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a Answer Writing eee ekee Ne Rane a ele ui Err ot eee ERED eae eee ay eat Wave-Heat wave is a condition of atmospheri rature that leads t physiological st hsometimes may cause deat The World Meteorological Org: heat wave as fi ut) days during which the cally ‘maximum temperature exceeds the average maxi temperature by five degrees Celsius. * Different countries define heat wave differently in context of their local co! * In India, heat wave conditions are considered if maximum tem) reaches at least 40°C or more for plains, 37°C or more for coastal more for hilly regions. + Following criteria is used to declare a heat wave conditio! + a) Based on Departure from Normal * 0 Heat Wave: Departure from normal is 4.5°C to 6.4°C * 0 Severe Heat Wave: Departure from normal is >6.4°C + b) Based on Actual Maximum Temperature (for plains only) * 0 Heat Wave: When actual maximum temperature > 45°C + 0 Severe Heat Wave: When actual maximum temperature >47°C fora atest feet aaron wa ae At aet Ft ora aT a ee * Heard ret Woke Fee Wie oe 8 ed ar oe oni ee Fy aha RE ie eon ne aes ee ee Due to this socio-economic segregation, e squatters took plac iwelling conditions are ndt enough to Cope with the increesing impact of climate change (World Health Organization, 2010) ‘and degrade water gue f health causingrtear will very . Recurentnea wavey already a concern in Fapidly growing and urbanizing India] likely to further worsen in B warming world] * This is directly affecting the communities, undermining their livelihoods through gradual, insidious ctw in temperature and We hiee ous a droughts, unseasonal rains] sity of hazards such as| floods, cycl and hailstorms, etc., kausing extensive|damage to crors.} fo-rural economy. * Heat wave is a eno of abnormally high temperatures, more than hat occurs during| the pre- 4 Heat waves peceon typica y atvale) rier rat, ae pace Fae CGT eae Sfeaaorattat & are Sit vaca set arava # Rafe acct es oRieafaat & frwea & few vatca at g Se FEN a eA a a 5G He eT eS fh ae als 5 apart Fr xafet %, st aaa Spee ee ie Sa Ich (8 gu va | A a, Jel : Fear heh ee ad ae aero Be of AM Teane eet & ag ee TT, FIRES Zi TIER), ASAT, + ae vat aa oaet corearet A after safer oT Woteeret, + Egonomic Impacts: The frequent occurrence of heat waves also adversely affects different sectors the econorny. + For instance, the livelihood of poor and marginal farmers is negatively impacted due to the ious of working days. 2 prey ne + Heatwaves also have an adverse impact on daily wage workers’ productivity, impacting the economy. + Impact on Agriculture Sector: Crop yields suffer when temperatures exceed the ideal range. "past Yabi Seaoh Keross nai wheat production couldbe down 67% due to heat maves.\"° + Livestock is also vulnerable to heatwaves. * Regearchers at Cornell University estimate that by 2100, mik yields in India could drop by 258 againat 2000 levels) in aid and semiard dairy farting due to increased Stress. + Food Insecurity: The concurrence of heat and drought events are causing crop production Eeseetar nee iain ight ara cop pe + The,tisks to health and food production wll be made more severe from the sudden food production losses exacerbated by heatinduced labour productivity losses. + These interacting impacts will increase food prices, reduce household incomes, and lead tomainuttition and clmate+elated deaths, especially in tropical regions. * Impact on Workers: Workers in sectors like agriculture and construction will be severely impacted in 2030 because India’s large population depends on these sectors for their livelihoods. * Weaker Sections to be Specifically Affected: The climate science community has reported overwhelming evidence that extreme events such as heatwaves are likely to become more intense, more frequent and of longer duration in future unless emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols are significantly cut globally. * It is important to remember that heatwaves in India, such as the current event, have the potential to influence thousands of vulnerable and poor people who contributed very little to the climate crisis. + Impact on Electricity Usage: Naturally, heatwaves impact power load. * In the North India, the average daily peak demand in April was 13% higher than 2021 and 30% higher in May. + Human Mortality: Mortality due to heat waves occurs because of rising temperature, lack of public awareness programmes, and inadequate long-term mitigation measures. + According to a 2019 report of the Tata Centre for Development and the University of Chicago, by 2100, annually, more than 1.5 million people will be likely to die due to extreme heat caused by climate change. + The increased heat will lead to an increase in diseases like diabetes, circulatory and respiratory conditions, as well as mental health challenges. Vics negatively = ee magaaimesorml Seas or and marginal farmers Kdsg working days due to heatwaves. ~ ily wage workers’ productivity decreases during heatwaves. (Cr¢p yields suffer when temperatures exceed the ideal range, leading to losses in wheat production in states ik Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh. ilk yields in India could drop by 25% due to heat stress, affecting dairy farnjing. Heatwaves impact power load, leading to increased electricity usage lortality due to heatwaves occurs becuse of rising temperatures, lack of Jong-term mitigation measures. 2100, more Seo oe die annually due to extreme heft caused by climate change + hucreased heat will lead WrarrimereSe in diseases and mental health challefiges. + Heat and drought events me-causing-ctop-production losses and tree mortflty leading to food insecurity. ‘+ Workers in sectors like agriculture and consteuction will be severely impactfd by heatwaves. + Extreme heat events such as heatwaves are likely to become more reenhouse gases and aerosols are significantly cuy&lORally. toinfluence aN KBD nag Socgeons wnstorPibted little iblic awareness, and inadequate fenge frequent, and longer unless to the climate oYsis. i Sere ead oh ake i to San & mer Rae ae er at Se ek a ae eh es ee te ae at 2100 ca Stoary TRacet a BROT eet ae Hately Ta S va aw 1.5 tafe A aise ier eq & Rate er + agdt mat 3 meme, oiedawor ud eae dat tet & aren wafer career gatfeal af gef erm Fe nee ee a eects Ore + mt a at a SoMa H set ach sna wet Tae ST Sat sone SMA a ae + a TER ng es wo A soraatia ast area Hat A qait wt, uty ara at aa at Gr ste Hater ws Geary Bath atch a agra SA - + ana a ater wet & vera + anit wena: ater aet AY cera ueany arteraeen & fats ast ax ofa wera stort FI : Sarge HR, and erat eer Beer ate ake ators Pret A: archaea Bao sant Oct + Be gee a S eo T SE S fart srleraeer venti BSS NA ek Sag CaS a Om aCe ogee) Ra iM se CAS a NT AEC LaPLE OT a saa A rar et SSSrIL ON sneer ei Se Seca 8 ar apart Fear Geer Mie ay WB rere es aA Bae Ta nae pe ei ren re etre ECW CANES STI (vee Seco) SLE 2100 aa HRS & ass sty ader-epsH Sat wiser A are Serer FH 25% (@F 2005 HK geet 4) Sr HI at el Bahasa Tee EE Le aCe pe AU TUC eae SLUG) N20 rca ge aca Oz SU ee Sy Sat as A ag 30% afte etl Fora afte ashe er 8 wenfaa eh sais fear gr 1 a ets wy fae BI + Seornrcter a sitieaaeen a Sioa ast ox aera wars sett FI + sora of a dora atta ste srevdeas fers suet Ha BW ea BI + sorta a & aha afm aaa Fr Seah FA ect Fl * Ha eae oat bay ee Seer dn Ba TS » Senge cora cor gu seen 25% an wach %, cit sath wrister wr venferr + seorarctter a fesreh a are ae ware stort &, fred fase ar seater ae sat BI * SESS a et a Sea sores ee aerate BLP LIS EPS Ses A LEP ET oe + Bate fete Se Sat A ane wet ad ate at mt cher wfoerg a aT SR aed er one See ae Sa fer sata Set arate Preparing a Heat Wave Plan ;, including Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha, Guj jttar’ Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, + Involvement from government authorities, non-governmental organizations, and civil society is necessary for ‘a comprehensive heat preparedness and response. - 3am, 2 eT ete rhe ten toe 2 + sTaatt Sat a gt arch ata array Rate at Fr oat BI ie ET WOE OE TE . ar il saeco ali a HE cea chronic disease, type of} Each city or town should carry out an assessment using available resources and robust scientific methods. One way to find out who is most at risk of physical vi is to do a study in a community or bess a oe a_metho This helps to a person's risk of be! a Y qo Bhd first pas would be a hi old Survey gathering information on_socio= raphic data, medical conditions, medic ise, adaptive practices turing > ea Cl ity strategies and challenges faced during summers. ET a a et TE . sndite, Aaa I, sce eSN [Sa aL rare & wea, carers aife Bice a ATE AcT SY Saad Woreet siz asta confers ages ar soe Beueen ret aed Ss eases aes BK ce Identification and evaluation of factors leading to disproportionate increase in tempera _ hin the city. al gardens, stall par awate * Co-ordination with different research and educational institution for built environment assessment. + Allocate part {T7esearelrand GeveIOpMENE)n thefinanclal budgetjapprovals {heat wave action planning + Reducing future urban heat island effects can be achieved by using information from evaluations of the built environment to shape urban planning and design rules and regulations. * Integrating heat action plan with development plan. Development plans should be should focus on reducing, heat stress and water stress in the city. + Adhering to building codes in the city + tet & ater arvana A sreporaét geht & arat Ay aera sie FEAT + Tories ae ar ater Raha Het & fae fle da Nea a dqwar AAT Ja aA + eet & stat gie-eate ar arate wear att Sek Hea APA A hE AT “Soe ce Me Wiser ae Be oT site Fat He ATTA HA AT + waar aeuiaat % fare faites srqeitret se etfete Hewat & aren waa pee ae oe en ee rete ee eee a ee SPELT TER ASSP SES + ng gy ay ay ad ator a cpg er fers ata at ape A mel aoe aret H fafeSe ats mT Tae FAT is ‘Colour Code Signals for Heat Alert and Suggested Actions ban/fesidgnts living in slums have #Averse impacts of extreme Ee [ Kigbot Roofs te, Provide Affordable Thermal Comfort/|U} Nes available to adapt to rising termperatuye his increases their vulnerability to heat and resul}é j eat on these communities. 1 affordable solution is cool roofs. cool roof is a {white reflective roof|that stays cool im the-sun by minimizing heat hbsorption and reflecting thermal radiation to help dissipate the solar heat gain. Studies have shown that cool roots can be up to 30°C cooler than conventional roofs, and can bring the indoor temperatures down by 3-5° C. ee When implemented on a lafge scale, cool roofs can reduce the urban heat island effect in a ity.” Cool roofs include cbatings and treatments such as lime- i ; white tarp, white saic tilés-anc-eery E oatingand provide an affordable solution for providing thermal comnrg * Livesto aredne * There is a need te“flan wpll for reducing the impacts of high temperatures on livestock. Keeping an eye on the weather forecasts, and developing a mitigation plan for high to extreme temperature cart be effective in énsuring that the livestock has sufficient shade and water on hot days. ring hot weathed: Extreme heat causes significant stress to "Sees ee feranfsal a oT a ATU A are eer fore ees oe es rg ae ae oe Ele ieee ee Peet oes ae ert F ater oT “Take a shower using soap to remove oils that ‘may block pores preventing the body from cooling naturally. Ifblsters occur, apply dry, sterile dressings and seek medical anton. ‘Move to cool or shaded place. Apply firm pressure on cramping muscles ot gently ‘massage to relieve spasm. Give sips of water. ‘If nausea occurs, discontinue. ‘Get victim to lie down in a coal place. [Loosen clothing. Apply cool, wet cloth. Fan ‘or move victim to air-conditioned place. Give sips of water slowly and if nausea occurs, discontinue. If vomiting occurs, seek ‘immediate medical attention, call 108 and 102 for ambulance. “Hat stroke is a severe medical emergency. Call 108 and 102 for ambulance for emergency medical services or take the victim to a hospital immediately. Delay can bbe fail Move victim to a cooler ceavironment. Try spraying water, cold water fon body & fan the wet body. If possible sponging or coal bath sponging to reduce body temperature. Use extreme caution. Remove clothing Use fans andlor air conditioners. DO NOT GIVE FLUIDS ORALLY ifthe person is not conscious. * Cold wave is a localised seasonal phenomenon prevalent in the country except in southern India. * The northern parts of India, specially the hilly regions (Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand) and the adjoining plains are influenced by transient disturbances in the mid latitude westerlies which often have weak frontal characteristics. * States like Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, U.P., Bihar and Jharkhand are the highly affected. It also includes some met subdivisions of Marathawada, Vidharbha, Saurashtra and Madhya Maharashtra which are affected by cold waves. Such weather phenomena may be characterized by low humidity, which may exacerbate ‘or high 7 which may exacerbate the health effects of which include heat exhaustion) dehydration, and heatstroke. The U.N5 Intergovernmental janel on Climate Change latest report found that severe heat waves that previously occurred once every 50 years are How —_ to happen once per decade. Mae Mae Asia, In 2019, temperatures soared to 1°C in northern Predicting that deadly heatwaves will CR 5 NI become common place across South Indin and Pakistan, and i June temperatures exceeded “+ OR LD parts of Western Europe. The AFELE PERISH is warming at bwice the rate as the rest of the worlds because of a phenomenon knowh as Arctic amplification) in which the melting ice hastens the meres OF varmlng ty eapesing areas Unk are nok good at roflecting back i ibe the atmosphere, The Arctic region hus experienced repeated heat waves im the past few months, with sib 9 temperatures of 10°C more than normal in May 2020, ding avera: OTHER TLS MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGION (MENA region) Moxtmum bemnperature is expected to rise throughout the erlire MENA region for the 2ist century. As a consequence, more heat wave days are also expected’ The mean and miaximum intensity of heat waves is also expected to increase for almodt the whole MENA region mean heat waves intensity will growth between 2°C and 4°C in the Middle East, eastern Africa and the Mediterrar an ars and the Gulf of Guinea, [ qreanliouse sos} jek Polar région ore warm Pa three times as fast fueling heat waves in the Arctic. In fact, cooler parts of the planet are heating faster than places \e equator. Wilul_daye-are projected to acceleral parts of the ocean reaching a near_permanent Milti-state by the late 21st century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (PCC) report projects thal the global ocean will TLE ‘ocean is projected to be between 0.6°C and 2°C, We can therefore expect « future continuation, and possibly acceleration, of the historic warming-driven changes in marine heakwaves. Ecological impacts: Heabwaves, iBRouF trereaes Th precipliation, can lead toRNaReEan eae Be and increased stFes: articularly tn arid regions. This a3 the effect of reducing plant growth, the basis of energy productios aud the food chain oie an overall dryingrout of the landscay Heat waves exacerbate structural inequalities: While cities cam warm uj faster than their surroundings becasve habwaves exacerbate the urban heat island effects in urban areas. These neighborhoods often have Less tree cover and green spaces, and more paved surfaces that soalc up heat. AE the Same time, lower-income residents may have a harder time affording crucial cooling, leading to inequalities, Pea CC eee CCr ECU itor ere wesw emee addition, greater use of heating ete ese orcs are era rte requires more electricity and, depending om the electricit source, can emit more of other pa en ecrmnarmeia © This matters because close to 70% Of the world’s poy tion is expected to live in cities by 2080 and will be exposed to extreme heat, (© Urban regions experience Kotter COWAIEIBIAS compared to their natural surroundings, due to a number of factors. thak modulate urban climate and form ‘Urban Heal | tslands’ ( ie © The main contributing factors are changes ih the surface energy yet due to ine A heat storage ec A nie ie al evapora IRENE) -fference on tive and advective flows and increased anthropogenic heat release ih urban areas. * Urban areas lack vegetation that create shade and cool the air wling, congestion, traffic and op additional heat from the has resulted in more heat events (heat Case Study: PTHKEE Has Developed National Action Plan To Tackle The Problem Of Heat Waves Components of the plan includes: © Preventive oe to Heise awarehess and tackle the KeAlEh EOKSEqUEKEES) of heatwaves, © The National . TAfSrms people about the: Public Health Agency of France | vides all the information material such to regional health services, Local administration and the associative network. PRR the vigilance required are assigned colours — Yellow (level 2), Orange (level 3) and Red (level +). vie haat eve eee ee eae to reduce mortality and health * The minimum temperatures (T.min) go down below 8°C over many parts of northern India during November to February months However, December & January are the coldest months with Tmin below 6 C over most parts of northwest India and below 8 C over the rest parts of northern India. * Normally, in the winter months, after the passage of western disturbances, dry cold northwesterly winds make way into north & central India. As a result, minimum temperatures drop over the regions and sometimes cause cold wave conditions. A cold wave is a meteorological event generally characterised by: — sharp drop of air temperature near the surface, leading to extremely low values; — steep rise of pressure; — strengthening of wind speed; or — associated with hazardous weather like frost and icing * There was significant damage to crops, horticulture, forest, livestock, fisheries, water supply, power supply, transportation, tourism, economy and livelihood systems in these cold wave prone regions that led to economic losses of the state. Cold wave also leads to death of domestic and wild animals, birds, poultry, etc. ‘as: (A) Cold Wave: It should be based on the actual minimum temperature of a stat inirayin temper is 10°C or less fp tre is -4, over a station, “Cold Wave” may be described if the minimum temperature is 15°C or less. "Cor less. * Impact of Cold Wave in India * Health The impact of the cold wave on human beings can lead to death or injury. The mortality rates show a marked increase in areas with recurrent cold waves. Health issues are observed more commonly in the elderly and neonates. + Agriculture *Cold wave and frost is a major factor that influences crop, horticultural plantations/orchard growth and productivity and has a significant impact on agriculture. As a result, the livelihood of people gets adversely affected. *The extent of damage caused by a cold wave depends on temperature, length of exposure, humidity levels, and the speed at which freezing temperature is reached. * Several crops and orchards in the north and northeastern regions of the country experienced the damaging effect of cold waves and frost. Low temperatures cause two types of injuries to plants. * Livestock * A cold wave can also cause death and injury to livestock. During a cold wave, animals require a higher intake of nutrition which affects the hormonal level and efficiency of production. * Often, if a cold wave is sccom panied by heavy and persistent snow, Bre zi0g aD tials are unable to graze, hence requiring more fodder to be provide indoors. * If the food is inadequate and if there is exposure to low temperatures, animals may die of hypothermia or starvation. * Similarly, wildlife also experiences challenges during winter for both shelter and food. Cold wave factors override genetic factors for determining the fertility patterns in buffaloes. + Fisheries * Extreme climatic conditions particularly in winter months when air temperature drops to 2-4°C and water temperature is between 10- 15°C, adversely affects the growth of Indian major carps. The effect on overall health of stocked fishes may be more when such conditions prevail for a longer duration. * Transport * Cold wave or extreme cold weather affects the transport sector such as airways, river & seaport, roadways, railways, local transport etc. Rivers and lakes also freeze during extreme cold conditions affecting waterways and the resulting dense fog that can sometimes also lead to huge traffic jams, major accidents and delay which may cause health related complications and loss of educational/ employment Opportunity * Energy or power + Energy or power sector receives too much pressure during extreme winter or cold wave season. During the cold wave season, energy consumption rises significantly. In hilly regions, electricity is the main source of heating in houses. Other energy sources like fuel, oil, coal are also in great demand during the cold wave season. fA Vulnerability Analysis h % + Cold waves are prominent in the northeth parts of the country! along the Himalayas and western desert areas. In the current climate changtlregime, these weather-related events (like cold waves) are further aggravated. * As per IMD, India’s ‘Core Cold wa rs 17 Btates/U. Uttarakhayld, Jammé & i, ch, Chitattisgarh, Bil + When it comes to economic sectors that are vulnerable to cold wave and related hazards; agriculture, animal husbandry and health are of primary importance. Human health is also vulnerable to the temperature drop. * State Governments can identify the groups. + Population belonGé yeas and ab made spec desi jab, Himathal Pradesh, desh, Gdjarat, Madhya’ Ilion in each district/village that are in the vulnerabl considered vulnerable to cold wave and can be Id isk. Apart fro « groups, care ¢ ehold é Under Jorkers who engage in economic activities ating the warnings, Similarly, sellers operating {/push carts, open to sky shops/markets, also need to be included in the vulnerable groups needs to He taken to include pedple psychosocial care, people needing regular meditanan€tc_ In open areas need to be considered while disse rani

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