Mini Research

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Mini Research

Subject : English Biology

Study Program : Biology Education

Score Score :


Name : Otanius Zega

NIM : 192111029
Department : Biology
Subject : English

NIDN. 0120028401

JULY 2022

We give thanks to God Almighty, for His blessings and grace so that the author can
complete the preparation of the Mini Research Report on the Biology English course.

The purpose of writing this Mini Research Report is to fulfill the task of the Biology
English course. This report can be completed with guidance from various parties, including
Mr. as a Biology English course lecturer who has provided guidance to us, parents, friends,
and other parties who have helped us in completing this report.

In writing this report, we feel that there are still many shortcomings, both in terms of
technical writing and material, considering the ability of the author. For criticism and
suggestions from all parties, the author hopes for the improvement of making this report.

Gunungsitoli, 17 Juli 2022


Otanius Zega

FOREWORD..................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................. ii


A. Background.......................................................................................................... 1
B. Formulation of the problem................................................................................. 1
C. Research purposes................................................................................................ 1


A. Research Preparation............................................................................................ 3
B. Research Implementation..................................................................................... 3
C. Research Results.................................................................................................. 3


A. Closing................................................................................................................. 5
B. Saran .................................................................................................................... 5

A. Background
Language has a very important role in human life. Because language is the essence
of human communication, both in oral communication and in written communication.
Language itself is a system of arbitrary sound symbols used by members of social groups to
work together, communicate, and identify themselves. If there is no language then humans
will have difficulty in communicating and socializing.
English in Indonesia is the second language after Indonesian. In optimizing the use
of English, in Indonesia learning English began to be applied from an early age. Learning
English in primary schools is only included in local content. One of the goals of learning
English in elementary schools is to introduce English to students from an early age. So that
when students graduate from elementary school and then enter a higher level of education,
students are already familiar with English.
In this study, it will focus more on the components of vocabulary and pronunciation of
English properly and precisely.

A. Problem Formulation
The formulation of the problem in this study, namely:
1. How are students interested in English?
2. Are students able to master English vocabulary?
3. To what extent do students master English vocabulary?
4. How much English vocabulary do you master?
5. Can students memorize English vocabulary?
6. Can students compose sentences in English?

B. Purpose

The research objectives are

1. To find out how students are interested in English!
2. To find out whether students are able to master English vocabulary?
3. To find out the extent to which students' knowledge of mastering English vocabulary!
4. To find out how much English vocabulary is mastered!
5. To find out whether the students can memorize English vocabulary!
6. To find out whether students compose sentences in English!

A. Research Preparation
The first step of this research is that before we conduct interviews, we contact
resource persons from semester VI asking their willingness to conduct interviews. When
conducting interviews, we have prepared the things needed during the interview process,
namely questions to be asked to informants and the instruments used, namely, recording
devices, and writing instruments to support the smooth running of the research. Then the
researchers looked for subjects who met the criteria.

B. Research Implementation

In carrying out this research, the researchers interviewed the Economics Education
and PKN study programs, with the identity of the informants as follows:
Name : Parnieli Daeli & Memori Putra Lawuna
NIM : 199901026 & 192117040
Semester : VI (six)
Study Program: Economics Education & Mathematics education

C. Research Results

Based on data collection using the interview method, the following interview results were

List of questions and answers


1. Are you interested in speaking in English?


I am actually very interested in speaking English, but my speaking skills are not very good. It
is important to speak English because English is an international language, so if for example
we are out of town/abroad, we must be able to speak English. And I keep trying to increase
my English vocabulary.
2. Do you master the vocabulary with Biology material in English?


There is a lot of English vocabulary, quite a lot of vocabulary mastery, because every day
there are at least 2 vocabularies that I have to memorize.

3. How far do you know in mastering vocabulary in English?

Answer :

My knowledge in mastering English vocabulary, I don't really know, only vocabulary that is

4. How much English vocabulary do you master?

Answer :

I don't have a lot of English vocabulary, around 500 vocabularies.

5. Can you pronounce how to read fractions into English correctly?

Answer :

Yes you can, but there is still vocabulary that is still difficult to memorize.

6. Can you arrange sentences in English by applying Biology material?

Answer :

Yes, it can. But to compose sentences in English, mostly I was wrong because I didn't pay
attention to grammar, so the sentence was not appropriate.

Based on the results of interviews conducted in English courses to find out how
students are able to speak English, the authors conclude that English is very interested in but
still lacking in mastering English vocabulary so that they are less able to compose their own
sentences without using tools such as google translate or English and English dictionaries
also have a lot of vocabulary that is difficult to remember so it is difficult to memorize.


By making this mini-research, readers can motivate themselves to understand how

to express a sentence or conversation in English, and it can be a reference that someone's
English language skills are different so that we can deepen our study of English so that we
can follow today's modernity. , Thank you so much "YA'AHOWU".

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