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Name: Jaedyn Rios

Habit 1: Be Proactive

Answer the questions as you read the chapter.

1. Complete Abraham Lincoln’s Quote:

a. People are just about as happy as they make their mind to be.

2. What are the two types of people in this world?

Proactive and Reactive
3. What are the differences between the two types of people?
Proactive people take responsibility for their lives and reactive people blame other people or
4. What drink does Sean Covey compare reactive people to? Why?
Can of soda, because they react on impulse.
5. What drink does Sean Covey compare proactive people to? Why?
Water, because they are in control.
6. List three examples of what reactive language sounds like:
a. I’ll try

b. That’s just the way I am

c. There’s nothing I can do

7. What does this reactive language do?

It takes power away from you and gives it to someone else.

8. Why are proactive people a different breed? List the attributes of proactive people.
They make their choices based on values, they think before they act, they take responsibility for
their own actions.
9. Complete the table:

Things I cannot control Things I can control

What other people think The way I respond

How others respond My decisions

Other people’s mistakes The way I react

What other people do How I deal with certain situations

What other people say My effort

10. What do some people believe that a “can-do” attitude is?

Pushy, aggressive and obnoxious

11. What is a “can-do” attitude really?

Courageous, persistent and smart

12. What button should you press when things move too fast and get out of hand? Why?
Push pause button, get control and think about how you want to respond.
13. What are the power tools?
Tool Definition

Self awareness I can stand apart from myself and

observe my thoughts and actions

Conscience I can listen to my inner voice to know

right from wrong

Imagination I can envision new possibilities.

Willpower I have the power I choose

14. List the reactive language you use the most:

a. “I can do it”

b. “It wasn’t me”

c. “I don’t want to do it”

d. “They make me mad”

15. Name one unhealthy habit and what you plan to do about it.
An unhealthy habit I have is not being organized and I plan to use my agenda more and a

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