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The Future:
Will Going to
Form Form
Affirmative (long form): subject + will Affirmative (long form) : subject + be + going to +
+verb(inf.)………. verb (inf.)
✓ We will move by our private planes in the ✓ I am going to visit my grandparents next
future. week.
Short form Short form
✓ We'll travel by our private planes in the ✓ I'm going to visit my grandparents next week.
future. Negative (long form) subject + be + not + going to
Negative (long form): Subject + will not + verb + verb (inf.)
(inf.) …………….. ✓ Moudy is not going to play computer games.
✓ I think Gemmy will not be there this early. Short form
Short form ✓ Ahmed isn't going to play computer games.
✓ I think Aly won't be there this early. Interrogative: be + subject + going to + verb (inf.).?
Interrogative: will + subject + verb (inf.)………… ✓ Are you going to have the party in the house
✓ Will you open the door please, Samoula? garden?
Question: Question word +be + subject + going to
+ verb (inf.)..?
Question: Question word + will + subject + verb ✓ Where is Darren going to sing?
(inf.) ………………..? Use
✓ What will you do if the sun stops shining? - Intentions
Use ( when you intend or want to do something)
- Prediction ✓ I'm going to phone Danny tonight.
✓ Alan will live on the moon in 2050. ✓ I'm going to have a cup of tea.
- Request - Plans
✓ Will you bring me a cup of tea, Bob? ✓ We're going to emigrate to Canada next year.
- Offer [suggestions / invitations] - Prediction with present evidence.
✓ I will do the h.w. for you Ahmed. ✓ Look at those clouds! It's going to rain.
- Threats & Warnings ✓ The boy can't see the hole. He's going to
✓ Stop talking or I'll slap you on the face. fall.
- Promise ✓ Jim's broken the vase. Mum is going to hit
✓ I can't see you tonight, but I'll see you him.
- Future facts [Future in general]
✓ The next World Cup will be held in Russia.
- Quick decisions
✓ Just a moment, I'll bring you your money. Present Continuous
Present Simple Use
Use We use this form to talk about fixed
We use this form to talk about timetables. arrangements for the future. (We first intend to
[trains – planes – schools – arranged concerts / do something then we start our planning for it.
trips / camps with many parts] After we finish planning, it becomes a fixed
✓ The train leaves at 7 o'clock tonight. arrangement).
✓ I'm meeting the manager at 5 o'clock.

✓ Breakfast tomorrow is at 7 am for all the
camp, except me. I'll wake up late.

We use the future simple [will] when we have one of the expressions below.
Think maybe perhaps probably sure not sure likely possibly expect
hope dream predict etc.
Will or Going to?!
1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?
B: I (write) ………………………….a letter to my friends back home in Texas.
2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
B: I (get) ………………………….you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.
3. A: I can't hear the television!
B: I (turn) …………………………….it up so you can hear it.
4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) …………………..Paris, Nice and
5. Sarah (come) …………………… the party. Oliver (be) ………………………………there as well.
6. Ted: It is so hot in here!
Sarah: I (turn) ………………………………the air-conditioning on.
7. I think he (be) …………………………the next President of the United States.
8. After I graduate, I (attend) ……………………….medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be a
doctor all my life.
9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small for
four people.
B: That man at the service counter (help) …………………………….you.
10. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) …………………………….down to the beach and go swimming.

Using the present simple with the future:

• When you're talking about future plans, you can you use the present continuous or going to.
e.g.: I'm going to meet my friends tonight or I'm meeting my friends tonight.
• We use the present simple after the future time expressions: as soon as, after, by the time, until, when
As soon as
Future By the time Present simple
N.B. If
‘while’ is usually followed by the present form of the verb ‘to be’
I’m going to visit my grandparents while I am on holiday.
I'm going to watch TV after I do my homework.
We're going to go out as soon as it stops raining.
We're going to have lunch by the time my father comes.
They're not going to leave until we arrive.
I'm going to talk to her when she comes back.
• It’s better to use the present continuous than be going to with the verbs ”come \ go”
e.g.: She’s coming is better than She’s going to come

Simple Present or Future?!

1.Today after I (get) …………………….out of class, I (go) ………………….to a movie with some friends.
2. When you (arrive) …………………….in Stockholm, call my friend Gustav. He (show) ………………….you
around the city and help you get situated.
3. A: Do you know what you want to do after you (graduate)…………………………………?
B: After I (receive) …………………….my Master's from Georgetown University, I (go) ………………….to
graduate school at UCSD in San Diego. I (plan) …………………….to complete a Ph.D. in cognitive science.
4. If it (snow) …………………..this weekend, we (go) …………………………skiing near Lake Tahoe.
5. Your father (plan) ………………… pick you up after school today at 3:00 o'clock. He (meet)
……………… across the street near the ice cream shop. If something happens and he cannot be
there, I (pick) …………………you up instead.
6. If the people of the world (stop, not) ………………………….cutting down huge stretches of rain forest,
we (experience) ……………………………..huge changes in the environment during the twenty-first century.
7. If Vera (keep) ………………..drinking, she (lose, eventually) ………………………………her job.
8. I promise you that I (tell, not)……………….your secret to anybody. Even if somebody (ask) ……………me
about what happened that day, I (reveal, not) …………………….the truth to a single person.
9. She (make) ………………..some major changes in her life. She (quit) ……………….her job and go back to
school. After she (finish) …………………studying, she (get) ………………….a better-paying job and buy a
house. She is going to improve her life!
10. Tom (call) …………………when he (arrive) ……………………in Madrid. He (stay) …………………with you for
Correct the verbs between brackets:
1. I …………………………………dinner with my director this evening. [have]
2. A) 'Hello. Can I speak to Jim?' B) Just a moment I …………………………………..him. [get]
3. ………………………………… to the airport, Mum? No, thanks. Dad ……………………….me. [I / take]
4. There …………………………………no private cars in the future. [be]
5. I think Ann …………………………….. the present we bought for her.[like]
6. My mother's plane………………………….at 4 in the morning. [arrive]
7. I …………………………… an interview for the new job next week. [have].
8. I …………………………….. for a job next week. [look for]
9. I …………………………….. for a job next week. [apply]
10. Don't forget to give me my money in the break tomorrow Aly. The break …………………………10.15.
11. Maria …………………………………………… Malta next week. She has bought everything she needs for her
trip. [travel ]

Use the verbs in brackets in the correct future tenses.

1. The train ……………………………… 11:45. (to leave)
2. We ………………………………..dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday. (to have)
3. It ………………………………… the mountains tomorrow evening. (to snow)
4. On Sunday at 8 o'clock I ……………………………… friend. (to meet)
5. They ……………………………… London on Friday evening. (to fly)
6. Wait! I ………………………………… to the station. (to drive)
7. The English lesson ……………………………… 8:45. (to start)
8. I . ……………………………… sister in April. (to see)
9. Look at the clouds – it ……………………………… a few minutes. (to rain)
10. Listen! There's someone at the door. I………………………………..the door for you. (to open)
Correct the verbs between brackets:

1. I'm hungry - Oh, I ……………………………….. (make) you a sandwich.

2. He ……………………………….. (study) Law at Sheffield University next year.
3. Oh darling! I love you so much, ……………………………….. (you/marry) me?
4. The flight ……………………………….. (leave) at 8 p.m.
5. Look at those clouds! It ……………………………….. (rain) any minute.
6. Jack ……………………………….. (meet) Kim tomorrow afternoon.
7. I think he ……………………………….. (be) very successful.
8. When ……………………………….. (visit) me next year?
9. Class ……………………………….. (begin) at 9, it . ……………………………….. (begin) at 10.
10. As soon as she arrives in Manchester she ……………………………….. (give) you a call.
11. Look at those clouds on the horizon! It is ……………………………….. (rain) soon.
12. Who do you think ……………………………….. (win) the next national elections?
13. We are ……………………… (fly) to Warsaw next week for a meeting with the advisory board.
14. I promise you: I ……………………………….. (finish) my homework on time next week.
15. I'll take this letter to the post office when I ……………………… (go) into town this afternoon.

Future Perfect Future Continuous

Form : will + have + past participle Form: will + be + verb (ing)
Use: Use:
We use the future perfect to talk about actions We use the future continuous to talk about actions
that will be completed by (before) a certain time that will be happening (in progress) at a certain time
or other actions in the future. in the future. These actions are usually planned.
Ex. Ex.
• I will have finished the H.W. by next Thursday. • We will be studying English at this time
Time expressions tomorrow.
By / by the time / before /after Time expressions
At this time next week / month / year etc.
Choose the correct answer:
1. We (will – be – are going – been) study climate change in a later part of the course .
2. The south of the city isn't (go to- won't – going to – will) be affected by the power cuts.
3. The sky has gone really dark, there's (gone – going to – goes – will) be a storm.
4. Does the sale (finish – will finish – finished – is going to finish) on Thursday or Friday?
5. Are you (come – coming – will come – comes) home for lunch?
6. She will be (take – takes – taking – took) up her place at university in October.

7. By the time you get home, I (will have – will be – will been – being) cleaned the house from
top to bottom .
8. The sky is full of dark clouds. It (will be raining – will have rained – is going to rain – is
9. Ann will be (help – helping – helped –helps) us to organize the party.
10. By next June, I (will be taking – will be taken – will take – will have taken) my final exam.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1-They will finish the report at 6 o'clock. (By six o'clock)
2-She will walk her dog tomorrow. (At this time tomorrow)
3- I intend to buy a new car for my wife. (going)
4- It has been arranged to fly to Rome next morning. (We're....)
5- I don't want her to come to the party. ( hope)
6- I expect the police have caught the thief by now (will)
7- They will lay on the beach in California. (This time next week)
8- It's my eighteenth birthday tomorrow. (be)
9- My friends and I intend to play football next Friday. (going)
10- The school inspector has arranged to come on Sunday. (coming)

Correct the verbs between brackets future perfect vs. continuous)

1. This time tomorrow, Maria ................................................. on a beach in Majorca. (sunbathe)
2. Wake me up by nine o'clock - I ................................................. long enough by then. (sleep)
3. Look, I can give you a lift to the station - I ................................................. that way anyway. (drive)
4. It's strange that when we get to Sydney, we ................................................. half way round the
world. (fly)
5. Don't phone me between 7 and 8. We ................................................. dinner then. (have)
6. Phone me after 8 o'clock. We ................................................. dinner by then. (finish)
7. Tomorrow afternoon we're going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at 4 o'clock, we
................................................. tennis. (play)
8. Do you think you ................................................. the same job in ten years' time? (still/do)
9. By the time you get home I ................................................. the house from top to bottom. (clean)
10. Tom is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this,
he ................................................. all his money before the end of his holiday. (spend)


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