Year 8: You Are To Plan and Conduct A Primary Investigation To Answer A Question From ONE of The Forces Topics Provided

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Ambarvale HIGH SCHOOL Year 8

Science Faculty
Name: _____________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK – Student Research Project
Class: 8 Cicada (Miss Nunes)

Date of issue of task: Week 1, Monday 27th July 2020 Time allowed: 3 Weeks

Topic: Student Research Project

Task Due Date

3rd August 2020
Week 3, Term 3

14th August 2020

Final Report
Week 4, Term 3

Outcomes to be assessed (from Science syllabus):

identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on
scientific knowledge

SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems

processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to identify trends,
patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions

SC4-10PW describes the action of unbalanced forces in everyday situations

You are to plan and conduct a primary investigation to answer a

question from ONE of the forces topics provided.

● Complete both sections of the project (Proposal and Final Report).
● Use the marking criteria as a guide to the requirements of the project.
● All work should be your own and must be in your own words.
● Presentation of your SRP is important.
● The SRP must be completed on your own.
● Safety is an important part of any scientific investigation. It is essential that you carry out your project with safety in
your mind.
Ambarvale HIGH SCHOOL Year 8
Science Faculty
Name: _____________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK – Student Research Project
Class: 8 Dragonfly (Mrs Stamoulos)

Date of issue of task: Week 1, Monday 27th July 2020 Time allowed: 3 Weeks

Topic: Student Research Project

Task Due Date

3rd August 2020
Week 3, Term 3

14th August 2020

Final Report
Week 4, Term 3

Outcomes to be assessed (from Science syllabus):

identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on
scientific knowledge

SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems

processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to identify trends,
patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions

SC4-10PW describes the action of unbalanced forces in everyday situations

You are to plan and conduct a primary investigation to answer a

question from ONE of the forces topics provided.

● Complete both sections of the project (Proposal and Final Report).
● Use the marking criteria as a guide to the requirements of the project.
● All work should be your own and must be in your own words.
● Presentation of your SRP is important.
● The SRP must be completed on your own.
● Safety is an important part of any scientific investigation. It is essential that you carry out your project with safety in
your mind.
Ambarvale HIGH SCHOOL Year 8
Science Faculty
Name: _____________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK – Student Research Project
Class: 8 Grasshopper (Miss Knowles)

Date of issue of task: Week 1, Friday 24th July 2020 Time allowed: 3 Weeks

Topic: Student Research Project

Task Due Date

3rd August 2020
Week 3, Term 3

12th August 2020

Final Report
Week 4, Term 3

Outcomes to be assessed (from Science syllabus):

identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on
scientific knowledge

SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems

processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to identify trends,
patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions

SC4-10PW describes the action of unbalanced forces in everyday situations

You are to plan and conduct a primary investigation to answer a

question from ONE of the forces topics provided.

● Complete both sections of the project (Proposal and Final Report).
● Use the marking criteria as a guide to the requirements of the project.
● All work should be your own and must be in your own words.
● Presentation of your SRP is important.
● The SRP must be completed on your own.
● Safety is an important part of any scientific investigation. It is essential that you carry out your project with safety in
your mind.
Ambarvale HIGH SCHOOL Year 8
Science Faculty
Name: _____________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK – Student Research Project
Class: 8 Hornet (Ms Irvine)

Date of issue of task: Week 1, Monday 27th July 2020 Time allowed: 3 Weeks

Topic: Student Research Project

Task Due Date

4th August 2020
Week 3, Term 3

12th August 2020

Final Report
Week 4, Term 3

Outcomes to be assessed (from Science syllabus):

identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on
scientific knowledge

SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems

processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to identify trends,
patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions

SC4-10PW describes the action of unbalanced forces in everyday situations

You are to plan and conduct a primary investigation to answer a

question from ONE of the forces topics provided.

● Complete both sections of the project (Proposal and Final Report).
● Use the marking criteria as a guide to the requirements of the project.
● All work should be your own and must be in your own words.
● Presentation of your SRP is important.
● The SRP must be completed on your own.
● Safety is an important part of any scientific investigation. It is essential that you carry out your project with safety in
your mind.
Ambarvale HIGH SCHOOL Year 8
Science Faculty
Name: _____________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK – Student Research Project
Class: 8 Mantis (Miss Xian)

Date of issue of task: Week 1, Thursday 23rd July 2020 Time allowed: 3 Weeks

Topic: Student Research Project

Task Due Date

3rd August 2020
Week 3, Term 3

13th August 2020

Final Report
Week 4, Term 3

Outcomes to be assessed (from Science syllabus):

identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on
scientific knowledge

SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems

processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to identify trends,
patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions

SC4-10PW describes the action of unbalanced forces in everyday situations

You are to plan and conduct a primary investigation to answer a

question from ONE of the forces topics provided.

● Complete both sections of the project (Proposal and Final Report).
● Use the marking criteria as a guide to the requirements of the project.
● All work should be your own and must be in your own words.
● Presentation of your SRP is important.
● The SRP must be completed on your own.
● Safety is an important part of any scientific investigation. It is essential that you carry out your project with safety in
your mind.
Ambarvale HIGH SCHOOL Year 8
Science Faculty
Name: _____________________________
ASSESSMENT TASK – Student Research Project
Class: 8 Slater (Miss Reilly)

Date of issue of task: Week 1, Monday 27th July 2020 Time allowed: 3 Weeks

Topic: Student Research Project

Task Due Date

3rd August 2020
Week 3, Term 3

12th August 2020

Final Report
Week 4, Term 3

Outcomes to be assessed (from Science syllabus):

identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on
scientific knowledge

SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems

processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to identify trends,
patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions

SC4-10PW describes the action of unbalanced forces in everyday situations

You are to plan and conduct a primary investigation to answer a

question from ONE of the forces topics provided.

● Complete both sections of the project (Proposal and Final Report).
● Use the marking criteria as a guide to the requirements of the project.
● All work should be your own and must be in your own words.
● Presentation of your SRP is important.
● The SRP must be completed on your own.
● Safety is an important part of any scientific investigation. It is essential that you carry out your project with safety in
your mind.
Writing an Experimental Report
TITLE A descriptive name for the experiment or investigation

AIM A sentence that states what you are trying to achieve

HYPOTHESIS A statement about what you think your results are going to prove

A statement outlining any safety considerations that you have considered before
RISK ASSESSMENT undertaking your research

APPARATUS A list of all of the equipment that you will use to carry out your investigation

A series of steps (that must be numbered) that outline what you did to achieve your
METHOD results

RESULTS A table or graph that records all of your results in an easily understood manner.
Remember to include labels and units for the quantities measured for both tables and

DISCUSSION A sentence stating if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect and why. A paragraph
that outlines some of the errors or problems that you may have experienced during
your investigation. It could also include ideas on how you could improve your
experiment to obtain better results. In this section you must identify the variables in
your experiment. A sentence that explains your results and what they mean.

A sentence that states whether the aim of the investigation was achieved. You should
identify any trends in your data. Link the findings of the investigation to real world
Suggested Research Topics

Design and conduct a primary investigation that addresses ONE of the topics below.
You will be conducting the experimental component of your investigation during
You will need to complete the aim, hypothesis, risk assessment, apparatus and method
before this period.

Which paper airplane design causes the least drag?

How does the number of coils on an electromagnet affect its magnetic strength?
Which brand of sticky tape has the strongest adhesive strength?

How does surface friction affect the distance a trolley can travel?

How does the surface affect the height a ball will bounce?
Proposal Making Plans
What will we do in class?
What do I need to do at home and submit?
How will I ensure my safety and the safety of others throughout my

What question am I investigating?

Collecting other Collecting data in experiments

What is my dependent variable?
What do I need to find out?
What is my independent variable?
Where can I get this
What variables are needed to be controlled?
What equipment will I need?
Who can I ask for help?
How will I record and present my data?

Student Research Project
Title: ________________________________________________________________________________

Aim: To_______________________________________________________________________________

Hypothesis: _________________________________________________________________________


Risk Assessment:
Draw a table that outlines at least 2 risks. Use the headings Risk/Hazard, Injury, Prevention.

• ________________________ • ________________________
• ________________________ • ________________________
• ________________________ • ________________________
• ________________________ • ________________________
• ________________________ • ________________________
• ________________________ • ________________________
• ________________________ • ________________________
1. _________________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________________











Draw a labelled 2D scientific diagram of your apparatus set up using pencil and ruler.
Draw a table of your results. Do calculations here if required.
Graph your results
Foundation Questions…
1. Referring to your graph, describe the relationship between the independent and dependent
variable in 1-2 sentences to summarise your results.
2. What would you do to improve the project if you were to do it again? (method, equipment, time,
collecting information, study more variables and so on.)

Standard Questions…
3. Are there any results that don't seem to fit (anomalies)? Can these be explained?

4. Did your results support your hypothesis? If it does not, can you explain this? (Answer in a complete
sentence, NOT using the word yes or no!)
5. Suggest some further research that could be performed in the topic area of your research. For
example, it could be another problem that you discovered while you were doing your research.
6. How could this experiment be related to your everyday life?
Advanced Questions…
7. What possible scientific explanation can you offer for the findings?
Explain the trends or patterns in your results. Use scientific ideas and research information from
secondary sources to explain what happened.


List all the websites, books and other sources you used to answer Discussion Question 6.
For websites, copy the URL.
For books, write the book title and author name.

MARKING CRITERIA – Student Research Project - 2020

Outcomes Elementary Basic Sound Thorough Extensive GRADE

SC4-4WS Makes no attempt to develop a Develops a hypothesis, with Develops a hypothesis that has Develops a hypothesis that relates Develops a well written hypothesis
identifies questions and hypothesis or writes a hypothesis assistance that relates to the aim. some relationship to the aim. to the aim and can be investigated based on background research that
problems that can be that doesn’t relate to the aim. scientifically. relates to the aim and can be
tested or researched investigated scientifically
and makes predictions
based on scientific
1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks

SC4-5WS Produces a plan that includes the Produces a basic plan that includes Produces a sound plan that Produces a thorough plan that Produces an extensive plan that is
collaboratively and following: the following: includes the following: includes the following: coherent and includes the
individually produces a o Method : o Method : o Method : o Method : following:
plan to investigate - Is attempted with any of the - Is written in steps and /or past - Is written in steps and past - Is written in steps and past o Method :
questions and problems relevant steps tense tense, passive voice tense, passive voice - Is written in steps and past
- Provides some detail - Shows a reasonable attempt to - Has a relationship to the - Has some validity for the tense passive voice
o Identifies risks for the experiment relate to the aim identified aim relevant identified aim - Is valid for the identified aim -
OR identifies risks that are not - Provides some detail - Has some sequential steps with - Has mostly sequential steps Has steps that are logical
wholly relevant - Identifies that repetition is an attempt at some detail providing some detail providing relevant detail
o Selects equipment for the included - Has some reference to - May include controlled - Clearly identifies controlled
experiment o Attempts to identify the controlled variables variables variables and how they are
independent and dependent - Identifies that repetition is - Identifies that repetition is controlled
variables included included - Identifies that repetition is
o Identifies risks for the experiment o Identifies the independent and o Identifies the independent and included
in table format OR identifies risks dependent variables dependent variables o Identifies the independent and
that are not wholly o Identifies some risks for the o Identifies some relevant risks and dependent variables
relevant experiment with incorrect methods methods of control, presenting in o Clearly identifies relevant risks
o Selects equipment for the of control, presenting in a table format and methods of control, presenting
experiment table format o Selects appropriate equipment in a table format
o Selects most of the appropriate for the experiment o Selects appropriate equipment
equipment for the experiment for the experiment

1 – 2 marks 3 – 4 marks 5 – 6 marks 7 – 8 marks 9 – 10 marks

SC4-7WS o Limited or no evidence of any o Analysis of patterns and trends in o Limited analysis of patterns and o Analyses patterns and trends in o Extensively analyses patterns and
processes and analyses analysis of patterns and trends in the data does not relate to the trends in the data. the data trends in the data
data from a first-hand the data. collected data. o Attempts to describe that o Describes generalised ways to o Describes specific ways to
investigation and o Makes no attempt to describe o Identifies that improvements are improvements to the project. improve the quality of the data. improve the quality of the data.
secondary sources to ways to improve the quality of the required for the collection of data. o Attempts to explain any o Describes any anomalies in the o Explains any anomalies in the
identify trends, patterns data. o Identifies that there were/were anomalies in the data. data. data.
and relationships, and o Makes no attempt to access not anomalies in the data. o States whether the results o States whether the results o States whether the results
draw conclusions secondary sources. o States whether the results supported the hypotheses and supported the hypotheses and supported the hypotheses and
supported the hypotheses and no attempted an explanation. provides a generalised explanation. provides a specific explanation.
attempt of an explanation. o Suggests one (1) possible avenue o Suggests two (2) possible avenue o Suggests at least three (3)
o Makes no attempt to access for further research. for further research. possible avenue for further
secondary sources. o Uses generalised knowledge to o Selects two to three (2-3) research.
draw conclusions that are secondary sources relevant to the o Selects at least four (4) secondary
consistent with the evidence. investigation, and includes them in sources relevant to the
o Makes no attempt to access the reference list. investigation, and includes them in
secondary sources. the reference list.

1 – 2 marks 3 – 4 marks 5 – 6 marks 7 – 8 marks 9 – 10 marks

SC4-10PW o No attempt to relate experiment o Attempts to relate experiment to o Attempts to relate experiment to o Generally relates experiment to o Specifically relates experiment to
describes the action of to everyday life. everyday life. Lack of terms related everyday life using terms related to everyday life using terms related to everyday life using terms related to
unbalanced forces in o Makes generalised statements to forces. forces. forces. forces.
everyday situations about the results. o Uses generalised knowledge to o Uses generalised knowledge to o Researches and uses knowledge o Researches and uses knowledge
draw conclusions that are not draw conclusions that are of relevant scientific concepts to of relevant scientific concepts to
consistent with the evidence. consistent with the evidence. draw conclusions that are mostly draw conclusions that are
consistent with the evidence. consistent with the evidence.

1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks


COMMENT: ______________________________________________________________________________________



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