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CR&W: Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay
Humanity is “NO” more left in most Humans.

HUMANITY is no more an emotion for human

He is busy checking is he behind someone.

(Kranula karansa)

Humanity is the most significant need of humans. Emotions make humans, human. Due to

humanity, humans are called humans. But if it does not exist in them then there will be

criminals all around such as thieves, rapists, murderers, liars, corrupt employees, See! These all

criminals are present in this world and their ratio is increasing day by day. Humanity is all about

respect, moral values, principles, love, compassion, care, justice, serving humans, etc. When

there is no humanity then there will be inhumanity, violence, brutality, bloodshed, cruelty,

injustice, hatred, harassment and crimes, etc.

Inhumanity exists in many forms in our society. When we have regrets in our lives then we can
have inclined toward inhumanity. In regrets, we do evils. When humans don’t get justice in
time, they will take revenge. In revenge, people spoiled others’ lives, destroyed in a way that
they could not recover from it.

We don’t care for others’ emotions and feelings. We build interest-based relationships with
others in one way or another from the start of human history. This is a bitter reality that for our
interest, we can harm others through bribery, corruption, and back doors to reach our

Sadly, we belonged to a very ruthless society that made us inhuman. Humanity should ashamed
of being so cruel that we didn’t even bother the dead body in front of us. We do charity to
humiliate other humans. Restaurants staff thrown out homeless and needy people because
they were ruining their reputation and this is inhumanity. War results in brutality and sadism in
the world. There is bloodshed and savagery in Kashmir, Palestine, Burma, etc. that insists us to
doubt as humans.

In my point of view, humanity does not exist in humans anymore mostly. Social loafing is the
best term to describe the inhumanity in society. It includes that we don’t fulfill our
responsibilities as citizens and demand others to do that job. We put fewer efforts into society’s
betterment. For example: the recent death of a street vendor in a marriage hall was a heart-
shattering incident in Pakistan’s history.

This is human nature that we are all sensitive to social hierarchies and to desire for approval
and esteem from others. Sometime, we force others to do our respect. As matter of respect is
concerned, it’s about give and take. But now-a-days, people demanded it through social
pressure. That’s not an evil that can destroyed humanity but sometimes, our desires to do
socially great can have ugly side. If we earn respect by physically dominating other humans by
aggression and violence then this is the darker side of social behavior that leads to inhumanity.

The painful reality is that we associate respect with status and that’s social inequality. Social
status refers to an individual’s ranking concerning some socially important characteristics. On
that note, some people are thought to be low and others are expected to be high in position.
The community considers a person honorable or dishonorable by judging his/her status. This
leads to many crimes in society and crimes lead to inhumanity.

Poverty has the major contribution in inhumanity in the society. People used other’s weakness
for their own purposes. Actually, they used their needs for their means and we all know that we

can go extra miles for getting our needs fulfilled as explained in the phrase: “Need is the
Mother of invention.”

Due to envy, rich people paid money to poor for poisoning someone, for killing someone or
harming others in one way or other. People from lower class become thieves for fulfilling their
basic needs of lives. They do evils to fill their stomach at any cost. Joblessness in youths is the
one form of poverty in the society. Because of this, youth indulged in many bad things that
could ruin their lives fully. This cruel society forced people to do evils for removing poverty.
Poor parents killed or aborted their children for having no money. The most of news content is
about how poverty ruined humanity. In Holy Quran 17:31, Allah said:

“Do not killed your children for fear of poverty.”

Basic rights violation is key to making humans, inhuman. Basic rights include rights to life,
education, freedom of expression and work, etc. If there is a violation of basic rights then
aggression level reaches at peak in individual. If someone is not getting an education, then it
means he is not getting awareness about many aspects that could lead to inhumanity. We are
moving toward modernization and that made humans machines and robots. We became
emotionless in some cases and our interests don’t allow us to do sympathy with others.

In the days of ignorance, daughters were not given by the basic right of life. Arabs were used to
burn their daughters alive or buried their daughters alive and it’s a common practice in those
days. But in these days, everyone is considered to be educated. When parents killed their
daughter just for being girls then how you could justify that humanity still exists in humans. In
recent times, educated father murdered his daughter and her crime was that she was not a
boy. You must heard about Mianwalian father who shooted a daughter of seven days by
shooting five bullets. That is another proof of inhumanity still exists on earth.

In past, the Holocaust was the incident that emphasized us to not believe in humanity. There
were mass killing, people were reduced to machine, treated like animals for labor and this is
obviously what happened in Nazi Concentration Camps. In these camps, a lot of people were
degrading and humiliating in very terrible way. It’s about torturing people by all means and at
any cost. It’s about the pleasure of being dominant over another person.

In the case of inhumanity, we treat man less than animal .We cannot humiliate animals because
they don’t have self-respect. We can humiliate people only. If someone want to tease someone
else’s then he/she merely thought of these people as animals because you would not get the
pleasure of violating others, humiliating others because we can’t humiliate animals.
Inhumanity exists in humans from the early stages. Socrates’s death was the proof in human
history that how we murdered philosopher by giving bowl full of poison. Inhumanity existed in
the past but decreases gradually time to time. As time changes, its mode also changes. In the
start, People harassed girls physically but now the world is modernized and girls are harassed
by many modern means such as Cyber-crimes.

In light of my observation, silence is the real crimes against humanity. Silence over many crimes
encourages criminals to do more sins. In most of the hidden crimes, victims made dangerous
compromises that can destroy their lives and surrounding in a way that we couldn’t express in
words. We pressurize victims to be quiet for the sake of saving self-respect. This leads to
violence in society as depicts below:

“Silence against violence is a real sin.”

I agreed that humanity is no more left in most humans as we can observe the snerio of justice
in the world. Formula of Rules for All is just the part of policy. When implementation of policy is
concerned then this formula is only belonged to piece of paper. There are separate rules for
upper class and different treatment for middle and lower class. If law does not ensure justice
then imbalance in the society is obvious. Because when lower class people are prisoned
ruthlessly without any reasons then how humanity could be existed? When killers released
after money then how we can claim that we are human? Judiciary department is just the
puppet in the hands of land Lords, commissioners, ministers etc. Justice is all about balance
among rich and poor, good and bad. Where there is justice, there will be humanity and vice

Violence is another evil in the society that leads to inhumanity. It could be present in the form
of homicide, assault, robbery, rape, child sexual abuse and domestic violence. It has negative
impacts on lives of victims and criminals in a way that person can go in depression and that lead
to Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It harms person physically and psychologically. It can
cause mental illness. Children who experience or witness it can have insecurity, anxiety,
impulsiveness, anger, lack of empathy for others.
Being a Muslim, Islam gave too much importance to humanity. Islam is the religion of peace
and love that emphasized us to do work for humanity. But in actual, we worked against
humanity. The Iraq crisis makes us believe that humanity is no more in most humans. The UN
says it has received reports from Iraq that reveal “acts of inhumanity on an unimaginable scale”
and that included targeted killing, forced conversions, slavery, sexual abuse and besieging of
entire communities. The UN allegations came as a BBC team entered the town of Amerli, in
Northern Iraq. Inhuman ruthlessly carried out what may amount to ethnic and religious

In Islamic history, incident of Karbala was the heart-wrenching event that couldn’t be
forgotten. That incident made us shed blood-tears. Hazrat Hussain (R.A) lost his sons and
companions in front of his eyes. The cruel opponents did not allow to drink water. The 72
people went with Hazrat Hussain (R.A) to fight for truthfulness and right path.

Now-a-days, we play blame game with each other. We want to take credits of all successes and
make responsible others for all failures. By doing this, many talented people wasted their lives
for getting appreciation. If they did not get appreciation on time then they find other ways to
get that and they can go in astray. When you follow wrong path then humanity compromised.
We see other people as blameworthy, as morally responsible, as themselves cruel, as not giving
us what we deserve, as taking more than they deserve. So, we treat them horribly precisely
because we see them as moral human beings.

Now-a-days, people have worked for their benefits at any cost. People lived in abusive and
violent relationship. That is mainly due to external locus of causality which means that these
outcomes are the results of some environmental factors or people have attitude that they are
not responsible for it. According to me, the main cause of inhumanity in the community of
Pakistan is this locus of causality.

The war results in the oppression, aggression and that eventually provide pathway to
inhumanity. War made us violent that is very bad outcome for the society. Currently Ukraine
war is going on between Russia and Ukraine. That is expected to be World War III by experts.
But on the ground realities, it destroyed happy families and made many families homeless. That
is very big question mark on us…! Some powerful people used people for their use in the war
and ruined them as human. Below saying is the real picture of war:

“The tragedy of war is that it uses man’s Best to do man’s worst.”

Humanitarians crisis were the big question mark on the humanity. These crisis involved like in
Yemen, Syria, Kashmir, Myanmar and many more crisis cost the lives of many million people.
Life is the most beautiful thing one can have for doing great things. But if we take this right
from others then how we could be human? The situation is not resolving soon and we need
humanity for this.

Humanity is caring about others humans, also animals and our environment. A person’s
character can be judged by the love and compassion they have for animals. Animals are also
living beings and we need to care about them because they also have feelings. We should
ponder over that we used animals for testing

Social media is very helpful as well as very dangerous for humans. It itself is not helpful nor
dangerous but its use make it good or bad for society. Only God knows that what this social
media is doing with children’s brain. Through this, we get information about wrong things. We
can’t manage that information that how we should use or how we avoid from it.

In the world of hashtags, followers, algorithms, we should know the importance of human
connections. If we can’t communicate a human properly then how we understand each other in
better way. Because when you are not understanding others then you may perceive them
wrong. Mostly, we judge people in a wrong way and criticize them for it. This useless criticism
does not lie under mannerism.

Moral values have strong relationship with humanity as no moral value is greater than
humanity. Good moral values mostly belonged to a place where love, faith, hope and respect
exist all around. Sorry to say, but today, it is fact that we are human just by name. We forget
our moral values and principles. We are spending our lives by breaking the rules. We loved
other for some conditions. So, inhumanity prevails instead of humanity. Allah made us human
that is given to us and keeping humanity is a choice. We should be kind and then we can be
human. Kindness is the quality that defines human the best. But we are so cruel that we have
no more value for others feelings.

We all are human until race disconnected us, politics divided us, religion separated us and
wealth classified us. But we have huge influence of all these aspects in our lives. Color, creed,
cast or race are not meant to impact humanity in wrong way. People judge other by observing
all these things. When you judge people on these materialistic things or on the things that are
not in their control then people indulge in negative things.

We used to listen that:

“Once upon a time…………..There was Humanity!!!!!!”

In my life, I see humans but no humanity. I feel that Earth is inhibited by most of inhuman. We
make this earth dirty, polluted, emotionless, painful and made others life difficult. That is
something against humanity. In this modern era, scientific development and technological
advancements are shaping our lives. These modern technologies and developments made
humans the machine. This is the bitter reality of the modern world.

We did not spend time with our dear ones. There is huge communication gap between humans.
The electronical gadgets took the place of useful and enjoyable chit-chat among families and
friends. In the poem, Humanity Lost, Teresa Dearing explained how we are no more humans;

We touch, but never truely feel

We speak, but the words are not real

So busy we are with our life

We find no patience for your strife

Then one day we wake up to find we have the time

Too late the contact's broken by death distance, and mind

If only I had a token to buy back all the years

Maybe I could go back now and stop these shedding tears

For the tears shed are mine now, not friends family or foes

And the needs that went unanswered have now become my woes.

On mobile, lap-top and on tabs, we consume a lot of useful and unnecessary information as
well. Once we started watching the content, then our social media provide most of the similar
content and in this way, it consume a lot of time. We have to make best use of it otherwise, we
have to compromise our norms and values.

Dehumanization is about that everybody who does evil is making a big mistake. They are just
failing to appreciate the humanity of others. We expect that if we tell them that Jews, the
blacks, the gays, are people like them then evil will disappear. So that was not the case. I think
that’s bogus. There is concept in the society about the people that who do evils are
psychopaths or sadists or monsters or extremists and get satisfaction from others suffering. On
this note, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:

“The best among you is the one who doesn’t harm others with his tongue and

On December 16, 2014; terrorist attack on Army Public School in Peshawar terrorists killed 150
people. Among 150 people, 134 people were students. On that day, many mother lost their
sons, many fathers lost their daughters, and many sisters lost their brothers and many other
woman their last hope for life. This APS Peshawar massacre was unforgetful event in Pakistan
history. There is no terrorism in Islam and Islam is totally against this horrible act. After this
incident, everyone lost his/her qualities to believe in humanity. Allah says in the Quran;

“Whosever killed an innocent human being, it shall be as if he has killed all

As far as my point of views is concerned, humanity is no more left in most humans. Most
human include at least 80% of the human population. Other 20% can be human and have
empathy for others. They can feel pain of others and try to recover them from their sufferings
but truth is far away from it.

There are many people who may believe that humanity still exists in humans. So for better
understanding, we should ponder over their opposing views as well. The comprehensive saying
urged me to observe other side of picture as every picture has two sides:

“Those who do not know their opponent’s arguments

Do not completely understands their own arguments.”

World is full of bad people but we can find generous people as well that help others because
they needed to be helped. Such as if hotel staff thrown out hungry people from hotel then
there would be someone respect worthy who is kind-hearted and has love for others. So, he
supplied food too it and booked a space for him in the hotel. But sadly, they are very few and
most humans are just humans by name.

To serve humanity, there were many great humanitarians in the history and some exists now as
well. These great humans were Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana, Abdul Sattar
Edhi. There are many non-profit organization that help poor and needy people of society.

If we talk about organization then how we will forget to talk about Abdul Sattar Edhi. He is the
man who served humanity in a way that he prioritize others on himself. He provided shelter to
homeless people. He brought up children that couldn’t be brought up by their parents. He
organized marriages of many girls who did not afford to marry and were burden on their
families. But negative people in the society called him in wrong way that he was the father of
illegal babies. He once said that:

“My religion is humanitarianism which is the basis for every religion in the
Many people donate many things for the sake of humanity. Bill Gates provided free Polio
vaccine to us. Cristiano Ronaldo spent most of his earnings in charitable acts. He is the
sportsman that spent most in donations. There are some super heroes who spent their lives for
us. But there are villains as well who killed children, women, and elders without any reason.
There were terrorist attacks that forced to think that we are no more humans.

There are the people who led their lives for others. Martyrs sacrificed their lives for the
country, for the nation, for the humanity. We have huge bunch of examples of such heroes who
served the humanity at any cost and at any time. Amjid Hussain was the one in Pakistan’s
history that saved the lives of all students and teacher at the cost of his own life. Sacrifice own
life for other is very appealing emotion but it’s not an easy task to give own life. But people who
did this are amazing human being. Those are polite, empathetic, kind-hearted and sensitive
people. In the war of 1965, Major Aziz Bhatti Shaheed fought for 17 days and dedicated his life
for Pakistan. We have Rashid Minhas in the history of Pakistan and all other brave sons of
nation who got Nishan-e-Haider for their bravery and courage. Allah says in Quran 5:32;

“……whosever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all

Feelings and emotions make humans, the human. We take care of our emotions but actually
humanity is about understanding other’s emotions and feelings. We should take care of others
in a way that we should help others if needed. So, today world is going towards modern things.
Being modern is all about having branded dresses, new model phone, lavish car and having
luxury lifestyle. For adopting this lifestyle, we compromised many things like spending quality
time with family and friends, listening to others carefully.

We met different people in lives and all have different nature. Some are introvert, some are
extrovert, some are conscious about everything, some feel nervous, some are straight-forward,
some become quiet over many things and all these types of human are equally normal. So,
being straight-forward is not the bad thing. Even it’s good that you remained safe from
backbiting because backbiting is prohibited in Islam. This exists little bit that people said in front
of person that this is bad about you for the sake of improvement or for the sake of criticism.
But they said this to people directly and that is our ethics and moral values. When we follow
principles and led life of values then it proves that humanity exists in us.

We does not lose hope on humanity. Humanity is still there little bit. We have to work hard for
the humanity because it no more left in most humans. Being human is very difficult job for
every human but we should believe in humans to be humans. Mahatma Gandhi quoted that:

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few

drops of ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

But when majority of ocean is dirty then few clean drops do not help the ocean to clean. It is
same as majority is authority. My claim sustained that humanity no more left in most humans.
We have to focus on humans that are not including in most of humans. We should appreciate
them by giving them some incentives. Otherwise, they will also turn into inhuman.

Basically, I don’t want to protect my surroundings. Actually, I need the environment that does
not need protection. But I think that this would be my dream only. Because I did not see any
implication of it. I see that girls still are not safe on the road, in the workplace and not even feel
comfortable to go out.

I watch many people throwing garbage in the streets. We should be environment friendly. I
observe that people do violence on children are increasing day by day. In my childhood, I never
thought of humans as monsters. But now I realized that how they turn their faces when
needed. With the passage of time, things are going more difficult. Quotation of Scott Mescudi
inspired me a lot that described today’s human efficiently;

“Some humans are really bad at being humans.”

If someone asked me about the purpose of life then my reply is to serve humanity because the
soul meaning of life is to serve humanity. People do goods for other and expect others to do
well to them. But most of the time, they did not pay back in a way they were expecting. So,
they don’t try to do good for others again and in a way one human being becomes inhuman. In
my point of view, due to this “give and take”, most humans forget the meaning of life to serve

We have a lot of justifications for our mistakes that I did it because of this and that but if others
did the same thing then we judge others that how they could do that without knowing context
of the whole story. We should know that why this person behaved in this way and why he was
showing this reaction on this thing. Being human, we should understand others and should
cooperate with them to make others’ lives comfortable and peaceful. Peaceful life is wishful

This is the fact in the society that we worth the thing that we did not have. The thing which is
provided us at its fullest then we don’t value it. So, the greatness of humanity is in being
inhuman not in being human. Because humanity is the top most requirement of every time.

Now-a-days, we lack humanity. We are human just by name. We buried our inner human deep
inside us. We wait for others to speak for truth although we know that this is truth. Our
conscious mind need to awake more and more because it reached the level of “ID”. This
convinced us that do whatever you want either god or bad.

In my point of view, we need to analyze our lives that what lives we are spending or these lives
we want to spend? If answer of analysis approached that we are here for others then we are
not from most humans. But if our conscious mind inclined toward id then we are among most
humans who are deprived of emotions for others.

I am very disappointed to say that Humanity is no more left in most humans but we should
work for it. We have to ensure it by caring others, by loving others, by helping others etc. we try
to define humanity that we should trust each other. I conclude my arguments on the poem of
Naomi Paul about humanity because we need this really:

Humanity isn't a race

It's not a people

Or a person
It's something you ask yourself

Humanity is a question.

Will you give?

Will you share?

Will you play the game fair?

Will you sacrifice!

Will you go beyond, above?

most importantly-

Will you put your trust in love-?



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