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- - •

aria (Coe lente rata ),
Inve rteb rate s: 8 majo r phyla : Pori fera , Cnid
ropo da, Moll usca ,
Plat yhel mint hes, Nematoda, Annelida, Arth
examples of each
Echinodermata (Two char acte ristic s ·and two
Rep til ia, Aves and
Vert eb;a tes : 5 classes : Pisces, Amphibia, (ii
Mammalia (with thei r char acte ristics and exam

The re are thou san ds and thou sand s Dep end ing on the pre sen ce or
of bac kbo ne, anim als are broadly
of diff eren t kin ds of anim als fo und on abse nce
sified into two cate gori es
ear th. The se anin1 als live in di ffer e nt clas
env iron n1e nts and plac es. The y are of (A) Inve rteb rate s
var iou s sha pes and siz.e s. The ir size s (B) Ver tebr ates
ran ge fron 1 the tiny ant to gian t-si zed
elep han ts, ,-vhales and sharks. A. INV ERT EBR ATE S (An ima ls without
Alt hou gh diff eren t anin 1~ls h ave bacl<bone)
uni que feat ures yet they sho w cert ain The ani1nals that do not hav e a back
mn1 on feat ures as \ ,veil. For exa111ple, bon e are call ed inv erte bra tes. Bas ed on
in1a ls can not pre par e thei r foo d by the ir diff ere nt cha rac teri stic s, the
ems elve s and they feed eith er on plan ts inv erte bra tes are fur the r div ide d into
or on oth er anin1als for nutr itio n. The y eigh t gro ups (phy la).
are hete rotr oph ic in natu re.
ifera ( Pore-bear ing animals)
I Mo st anii nals n1ove fron1 one plac e to (i) Por
! ano ther maiitly iI1 seard1 of food or shelter. • Mo stly fou nd in sea, ver y few occur t
S~d 1 a 111ove:b.1ent is call ed loco mot ion. in fres h wat er.
Concise BIOLOGY - Middle School - 7
-- -- -1 [fi li- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- -
• Fixed to sonu~ object or to tho • Thu hody IH rrtdlttlly Hyninwtr•knl,
botton, of the pond or occnn, thnl IH, tlw hody ,,1u, hi• dlvl,li•d Iulo
• Body is porous, i.,•. bcnr n1nny tiny two ld,•nllcnl hnlw•H nlony, H11y pl,rn,•,
pores to draw wnter into the body
c""'"'"'' l',\'lllll/l/1 111 I Ja•llyflHh, liydr11,
cavity, and one large pore to pnAs lt out, Hen~niwmo1w (I II~, 3.2),
Common exam1,le .· Sponge (Fig. 3.'I),
(iii) Plot ylwl mI1,1llwM(l'/11 /'flJor,111;)
• Body thin nnd flnlh•1wd,
• ·Mo1,lly IIVl' OH pnnrnlh-'M In th,• hrn.11,•H
of ollwr nnlmnlH (hoHIH),
Co11111w11 t',rt-llllJJ/1• : Tnrwworm and
liver fluke (flig. J,3),

'lib nlllf)O~H-IKF.
Fig. 3.1 Sponge ~~ ' lJJ_i_J
(ii) ~L~
Cnidaria or Coelenterata (Hollow TAPEWORM 1,1vnn rtJ.JKn
sac-like animals) Fl,.:• .1.3 Two .f1alworm.v
• Aquatic aninlals.
The tapeworm occurs in thc 'humnn
• Sac-like body with only one opening intestine and rnay ga in a length of about
i.e. mouth. six n1etres. Tt looks like a long ribbon wilh
• Mouth surrounded by finger-like a smctll head Rlike part at the front. It
projections called tentacles for absorbs the already digested food. from
,· catching food and swimming. the human intestine.
t (iv) Nematoda (Roundworms)
• Body is rounded and unsegmented .
• Except for a few, most of them arc
mi-11ute organisms.
e · • Mo$tly live as parasites in the body I
of animals including humans. I
Common examples: The roundworm I
in humans (Ascaris) (Fig. 3.4) Hves in I
the small intestine of humans, commonly l
in children who eat with unwashed hands II
Fig. 3.2 Two coelenterates
or eat unwashed fruits and vegetables.

---------------,[JIJ1 -.. .,. - --- - - - - Classlflcatlon of Animals \


Fig. J.4 Ascaris (rormdworm i11 /ruma11s)

Fig. 3. 6 Arthropods
(v) Annelida (Segmented worms)
• Body compo sed of nngs or They are further divided into four
segmen ts. classes.
• They have a soft, moist body wall (a) Crusta cea - Head and thorax •
through which they breathe. (middl e part) are fused, have many .
• They have special organs for jointed legs. Mainly live in water.
excretion called nephrid ia. Examples - Crab, shrimp s, lobsters,
Co mm on examp les : Earthw orm, prawn, etc. 1

leech (Fig. 3.5). (b) Myriap oda - Body is divided

into many segments, one or two pairs of
legs on each segment.
Common examples - Centipede, millipede.
(c) Insecta - Body is divided into three l
regions - head, thorax and abdomen.
• Have three pairs of jointed legs.
• Head bears a pair of antenna e or
Fig. 3.5 Some annelids feelers and mouth parts. . '
(vi) Arthrop oda (Animals with jointed legs) Common examples - Ant, housefly, butterfly.
(Fig. 3.6) (d) Arachn ida- Head and thorax fused.
• Body is divided into three regiohs - • Have four pairs of jointed legs.
head, thorax and abdomen. In most • Have no antennae.
cases, the body is covere d by a
Co mmon examples - Spider , ticks,
tough covering of chitin.
scorpion. '
• Body ha6 jointed legs.
BIOLOGY - Middle School - 7 ---- -1~ 1--- --- - - - - - - - - - - \
MIi) M0IIUI OI (lott•bodl1d 1h1lled (viii) Echlnodormfttft (Splny-tklnn• d
W' ,n1m1l1)
ic)ft bo"iy whld, nut "''Rnwntt,,t,
• llndy h~ 1'llll}\h ,,n\t ~p\ny,
• Body l?ndnH,•d In n hc1rJ Hlwll. • M,,lnly m,,rhw. ,
• Mt,vl! with lhl! lwlp ol' n lllllli\'Ulnr fool. • MtlVl' wtlh llw 1wlp t,I' tut,._, t,'\'I.
co111111,m r'l' ''!''''•'H: Snnll, Hlu~, 1w,,rl • Rodlnlly symnwtrk,,1 h,,di,,~.
oyster, odopuH (H>\, 3,7),
C,,,,,,,,,,,, ,•x,11111,l,,s •• Sl,nti~h, ~\\l
lll\'hln (T~I>\, 3.H),

J,'/1(, :1.7 (>,11o,,,,,,,

- - - ( Activity 1.),- --_, fffAll rtml ~CAUHc~~ON

AHk your tcachcl' to pln~u hl!f~)rc

you the prCHl!rV<.)d Hp 1Jci nH1n1, of Hoii-,c B. VERTEBRATES (or Phylum Chordnta)
common animalH. Obi,crvc thcHc onimnh, AnimnlH wil·h n bod,hl)n0 (Vf l'll'brnl 1

and klcnlify them. Note thcfr i111portnnt

fcaturcfJ ond draw thlml ln your Prndknl column) ore cnlll'd Vt'rt~brnh.'s. Tlwy nt\'
Note Book. A diagram of n bul tl rfly iH 1 dnHHificd inl1.) tiv0 ~roups (dn~s~~) :
given here for your guiduncc. Drnw,
(I) Class PISCES ( Fishes)
identify and lnbcl the body pnrt:, of otlwr
animali, in the same milnncr. The rnnin fentures/ chnrnd l'risth.'8 l,f
piscl!H ore o:-:i folll)WS :
• l\quatic onim,,Js with n slr~nmlinl'd
body (narrow nt b1.)lh ends).
• Swin1 wilh the hdp of fins.
NH[Nr~AI:- • Body covered wi th scnl1.'s.
·f/ Breathe through gills.
Com,-no,, exampfrs : Almost nll
fil,hcs ·(Fig. 3.9) nnd l'o nnmc n fL'W -
Hohu, Cnlla, Mahn:-iheer, El1. rtrk rny fish,

llutlt!rJly Dogfo,h.

----- ------ ---7~ r;;-,1 - - - - - - - - -Closslflcotlon of Anlmnls

(Ill) Class REPTILIA (Liza rds and S
The main char acter istic s of ~
are as follo ws : r
• Mos tly live on land . Sorne . 'jr,
wate r too. 1
• Skin is dry and scaly.

Brea the throu gh lung s.
Fen1ales lay soft shell ed eggs on i
• Have four shor t legs for crawlln~
land . g,
Com mon exam ples : Lizar ds, 8 ,
etc. Turtl es, torto ises, croco diles , et~
in w ater (Fig. 3 .12). ·

Fig. 3.9 Some fishes

(ii) Clas s AMP HIBIA (Fro gs and Toad s)

The main chara cteris tics of an"lp hibia ns
are as follo ws :
_..~ "'_,.~-,.: :,-_ , - ,~
• Can live in ,vate r a s w ell as on land . ~~ ~)f(f:;,- ~~:.~~t:
.~ ...

• Lay their eggs in v\ ater.


• Bod y cov ered b y a sli m y a nd
slipp ery skin.
• Brea the throu gh lung s and skin. (iv) Clas s AVES ( B irds)
C o mmo n exam ples : Froo- and toad The main chara cteris tics
as follo-\ ,v s :

(Fig . 3.10 and 3.11 ). ro.bm0.11 c"-',
• Body cove red , feath ers.
• Have ·wing s to fly.
• Bo~e s are h ollo, v a nd light
w eight .
• Leg s bea r sca les a nd toes h1
cla,v s . I
• Jaws p rovid ed , hon1 v t,edk ~
/ · 1g. J . /IJ /"roJ< Fi,:. J.JI foad h ave n o teeth . ✓
• Fem a les lay h.1rd -s h ellt'i..i E:~
C,.n,,o .A bl()l.( XiY - M ~ Schoof - 7
~ . eo,,,mon exam11les: Peacock, parrot, • Usually, have a tail (except humans)
l'ep~ ~ buJbuJ, span-ow, etc. and four limbs.
Common examples: Cow, dog, deer,
.. ii, camel, lion, tiger, elephant, rat, and
humans (Fig. 3.14).

Activity 2
Ask your teacher to place before you
a preserved specimen of a fish. Observe the
Fig. 3.13 Two common birds fish and note its important features. Draw
the diagram of the fish in your Practical
However, there are some birds that Note Book, and label its various parts.
cannot fly such as ostrich (largest bird), While labelling the parts, you can take the
penguin, kiwi, etc. help of the figure given below.
(v) Class MAMMALIA ( Milk-nourishing DORSAL FIN TRUNK
The main characteristics of mammals TAIL FIN
are as follows :
[ i-\
• Body covered with hair. ANAL FIN ?'
(Gill cover)
• Possess projecting e x ternal ears.
• Give birth to young ones (babies).
Activity 3
• Young suckle n1ilk from
mammary glands present in mothers. Look at the four animals shown below.
Which four classes of vertebrates are
represented by them ? Name these classes.
1. - - - - - - - 2. f' .., . . '

I _____:_:;:;___ _;
' c_
• __

f'ir,1, l ./ Smm.' 1111111111111!~·

J7 1------------ Classification of Animals

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