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Question Two

a) By putting forward the idea of 'social facts', Durkheim is trying to

distinguish sociology from other disciplines. What, specifically, does
Durkheim think makes sociology distinct from disciplines like psychology
and biology?
b) Choosing a social phenomenon of your choice (e.g., food, education,
crime, gender, race, the media), show the differences in considering this
issue through a sociological lens compared to other approaches.
Question Three
a) Much of sociology can emphasise the structural forces behind crime,
making it appear as if individuals have little responsibility in their
decisions. What, according to Sewell in their 'Theory of Structure', is
role of structure and agency in shaping criminal behaviour?
b) Considering the reading 'In Search of Respect' by Philippe Bourgois
the experiences of Primo, what is the role of structure and agency in his

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