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Name: Roselyn Maitim

Strand: Humss

“Trends and critical thinking in the 21st century”

Critical thinking is the ability to see through fads and trends while being conscious of the
ways in which we are susceptible to accepting them because others are doing so.
Trends are the general ways that something is evolving or changing. Critical thinking is
the process of evaluating something objectively in order to make a decision. A trend is
something that is fashionable or well-liked at a certain moment. Warmer temperatures
might be on the rise, despite the fact that trends often refer to a particular style in
entertainment or fashion. In order to address any problem, critical thinking requires the
person to be able to conceptualize, reason logically, apply strategy, think analytically,
make decisions, and synthesize information.

critical thinking is just looking for critical points in a clause and testing them. You
examine extremes and exceptional situations to determine whether they call for making
false statements or exceptions to the rule. For example let's take the statement "girls
are pretty." can you see or imagine an ugly girls? What do you consider to be beautiful?
Does that include females? Even really the old ones? Then you revise the statement to
be true. That is critical thinking.

Without critical thinking, people today would be in the same situation as individuals
thousands of years ago, who took everything they saw and felt to be magic rather than
a result of natural processes. Our capacity for critical thinking enables us to distinguish
between what is real and what is made up. It considers both the outside environment
and our own internal experience. Consistency, logic, connecting ideas, determining the
relevance or irrelevance of ideas, recognizing and avoiding preconceptions and
mistakes, analyzing and resolving potential issues, developing strong arguments, and
the ability to defend one's own beliefs and conclusions to others are all characteristics of
the critical thinker.

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