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Footnote Template
First name Last name, Title of Book, # ed. (City, State: Publisher, Year of publication), page.
Bibliography Template
Last name, First name. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher,
Year of publication.
With Author and Editor
Footnote Template
First name Last name, Title of Book, ed. First Name Last Name of editor (City, State: Publisher,
Year of publication), page.
Bibliography Template
Last name, First name M.I. Title of Book. Edited by First name Last name. City, State: Publisher,
Year of publication.

Footnote Template
1. First name Last name, Title of eBook (City, State: Publisher, year), page number, URL/DOI/Database.
Bibliography Template
Last name, First name M.I. Title of Book. ed. City, State: Publisher, Year of publication. URL/DOI/Database.

Footnote Template
1. First name Last name, “Article Title,” Journal Title, volume, issue no., (month year): page.
Bibliography Template
Last name, First name. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal volume#, no. issue# (Date of Publication): page numbers. URL if
found online.

Footnote Template
1. First name Last name, “Article Title,” Magazine or Newspaper Title, Month Year, page number.
Bibliography Template
Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Magazine or Newspaper Title, Month Year.

Footnote Template
1. Podcast host and guest, “Title of podcast,” date, in Title of Podcast Series, produced by organization, podcast, MP3 audio,
time length, accessed date, URL.
Bibliography Template
Podcast host and guest. “Title of episode.” Produced by organization. PodcastSeries Title. Date aired. Podcast, MP3 audio,
time length. Accessed date. URL.

⭐Source Quoted in Another Source

Footnote Template
1. Author of original source, “Title of work,” in Title of Book, Name of editor, volume # (Publisher, Year), quoted in Name of
author, Title of Book/Journal, ed. (City: Publisher, Year), page.
1. Author of original source. “Title of work.” In Title of Book. Edited by Name of editor. volume #. Publisher, Year. Quoted in
Name of author. Title of Book/Journal. ed. City: Publisher, Year.

Footnote Template
1. First name Last name, “Title of Web Page,” Name of Website, Publishing Organization, publication or revision date if
available, access date if no other date is available, URL.
Bibliography Template
Last name, First name. “Title of Web Page.” Name of Website. Publishing organization, publication or revision date if
available. Access date if no other date is available. URL .

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