Nox Cheatsheet

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Path of the Seer (eldar character guide pg.31):.

The Character may re-roll one test per

session pertaining to the warp or psychic abilities

Catfall (core book pg.95): Whenever character falls, she may take an Agility Test as a Free
Action. Success, and each additional Degree of Success, reduces the distance fallen by a
number of metres equal to the character’s Agility Bonus for the purposes of determining the
Damage from the fall

Heightened Senses [Sight, Sound] (core book pg.100): The character gains a +10 bonus to
any Tests specifically involving this sense

Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)(core book pg.103):When a character attempts to use a

weapon they do not have the correct Weapon Training Talent for, they suffer a –20 penalty to
any relevant Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Test

Melee Weapon Training (Universal)(core book pg.103): The universal group includes the
Chain, Shock, and Power groups, and allows proficient use off all those weapon types. When a
character attempts to use a weapon they do not have the correct Weapon Training Talent for,
they suffer a –20 penalty to any relevant Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Test

Nerves of Steel (core book pg.103): Character may re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid or
recover from Pinning.

Outcast Weapon Training (eldar character guide pg.52): proficient in using Shuriken Pistol,
Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken Cannon, Splinter Pistol, Splinter Rifle, and Ranger Long rifle, Eldar
Plasma Grenade, Xenofilament Grenade, as well as Primitive and Melee Weapons from
throughout the galaxy.

Psychic Discipline

Psy Rating 2 (core book pg.104): The Explorer is a psyker, and his power in game terms is
rated on a scale of 1 to 10, where Psy Rating 1 is the lowest to warrant the attentions of the
Scholastia Psykana and the Black Ships, and a rating of 10 represents one of the most

Sprint (core book pg.106): When taking the Full Move Action, the character can move an extra
number of metres equal to their Agility Bonus. When taking the Run Action, they may double his
movement for one Round. The Explorer gains one level of Fatigue if they use this Talent two
Turns in a row

Eldritch Mastery(Eldar character guide pg.54):

Spell list:
Precision Telekinesis
Value: 100 xp
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Range: 5m x Psy Rating
Unlike the first gross manipulations of Telekinesis, this allows the psyker to fine tune his
ability until he can do anything at range that he could do with his bare hands. In any
situation where the task in question would require a Characteristic Test, the psyker
substitutes Willpower instead. The psyker’s Psy Rating substitutes for his Strength
Bonus when using this technique.

Telekinetic Crush
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
Range: 10m x Psy Rating
The psyker can wrap a target in crushing bands of force. Make an Opposed Test, pitting
the psyker’s Willpower against the target’s Toughness. If the psyker wins, he may inflict
1d10 Impact Damage with a bonus of +1 Damage per Psy Rating. The psyker may also
Grapple the opponent (see page 240), substituting his Willpower bonus for his Strength

Telekinetic Weapon
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: Force Bolt
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Range: Personal
Shaping the force of the psyker’s mind into a blade of destructive force, the Telekinetic
Weapon is a powerful manifestation of the psyker’s discipline and control. The
Telekinetic Weapon counts as a sword in the hand of the psyker, but there is no penalty
for lacking the required Weapon Training Talent. To strike with the Psychic Weapon, the
psyker makes a Weapon Skill Test—the Telekinetic weapon may be parried, but is not
destroyed by weapons with the Power Field quality (see page 116). If the weapon hits, it
does 1d10 Rending Damage with a bonus of +1 Damage per Psy Rating. Additionally, the
weapon has a Penetration value equal to the psyker’s Psy Rating

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