Conventioal or Addressable

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Fire Protection Systems

shall be provided in public use areas and common Exceptions:

use areas.
1. Fire alarm systems in single-story buildings
Exception: Where employee work areas have less than 2100 m2 in area.
audible alarm coverage, the notification appliance
2. Fire alarm systems that only include manual
circuits serving the employee work areas shall be
fire alarm boxes, waterflow initiating devices
initially designed with not less than 20-percent
and not more than 10 additional alarm-
spare capacity to account for the potential of adding
initiating devices.
visible notification appliances in the future to
accommodate hearing-impaired employee(s). 3. Special initiating devices that do not support
individual device identification.
907. Groups I-1 and R-1. Group I-1
and R-1 dwelling units or sleeping units in 4. Fire alarm systems or devices that are
accordance with Table 907. shall be replacing existing equipment.
provided with a visible alarm notification 907.6.3.1 Annunciation. The initiating
appliance, activated by both the in-room smoke device status shall be annunciated at an approved
alarm and the building fire alarm system. on-site location.
907. Group R-2. In Group R-2 907.6.4 Zones. Each floor shall be zoned separately
occupancies required by Section 907 to have a fire and a zone shall not exceed 2100 m2. The length of
alarm system, all dwelling units and sleeping units any zone shall not exceed 90 m in any direction.
shall be provided with the capability to support
visible alarm notification appliances in accordance Exception: Automatic sprinkler system zones shall
with Chapter 10 of ICC A117.1. Such capability not exceed the area permitted by NFPA 13.
shall be permitted to include the potential for future 907.6.4.1 Zoning indicator panel. A zoning
interconnection of the building fire alarm system indicator panel and the associated controls shall be
with the unit smoke alarms, replacement of audible provided in an approved location. The visual zone
appliances with combination audible/ visible indication shall lock in until the system is reset and
appliances, or future extension of the existing shall not be canceled by the operation of an audible
wiring from the unit smoke alarm locations to alarm-silencing switch.
required locations for visible appliances.
907.6.4.2 High-rise buildings In high-rise
907.6 Installation and monitoring. A fire alarm buildings, a separate zone by floor shall be provided
system shall be installed and monitored in for each of the following types of alarm-initiating
accordance with Sections 907.6.1 through devices where provided:
907.6.6.2 and NFPA 72.
1. Smoke detectors.
907.6.1 Wiring. Wiring shall comply with the
requirements of NFPA 70 and NFPA 72. Wireless 2. Sprinkler water flow devices.
protection systems utilizing radio-frequency 3. Manual fire alarm boxes.
transmitting devices shall comply with the special
requirements for supervision of low-power wireless 4. Other approved types of automatic fire
systems in NFPA 72. detection devices or suppression systems.
907.6.2 Power supply. The primary and secondary 907.6.5 Access. Access shall be provided to each
power supply for the fire alarm system shall be fire alarm device and notification appliance for
provided in accordance with NFPA 72. periodic inspection, maintenance and testing.
Exception: Backup power for single-station and 907.6.6 Monitor ing. Fire alarm systems required
multiple-station smoke alarms as required in by this chapter or by the SBC 201 shall be
Section 907.2.11.6. monitored by an approved supervising station in
accordance with NFPA 72.
907.6.3 Initiating device identification. The fire
alarm system shall identify the specific initiating Exception: Monitoring by a supervising station is
device address, location, device type, floor level not required for:
where applicable and status including indication of 1. Single and multiple-station smoke alarms
normal, alarm, trouble and supervisory status, as required by Section 907.2.11.
2. Smoke detectors in Group I-3 occupancies.

SBC 801-CR-18 174

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