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Table of Contents


Composite Materials used in Aerospace Industry:...................................................3

Benefits of Composite Materials:..................................................................................3

Possible Sources of Damage:......................................................................................3

Types of Damages done to Composite materials:.......................................................3

Repair of Light Load Laminate Structures:...................................................................3

Advantages using these methods:...............................................................................3




In designing aircraft, different computational analysis methods and different materials

are used. The introduction of experimental testing techniques in the mid 20th century

has revolutionized the aircraft design process. In the present generation, new

technologies are being used for the exceptional and lighter performance based

aircraft. The advent of these techniques some digital (computer) based techniques

like MATLAB, CFD, and FEA.A fast development in the field of numerical analysis

and calculation methods are available for design engineers.

Composite Materials used in Aerospace Industry:

The materials and methods used for construction of Airframe Structures and

Designing and Production methods are changing dramatically. Moreover,

considerable amounts of Production and Design cost data for few materials are not

available for some time. As the time keeps on changing, the use of composite

materials is increased to 50% of the total material used during manufacturing for

example Boeing 787.

Most composites have strong, stiff fibres in a matrix which is weaker and less stiff.

The objective is usually to make a component which is strong and stiff, often with a

low density. Commercial material commonly has glass or carbon fibres in matrices

based on thermosetting polymers, such as epoxy or polyester resins.

Sometimes, thermoplastic polymers may be preferred, since they are mouldable

after initial production. There are further classes of composite in which the matrix is

a metal or aceramic. For the most part, these are still in a developmental stage, with

problems of high manufacturing costs yet to be overcome. Furthermore, in these

composites the reasons for adding the fibres (or, in some cases, particles) are often
rather complex; for example, improvements may be sought in creep, wear, fracture

toughness, thermal stability, etc. This report covers simple mechanics concepts of

stiffness and strength, which, while applicable to all composites, are often more

relevant to fibre-reinforced polymers.

Composite materials are divided according to their Matrix phase;

 Ceramic Matrix Composites

 Metal Matrix Composites

 Polymer Matrix Composites

Benefits of Composite Materials:

When compared to conventional materials, composite materials offer higher specific

strength and stiffness this is because these materials have high grade aluminium

and its alloys have really low density.

 Strength to Fitness ratio: Composite materials being very low in weight, the

usage of these materials in bigger section has increased due to their high

bending and torsion capability.

 Advanced composite materials do not corrode. The combination of corrosion

and fatigue cracking is a huge problem for aluminium commercial fuselage.

 Critical weight reduction.

Possible Sources of Damage:

These advance Composite materials can resist any type of damages but there is

possibility these could be damaged. These sources are classified below;

 Process anomalies: If the processing methods are incorrect it can result in

defects in composite materials. Careless handling during post-cure could

result in damage to the materials. These anomalies occurring during process

could be found out by rigorous inspections. For example voids, delaminations

and porosity occur during the cure process.

 Design: Poorly designed or installed cure tooling can lead to bridging, can

lead to areas like voids, delaminations etc.

 Lightning Strikes: These strikes can cause severe damage to composite

materials unless certain protection methods are used. These materials are

less conductive compared to aluminium, unless protected these will be

affected more.

 Ultraviolet radiations do not effect these materials much but they have a

little effect on carbon fibres which will degrade epoxy resins which will result

in compression of the composite materials

 Composite materials could resist to a certain temperature but if it crosses the

limitations it could affect these materials. For example: Thermal De-icing,

Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), Power plant, Hot air duct failures could cause the

temperature raise. (composite materials could resist temperature up to 250F)

Types of Damages done to Composite materials:

 Fibre Fracture: When the loading on composite materials reaches to a point

of fibre fracture it would fail catastrophically. If the loading keeps on

increasing at the tip of matrix crack are able to initiate cracking of the
adjacent reinforcing fibres. Failure of these fibres will largely dependent on

its characteristics.

 Fibre Deboning: Between the interference of the fibre and the Matrix, fibres

debonding are attributed to fractional sliding. If the crack keeps on increasing

along the length of the fibre, then the fibre will be pulled away from the

matrix. If the stress around the bonding keeps on increasing then the matrix

will be completely pulled out.

 Matrix Cracking: when a failure arises Matrix cracking is the initial/ first

mode of failure. This will lead to delamination of piles and failure of the

laminate. It is very difficult to locate the crack/fault if it occurs in the Matrix.

Repair of Light Load Laminate Structures:

The prime types of damage repair methods used for Light Load Laminate structure

that may be suitable in any conditions like Environmental conditions, Aircraft state

and Aircraft damage location; the methods are;

 Fibre Glass Laminate Repairs

 Scarf Method

 Step Joint method

 Sample Bagging and Curing process

 Sandwich Method
Advantages using these methods:
By using these techniques for repairing Light Load Laminate structures; they provide

high Strength, Low in Weight, the Aerodynamic characteristics will be improved etc.

These methods could possible eliminate huge stress on the aerodynamic surface,

changes in the cross sectional area will be avoided.

 Better control on product thickness and smooth finish

 Helps to make parts with close tolerance

 Control usage of fibres and resin reduce wastage

 Resin usage can be reduced by using additional filters

While performing these techniques it may cause some health hazards. While

working on these composite materials they could be Sticky,

 Higher investment compared to hand lay-up process

 Low yield compared to slurry techniques

 High shrinkage

These methods are applicable in various sections; some of them are described


 These methods are used for manufacturing various parts like Nose cones,

which requires accurately/ precisely controlled Mechanical properties and

Thermal stability.

 These processes help in making circuit breaker tubes.

 Helps in manufacturing Rudders of small aircraft.

 Propeller blades are also manufactured using these techniques.

The concept of this report is to relive the role of composite materials in the Aviation

Industry. Introducing advanced composite materials revolutionise Aerospace

engineering. In the mid 20th century manufactures generally us metals, alloys of

aluminium, but now these manufactures use carbon fibres. These fibres provide

better results compared to conventional metals. The advantages of these fibres are

mentioned in this report as well.

Deo, D. R. (2001, May). Low Cost Materials and Structures . Retrieved 12 12, 2012,

from ftp://ftp.rta.nato.int/pubfulltext/RTO/MP/RTO-MP-069-II/MP-069(II)-(SM1)-


Edwards, T. (1999). Composite Materials . Retrieved 2012, from


Megson, T. Structure and Stress analysis.

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