JJ, Wi (: Jjo1Ru

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Modified Data - Fit Least Squares Page 1 of 2

Response Sold Price(US$)

Actual by Predicted Plot

-;;; 1500000

0 500000 1000000 1500000
Sold Price(USSJ Predicted RMSE=331080
RSq =0.36 PValue= <.0001

Effect Summary

Source Logworth PValue

MTS 0.00240
2.620 ~
OD1-RUNS 2.413 0.00386
WKTS 2.199 0.00632
AVE 1.768 :==] 0.01707

Residual by Predicted Plot

0 500000 1000000 1500000

Sold Price(USSJ Predicted

Studentized Residuals

-;;; 4

"·;;; 2
• • •


" -2
-4 T -, r ....,.. ----,-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Row Number
Modified Data - Fit Least Squares
Page 2 of 2
Response Sold Price(US$)
Studentized Residuals
Externally studentized resi duals with 95% simu ltaneous limits (Bonferroni) in red, individual limits in
green .
Summary of Fit
RSqua re 0.358186
RSquare Adj 0.337648
Root Mean Square Error 331080.1
Mean of Response 521223.1
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 130
Analysis of Variance
Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 4 7.6467e+12 1.912e+12 17.4401
Error 125 1.3702e+13 1.096e+11 Prob> F
C. Total 129 2.1348e+13 < 0001·
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>ltl Std Beta VIF
Intercept 89007.96 63952.2 1.39 0.1665 0
MTS 4629.6668 1493.927 3.10 0.0024' 0.274221 1.5249654
AVE 7937.7846 3283.355 2.42 0.0171' 0.216472 1.5615052
WKTS 2591 .6241 933.1102 2.78 0.0063' 0.229769 1.3329244
OD1-RUNS 26.940496 9.149979 2.94 0.0039' 0.237229 1.2643423
Prediction Expression


+ 4629.6668064, MTS

+ 7937.7846075 ,AVE

+ 2591 .624121 , WKTS

+26.94049634 °001-RUNS

Prediction Profiler

[463754 9,
VI & 578693.l J

35.585 18.719 19.79 2509

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~ot ~) X/ -t¥.2-X2 i p2, y-+ F½ X4 ·

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&S~ \ .G1 W k-l~ -tJb-'1 ½Oy o D) - RJJ N~ . ,

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