Electronic Devices T-1

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Tutorial sheet #01

(Introduction to Quantum Mechanics)
Subject: Electronic devices Branch: ECE Department
Semester: VI Course Code: ECT351
Q.No.1) Show that the photon energy, Eph = . where the Eph has the units in eV and 𝜆 is
measured in 𝜇m.
Q.No.2) Calculate the photon energy corresponding of an x-ray with a wavelength 𝜆 of
0.708×10-8 cm.
Q.No.3) Determine the energy (in eV) of a photon having a wavelength of (a) 𝜆= 100 Å and
(b) 𝜆 = 4500 Å.
Q.No.4) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron traveling at a velocity of 105 m/s.
Q.No.5) (a) An electron has a kinetic energy of 12 meV. Determine the de Broglie wavelength
(in Å), (b) A particle with mass 2.2 ×10-31 kg has a de Broglie wavelength of 112 Å. Determine
the momentum and kinetic energy of the particle.
Q.No.6) The uncertainty in position of an electron is ∆x = 8 Å. Determine the minimum
uncertainly in momentum.
Q.No.7) Electron’s energy is measured with an uncertainty of 0.8 eV. Determine the minimum
uncertainty in time over which this energy is measured.
Q.No.8) If Ψ(𝑥, 𝑡) = Aexp[−j(ωt − kx), show that Ψ(𝑥, 𝑡) = Aexp[ ℏ (E𝑡 − P𝑥). [ Use E
= ℎ𝑣 and P = ℎ/ 𝜆].
Q.No.9) The work function of a material refers to the minimum energy required to remove an
electron from the material. Assume that the work function of gold is 4.90 eV and that of cesium
is 1.90 eV. Calculate the maximum wavelength of light for the photoelectric emission of
electronics for gold and cesium.
Q.No.10) When the uncertainty principle is considered, it is not possible to locate a photon in
space more precisely than about one wavelength. Consider a photon with wavelength 𝜆= 1 𝜇m.
What is the uncertainty in the photon’s (a) momentum and (b) kinetic energy?
Q.No.11) The uncertainty in position is 12 Å for a particle of mass 5 ×10-29 kg. Determine the
minimum uncertainty in (a) the momentum of the particle and (b) the kinetic energy of the

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