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Brief Message to the Students:

Good day!

Before officially accomplishing the activity, I realized that it is better to give you first a
sample of an already accomplished activity. Thus, we will start the official
accomplishment of Activity No. 1 next Saturday, September 17.

For today, September 10, I am requiring all the students to access, read, study and
analyze this Word document, so that all will have a working knowledge regarding the
accomplishment of an activity in Law 201.

All students will see in the Instructions and other contents of this sample that: (1) the
Activity is related with the PowerPoint file which will be posted to the Google
Classroom and/or FB Group Chat on a day prior to every Saturday, thus, before
accomplishing any activity, all students must first read, study and analyze the assigned
PowerPoint; and (2) the Instructions provide a link where the full text of the assigned
case may be accessed; but students are not compelled to read the full text of the case;
students are given freedom to choose whether to read the full text using the link or just
a DIGEST- a brief summary or outline which may be found/searched from the internet;
the MOST IMPORTANT matter is that all students must comprehensively answer all
the 5 QUESTIONS cited in the Table.

1. For our online/synchronous class this _____________ (Monday), please refer to the
announcement I made in the Google Classroom or FB Group Chat. Attached therewith
is the copy of the PowerPoint that we’ll be utilizing for said Session. Study the whole
PowerPoint (Assume that this Powerpoint pertains to our Session 2 Powerpoint) as
we’ll have a graded recitation. You can conduct further readings and researches relating
to the topics to be discussed; 

2. Read and study this case, either thru its full text or digest or both.

September 08, 2020 (

3. After reading and analyzing the said case or its digest, fill up this Table with your
Questions Answers
1.Who were the 2 Nestor- the accused
contending parties or
persons in the case? People of the Philippines- the one injured because of the
alleged commission of crime by Nestor

Other parties: Gerry Marasigan- complainanant;

Jonabelle Marasigan- Gerry’s daughter

Princess- Gerry’s sister

2. What are the important Nestor was charged of complex crime of attempted
facts in the said case that are murder with murder because based on Gerry, a a friend
also related to the topics in invited him to a drinking spree; Gerry’s wife came to
the above-mentioned fetch him; on their way out, Gerry bumped into Nestor;
PowerPoint? Nestor asked Gerry "Anong problema?"; Gerry replied:
"Kuya Nestor, asawa ko 'to, hindi mo na ba ako
nakikilala?"; Nestor rebuffed "Hindi, bastos ka eh.;
Gerry went home with his wife; when Gerry was closing
the front door, he noticed Nestor standing right outside
the doorway, Nestor drew a gun, aimed at Gerry, and
fired; but it was not Gerry who got hit, instead it was his
seven (7)-year-old daughter Jonabel who died and his
sister Princess.
3. What is the issue or Was there any obligation on Nestor’s part due to the
dispute in the said case or death of Jonabel and the damage sustained by Gerry
why were those parties and Princess?
contending with each other?

4. What were the arguments According to Gerry, Nestor has an obligation because
or standpoint or reasoning Nestor committed crimes;
of the 2 parties or persons
contending in said case? According to Nestor, there is no obligation on his part
because he was allegedly in some other place when the
shooting incident happened.
5. Give the brief decision or The Supreme Court (SC) ruled:
ruling of the Supreme Court
and explain briefly why it is Attempted murder or attempted homicide is committed
related to the topic. when the accused intended to kill the victim, as
manifested by the use of a deadly weapon in the assault,
and the wound/s sustained by the victim was/were not

The case records undeniably prove that Gerry was the

intended victim of the shooting.

The SC further ordered Nestor to pay Gerry P25,000.00

as civil indemnity, P25,000.00 as moral damages, and
P25,000.00 as exemplary damages and the heirs of
Jonabel Marasigan F100,000.00 as civil indemnity,
P100,000.00 as moral damages, P100,000.00 as exemplary
damages, and J>50,000.000 as temperate damages. These
amounts shall earn six percent (6%) interest per annum
from finality of this decision until fully paid.

The foregoing are related to some of the topics included

in the PowerPoint (Ppt) because:

a. Involved in this case is a crime, which according to the

New Civil Code (NCC) is one of the sources of
obligations. Also like in this case, Nestor’s act of
shooting and killing the victims were INTENDED which
is one of the characteristics or nature of a crime- it’s

b. Involved also is damage and damages; Damage here

pertain to Jonabel’s life which was taken away by Nestor
and also the wounds sustained by Gerry and Princess
because of Nestor’s act of shooting them. On the other
hand, damages here pertain to the amount of money
awarded by the SC to the victims because of Nestor’s
commission of a crime.

4. Make the said Table in a Word document and submit the same to me via GOOGLE
CLASSROOM on or before 6pm of _______________________.

Stay safe and God bless! 

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