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Government of India

Ministry of Mines
Geological Survey of India

Field Season Year PROPOSAL ID

2022-2023 M3BPUB/NC/CHQ//2022/40428

Geographical Information
State District Mineral/ Tectonic Belt/Basin

Toposheet Degreesheet
Publication of Records of GSI Vol. 156, Part-9 (Annual Report of GSI for FS 2021-22)

To publish a comprehensive document to highlight Mission-wise achievement of entire geo-scientific and technical
contributions of the FSP items carried out by CHQ and Regions of GSI.

Background Information

Geological Survey of India, publishes the Record Series, Part - 9 from the GSI, Central Headquarters as Annual Report since 2010. The Annual Report is
published to highlight the Organisation s aims, objectives and achievements with details of the ongoing field season programmes vis-a-vis quantitative
achievements. After implementation of HPC, GSI started functioning in Mission mode therefore, it was planned to publish the highlights of Missions and
Support systems activities in Record Series, Part- 9 as Annual Report with chapters based on Mission mode as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2
Mission-I: Baseline Geoscience Data Generation Chapter 3 Mission-II: Natural Resources Assessment Chapter 4 Mission-III: Geoinformatics Chapter 5
Mission-IV: Fundamental and Multidisciplinary Sciences Chapter 6 Mission-V: Training and Capacity Building Chapter 7: Quality Control and Management
Chapter 8: Scientific & Technical Support System Chapter 9: Administrative Support System Chapter 10: Policy Support System Before, HPC, this information
was published in Annual General Report of GSI as Part -1 of Record Series. Record Volume 155, Part-9 (reports of FS 2020-21) is supposed to be released /
published in February/ March 2022 as the Annual Report by the Secretary, Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India in Central Geological Programming Board (CGPB)
Meeting. Based on the outcome of these items, FSP items for the next FSP are proposed and planned with stakeholders in CGPB meeting. Therefore, Annual
Report is a high priority publication of GSI. It is therefore, proposed to publish Annual Report (F. S. 2022-23) highlighting the work and achievements of items
from FS 2021-22 as standard Publication item. The proposed Annual report will be released in CGPB Meeting supposed to be held in February/ March 2023. The
publication work mainly starts from the month of September, once the final reports of the field season are submitted and uploaded. The approved draft material
for Annual Report is provided by the PSS Division, CHQ, GSI to the Publication Division, CHQ. This draft material is to be edited, processed and digital
publication is to be uploaded in the portal by the Publication Division, CHQ by February/ March. 65 copies of the final book are to be printed and distributed as
per the approved distribution list dated 16.09.2021.

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