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Name:__________________ Subject: Chemistry Test# CH-7,8,9,3,16,6,11,1

Class: 12th Time: 180 mint T. Marks: 85


1. When silver acetylides are treated with acid it produces

(a)Ethyne (b) Acetylene (c) Both a and b (d) None
2. Which Alkane is not prepared from Kolbe’s Electrolytic method
(a)Methane (b) Ethane (c) Propane (d) Butane
3. Catalytic oxidation of alkanes produced?
(a)CO + H2O (b) CO2 + H2 (c) CH4 + H2O (d) None
4. Benzene cannot undergo:
(a) Substitution Reactions (b) Addition Reactions
(c) Oxidation Reactions (d) Elimination Reactions
5. The conversion of n-hexane into benzene by heating in the presence of Pt is called:
(a) Isomerization (b) Aromatization ( c) DE alkylation (d) Rearrangement
6. A double consist of :
(a) Two pi bonds (b) Two sigma (c) One sigma one pi (d) None
7. Linear shape is associated with hybridization:
(a) Sp-hybridized (b) Sp3 (c) Sp2 (d) none
8. Aluminium oxide is:
(A) Acidic oxide (B) Baric oxide (C) Amphoteric oxide (D) None of these
9. When basic acid is neutralized by soda ash is formed
(A) H2B4O7 (B) Na2So4 (C) B2O3 (D) None

10. Alcohol obtained by fermentation is only:

(a) 10% (b) 11% (c) 12% (d )13%
11. ………compound shows extensive hydrogen bonding with water:
(a) C2H6 (b) H2S (c) C2H5OH (d) CH3Cl
12. The colour of transition metal complexes:
(A) d-d transitions of electrons (B) Paramagnetic nature of transition elements (C)
Ionization (D) Loss of s-electrons
13. The strength of binding energy of transition elements depends upon:
(A) Number of electron pairs (B) Number of unpaired electron
(C) Number of neutrons (D) Number of protons
14. Non metallic character as atomic size increase .
(a) Decrease b() Increase (c) Remain same (d) None
15. Second electron affinity of oxygen is
(a) + 141 (b) + 744 (c) -141 (D) -744
16. The pH range of acidic rain is
(a) 6-7 (b) 7-8 (c) 6.5-7 (d) less then 5
17. The main pollutant of leather tanning is
(a) Lead (b) Cr 6 (c) Cr 3 (d) Cu
Q2. Attempt any eight
i. How Ozone layer is depleted?
ii. What are leachates
iii. How oil spoilage effects the marine life
iv. Define Smog
v. D/BBOD and COD
vi. Prepare bakelite from phenol?
vii. Why phenol is acidic?
viii. Why products of dehydration of alcohol at different temperature.
ix. Differentiate between ethanol and methanol with the help of a test.
x. Order of reactivity of alcohol when O-H and C-O bond breaks
xi. How do transition elements display colour?
xii. Why does damaged tin plated iron get rusted quickly?
Q3. Attempt any eight
i. D/B Paramagnatism and Diamagnatism?
ii. Define coordination number with example
iii. Define corrosion
iv. D/B homocyclic and Heterocyclic compounds?
v. Define sp hybridization with example?
vi. What do you mean by reforming?
vii. What are alicyclic compounds?
viii. Why there is no free rotation around double bond?
ix. What is the action of aqueous solution of borax on litmus?
x. Why boron shows peculiar behavior?
xi. Gives the name and formulas of different acids and boron
xii. What do you know about borax bead test?

Q4. Attempt any eight

i. How does borax serve as water softening agent?
ii. How will you convert boric acid into borax and vice versa?
iii. What is wurtz – fitting reaction.
iv. Convert acetylene to benzene.
v. What are resonance structure.
vi. What is meant by resonance energy.
vii. Prepare benzene from n Hexane.
viii. Prepare oxalic acid from ethyne.
ix. What is hydration reaction of alkynes.
x. How ethyne is prepared from dehydroholgenationof vicinal dihalidie.
xi. Why alkenes are so reactive .
xii. Prepare alkenes from hydration of alcohols.
Long Questions
Q5. (a) Define cracking and explain its types
(b) Define Sulphonation and explain mechanism of sulphonation of benzene
Q6. (a) Define Hybradization and draw hybrid structure of Ethene and Ethane
(b) Write methods for preparation of benzene on laboratory scale
Q7. (a) Explain acidic nature of alkyne
(b) How alkenes is prepared from Kolbes electrolytic method
Q8. (a) Why size of cation smaller then parent atom? Why 2nd I.E greater then 1st one?
(b) Explain Position of hydrogen in periodic table

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