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The Shared Leadership Initiative

Toni Crawford

Grand Canyon University

EAD 533: Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders

Dr. Hudson

April 12, 2023


Measurable Criteria

When looking for leaders in a variety of non-administrative/instructional positions there

must be specific criteria to ensure that the objectives are met. Aspiring leaders must be willing,

flexible, knowledgeable, committed, and reflective to have successful teams and programs to

meet the needs of students while modeling the school’s vision and mission. Measurable criteria

that will be used to assess applicants will include surveys/interviews, background knowledge,

willingness to learn and participate, and attention to one’s skills and abilities. Any leader should

be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and reflect on their abilities to determine areas

of growth and be willing to attend and participate in training and learning opportunities to not

only develop themselves but others around them. Creating an environment of collaboration,

reflection, growth, flexibility, transparency, and respect mirrors our vision and values and allows

each stakeholder to reach their fullest potential.


To ensure a positive, student-centered environment all protocols must be followed during

the selection process to make certain we find qualified leaders. First, the selection process will

assist with finding committed, trustworthy candidates. There will be a brief application for

people to complete including nominees, volunteers, and leadership recommendations. They will

then be interviewed by a variety of stakeholders to prevent any biased selections. Upon selecting

the leaders, we will request a written statement detailing their commitment to the students and

the vision, mission, and values of the school including collaboration, reflection, trust,

accountability, and high expectations. With the new leaders, professional development will be

required to ensure all duties and responsibilities are understood along with establishing a culture

of growth and development for all stakeholders. To guarantee committed leaders, every month

we will collaborate and reflect on previous, current, and future events to determine effective

strategies/methods, maintain accountability, and build staff morale for the growth of individuals

and as a school collectively.


Effective, attainable strategies for promoting fruitful team dynamics in the process of

new leaders include defining duties and responsibilities, knowing your staff, providing effective

communication and feedback, and sustaining a culture of respect, trust, and transparency. Taking

the time to disclose duties and responsibilities sets the expectation for the position and prevents

misunderstandings and potential issues within the team. Knowing your staff plays an integral

part in the process because you can meet the needs of individuals and the group as a whole and

preempt and address problems in a respectful, positive manner, and develop the capacity of the

team. Along with that, effective communication is always a great way to boost staff morale and

culture, but giving feedback sets the tone for growth and deeper relationships. All of this should

be done with respect, trust, and transparency. These three traits open the door to a successful

team because everyone can be honest knowing they will be met with respect, which cultivates an

environment of trust amongst all stakeholders.

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