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Please provide a short answer to these questions.

Each question consists of two parts:

a) a theoretical discussion and
b) a short reflection on an empirical example.

Your answer should cover both parts (a and b) of this question.

When choosing an empirical example, a good starting point is Giddens
and Suttons' textbook on Sociology.
Each answer should be 200-300 words.
Your total word count for this assignment should be between 400 � 600 words.
Answers should use Harvard Referencing with a bibliography at the very
end of the document. Referencing (both in-text and bibliographical)
does count towards the word-count.

Question One
a)In his chapter on 'Crafting Sociological Lenses', Bauman explains to us how to
think about the world sociologically - using a systematic study of the social world
around us. What, according to Bauman, is the relationship between sociology and
'common sense'?
b) Applying Bauman's criticisms of common sense and approach to
sociology, consider the usefulness of this distinction is in relation to one social
phenomenon of your choice (e.g., food, education, crime, gender,
race, the media).

Question Three
a) Much of sociology can emphasise the structural forces behind crime,
making it appear as if individuals have little responsibility in their
decisions. What, according to Sewell in their 'Theory of Structure', is the role of
structure and agency in shaping criminal behaviour?
b) Considering the reading 'In Search of Respect' by Philippe Bourgois and the
experiences of Primo, what is the role of structure and agency in his experiences?

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