieu of Preventive Suspension, for the same purpose, Section 2
the proper disciplining authority or head of office, may Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible
reassign respondent to other units of the agency during standards of quality education, shall make the best


preparations for the career of teaching, and shall be at Section 3

his best at all times and in the practice of his profession. Before leaving his position, a teacher shall organize for
whoever assumes the position such records and other
Section 3 data as are necessary to carry on the work.
Every teacher shall participate in the Continuing
Professional Education (CPE) program of the Section 4
Professional Regulation Commission, and shall pursue A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential
such other studies as will improve his efficiency, information concerning associates and the school, and
enhance the prestige of the profession, and strengthen shall not divulge to anyone documents which has not
his competence, virtues, and productivity in order to be been officially released, or remove records from files
nationally and internationally competitive. without permission.

Section 4 Section 5
Every teacher shall help, if duly authorized, to seek It shall be the responsibility of every teacher to seek
support from the school, but shall not make improper correctives for what may appear to be an
misrepresentations through personal advertisements unprofessional and unethical conduct of any associate.
and other questionable means. However, this may be done only if there is
incontrovertible evidence for such conduct.
Section 5
Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a Section 6
manner that makes it dignified means for earning a A teacher may submit to the proper authorities any
decent living. justifiable criticism against an associate, preferably in
writing, without violating the right of the individual

Section 7
A teacher may apply for a vacant position for which he
is qualified; provided that he respects the system of
selection on the basis of merit and competence;
provided, further, that all qualified candidates are given
the opportunity to be considered.
Article V: The Teachers and the Profession

Section 1
Teachers shall, at all times, be imbued with the spirit of
professional loyalty, mutual confidence, and faith in one
another, self-sacrifice for the common good; and full
cooperation with colleagues. When the best interest of CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS
the learners, the school, or the profession is at stake in Article X: The Teacher and Business
any controversy, teachers shall support one another.
Section 1
Section 2 A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly,
A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work not of in legitimate income generation; provided that it does
his own, and shall give due credit for the work of others not relate to or adversely affect his work as a teacher.
which he may use.
Section 2
A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect


to the financial matters such as in the settlement of his - The doer of Mission.
debts and loans in arranging satisfactorily his private
financial affairs. 2. THE MISSION
a) To Impart Knowledge to our students
Section 3 b) To teach the child the fundamental concepts
No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, and help him master basic skills so he can
or be financially interested in, any commercial venture continue acquiring higher level skills in order to
which furnish textbooks and other school commodities become a productive member of society
in the purchase and disposal of which he can exercise c) To influence every child entrusted in our care to
official influence, except only when his assignment is become better and happier because life
inherently, related to such purchase and disposal; becomes more meaningful, thereby making a
provided they shall be in accordance with the existing lasting impact.
regulations; provided, further, that members of duly
recognized teachers cooperatives may participate in the d) To help the child become more human.
distribution and sale of such commodities. “To Inform and Transform”
 Knowledge and Skill
DAY 15 Teaching as a Vocation and Mission  Character
 Passion
Etymology of the word “vocation” 3. THE LEARNER
- The OBJECT of the Mission
 Vocation comes from latin word “vocare” which - The outcome of the learners determines the
means to call. Based on the etymology of the achievement of the mission.
word, vocation, therefore means a call. If there
is a call, there must be a caller and someone Teaching as a Profession
who is called. There must also be a respond.  A paid occupation, especially one that involves
 A teacher who practices teaching as his prolonged training and a formal qualification
vocation responds to the strong feeling, or  A calling requiring specialized knowledge and
calling for service, just like the historic biblical often long and intensive academic preparation
figures, with utmost dedication. (Merriam Webster)
 There is PERSONAL COMMITMENT, assume a  The term PROFESSIONAL is one of the most
teaching role out of SERVICE, SELF-LESS Choice exalted in the English language, denoting as it
does, long and arduous years of preparation. A
TEACHING AS A MISSION striving of excellence, a dedication to the public
 Comes from the Latin word “misio” which interest, and commitment to moral and ethical
means to send values.
 Task or Job that someone is given to do. (Hon. Hermogenes P. Pobre Chairperson, PRC)
 a body of persons sent to perform a service

3 Elements




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