Iste Certification Alignment Map

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ISTE Certification
Updated March, 2021


Note that the foundational expectation is that artifacts meet the ISTE Standards for Educators, which is to say, your
artifacts should reflect strong pedagogy and professionalism that makes thoughtful use of technology or digital resources.

Portfolio submitter (Please provide name, title, and a brief description of your primary role and responsibilities.
Additionally, if you serve in a position other than classroom teacher, describe who your “students” are within the
context of your artifact):

Link to artifacts folder/space:

Link to reflection document/artifact:

Artifact(s) Links Contextualization of Artifact &

ISTE Description of Implementation
Criteria Please use naming
Standard convention Please provide 1 unique contextualization per each criterion.

1. The educator reflects Does not count Insert the link to your reflection document here.
on his/her application of against 9-14
the ISTE standards and artifacts. Please Bradford_Reflection
goals for using them in introduce yourself
the future. in reflection.
1. Learner 2. Set professional Bradford_Artifact1 In artifact 1 I identified two professional goals focused
learning goals. on the educational Web 2.0 tools to enhance teaching
practices as well as student engagement. In working
with a group of third-grade students I was responsible
for students obtaining, evaluating, and communicating
information on how fossils provide evidence of past
organisms. My second goal was to coach other
educators at my school to implement educational
technology. Each goal is followed by its implementation


and the learning that I completed to strengthen my

usage of technology within the classroom.

This is highlighted on slides 2-14.

3. Actively participate in In Artifact 2 I shared a variety of professional learning
a local or global digital networks that I am a part of. I also demonstrated how I
network. participated in discussions by providing support to those
in the PLNs that I was a part of. Finally, I created an
interactive Twitter chat to discuss how teachers use
digital technology in math to support engagement and
Bradford_Artifact2 higher-order thinking.
4. Report changes In artifact 3, I document how I utilized research and
made to teaching current trends in educational technology in my current
practice based on teaching practice. I reflected on 8 scholarly review
timely, research-based research articles to create my capstone project
best practices. coaching a group of third-grade teachers on
instructional technology that can be used to create math
tasks that promote higher-order thinking and problem-
solving. Before my research, I used technology in math
for skill practice such as Xtra Math for fact practice or
IXL to practice standard content. After my research, I
changed my practices to be more engaging and
Bradford_Artifact3 rigorous.
2. Leader 5. Promote a shared Bradford_Artifact13 In artifact 13, the learners are South Columbia
vision. Elementary School (Martinez, GA) teachers,
administration and stakeholders. South Columbia’s
shared vision is to provide students with a place where
all students have an equal opportunity to learn and
succeed. In order to help students succeed, it is our
goal to help students become digital citizens and to
incorporate technology in an engaging and beneficial


way that will help them learn and achieve for a lifetime. I
created a shared vision by first getting feedback on how
to empower learning with technology from
administrators, teachers, and parents. I used the data
collected from the surveys to determine the current
reality of technology usage as well as the vision of the
stakeholders of the school. I researched the goals of
technology as defined by the nation, the state of
Georgia, and the Columbia County school district. I
created an infographic to share the information and
vision created. I shared the infographic on Twitter and
my school website.
6. Advocate for Bradford_Artifact5 In artifact 4, I provide evidence of advocating for
equitable access. equitable access to educational technology through a
grant proposal for Chromebooks and internet hot spots
in high-poverty areas within my district that can be used
with families and students. This grant works to "level the
playing field" by providing families with an opportunity to
interact with district and school applications in and
outside of school. Students will be exposed to more
authentic experiences, therefore, helping them to
perform higher on the Georgia Milestones Assessment.
7. Model new resources Bradford_Artifact5 Artifact 5, I provide evidence of exploring, testing and
or tools. evaluating new tools such as BrainPop, BoomWriter,
Flipgrid, and Nearpod. It also demonstrates how I shared
new digital tools with colleagues. Not only did I present
the tools but I also gave ways they could use the tools in
their instruction. Additionally, I created an evaluation tool
that provides an in-depth and focused review of each
digital tool and its applicability to the classroom setting.
3. Citizen 8. Implement learning Bradford_Artifact6 Artifact 6 focuses on several lessons that were created


experiences for to encourage and build the levels of digital citizenship

students to be with a group of 20 third graders. The first lessons taught
empathetic and socially were designed to build empathy and social
responsible. responsibility among students. The students
participated by discussing and playing out scenarios
and discussing how being socially responsible online is
a good practice.
9. Promote student Bradford_Artifact7 In Artifact 7, I detailed how I taught students to evaluate
behaviors that online resources for reliability and validity. Students
encourage curiosity as were given strategies and checklists to evaluate
they critically resources. Since this is an ongoing standard as
identify/examine online students are completing research for various projects
resources. they are required to use a strategy to find reputable
sources and explain how they know they can trust them.
I want to teach my students that everything they read on
the internet is not true and there are many reliable
sources that can be used in order to be confident in the
content they are sharing.
10. Mentor students in Bradford_Artifact6 Artifact 6 focuses on several lessons that were created
safe, ethical and legal to encourage and build the levels of digital citizenship
use, including with a group of 20 third grade students. The focus of the
intellectual property. mini-lessons is for students to learn why awareness and
adherence to copyright laws are important, what fair use
policy is, and how they can change to abide by these
laws. This lesson addressed what consequences could
happen if students use others' work without their
permission. These lessons also addressed how to
determine what information is safe to share online.
This criterion is highlighted from 2:10 to 3:25 in the
video provided
11. Model responsible Bradford_Artifact6 Artifact 6 focuses on several lessons that were created


use, including protection to encourage and build the levels of digital citizenship in
of digital identity and a group of 20 third grade students. The focus of the
personal data. mini-lessons is for students to learn why digital privacy
and identity protection matter in today's society. This
lesson was designed to bring attention to how what we
do online can have lasting effects. The second lesson
focused on students learning about their digital
footprints and the steps they can take to shape what
others find and see about them.
This criterion is highlighted from 3:26- 5:54 in the
video provided
4. 12. Collaborate with Bradford_Artifact8 Artifact 8 shows the engaged learning project that I did
another educator. with my 3-5th grade students. For this project, I
Collaborator collaborated with the teachers on my grade level team.
My colleagues helped create the learning project and
gave ideas to improve the final product presentations. I
also collaborated with my ITEC colleagues and received
feedback on improving and modifying the Engaged
Learner Project. Several suggestions were made and
incorporated into my plan to help increase the LoTi

This criterion is highlighted from 0:00 to 2:45 in the

video provided
13. Co-learn with Bradford_Artifact1 For Artifact 1, I was responsible for teaching 3rd grade
students about a new students use the digital tools Google Expedition, Adobe
digital tool. Express (formerly Spark), and Podbean. My students
and I learned through using Google Expedition to review
academic content while using new digital resources to
demonstrate understanding. Additionally, throughout
this program I learned about how to be an effective


coach. I put my learning to the test by coaching various

teachers throughout my school.
14. Facilitate students’ Bradford_Artifact6 Artifact 8 shows the engaged learning project that I did
virtual meetings with with my school's 3-5th grade science students. I brought
experts or students. in mentors from the Columbia County environmental
services department to speak with the students and
mentor them virtually through Google Meets throughout
the project. Students were able to ask questions about
their job and also submit ideas for approval/suggestions.
Additionally, I created a playlist on Youtube for students
to reference environmental scientists and pollution.

This criterion is highlighted from 2:00-2:38 in the

video provided
15. Demonstrate Bradford_Artifact8 Artifact 8 shows the engaged learning project that I did
effective communication with my school's 3rd-grade students. I emailed all of the
with all students’ staff and parents at the school to help showcase the work
supporters. students put into their projects. I also shared the videos
with another 3rd-grade class at a different school within
my county for students to collaborate. In the future, I
hope to collaborate with students outside of our county,
possibly in different states.

This criterion is highlighted from 2:39-3:15 in the

video provided
5. Designer 16. Align to content area Bradford_Artifact9 In Artifact 9 I demonstrated the standards by presenting
standards. the personalized learning assignment that I did with my
3rd grade class. I utilized competency-based learning
which allows students to learn relevant learning material
in a more flexible way. This promotes engagement and
supports diverse backgrounds. The students


participated in project-based learning. Students were

tasked to use the internet to research their chosen
topics. Additionally, students were given resources
through the Learning Management System, Google
Classroom. Students also were given several Web 2.0
tools with which to complete their final product.

This criterion is highlighted from 0:00 to 1:09 in the

video provided
17. Accommodate Bradford_Artifact8 Artifact 8 shows the engaged learning project that I did
learner differences. with my school's 3rd-grade students. Below I have
shared the learning objectives and standards used in
this project. My students used feedback and grades in
google classroom to track their progress throughout the
project ensuring that they hit the standards. Through the
use of educational technology students were able to
learn about all content standards outlined and had the
opportunity to show mastery in different ways. All
objectives and standards were met at the end of the
engaged learning project.
This criterion is highlighted from 3:15-3:52 in the
video provided
18. Design digital Artifact 10 shows how I set up my 3rd-grade class' digital
learning environment. learning environment using our school's learning
management system, Google Classroom. Students are
able to receive feedback through assignments, quizzes,
and messages. They can access all resources through
specific unit modules. They are also able to interact with
each other through discussions, group projects, and
Bradford_Artifact10 This criterion is highlighted in the video


6. Facilitator 19. Facilitate and guide Bradford_Artifact9 In Artifact 9 I demonstrated the standards by presenting
learning as students the personalized learning assignment that I did with my
take ownership of their 3rd grade class. The students completed a student-
learning goals. driven project concentrating on planning a vacation which
was cross-curricular. Students made SMART goals with
action steps. Students were given digital SMART goals
tracking sheet to add their action steps to and keep track
of their progress toward meeting their goals.

This criterion is highlighted from 1:10-1:57 in the

video provided
20. Manage the use of Bradford_Artifact11 Artifact 11 reviews the creative computing project that I
technology for learning did with my 3rd student. I worked with 4 students in their
in a nontraditional after-school program. This group of students worked on
classroom setting. coding using Scratch. I taught the students how to use
Scratch coding to create a simple graphic. I explain my
own process of creativity in this project, as well as,
show how I nurture creativity in my learners through
peer feedback and showcasing their work. In this artifact
I give examples of expectations, and how I keep
learners engaged and on task.

This criterion is highlighted from 0-2:00 in the video

21. Create opportunities Bradford_Artifact11 Artifact 11 reviews the creative computing project that I
for students to use a did with my 3rd students. I worked with 4 students in
design process and/or their after-school program. This group of students
computational thinking. worked on coding using Scratch. I taught the students
how to use Scratch coding to create a simple graphic. I
explain my own process of creativity in this project, as
well as, show how I nurture creativity in my learners


through peer feedback and showcasing their work. In

this artifact, I share the Creative Spiral Design that I
used with students.

This criterion is highlighted from 2:00-4:25 in the

video provided
22. Model and nurture Bradford_Artifact11 Artifact 11 reviews the creative computing project that I
creativity. did with my 3rd students. I worked with 4 students in
their after-school program. This group of students
worked on coding using Scratch. I taught the students
how to use Scratch coding to create a simple graphic. I
explain my own process of creativity in this project, as
well as, show how I nurture creativity in my learners
through peer feedback and showcasing their work. In
this artifact, I explain my own process of creativity in this
project, as well as, show how I nurture creativity in my
learners through peer feedback and showcasing their

This criterion is highlighted from 4:26-7:16 in the

video provided
7. Analyst 23. Provide alternative Bradford_Artifact9 In Artifact 9 I demonstrated the standards by presenting
ways for students to the personalized learning assignment that I did with my
show competency. 3rd grade class. The students completed a student-
driven project concentrating on the effects of human
population growth on the ecosystem. Students were
given choice in the grouping, they were also given
choice with the topic that they wanted to research.
Finally, students were given a variety of choices in the
creation of their final product. There were provided with
a variety of web 2.0 tools to create their final product


and present it to the class and stakeholders.

This criterion is highlighted from 1:58-2:44 in the

video provided
24. Use assessment Bradford_Artifact12 Artifact 12 was conducted in my 3rd grade math
data to inform and guide classes. The data was taken from Unit 2: Multiplication
instruction based on and Division: Concepts, Relationships, and Patterns.
individual student The questions range from a variety of multiple-choice,
needs. fill-in-the-blank, and extended responses. Based on the
analysis of the data and the two subgroups that were
explored I created a review lesson to cover the most
missed concepts and conducted a small group lesson to
cover these misconceptions.

This criterion is highlighted from 0:00 to 2:58 in the

video provided
25. Provide Bradford_Artifact12 Artifact 12 was created with my 3rd grade math class.
opportunities for The data was taken from Unit 2: Multiplication and
students to reflect on Division: Concepts, Relationships, and Patterns. During
their own learning data. my analysis, I realized students needed more
experience with questions that require more than one
answer and extended response questions with drop-
down menus. To reteach this, I used web tools such as
Google Forms, Quizizz, Blooket, etc to create questions
with the same type of format requiring higher-level
thinking and comprehension. I also had students reflect
on how they could do better during the makeup test as
well as during the next unit. My personal reflection on
the analysis showed that many students would benefit
from learning prerequisite skills before introducing the


Logistical Note: This criterion is highlighted from

2:59 to 4:52 in the video provided


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