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Communications Settings
Baud Rate : Data : Parity: Stop Bit: Handshake : 19200 baud 8 Bits None 1 None

2.4 Error Codes ERR

0x00 - ACK_SUCCESS, Successful operation 0x01 - ACK_FAIL, Operation failed 0x04 - ACK_FULL, Fingerprint database is full 0x05 - ACK_NOUSER, Finger print not recognized 0x07 - ACK_USER_EXIST, Finger print recognized 0x08 - ACK_TIMEOUT, Acquisition Timeout

2. Communications Format
Commands and response packets are send and received in 8 bytes format. Data and Image transfers can be send in variable lenghts of up to 65,535 bytes per packet. 2.1 Command Packet Format
1 2 3 P1 4 P2 5 P3 6 0 7 8

2.5 Variable Packet Lenght Transfers Format

3 P1

4 P2

5 P3

6 0

0xF5 CMD

CHK 0xF5

0xF5 CMD

CHK 0xF5

Byte 1: 0xF5 - Start of Packet Byte 2: CMD - Command Code Byte 3: P1 - Parameter 1 (if required) Byte 4: P2 - Parameter 2 (if required) Byte 5: P3 - Parameter 3 (if required) Byte 6: 0 - must be zero Byte 7: CHK - Checksum Byte 8: 0xF5 - End of Packet

Byte 1: 0xF5 - Start of Packet Byte 2: CMD - Command Code Byte 3: P1 - Parameter 1 (if required) Byte 4: P2 - Parameter 2 (if required) Byte 5: P3 - Parameter 3 (if required) Byte 6: 0 - must be zero Byte 7: CHK - Checksum Byte 8: 0xF5 - End of Packet

3. System Commands
3.1 Standby 0x2C This command enters the finger print scanner module into low power standby mode. Command:
1 6 0 7 8 2 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 8

2.2 Computing the value of Checksum CHK CHK = Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6
where: - Exclusive OR

2.3 Response Packet Format

1 2 3 Q1 4 Q2 5 ERR

0xF5 0x2C

CHK 0xF5

0xF5 CMD

CHK 0xF5

1 2 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 8

Byte 1: 0xF5 - Start of Packet Byte 2: CMD - Command Code Byte 3: Q1 - Parameter 1 (whenever applicable) Byte 4: Q2 - Parameter 2 (whenever applicable) Byte 5: ERR - Error Code Byte 6: 0 - must be zero Byte 7: CHK - Checksum Byte 8: 0xF5 - End of Packet

0xF5 0x2C

CHK 0xF5

3.2 Version 0x26 This command returns the current system version. Command:
1 2 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 8

0xF5 0x26

CHK 0xF5

Response (Variable Lenght): Header

1 2 3 LH 4 LL 5 ERR 6 0 7 8

Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - Successful operation 0x01 - Operation failed

3.4 Fingerprint Recognition Acceptance Level 0x28 This function set/read the level of comparison to determine a validated print. Setting the value to zero causes the fingerprint scanner to issue a match with loosely validated prints. A value of 9 calls for the strictest validation. Command:
1 2 3 0 4 TL 5 R/W 6 0 7 8

0xF5 0x26

CHK 0xF5

1 0xF5 where: L: Data Packet Lenght (2 bytes) LH - High Byte LL - Low Byte Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - Successful operation 0x01 - Operation failed CHK = Byte2 ........... Byte L+1 Byte2 to Byte L+1 Version Info L+2 L+3

CHK 0xF5

0xF5 0x28 Response: 1 2

CHK 0xF5

3 0

4 TL


6 0

0xF5 0x28 where:

CHK 0xF5

3.3 Fingerprint Read Timeout 0x2E Set or examine fingerprint read/scan waiting time. The fingerprint scanner will make repeated attempt to read a fingerprint scan until a fingerprint input is detected, or until the specified tout readtime elapsed, whichever comes first. Command:
1 2 3 0 4 tout 5 R/W 6 0 7 8

TL : Recognition Level allowed values : 0 - 9 0 - loose , 9 - strict default value = 5 R/W: Read/Write R/W = 1, Read current S setting R/W = 0, Change setting to specified S val Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - Successful operation 0x01 - Operation failed

0xF5 0x2E where:

CHK 0xF5

3.5 Fingerprint Enroll Sampling 0x2D Read/Set the finger print sample size. Affects the Fingerprint enrolment function as explained in section 4.1. Command:
1 2 3 0 4 S 5 R/W 6 0 7 8

tout : Fingerprint read timeout, 0 - 0xFF tout = 0, timeout Disabled, wait forever This parameter has meaning only if R/W = 0 R/W: Read/Write R/W = 1, Read current tout setting R/W = 0, Change setting to specified tout value

0xF5 0x2D where:

CHK 0xF5

1 2 3 0 4 tout 5 ERR 6 0 7 8

0xF5 0x2E

CHK 0xF5

S : Number of Samples S = 0, scan and process up to 3 samples S = 1, single scan only This parameter has meaning only if R/W = 0

R/W: Read/Write R/W = 1, Read current S setting R/W = 0, Change setting to specified S val Response: 1 2 3 0 4 S 5 ERR 6 0 7 8

4.2 Delete a user 0x04 Permanently delete a user print record from memory. Command:

0xF5 0x2D

CHK 0xF5

3 USh

4 USl

5 0

6 0

0xF5 0x04 Response: 1 2

CHK 0xF5

Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - Successful operation 0x01 - Operation failed

3 USh

4 USl


6 0

4. Fingerprint Processing Functions

4.1 Fingerprint Enrollment 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 Scan finger and save print record to memory. Command:
1 0xF5 2 SS 3 USh 4 USl 5 PRV 6 0 7 8

0xF5 0x04 where:

CHK 0xF5

USh, USl : User Number: USh- hi byte, USl - lo byte valid value range: 0x0001 - 0x0FFF Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - Successful operation 0x01 - Operation failed

CHK 0xF5

Response: 1 0xF5 where: SS : Enrollment Scan Sequence 0x01 - First Scan 0x02 - Second Scan 0x03 - Third Scan Second and Third Scan functions can be executed only when number of samples S in Fingerprint Enroll Sampling is set to 1. Read section 3.5 for more details. USh, USl : User Number: USh- hi byte, USl - lo byte valid value range: 0x0001 - 0x0FFF PRV: User defined Privilege valid value range: 0-3 Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - Successful operation 0x01 - Operation failed 0x07 - User exists 0x08 - Acquisition timeout 2 SS 3 USh 4 USl 5 ERR 6 0 7 8

4.3 Delete all users 0x05 Permanently delete all user print records in memory. Command:
1 2 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 8

CHK 0xF5

0xF5 0x05 Response: 1 2

CHK 0xF5

3 0

4 0


6 0

0xF5 0x05 where:

CHK 0xF5

Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - ACK_SUCCESS, Successful operation 0x01 - ACK_FAIL, Operation failed

4.4 Inquire number of users 0x09 Check the number of user print records in memory. Command:
1 2 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 8

4.6 Scan Finger and search for a match from user record (1:N) 0x0C Scan fingerprint and search user print records for a matching print. Command:
1 2 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 8

0xF5 0x09 Response: 1 2

CHK 0xF5

0xF5 0x0C 3 USh 4 USl 5 ERR 6 0 7 8 Response: 1 2

CHK 0xF5

0xF5 0x09 where:

CHK 0xF5

4 USl


6 0

0xF5 0x0C USh where:

CHK 0xF5

USh, USl : User Number: USh- hi byte, USl - lo byte Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - ACK_SUCCESS, Successful operation 0x01 - ACK_FAIL, Operation failed

USh, USl : User Number: USh- hi byte, USl - lo byte PRV: User defined Privilege or ERR code PRV when value range: 0-3 ERR if value is one of the following: 0x05 - No User 0x08 - Acquisition timeout

4.5 Scan Finger and compare to a user record (1:1) 0x0B Scan and compare fingerprint if it matches a specified user print record in memory. Command:
1 2 3 USh 4 USl 5 0 6 0 7 8

4.7 Retrieve User Privilege 0x0A Read the assigned privilege of a specified user. Command:
1 2 3 4 USl 5 0 6 0 7 8

0xF5 0x0B Response: 1 2

CHK 0xF5

0xF5 0x0A USh 3 0 4 0 5 ERR 6 0 7 8 Response: 1 2 3 0

CHK 0xF5

0xF5 0x0B where:

CHK 0xF5

4 0


6 0

0xF5 0x0A where:

CHK 0xF5

USh, USl : User Number: USh- hi byte, USl - lo byte Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - Successful operation (Matches specified user) 0x01 - Operation failed 0x08 - Acquisition timeout

USh, USl : User Number: USh- hi byte, USl - lo byte PRV: User defined Privilege or ERR code PRV when value range: 0-3 ERR if value is 0x05 - No User

5. Advanced Functions 5.1 Scan and Upload fingerprint image 0x24 Scan and then transfer the scanned fingerprint image to the host controller (via UART). Fingerprint images are stored and process internally by the DSP processor as 304x304 pixelsx 8bit gray scale image. To reduce transmission times, images are downscaled to 152x152pixels x 4 bit gray scale during transfer. One byte holds 2 pixels x 4 bit gray. Hence, a total of 11552 bytes are transfered in one image file. Command:
1 2 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 8

1 2 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 8

0xF5 0x23

CHK 0xF5

Response (Variable Lenght): Header

1 2 3 LH 4 LL 5 ERR 6 0 7 8

0xF5 0x23

CHK 0xF5

1 0xF5 Byte2 to Byte L+1 eigenvalue data L+2 L+3

CHK 0xF5

0xF5 0x24

CHK 0xF5

where: L: Data Packet Lenght (2 bytes) LH - High Byte LL - Low Byte

Response (Variable Lenght): Header

1 2 3 LH 4 LL 5 ERR 6 0 7 8

0xF5 0x24

CHK 0xF5

Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - Successful operation 0x01 - Operation failed 0x08 - Acquisition timeout CHK = Byte2 ........... Byte L+1

1 0xF5 where: L: Data Packet Lenght (2 bytes) LH - High Byte LL - Low Byte Possible ERR response values: 0x00 - Successful operation 0x01 - Operation failed 0x08 - Acquisition timeout CHK = Byte2 ........... Byte L+1 Byte2 to Byte L+1 Image Data L+2 L+3

note: eigenvalue data is 193 bytes fixed lenght

CHK 0xF5

5.2 Scan and Upload Eigenvalue data 0x23 Scan and then transfer the eigenvalue to the host controller (via UART).

Notes: J7 J10 Acquisition Port Fingerprint scanner unit connector Communication Port Pin1 Power Connected to the power supply Pin2 UART out 3.3V/5V Logic Pin3 UART in 3.3V/5V Logic Pin4 GND Pin5 PWR - pulse down to logic zero at least 100mS

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