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My Leonardo da Vinci


Spectacular Artist Leonardo da Vinci


Our dear Leonardo da Vinci, you will not believe all that he was both as a painter, inventor,
sculptor, architect, engineer, astronomer, because you do not know that he was the inventor who
left out the ideas of what would later be devices and devices as diverse as the parachute, the
helicopter and the tank, although the technological level of his time made it impossible for him to
see them turned into reality.

a. A rhetorical question

Some of the people nowadays think that education is important and that without education a
person cannot believe before Society. Why do you think this happens?

b. A surprising statement

Nowadays people believe that to be important and believe something in society you need to have
a high bachelor's degree but what do they believe Leonardo da Vinci did not receive a formal
education as it may be surprising to know that Leonardo did not receive much formal education.
He learned the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic, but much of his deep learning came later
in his life.

c. A famous quote

“Although nature begins with reason and ends with experience, we need to do the opposite, that
is, start with experience and, from there, we investigate reason”


He was Born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, in the valley of the river Arno, Tuscany, territory of the
Medici and Republic of Florence, he was the illegitimate son of the notary Piero Fruosino di
Antonio da Vinci, and of Caterina Buti del Vacca, a Peasant girl. Her baptism took place in the
nearby parish church of Santa Croce, but both father and mother did not attend as they were not
married. She spent her first five years in the village of Anchiano at her mother's home, in 1460
Leonardo da Vinci He moved to Florence Around 1466 he attended the workshop of Andrea del
Verrocchio, where he began in various activities, from the painting of altarpieces and tables, to the
elaboration of large sculptural projects in marble and bronze. From 1495 to 1497 he worked on his
masterpiece The Last Supper, wall painting for the refectory of the monastery of Santa Maria delle
Grazie, Milan. In addition, he made other paintings, drawings and models for the dome of the
Milan Cathedral.Leonardo died on May 2 of the same year in Amboise, Kingdom of France. He was
buried in the cloister of the Saint-Florentin church in Amboise. Fifty years later the tomb was
violated and the remains of it were scattered during the religious struggle between Catholics and

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