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* * * * * * WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2020 ~ VOL. CCLXXVI NO. 101 HHHH $4.

DJIA 27463.19 g 222.19 0.8% NASDAQ 11431.35 À 0.6% STOXX 600 352.58 g 0.9% 10-YR. TREAS. À 7/32 , yield 0.778% OIL $39.57 À $1.01 GOLD $1,908.80 À $6.10 EURO $1.1797 YEN 104.42

Candidates Pound Campaign Trail With One Week to Go Antitrust


News Threaten
Business & Finance
Visa Deal
isa’s $5.3 billion deal to Justice Department
V acquire Plaid, a major
player in the financial-tech- scrutinizes $5.3 billion
nology area, is in jeopardy planned purchase of
because of Justice Depart-
ment antitrust concerns. A1 Plaid, a fintech firm
 AMD plans to buy rival
Visa Inc.’s $5.3 billion deal
chip maker Xilinx in a $35 bil-
to buy a major player in the fi-
lion deal, adding momentum
nancial-technology area is in
to the consolidation of the
jeopardy because of antitrust
semiconductor industry. B1
concerns, according to people
 South Korea’s GDP ex- familiar with the matter.
panded quarter-to-quarter,
as Asian economies shake off By AnnaMaria
the pandemic’s worst effects Andriotis,
and return to growth. A1 Brent Kendall
 Microsoft posted another and Peter Rudegeair
quarter of strong earnings
The Justice Department
fueled by demand for cloud-
could decide soon whether it
computing services, vid-
FINAL STRETCH: Clockwise from left, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden greets supporters Tuesday in Atlanta; will sue to block Visa’s acqui-
eogaming and computers. B1
Democratic vice-presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris attends a campaign event in Las Vegas; President Trump ar- sition of Plaid Inc., a firm that
 Caterpillar said quarterly rives in Lansing, Mich., for a rally; and Vice President Mike Pence speaks at a rally in Greensboro, N.C. A4 provides the technological in-
revenue fell in each of its three frastructure underpinning an
global business segments. 3M array of next-generation finan-
said sales were down in about cial apps.

Mounting Unpaid Rent Risks

half of its business lines. B1 After spending the better
part of the year scrutinizing
 BP reported a fifth con-
the deal, the department is
secutive quarterly loss, pro-
concerned it could limit na-
viding the first glimpse of
scent competition in the pay-

U.S. Tidal Wave of Evictions

how major oil companies nav-
ments sector, people familiar
igated the third quarter. B3
with the matter said.
 The Dow closed 0.8% The Justice Department has
lower on Tuesday, while been making preparations for
the S&P 500 gave up 0.3%. potential litigation, including
The Nasdaq rose 0.6%. B12 BY WILL PARKER renters into unemployment Estimates of total outstand- ics estimates that it could lining up potential witnesses
and draining their savings. ing rent debt vary widely. Yet reach nearly $70 billion by for a trial, some of the people
 The EPA will extend its ap-
Fallout from missed rent Federal and local eviction by any measure, the effects of year-end if there is no addi- said. No final decision has
proval of controversial weed-
payments is threatening a moratoriums have protected missed rent payments are tional stimulus spending. The been made.
killers for another five years,
large swath of the U.S. popula- many of them from losing their bound to imperil millions of economic-research firm calcu- The department late Tues-
a victory for agriculture com-
tion, as the expiration of evic- homes if they missed payments renters, pressure the landlord lated that 12.8 million people day signaled its concerns in a
panies Bayer and BASF. B3
tion bans draws near. during the pandemic. But the business, and wash over the in the U.S. would then owe an rare legal action that asks a
 Foreign direct investment A large number of renters national eviction ban and some broader economy. average of $5,400 from missed Massachusetts federal judge to
in China largely held steady have been unable to pay some state and city protections are A study of unemployed payments. order that Bain & Co., which
during the first half, even as or even all of their rent since set to expire by January or workers released last week by Even the larger figure has done consulting work for
investment inflows into the March, when the coronavirus sooner. Renters then will be on the Federal Reserve Bank of would be far less than what Visa, comply with a civil sub-
U.S. and EU plummeted. A8 pandemic temporarily shut the hook for months of missed Philadelphia calculated out- was lost when the $1.3 trillion poena and hand over work
down most businesses. Many payments, which even those standing rent debt would subprime-mortgage bubble material related to the Plaid
 Raytheon said it is cut-
businesses remain closed or who have jobs could struggle reach $7.2 billion before the burst, leading to a national deal. The department alleged
ting 20,000 jobs this year,
only partially open, pushing to pay. close of 2020. Moody’s Analyt- Please turn to page A2 Please turn to page A6
up from a previously an-
nounced 15,000. B2

World-Wide Californians Weigh Win World
 Fallout from missed
rent payments is threaten-
ing a large swath of the
Easing Longtime Series
Los Angeles cele-
U.S. population as the ex-
piration of eviction mora-
toriums draws near. A1 Property-Tax Cap brates after defeat-
ing the Tampa Bay
Rays 3-1 in Arlington,
Texas, Tuesday night.
 Democrats are making a
late campaign foray into sev- Victory in the six-
eral traditionally GOP-leaning BY PETER GRANT tinue to enjoy the state’s game series gave the
AND CHRISTINE MAI-DUC longstanding limits on prop- Dodgers their first

states, leaving Trump largely

playing defense in battle- erty-tax increases. championship in 32
More than 40 years after im- “The proponents have ad- years. In an ironic
grounds he won in 2016. A4
posing severe restrictions on opted a divide-and-conquer twist in a pandemic-
 Trump is considering is- property-tax increases, Califor- strategy,” said Matt Regan, a shortened season,
suing an order mandating nia voters are weighing senior vice president of the Bay Dodger star Justin
an economic analysis of whether to roll them back next Area Council, a business group Turner was pulled
fracking, according to senior week, sending shivers through that opposes the measure. from the game after
administration officials. A4 the state’s commercial real-es- “They’re saying we’re protect- testing positive for
 Philadelphia was hit with tate industry. ing residential tax rates, but Covid-19. A14
a second night of unrest A measure on the Nov. 3 bal- we’re going to vote the com-
sparked by a video showing lot would make the most signif- mercial property-tax payers off
police fatally shooting Wal- icant changes yet to 1978’s the island.”
Proposition 13 by allowing local If fully implemented, Propo-
ter Wallace Jr., a Black man
who was holding a knife. A3
 Two key Covid-19 metrics
governments to begin assessing
commercial property based on
its current value, rather than
sition 15 would generate be-
tween $6.5 billion and $11.5 bil-
lion in additional annual tax
Twitter CEO’s Hands-Off Style
have been rising in the
U.S. for days, and in some
cases weeks, pointing to a
capping increases from the last
time it was sold.
This year’s measure, known
revenue for local governments,
according to California’s non-
partisan Legislative Analyst’s
Comes Under Pressure
fresh surge in infections in as Proposition 15, wouldn’t ap- Office. Proponents said the
a majority of states. A7 ply to residential property, al- money is needed for education,
 The Justice Department, lowing homeowners to con- Please turn to page A4 Jack Dorsey delegates big decisions while pursuing his own passions
in a letter to lawmakers, cited
BY KIRSTEN GRIND AND GEORGIA WELLS people familiar with the matter. After a pub-
restricted access to recent ar-
ticles about Hunter Biden in Covid Closed Hong Kong’s Beaches, Twitter Inc. CEO and co-founder Jack
lic outcry, he posted on Twitter that block-
ing link sharing with no context from the
calling for changing a law pro-
tecting online platforms. A10 But It Couldn’t Stop Swimmers Dorsey found himself in the hot seat two
weeks ago, when with little explanation the
company as to why was “unacceptable.”
Mr. Dorsey’s absence from such a key de-
 Southern California Edi- i i i platform he leads began blocking its millions cision isn’t unusual. At both Twitter and
son told state regulators that of users from sharing links to a pair of New Square Inc.—the financial-technology firm
its gear may have ignited one Devoted oceangoers found ways in, York Post stories about Joe Biden’s son, where he is also chief executive—current
of a pair of fast-moving wild- Hunter Biden. Within hours, lawmakers said and former employees say he is hands-off to
fires in Orange County. A3 risking jellyfish, barnacles and hefty fines they would subpoena Mr. Dorsey to explain the extreme, delegating most major deci-
his decision. Please turn to page A10
 The Justice Department
BY ERIN MENDELL chances in unofficial, open wa- But Mr. Dorsey wasn’t involved in the ini-
can’t represent the presi-
dent in a defamation lawsuit ters—which lack the safety tial discussions about the move, according to  DOJ cites article access in bid to change law... A10
HONG KONG—For a city nets used to protect swimmers
against him, a judge ruled. A6
with more sea than land, Hong from sharks and other danger-
 Tropical storm Zeta
churned into the Gulf of Mex-
ico, where it was expected to
Kong has been making it very
difficult to go to the beach.
Weeks after a third wave of
ous marine life, as well as
Swimming pools, play-
South Korea Extends Asian Upturn
restrengthen into a hurricane the coronavirus pandemic was grounds, gyms and karaoke
as it takes aim at Louisiana. A3 contained, resi- bars reopened, BY EUN-YOUNG JEONG year after two straight quar- Barclays, after a decline the
dents here have but not the offi- ters of contraction. previous quarter.
CONTENTS Personal Journal A11-12 been baffled why cial beaches, SEOUL—South Korea’s South Korea’s better-than- The strong economic num-
Arts in Review... A13 Property Report... B6
Business News.. B3,5 Sports....................... A14 beaches were still which also offer economy expanded quarter-on- expected performance comes bers underpin how swaths of
Crossword.............. A14 Technology............... B4 a no-go zone. a gentle slope quarter, as Asian economies after China reported this month Asia have allowed citizens to
Heard on Street.. B13 U.S. News.... A2-3,6-7 To enjoy a dip into the water, shake off the pandemic’s worst that its third-quarter GDP had regain some normalcy during
Markets.................... B12 Weather................... A14
Opinion.............. A15-17 World News....... A8-9
in the ocean, life- changing rooms effects and return to growth. expanded 4.9% from the prior the pandemic, dining at res-
long swimmer and showers. South Korea, during the year. Vietnam, which has kept taurants, watching musicals
Joy Zhu has Bay watch On Tuesday, July-to-September period, re- coronavirus cases low and and going to the office—albeit
> lately had two officials relented ported its gross domestic never reported an economic with a face mask. It contrasts
choices: Clamber over barri- and announced beaches will product rose 1.9% from the dip, experienced 2.6% growth with intensifying restrictions
cades to enter the designated open on Nov. 3. previous quarter, aided by a over last year’s third quarter. applied across Europe and re-
public beach and risk a hefty It’s a relief to swimmers strong recovery in exports of Taiwan, another Covid-19 Please turn to page A8
s 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
fine for breaching rules de- like Ms. Zhu, who, after three cars and memory chips. Asia’s success, is expected to post
All Rights Reserved signed to prevent the spread jellyfish stings and many days fourth-largest economy had year-to-year GDP expansion of  Heard on the Street: U.S. can’t
of Covid-19; or take her Please turn to page A7 fallen into a recession this 2.2% this week, according to copy Seoul’s recovery............ B13
A2 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

SEC Director Says He Will Step Down Durable
Goods Stay
BY PAUL KIERNAN The coming vacancies un- Party—led by Sens. Elizabeth cially for small firms. More-

ties and Exchange Commission
derscore the significance of
the next president’s nomina-
tions to top financial regula-
Warren (D., Mass.) and Bernie
Sanders (I., Vt.)—will exert
over the nomination process.
controversial policy changes
involved increasing regula-
tions on proxy-advisory firms,
On Rising
official who writes rules for
initial public offerings and
other corporate disclosures
tory bodies. Mr. Clayton, a po-
litical independent chosen at
the beginning of President
Top positions in the agency
have typically been held by
former corporate lawyers.
making it harder for share-
holders to get proposals on
company proxies and giving


said he planned to step down Trump’s term, has won praise Mr. Hinman, a longtime Sil- more investors access to pri- BY JEFFREY SPARSHOTT
later this year, part of the for maintaining the commis- icon Valley deals lawyer, was vate markets.
usual wave of departures from sion’s tradition of nonparti- recruited by Mr. Clayton in In 2019, companies raised Orders for long-lasting fac-
federal regulatory agencies at sanship. early 2017, when far more $1.2 trillion on public markets tory goods increased for the
the end of a presidential term. “They should get credit for money was being raised on and $2.7 trillion on private fifth consecutive month in Sep-
William Hinman, director of being really effective stewards private capital markets than markets, according to SEC es- tember, the latest sign manu-
the SEC’s Division of Corpora- of the capital markets and do- on public markets. A central timates. That compares with facturing companies are re-
tion Finance, said he would ing things that help to facili- part of his mission was to en- $1.35 trillion and $2.1 trillion, bounding from supply-chain
leave after 3½ years in the job, tate capital formation without courage more companies to go respectively, in 2014. disruptions and shutdowns re-
making him the second division sacrificing investor protec- public so that more investors “While we’ve tried to make lated to the pandemic.
chief to announce plans to leave tion,” Keith Higgins, a securi- could share in their growth the public-company alterna- New orders for durable
after the co-director of enforce- ties lawyer who led the SEC’s and all investors could benefit tive as attractive as possible, goods—products designed to
ment departed in August. division of corporation finance William Hinman from the disclosure of infor- that doesn’t mean we’re going last at least three years—rose
Chairman Jay Clayton has said during President Obama’s sec- mation required of public to try to make people go pub- 1.9% in September compared
he would stay at the agency for ond term, said of Messrs. Hin- for financial regulation. companies. lic because somehow we have with August, the Commerce De-
one presidential term, though man and Clayton. Should Mr. Biden win, current Mr. Hinman cut red tape made the private markets un- partment said Tuesday.
he hasn’t set a departure date. Neither Mr. Trump nor and former regulators say a around the process of register- attractive,” Mr. Hinman said. A closely watched proxy for
His predecessor, Mary Jo Democratic presidential nomi- critical question would be how ing with the SEC, streamlining “We want both public and pri- business investment—new or-
White, left at the end of the nee Joe Biden has offered much influence the progres- disclosure requirements and vate markets to function as ef- ders for nondefense capital
Obama administration. much insight into their plans sive wing of the Democratic easing some of the rules, espe- ficiently as possible.” goods excluding aircraft—in-
creased 1% last month. The

measure had recovered all its
pandemic-related losses by Au-
gust, suggesting businesses
have ramped up capacity in an-
HOUSING ticipation of growing demand.
“The economic recovery
Home Price Index isn’t entirely dependent on con-
Rose 5.7% in Year sumers, with business-equip-
ment investment recording a
The S&P CoreLogic Case- swift bounce back to prepan-
Shiller National Home Price In- demic levels,” said Paul Ash-
dex, which measures average worth, chief U.S. economist at
home prices in major metropoli- Capital Economics.
tan areas across the nation, rose A separate index of con-
5.7% in the year that ended in sumer confidence slipped
August, up from a 4.8% annual slightly to 100.9 in October
rate the prior month. from 101.3 in the prior month,
Sales of previously owned according to survey data re-
homes, which make up the bulk leased Tuesday. The Conference
of the housing market, rose 2% Board, a private research
in August from a month earlier, group, said consumers’ expec-

according to the National Associ- tations for the labor market

ation of Realtors, as low mort- dimmed, with around one-fifth
gage-interest rates and a desire saying they expected jobs to be
for more space lured buyers into scarcer six months from now.
the market. A shortage of U.S. factories were hit by
homes for sale has led to com- health concerns, supply chain
petition among buyers and breakdowns and shutdowns
pushed home prices higher. early in the coronavirus crisis.
“Current home price growth is But efforts to reopen the econ-
exceptionally strong given that omy have helped manufactur-
the U.S. is an economic reces- ers regain much lost ground.
sion,” said Selma Hepp, deputy VIRUS’S TOLL: A visitor looks at the more than 200,000 flags placed to honor Covid-19 victims outside RFK Stadium in Washington, Orders for transportation
chief economist at housing-data D.C. The public art project, ‘In America, How Could This Happen,’ was conceived by artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg. equipment helped drive over-
provider CoreLogic. “It is the his- all gains, while military orders
torically low inventories and re- ILLINOIS other officer, who is Hispanic, state law with her sudden order. VIRGINIA were a big drag. Excluding
cord-low mortgage rates that approached the vehicle, and he Gun-rights groups accused transportation, orders were up
are outweighing economic and Police Version of opened fire out of fear for his Secretary of State Jocelyn Ben- Lee Statue to Stay 0.8%. Excluding defense, they
employment headwinds and fu- Shooting Is Disputed own safety when the vehicle son of exceeding her authority in While Suit is Pending were 3.4% higher.
eling the price acceleration.” moved in reverse toward him. banning people from openly car-
Also on Tuesday, the Com- A woman who was shot by On Friday, the police depart- rying guns within 100 feet of Richmond’s massive statue of New orders for durable goods,
merce Department reported that police last week in suburban Chi- ment fired the officer who shot voting sites. She acted after au- Gen. Robert E. Lee will stay in change since January
the homeownership rate rose to cago said officers did nothing them. Waukegan Mayor Sam thorities recently busted up an place in the former capital of the
Nondefense capital goods
67.4% in the third quarter, up more than cover her boyfriend Cunningham said last week that alleged plot to kidnap Gov. Confederacy at least a while lon-
excluding aircraft
from 64.8% a year earlier but with a blanket after he was shot dashcam and bodycam videos of Gretchen Whitmer. ger as a lawsuit over the gover-
down from 67.9% in the second and left him on the ground to die. the shooting would be made pub- But Ms. Benson failed to go nor’s plans to remove it plays out. 0%
quarter. Tafara Williams, 20 years old, lic after relatives of the shooting through a formal rule-making A judge on Tuesday issued a
However, the department spoke to reporters Tuesday in a victims have watched it. process required under state law, ruling that favors Virginia Gov.
said that its data collection was Zoom call from her hospital bed —Associated Press Judge Christopher Murray said. Ralph Northam, who announced –10
affected by the coronavirus pan- as she described the Oct. 20 Assistant Attorney General plans to take down the behemoth
demic and its survey response shooting in Waukegan that killed MICHIGAN Heather Meingast told the judge in June after the killing of George All durable
rates declined from last year, 19-year-old Marcellis Stinnette. “there are voters who are Floyd in Minneapolis police cus- –20 goods
which could affect the accuracy “They allowed him to die,” Judge Blocks Ban afraid. There are election work- tody. But the judge suspended his
of its second- and third-quarter Ms. Williams said. “They wanted On Guns at Polls ers who are afraid to go to work order pending the resolution of
estimates. us to bleed out on the ground.” on Election Day.” an appeal. The suit was brought
Phoenix had the fastest Police have said the vehicle A judge on Tuesday blocked a The judge said voter intimida- by residents who live near the J F M A M J J A S
home-price growth in the coun- driven by Ms. Williams, with Mr. ban on the open display of guns tion already is illegal. statue. The death of Mr. Floyd, a Note: Seasonally adjusted
try for the 15th straight month, Stinnette in the passenger’s near Michigan polling places on Attorney General Dana Nes- Black man, sparked a renewed Source: Census Bureau
at 9.9%, followed by Seattle at seat, fled a traffic stop con- Election Day, agreeing with crit- sel, a Democrat, pledged to ap- wave of Confederate-monument
8.5%. ducted by a white officer. They ics who said a Democratic secre- peal the decision. removals across the U.S.  Heard on the Street: Factories
—Nicole Friedman said that a short time later, an- tary of state failed to follow —Associated Press —Associated Press hum on strong demand..... B13

Rent Debt Paying Rent
Some are struggling to keep up Credit-card payments to small
ment for the apartment where
she raises her three children.
She lost hours as a hair stylist

Piles Up,
with rent payments, and also businesses, annual change
during the pandemic and now Apartment Investment & The VanMoof S3 e-bike has
turning to paying rent with Payments to rental owes $2,175 in back rent. She Management Co. on Monday a top speed of 20 miles an
credit cards. managers and agents says her landlord wants to declared a dividend of 82 cents, hour. An Off Duty article Satur-

Poses Risk Percentage of tenant Other payments evict her. which was an aggregate of reg- day about technology during
households behind on rent 80% She has lived in the unit for ular quarterly dividends for the pandemic incorrectly said
payments, by race 60 five years. “I’m not sure where 2020’s fourth quarter and 32 mph.
40 this will leave me,” she said. “I 2021’s first quarter of 41 cents
Continued from Page One Black 22% want to be a homeowner one each. The Dividend Changes ta- Notice to readers
wave of defaults and foreclo- Asian 20% 0 day, and an eviction won’t ble in Tuesday’s Business & Fi- Wall Street Journal staff
sures. But the tens of millions Hispanic 18% –20 look good.” nance section incorrectly members are working remotely
of people potentially caught in –40
The financial consequences placed the company among during the pandemic. For the
a web of home-rental debt and White 9% of falling months behind on those with increased dividends, foreseeable future, please send
eviction would far exceed the Other 16% rent can linger for years, and incorrectly showing a quarterly reader comments only by email
3.8 million homeowners who 2019 2020 most landlords are unlikely to dividend increase to 82 cents or phone, using the contacts
were foreclosed on in Source: Census Bureau (tenants behind on rent); Philadelphia Federal Reserve Consumer Finance forgive these debts, credit spe- from 41 cents. below, not via U.S. Mail.
2007-2010. Institute (credit-card payments) cialists said. “If you don’t pay
Many people financially se- it back, that can escalate to Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by
cure enough to own a home Even some higher-income to scrape together their rent things like judgments, poten- emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
are better positioned to navi- renters are falling behind. An by borrowing from friends or tial garnishments against your
gate the economic downturn. analysis of rent payments in family. Some moved to credit wages,” said Kate Bulger, a fi-
The high unemployment rate 11.5 million professionally cards, adding to the debt load. nancial counselor specializing THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
has spared most white-collar managed rental apartments Credit payments to small in housing debt at the Money (USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
professionals. Houses are sell- shows that unpaid rent was and medium-size businesses Management International (Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
ing at record rates, and home 7% higher in those buildings connected to rental real estate counseling firm. Editorial and publication headquarters:
prices have rarely been higher. between April and August this increased by more than 70% in This kind of negative infor- 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
Recently moribund suburban- year than it was during the the spring, according to the mation on a credit report also Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays.
housing markets in the North- same months in 2019. Philadelphia Federal Reserve. makes it more difficult to se- Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
east and other regions have Mounting rental debt could The data showed that through cure new housing, and future Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal,
sprung back to life as buyers impede the path to a U.S. eco- the fall these payments have landlords could require a 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
seek more space while work- nomic recovery, when 30 mil- remained some 50% higher higher security deposit or ad- All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable rate
ing at home. lion to 40 million people from than during the same period vance rent payments. card, copies of which are available from the Advertising Services Department, Dow
Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal
But about a quarter of U.S. New York City to San Fran- in 2019. While many landlords have reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only publication of an
renter households with chil- cisco face potential eviction Other renters falling behind let tenants stay without pay- advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order.
dren are now carrying debt once moratoriums expire, ac- are now on payment plans ar- ing all of their rent by estab- Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
from not paying rent, Census cording to estimates cited by ranged with their landlords, lishing payment plans, there
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Bureau surveys show. Women federal government officials. allowing them to pay small are doubts about how many By web:; By email:
and people of color are dispro- “These households will have minimum amounts each tenants will ever be able to By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625)
portionately more likely to to make some pretty massive month. Some landlords are pay all of what they owe. Reprints & licensing:
owe rent, according to the cen- financial choices and pull back charging punitive late fees on “Am I concerned that some By email:
sus data. Black and Latino Cal- on other spending to pay their top of what is already owed, tenants will leave me holding By phone: 1-800-843-0008
ifornians were twice as likely rent,” said Mark Zandi, making the debt higher than the bag? Yes,” said Robert Nel- WSJ back issues and framed pages:
as whites to face rent insecu- Moody’s chief economist. just the face value of the rent. son, a New York City landlord Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills.
rity amid the pandemic, an “That’s a hit to the economy.” In Miami-Dade County, Fla., who owns middle-income
analysis by the University of In the early weeks of the Isis Bouzy is struggling to apartment buildings. “But GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS
California, Los Angeles found. pandemic, many renters tried make the $665 monthly pay- what choice do we have?”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | A3


Second Night
Of Unrest Hits
BY SCOTT CALVERT Philadelphia had already
been preparing for potential
Looters hit businesses in violence around the Nov. 3
Philadelphia on Tuesday for a election, Police Commissioner
second straight night, as au- Danielle Outlaw said at a news
thorities struggled to contain conference Tuesday. The city
civil unrest sparked by a video is the most populous in Penn-
showing police fatally shoot- sylvania, a state viewed as key
ing Walter Wallace Jr., a Black to deciding the presidential


man who was holding a knife. election.
Police said late Tuesday Ms. Outlaw said unrest
about 1,000 people were loot- caused by Monday’s shooting
ing businesses northeast of of Mr. Wallace could spill into
downtown, miles from the election-related disturbances.
West Philadelphia neighbor- To help manage tensions,
hood where the violence was city officials have requested
concentrated a night earlier. assistance from law-enforce-
Police urged residents in ment agencies in surrounding
several parts of the city to stay counties and from the state Marchers confronted officers Tuesday in West Philadelphia during a protest over the police killing of Walter Wallace Jr., a Black man.
indoors because those areas government.
were experiencing widespread Bystander video that cap- A police spokesman said of- At a news conference Tues- been called to the Wallace close my eyes, I get flashbacks
demonstrations that had tured the episode in West Phil- ficers ordered Mr. Wallace to day evening, Shaka Johnson, a home twice earlier Monday. about multiple shots.”
turned violent with looting. adelphia was distributed on drop the knife before they lawyer for the Wallace family, Their third appearance, which District Attorney Larry
Police had arrested 91 peo- social media. The video shows fired their guns. said Mr. Wallace had mental- ended with the deadly con- Krasner said his office will in-
ple late Monday and early Mr. Wallace standing on a side- The two officers, whose health problems and was tak- frontation, came after Mr. vestigate the incident along
Tuesday, most in connection walk with two police officers names haven’t been released, ing lithium under a doctor’s Wallace’s brother had re- with the police department.
with looting of pharmacies, pointing their guns at him. At each fired about seven rounds, care. quested an ambulance, Mr. Philadelphia Mayor Jim
shoe stores and other retail one point a woman appeared police Chief Inspector Frank “The man was suffering,” Johnson said, but the police Kenney said that he had spo-
outlets, police said. Thirty offi- to try to stop Mr. Wallace as Vanore said. He said he didn’t he said. “When you come to a officers got there first. ken with Mr. Wallace’s wife
cers were injured, mostly from he crossed the street. Officers know how many bullets struck scene where somebody is in a Mr. Wallace’s father, Walter and parents. “I have watched
hurled bricks and other projec- fired several times when he re- Mr. Wallace. Mr. Vanore said mental crisis, [and] the only Wallace Sr., decried the loot- the video of this tragic inci-
tiles, police said, and a ser- emerged onto the street from police received a call about a tool you have to deal with it is ing and called for justice for dent, and it presents difficult
geant’s leg was broken when between two parked cars and man who was screaming and a gun, that’s a problem.” his son. “I can’t even sleep at questions that must be an-
she was hit by a pickup truck. walked toward them. armed with a knife. Mr. Johnson said police had night,” he said. “Every time I swered,” he said.

Earlier Colon Cancer California Utility Cites Its Gear as

Screening Backed Possible Cause of Massive Wildfire
BY BRIANNA ABBOTT orectal cancer center at Dana- BY JIM CARLTON Edison officials weren’t
Farber Cancer Institute in AND DONALD MORRISON available to comment. The
People as young as 45 years Boston who wasn’t on the task utility, like its neighbor PG&E
old should get screened for co- force. Power company Southern Corp. in Northern California,
lon and rectal cancer, down Colorectal cancer is the California Edison told state cut power in the past few
from age 50, according to an fourth-most-common cancer regulators that its equipment days to lower the risk of elec-
independent, government- and second-leading cause of might have ignited one of a trified wires causing fires.
backed panel whose recom- cancer-related deaths in the pair of fast-moving wildfires Edison in November 2019
mendations usually lead to in- U.S. for men and women com- in Orange County that have agreed to pay $360 million to

surance coverage of such bined, with more than 147,000 prompted evacuation orders compensate about two dozen
preventive services. new cases and 53,200 deaths for 80,000 people. local governmental entities
The U.S. Preventive Ser- estimated to occur this year, The Silverado Fire, which for damages and other costs
vices Task Force recommended according to the National Can- broke out early Monday, has related to a series of fires and
lowering the starting age for cer Institute. consumed more than 11,000 resulting mudslides that hit
the screenings as colorectal Surgery is a common treat- acres of tinder-dry brush in the region in 2017 and 2018.
cancer rates rise among peo- ment for earlier-stage cancers, the foothills above Irvine and PG&E emerged from bank-
ple in their 40s and younger. and other potential treatments other cities south of Los Ange- ruptcy this year after grap-
The disease recently took the include chemotherapy, tar- les. The inferno had caused A firefighter battled a blaze in Irvine, Calif., which has consumed pling with billions of dollars
life of 43-year-old “Black Pan- geted drug therapy, radiation minimal property damage as of more than 11,000 acres. Another large fire broke out to the north. in wildfire-related liability
ther” movie star Chadwick therapy and immunotherapy. Tuesday night, but two fire- costs. The company’s equip-
Boseman. The cancer is more common fighters were in critical condi- Irvine resident Alan Sung quality readings into the un- ment sparked a series of de-
Under the Affordable Care among older adults, with rates tion after suffering burns. evacuated with this wife and 3- healthy range. The noxious air structive wildfires in 2017 and
Act, most health insurers higher in Black adults, men A few miles to the north, year-old daughter to stay with and fires prompted closures 2018 that collectively killed
would be required to cover the and people with a family his- the Blue Ridge Fire also broke family 10 miles away in Laguna for some schools. more than 100 people and
additional colorectal-cancer tory of colorectal cancer. out Monday and has blackened Hills. The 46-year-old grew up The causes of the two fires burned more than 15,000
screenings once the recom- Thanks in part to screening, more than 10,000 acres and in the city but said this was the were still under investigation. homes in Northern California.
mendation is finalized after a new cases and deaths overall led to evacuation orders for first time he had to evacuate But Edison officials said in a More recently, PG&E told
month of public comments. from the cancer are declining. the city of Yorba Linda. Both because of a wildfire threat. filing Monday with the Cali- California regulators its
The move “will enable Yet rates are rising in younger conflagrations were driven by “Maybe going forward we fornia Public Utilities Commis- equipment might have con-
greater access to colorectal adults. Among adults under 55, Santa Ana winds gusting up to need to have an emergency sion that the Silverado Fire tributed to the 56,388-acre
cancer screening for young the incidence increased 51% 80 miles an hour. In all, more bag ready, because what if you could have been sparked by Zogg Fire that broke out Sept.
people, and the sum of all of from 1994 to 2014 in the U.S., than 16,000 homes valued at don’t have the time,” he said. contact between a wire and a 27 near Redding, Calif., killing
this is that lives will hopefully and deaths increased 11% from $14.1 billion were at risk from Thick clouds of billowing conductor line in overhead four people and destroying
be saved,” said Kimmie Ng, di- 2005 to 2015, according to the the twin fires, according to es- smoke have obscured visibility electrical facilities where the 204 homes and other struc-
rector of the young-onset col- National Cancer Institute. timates by in Orange County and sent air- blaze originated. tures.

Federal Judge Sentences Storm Zeta

Could Strike
Cult Founder to 120 Years Louisiana
BY DEANNA PAUL second request for a new trial
last week.
As Hurricane
The founder of a purported Prosecutors recommended BY ARIAN CAMPO-FLORES
self-help group that prosecu- Judge Garaufis sentence Mr.
tors described as a sex cult Raniere to life in prison, citing Tropical Storm Zeta churned
was sentenced to 120 years in “the unprecedented magni- into the Gulf of Mexico, where
federal prison Tuesday, mark- tude, duration and scope of it was expected to restrengthen
ing an end to a saga that en- Raniere’s crimes” and his lack into a hurricane as it takes aim
snared celebrities and busi- of remorse. at Louisiana and other parts of
nesspeople. On Tuesday, more than a the central Gulf Coast.

A Brooklyn jury convicted dozen victims gave statements The storm made landfall
Keith Raniere, now 60 years that detailed the impact of his Monday night north of Tulum,
old, on federal charges of crimes. Mexico, on the Yucatán Penin-
racketeering, sex-trafficking, “He hid his abuse behind sula, as a Category 1 hurricane
forced labor and wire fraud in ideas and concepts of nobility. with 80 mile-an-hour winds,
June 2019 after a trial where I only now see that there was according to the National Hur-
prosecutors detailed wide- nothing noble about abusing ricane Center. It weakened as
ranging abuse and sexual ex- Keith Raniere was convicted of children,” said a letter written it moved over the northern
ploitation of women. sex-trafficking and forced labor. by Camila who didn’t disclose Yucatán and emerged off the
The six-week trial featured her last name. She said she coast, with winds slowing to
witnesses, including former “We are disappointed in the first met Mr. Raniere in 2003, 65 mph Tuesday afternoon.
members, who recounted how sentence and will appeal,” Mr. when she was 13. “I still hear Zeta is forecast to strike
women were controlled Raniere’s defense attorney his voice in my head.” the U.S. as a possible Category
through severe diets and Marc Agnifilo said Tuesday. Several members of the 1 hurricane late Wednesday THE WAVE COLLECTION
forced to turn over damaging The case received renewed group, including “Smallville” along a stretch of the central WAVE CUFF: 22K VIRGIN GOLD, $18,750
information, like naked photos attention this year after HBO actress Allison Mack and Sea- Gulf Coast that has been ham- MARQUISE WAVE CUFF:
and confessions. documentary “The Vow” of- gram Co. heiress Clare Bronf- mered this season by storms. DIAMOND AND 22K VIRGIN GOLD, $33,500
Mr. Raniere founded Nxivm fered a glimpse into the man, among others, were con- A hurricane warning was in ef-
under the guise of teaching group’s inner-workings. The victed of crimes for their fect from Morgan City, La., to
personal empowerment. Prose- network announced Friday involvement in Nxivm. the Mississippi-Alabama bor-
s re se rv ed

cutors said he “masqueraded as that a second documentary fo- Ms. Mack recruited women der, including New Orleans.
a self-help guru to gain the cused on Mr. Raniere’s trial to join a “female mentorship Zeta is the 27th named
trust of his followers, and then would air next year. group” led by Mr. Raniere. She storm of an especially active
Al l rig ht

exploited them for his own fi- Since the conviction, Mr. pleaded guilty to charges of Atlantic hurricane season,
nancial gain and sexual gratifi- Raniere has launched a cam- racketeering before his trial nearing the record 28 tropical
on , LLC.

cation.” paign to overturn the guilty began. storms of the 2005 season.
Mr. Raniere maintained his verdict, alleging prosecutorial Ms. Bronfman, a onetime- Those are the only two sea-
©B el pe rr

innocence throughout the trial misconduct and witness intim- member of Nxivm’s executive sons in which forecasters ex-
and is “not sorry for his con- idation by the government. board, was sentenced to 81 hausted all the names on the 212 702 9040 • BELPERRON .COM
duct or his choices,” his law- U.S. District Judge Nicholas months in prison earlier this Atlantic list and began using
yers said in recent court filings. Garaufis denied Mr. Raniere’s month. the Greek alphabet.
A4 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Campaign Travel Reflects Shifting Focus

Trump mostly visits nal/NBC News polling.
Mr. Biden’s Tuesday re-
states he won while marks in Warm Springs, Ga.,
Biden ventures into were as much about where he
was as what he said. The town
GOP-leaning places is tiny—with about 400 resi-
dents, according to the last
BY REBECCA BALLHAUS census—but it was home to
AND JOSHUA JAMERSON Franklin D. Roosevelt’s getaway
during his presidency. Roose-
WA S H I N G T O N — D e m o - velt died in Warm Springs, and
crats are betting they can ex- a museum there focuses heav-
pand the electoral map in the ily on the New Deal.
final week of the 2020 cam- “This place, Warm Springs,
paign with a late foray into is a reminder that though bro-


several traditionally GOP-lean- ken, each of us can be healed,”

ing states, leaving President Mr. Biden said, adding that as
Trump largely playing defense president he would unite a po-
in many battlegrounds he won larized nation.
four years ago. Mr. Trump won Georgia’s 16
Democratic nominee Joe Bi- electoral votes by 5 percentage
den on Tuesday traveled to points in 2016, but polls in re-
Georgia, a state that has voted Biden supporters watched former President Obama Tuesday in Orlando, Fla., while Trump backers heard the president in West Salem, Wis. cent months show the race
for the GOP nominee in every tightening. The president now
presidential election since polls now show Mr. Biden percentage points among campaign spokesman Tim Mur- Mrs. Clinton later was over a leads by less than 1 percentage
1992. Later in the week he will ahead by an average of 4.5 likely voters. Ms. Harris was taugh, who noted the presi- visit to Arizona in the final point in the Real Clear Politics
head to Iowa, which Mr. points, according to Real Clear set to appear Tuesday in Reno dent’s recent travel to Minne- days of the 2016 campaign—for polling average.
Trump won in 2016 by a siz- Politics. On Tuesday, he was and Las Vegas. sota, New Hampshire and not focusing on shoring up the Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden’s most
able margin after former Pres- scheduled to hold rallies in With Election Day a week Nevada—states Democrat Hil- battleground states that are prominent surrogate, hit the
ident Obama won it twice. His Michigan, Wisconsin and Ne- out, 62.7 million early ballots lary Clinton won in 2016. crucial to his victory. campaign trail for him in Or-
running mate, Sen. Kamala braska, where one electoral have been cast so far, accord- Mr. Biden is also spending On Monday, Mr. Biden said lando, Fla., for a drive-in rally
Harris, will travel to Texas and vote in an Omaha-area district ing to the Associated Press. time this week on offense, trav- he would keep focus on the outside the Camping World
Arizona later this week, states could prove decisive in a very That surpasses the early-vote eling to Pennsylvania on Mon- traditionally blue Midwestern Stadium, where he slammed
that voted for Republicans for close contest. Mr. Trump won tally four years ago, when 58.8 day and to Florida, Wisconsin states that Democrats lost in Mr. Trump for playing down
the past 10 and five campaign the district by 2.3 percentage million people cast early or and Michigan later in the week. 2016. “The blue wall has to be the severity of the virus.
cycles, respectively. points in 2016, and the Omaha mail-in ballots. But the former vice president’s re-established,” he said. In a series of tweets Tues-
Mr. Trump, meanwhile, is media market includes a por- Mr. Trump has projected campaign is making a risky bet In the final stretch, the Bi- day, Mr. Trump accused the
traveling this week to at least tion of neighboring Iowa. confidence. “Biden is drawing by spending time in the final den campaign has worked to news media of being overly fix-
five states he won in 2016 and On Wednesday, the presi- almost no one. We are drawing stretch aiming to flip Republi- keep the administration’s han- ated on a global pandemic that
that are key to a victory this dent will hold two rallies in tens of thousands of people,” can strongholds like Texas and dling of the virus in the fore- has killed more than 226,000
time around. He held three Arizona, one of which is just he tweeted Tuesday morning. Georgia. If he wins, Mr. Biden front for voters, who say the people in the U.S. alone.
campaign rallies on Monday in outside Nevada, where a New “If he wins where he won will be hailed for his strategy; pandemic is a top concern —Eliza Collins
Pennsylvania, which he nar- York Times/Siena poll Tuesday last time, he gets re-elected by if he loses, he will likely be crit- along with the economy, ac- in Warm Springs, Ga.,
rowly won in 2016 and where showed Mr. Biden leading by 6 a wide margin,” said Trump icized by fellow Democrats—as cording to Wall Street Jour- contributed to this article.

Trump Alters Tone on Immigration President Considers

Four years ago, then-candi-
date Donald Trump rode to the
Republican nomination and
Pro-Fracking Order
then the White House on a BY TIMOTHY PUKO dence to address the environ-
platform centered on curbing mental harm of climate change.
illegal immigration and build- WASHINGTON—President One aim of the proposed or-
ing a wall along the U.S.-Mex- Trump is considering issuing an der would be to highlight the
ico border. executive order mandating an broader impact of fracking
economic analysis of fracking, throughout a U.S.-based supply
By Sabrina Siddiqui, according to senior administra- chain, especially in swing
Michelle Hackman tion officials, who say the initia- states, according to one of the
and Chad Day tive is aimed at highlighting his senior officials and another
support for the energy industry person briefed on the plans.
But in 2020, Mr. Trump has in election battleground states Industries like steel in Ohio
placed less emphasis on the is- such as Pennsylvania. and Pennsylvania make pipe to
sue that dominated both his The proposed order would transport oil and gas, while
rise in politics and much of his ask government agencies to mines in Wisconsin produce

first term as president. perform an analysis of frack- sand used in fracking to prop
A Wall Street Journal re- ing’s impact on the economy open cracks in the shale rock
view found that immigration and trade and the conse- that oil and gas flow out of.
was the fourth most men- quences if the oil-and-gas ex- This year’s downturn has re-
tioned issue in Mr. Trump’s traction technique was banned, sulted in bankruptcies and lay-
2016 campaign TV ads but has the officials said. It also would offs in those businesses, too, as
barely cracked the top 10 this order those agencies to evalu- monthly wells being drilled in
cycle, according to data from ate what more they can do to the U.S. plummeted to less than
political ad tracker Kantar/ An excavator preparing for the construction of a border-wall section in El Paso, Texas, in August. expand its use, possibly 10% of the 2014 peak.
CMAG. through land management or Mr. Trump won Pennsylva-
The Trump campaign has in- preferred style of border fenc- tion and it failed horribly.” the top 25 most mentioned is- support of developing technol- nia in 2016 in part because he
stead focused on violence that ing, mostly replacing an exist- “Immigration was a signifi- sues in Mr. Biden’s television ogy, they said. outperformed past Republican
has erupted at some protests ing set of barriers on the bor- cant issue primarily for Repub- ads. He has mostly focused on These people said details of nominees in the counties with
around the country, jobs, gov- der installed by prior licans in 2016 and 2018 because the coronavirus, health care, the order were still under dis- the most gas drilling, said
ernment spending and China. administrations. The president of the president’s promotion of Social Security, public safety cussion, and a final decision on Kevin Book, managing director
Tim Murtaugh, a spokes- has set a goal to build 450 the issue,” said Whit Ayres, a and the economy. Still, he rou- whether to even issue it hasn’t of analysis firm ClearView En-
man for Mr. Trump’s cam- miles by year’s end. GOP pollster. “Given how much tinely criticizes Mr. Trump’s been made. ergy Partners LLC. An order
paign, said immigration “is The change in both Mr. the pandemic has overwhelmed record on immigration in his White House spokesman like this could boost enthusi-
still an important issue and Trump’s own emphasis of the our country and disrupted al- stump speech and has fea- Judd Deere declined to com- asm with those same voters
one that the president ad- issue and TV ad content this most every aspect of our lives, tured the issue in a handful of ment on any potential execu- and extend the use of that
dresses frequently.” cycle, compared with four years it makes sense that immigra- Spanish-language ads aired tive action but said Mr. Trump same playbook into other bat-
Yet, the contrast is also evi- ago, is in part a reflection of tion and other issues would over the past month. “has prioritized all forms of do- tleground states.
dent at Mr. Trump’s rallies, how the issues that matter to fade into the background.” In those ads, Mr. Biden mestic energy production “This is a hug-your-fracker
which now include only glanc- Americans have changed as the This time, immigration ads highlights his work leading the which has led to America be- move, but it’s also hug-your-
ing references to immigration. nation continues to weather a aired by the Trump campaign Obama administration’s re- coming energy independent.” fracker’s-supplier move,” Mr.
While campaigning across four pandemic that has killed more have a slightly different tone, sponse to the first wave of If an order is issued, it Book said. “In Pennsylvania
battleground states this past than 225,000 people in the U.S. attempting to reframe immi- children and families who ar- would be unlikely to have any fracking does make a difference
weekend, the president touted Some political strategists gration as an economic issue. rived at the border in 2014, short-term impact on an energy at the margins. And in a close
the continuing construction of say the campaign’s different In August, the campaign be- contrasting it with the family industry struggling with an oil race, these are votes worth
his border wall but com- emphasis also is a response to gan airing an ad claiming separation policy under the glut tied to the coronavirus fighting for.”
plained about the lack of me- the 2018 midterms, when Democratic challenger and for- Trump administration. pandemic. Asked about the potential
dia coverage around his immi- Democrats won control of the mer Vice President Joe Biden Mr. Trump and his allies But the goal is to draw a po- executive order, the Biden cam-
gration record. House. would “[crush] our economy also continue to play up the is- litical contrast between Mr. paign said Mr. Trump should be
“The press doesn’t talk “I don’t think it’s a coinci- with higher taxes and amnesty sue in social-media ads de- Trump and former Vice Presi- focused on the coronavirus
about the wall anymore, be- dence that we haven’t heard a to illegal aliens,” referring to signed to fire up his base. dent Joe Biden, his Democratic pandemic, and not commission-
cause it’s all built,” Mr. Trump whole lot about immigration the Democratic nominee’s More than 20% of Mr. Trump’s challenger in the election. Mr. ing a study.
said in Ohio on Saturday. since Election Day 2018,” said pledge to create a path to citi- Facebook ads over the past Biden has said he would oppose “President Trump knows
“Very soon, it’s going to be Alex Conant, a former senior zenship for 11 million immi- month have centered on immi- fracking on federal lands—a that Joe Biden won’t ban frack-
completed.” adviser to Florida Sen. Marco grants living in the country gration, according to Immigra- small part of U.S. production— ing, so he’s playing politics,”
The Trump administration Rubio. “He tried to make the without permission. tion Hub, a progressive advo- but more broadly has called for deputy national press secretary
has built about 370 miles of his midterms all about immigra- Immigration isn’t among cacy group. the U.S. to shift from oil depen- Matt Hill said.

California owned their buildings the lon-

gest. Proposition 13 capped in-
creases on assessed values to
companies such as Bechtel
Corp. and Charles Schwab Corp.
have announced moves out of
established by Facebook Inc.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his
wife, Priscilla Chan.
the California Business Round-
table, which has received
seven-figure donations from
tion of the reassessments until
2025 for properties in which
small businesses occupy more

To Weigh 2% a year for all property, but

it allowed reassessments when
real estate changed hands. Un-
A poll released Monday by
the Institute of Governmental
“Prop. 13 created a long-
term, structural crisis to the
fiscal health of essential ser-
some of the biggest real-estate
owners in California.
Those opposed to the mea-
than half of the space.
As California’s real-estate
market has exploded, the differ-

Tax Limits der Proposition 15, many com-

mercial properties would be re-
assessed at market rates
Studies at the University of Cal-
ifornia, Berkeley, found that
49% of likely voters support
vices,” said Los Angeles County
Supervisor Mark Ridley-
Thomas, who supports Proposi-
sure said commercial property
owners already pay high busi-
ness taxes. The Tax Foundation,
ence between actual and as-
sessed value of many commer-
cial properties has widened
starting in 2022. Proposition 15 and 42% oppose a conservative-leaning think significantly. Since 2005, actual
Continued from Page One Increased taxes would come it, with 9% undecided. Support tank, ranks California 49th on office-building values in San
health and social services, on top of property owners’ re- is the same as in a poll con- its 2021 state business-tax-cli- Francisco and West Los Angeles
which they said have been un- duced rents and occupancies ducted in September, while op-
Property owners mate index, citing its corporate, have risen 170% and 90%, re-
derfunded because of Proposi- during the coronavirus pan- position has grown by 8 per- hardest hit would be sales and individual taxes. spectively, while assessed values
tion 13’s limits. demic. San Francisco, which centage points, and the “I don’t think the middle of of buildings that didn’t change
From the time Proposition rode the tech boom to years of percentage undecided has
those who’ve owned a pandemic is the right time to ownership rose 35%, according
13 passed, through 2013, local prosperity, suffered the biggest fallen by the same amount. buildings the longest. decide to raise taxes,” said to Green Street, a commercial
government revenue per person declines in office rents in the The Proposition 15 vote is Brandon Shorenstein, chief ex- real-estate analytics firm.
in California grew 36%, com- country in the third quarter, ac- being followed by conservative ecutive of a family-controlled Supporters of Proposition 15
pared with a nationwide aver- cording to CoStar Group Inc. activists nationally, as the pas- company that owns about 4 said any negative impact would
age of 69%, according to the Large California property sage of Proposition 13 launched tion 15. Mr. Ridley-Thomas, a million square feet of San Fran- be outweighed by benefits for
Legislative Analyst’s Office. owners warn that the higher an antitax revolt that swept Democrat, said the Covid-19 cisco office space. local-government budgets. “Our
Still, at nearly $3,500, per-per- property taxes would hurt small through U.S. suburbs in the late pandemic and accompanying To address concerns that the businesses are thriving here in
son local-government revenue businesses because, under most 1970s and early 1980s. economic slowdown have wors- law could damage small busi- California,” said Tyler Law, a
remained slightly higher in Cal- commercial leases, tenants are Supporters of Proposition 15 ened the situation, as the nesses, Proposition 15 exempts spokesman for the “Yes on 15”
ifornia than the national aver- responsible for paying prop- have raised more than $64 mil- county faces falling revenue commercial and industrial land- campaign. “What’s not thriving
age of about $3,000. erty-tax increases. Property lion as of Monday, much of it and increasing spending needs. lords whose portfolios are val- is our schools, our ability to in-
If Proposition 15 passes, the owners said they also fear some from labor unions and wealthy Opponents have raised more ued at less than $3 million, as vest in public health care, our
property owners hardest hit businesses could leave the state donors such as the Chan Zuck- than $69 million, over half of well as home-based businesses. ability to fund firefighters who
would be those who have as a result. In recent years, big erberg Initiative, a foundation that from a committee run by It also delays the implementa- are stretched to the limit.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | A5



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Judge Bars DOJ

From Representing
Trump in Lawsuit

BY CORINNE RAMEY “His comments concerned

an alleged sexual assault that
The Justice Department took place several decades be-
can’t represent President fore he took office, and the al-
Trump in a defamation lawsuit legations have no relationship
because he wasn’t acting in to the official business of the
his official capacity as presi- United States,” wrote Judge
dent when he denied allega- Kaplan, who was appointed by
tions that he raped an advice President Clinton in 1994.
columnist, a federal judge A Justice Department
ruled Tuesday. spokeswoman declined to
The ruling, by U.S. District comment. The department
Judge Lewis Kaplan, marks a could appeal the ruling.
legal victory for E. Jean Car- Ms. Carroll’s lawyers op-
roll, a journalist who accused posed the Justice Department
Mr. Trump of raping her in a request, saying Mr. Trump was
department-store dressing acting in a personal capacity
room in the 1990s. when he denied the alleged
Ms. Carroll’s lawsuit, origi- rape. “There is not a single per-
nally filed in November 2019 son in the United States—not
Amy Coney Barrett, with husband Jesse Barrett, was sworn in as a justice Tuesday by Chief Justice John Roberts at the Supreme Court. in New York state court, con- the president and not anyone

McConnell’s Tactics Pay Off

tended Mr. Trump defamed else—whose job description in-
her when he denied the al- cludes slandering women they
leged rape after an excerpt sexually assaulted,” the lawyers
from her book was published wrote in court documents.
last year. Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer
If Judge Kaplan had ruled for Ms. Carroll, said she would
BY SIOBHAN HUGHES we’ve done over the last four tion that would remake the Senate,” citing what he called for the Justice Department, it press ahead with her lawsuit
years will be undone, sooner or way the Senate operates. the Republicans’ double stan- would almost certainly have in federal court.
The confirmation of Justice later, by the next election. Some in the party have dard on voting on high-court brought an end to Ms. Car- “The simple truth is that
Amy Coney Barrett marks the Won’t be able to do much about pressured presidential nominee nominees in an election year. roll’s case. Government em- President Trump defamed our
culmination of a yearslong this, for a long time to come.” Joe Biden to endorse the addi- Mr. McConnell responded ployees can’t be sued for defa- client because she was brave
campaign by Senate Majority Helping approve Mr. tion of seats to the Supreme that both parties had “parallel mation for actions they take in enough to reveal that he had
Leader Mitch McConnell to ex- Trump’s judicial nominees has Court should he win the presi- oral histories” about who first their official capacity. sexually assaulted her, and
pand the number of conserva- been one of the key forces dency and Democrats flip the escalated the fights over judi- The Justice Department that brutal, personal attack
tives on the federal courts, an aligning Mr. McConnell with Senate. Such a move to enlarge cial nominees. But he said the moved in September to take cannot be attributed to the of-
issue critical to many Republi- the president, who has empha- the court would first require Democrats’ complaints about over the defense of the case fice of the president,” Ms.
can voters and set to last re- sized his power in shaping the an end to the Senate’s 60-vote the latest nominee were un- from Mr. Trump’s private at- Kaplan said.
gardless of the result of the courts in appealing to conser- threshold on advancing most founded. “They don’t like the torneys, claiming Mr. Trump The Justice Department’s
election. vative voters on issues includ- legislation, a precedent that outcome. Well, the reason this was acting within the scope of attempt to get involved in Ms.
With Justice Barrett’s con- ing abortion, gun rights and has guarded against a major- outcome came about is be- his employment when he said Carroll’s suit was the latest in
firmation expected to lock in a religion. Republicans currently ity-rule system in the body. cause we had a series of suc- he had never met Ms. Carroll a series of cases in which the
6-3 conservative majority on control the Senate 53-47, but Mr. Biden has resisted com- cessful elections.” and that “she’s not my type.” administration has moved
the Supreme Court, the Ken- the majority is seen as a toss- mitting to any changes to the Mr. McConnell has priori- “The president addressed against the president’s critics.
tucky Republican will have up in next week’s election, court, but he has proposed tized a conservative court for matters relating to his fitness Some of the cases have led
pushed through the confirma- with many more GOP seats at creating a commission to study years. In 2016, the Senate for office as part of an official to disagreements within the
tion of more than 200 judicial risk than Democratic ones. the matter. On the campaign leader declined to consider White House response to press agency and questions about
nominees during President The pace of confirmations trail, Mr. Trump has boasted of President Obama’s nominee to inquiries,” the Justice Depart- whether the White House is in-
Trump’s first term. That in- has been so rapid that there are the number of judges he has the high court, citing the elec- ment said in a legal brief. appropriately using the Justice
cludes three on the Supreme no spots on the appeals courts gotten approved, while warn- tion year. Mr. Trump then won Judge Kaplan ruled Tuesday Department to protect Mr.
Court and 53 on appeals left to fill. Mr. Trump has nomi- ing that Mr. Biden would put the election, and Mr. McCon- that Mr. Trump isn’t consid- Trump’s personal interests, said
courts, nearly matching the to- nated Judge Barrett’s successor liberals on the bench and pos- nell shepherded his first nomi- ered an employee of the U.S. current and former officials.
tal number of appeals-court on the Seventh Circuit. sibly expand the court. nee, Justice Neil Gorsuch, on under the Federal Tort Claims A Justice Department
judges confirmed during Presi- Mr. McConnell’s success has Senate Minority Leader to the court by changing the Act because its definition of spokeswoman previously has
dent Obama’s two terms. sparked deep dismay among Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) said rules to allow Supreme Court employee doesn’t include pres- said the federal government
“We’ve made an important Democrats, who say his meth- Monday the Barrett confirma- nominees to advance with only idents. Even if Mr. Trump were had a legitimate interest in
contribution to the future of ods have deepened partisan tion “will go down as one of the a simple majority instead of a considered an employee, he those cases. She didn’t re-
this country,” Mr. McConnell divides in the Senate and darkest days in the 231-year 60-vote supermajority after wasn’t acting within the scope spond to requests to comment
said on Sunday. “A lot of what could set off further retalia- history of the United States Democrats tried to block him. of his job, the judge wrote. Tuesday.

Lawmakers Want to Protect Local News From Big Tech

BY KEACH HAGEY value that we provide to pub- nect web publishers and ad- deprived publishers of the
lishers who face challenges in vertisers. “This looks like mo- ability to enforce the copy-
Some Senate Democrats are transitioning to the digital nopoly upon monopoly,” Mr. rights to their own material,
seeking to enable regulators to world.” Hawley said at one point. since in effect there is no sub-
protect local news outlets, ac- Facebook took issue with The Senate Commerce Com- stitutable competitor they
cusing tech giants such as the report’s allegation that tech mittee minority report cited would work with instead if
Google and Facebook of “un- giants take local news content practices such as Google’s re- they don’t like Google’s terms.
fair business practices,” ac- and data for their own sites, a quirement that publishers The Google spokeswoman

cording to a new report by practice known as scraping. agree to put their content on said Google sends traffic to
members of a key committee “The accusation that we scrape Google-hosted Accelerated news websites and its ad prod-
that will hear from the top in- news articles is simply not Mobile Pages, or AMP, to re- ucts help publishers make
dustry executives this week. true,” a spokesman said. ceive a decent search ranking money. Google also has
Released on the eve of the The report also proposed a on mobile. Publishers have reached agreements with se-
Senate Commerce Committee’s range of other legislative complained the technology de- lected publishers around the
hearing Wednesday with the changes, including a law that prives them of customer data world to license news content.
chief executives of Alphabet would force tech platforms to and hurts subscription rates. The report notes that while
Inc.’s Google, Facebook Inc. negotiate with local news out- The report also argued that Facebook has made deals to
and Twitter Inc., the report lets to ensure those organiza- Google search, by using local pay license fees to some pub-
argues that local journalism is tions are paid for their content, publishers’ headlines and snip- lishers, they only cover about
in a crisis—badly exacerbated in much the same way that lo- pets without compensation a quarter of the local news
by the coronavirus pandemic— cal TV broadcasters are paid by and increasingly answering services whose content Face-
partly because of alleged anti- cable and satellite companies queries on Google without book displays in its news tab.
competitive behavior on the for distributing their content. pushing users through to pub- The Facebook spokesman
part of the tech platforms that Painting a grim portrait of Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell says local news outlets ‘are lisher websites, was abusing said the company gives “news
ought to be policed by the the state of the local U.S. news facing unfair practices’ that Congress and the FTC should address. the original intent of copy- organizations the ability to
Federal Trade Commission. industry, the report noted that right law’s notion of “fair use.” post news on Facebook free of
“They are facing unfair it had lost 70% of its revenue lawsuit against Google could been critical of the tech plat- Publishers have complained charge, and they have full con-
practices,” Sen. Maria Cantwell in the past two decades, while take years to be resolved. forms’ influence over the pub- about similar “take it or leave trol over how that content is
(D., Wash.), the ranking mem- today Google and Facebook Democrats don’t control lishing landscape. During a it” dynamics with other Google accessed and monetized.” He
ber on the committee, said in control 77% of local digital ad committee business in the Re- Senate hearing last month, Re- products, such as Google News said Facebook has spent hun-
an interview. “We think Con- revenue. publican-led Senate. Criticism publican senators including and Google Discover, a feed of dreds of millions of dollars on
gress and the FTC should ad- The report argued that the of the tech platforms has been Mike Lee (R., Utah) and Josh recommended content. In a re- programs to help local news.
dress those unfair practices.” FTC needs new authority now bipartisan lately, though Repub- Hawley (R., Mo.) asked tough port this summer, the News Wall Street Journal parent
A Google spokeswoman said so it can force Google and licans tend to be more focused questions of a Google execu- Media Alliance, the news pub- News Corp is among the com-
the report “distorts the reality Facebook to change their prac- on fears that the platforms are tive about the search giant’s lishers’ trade group, alleged panies calling for Google and
around Google’s role in the on- tices, given that the Justice silencing conservatives. dominant market power in the that Google’s overwhelming Facebook to pay organizations
line news ecosystem and the Department’s current antitrust Senate Republicans have ecosystem of tools that con- market power has effectively that provide quality news.

Visa Faces A Justice Department

spokeswoman declined to
comment on the state of the
The Justice Department filed
last week an antitrust lawsuit
against Google.
Visa, which made public the
planned acquisition in January,
is the largest U.S. card net-
tuit Inc.’s roughly $7 billion
deal for personal-finance por-
tal Credit Karma Inc.
change how they make pay-
ments and use apps that, for
example, enable bank-account-

Antitrust investigation. Makan Delra-

him, the DOJ’s top antitrust
official, issued a statement
Any cases filed this late in
the Trump administration’s
first term will fall to whoever
work, handling $2.2 trillion of
credit, debit and prepaid-card
transactions during the first
Visa initially said it ex-
pected the Plaid acquisition to
close by the summer. In the
to-bank-account payments
that essentially bypass the
card networks. Both compa-

Scrutiny saying third parties like Bain

“must comply fully and expe-
ditiously with our civil investi-
wins next week’s election. Anti-
trust enforcement isn’t likely to
subside if Democratic presiden-
half of 2020, according to the
Nilson Report, a trade publica-
tion. Its closest competitor,
summer, Visa said it was ex-
pecting to close by the end of
the year.
nies have been buying firms in
recent years that enable new
types of payments.
gative demands and provide tial nominee Joe Biden wins. Plaid makes software that Merchants, meanwhile,
Continued from Page One the documents and data we He has said economic concen- allows banks and fintechs to have been hoping that fintech
Bain “has tried to stymie” the
investigation and has claimed
need to discharge our duties.”
Mr. Delrahim made public
tration “threatens our Ameri-
can values of competition,
A DOJ official wants plug into consumers’ various
financial accounts, enabling
companies such as Plaid
would eventually help facili-
legal privilege over important in August a shake-up of inter- choice, and shared prosperity.” ‘a fresh look’ at how those companies, with users’ tate these new types of pay-
documents, at Visa’s direction.
The legal filing said the
nal operations to improve how
the department evaluates fi-
Plaid has been viewed by
fintech companies and mer-
new tech is changing permission, to aggregate
spending data, look up bal-
ments. That could allow mer-
chants to avoid the swipe fees
Justice Department is consid- nancial-sector competition, chants as a platform that competition. ances and verify other per- that are set by networks such
ering whether the Plaid acqui- saying the government needed could one day enable consum- sonal financial information. Its as Visa and Mastercard, which
sition will “allow Visa—the to “take a fresh look” at how ers to make purchases without clients and partners include have long been a point of con-
dominant provider of debit new technologies are changing having to rely on debit and Venmo, the digital money- tention between merchants
services in the United States— competitive dynamics in the credit cards. Mastercard Inc., handled $942 transfer service owned by and the card industry.
to create or maintain a mo- financial-services industry. The San Francisco-based billion in card transactions PayPal Holdings Inc.; stock- Plaid doesn’t currently op-
nopoly.” At the same time, the Jus- startup has said it provides during the period. trading app Robinhood Mar- erate a payments network like
Representatives of Visa and tice Department and Washing- connections between more The Justice Department is kets Inc.; and mortgage-soft- Visa’s, but Plaid’s software
Plaid declined to comment on ton broadly are taking a closer than 11,000 banks and finan- also reviewing Mastercard’s ware startup Blend Labs Inc. can see if a consumer is the
the investigation. A Bain look at big tech companies cial-services companies and nearly $1 billion deal for fin- Visa and Mastercard have owner of a given bank account
spokesman said the firm was that dominate the way people more than 200 million con- tech firm Finicity, a startup been concerned about getting and can look up how much
unable to comment. shop, work and communicate. sumer accounts. similar to Plaid, as well as In- left behind if more people money is in that account.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | A7


Countries Try Shorter Quarantines
A growing number of coun-

Indicate tries are trimming the length

of time people potentially ex-
posed to the coronavirus need

New Surge to self-quarantine to reduce

the risk of spreading Covid-19.
Their reasoning: Shorter spells
BY TALAL ANSARI might help manage the pan-
demic by encouraging greater
Two key Covid-19 metrics compliance.
have been rising in the U.S. for
days, and in some cases weeks, By Jason Douglas
pointing to a fresh surge in in- in London and Brianna
fections in a majority of states. Abbott in New York
The seven-day average of
new cases reached a record Some disease and public-
high on Tuesday for the second health experts offer cautious
day in a row, with 69,967 con- support for the idea, saying
firmed infections, according to that although data is patchy,
a Wall Street Journal analysis such a trade-off might make
of Johns Hopkins University sense, especially where citi-
data. On Monday, the seven- zens’ weariness or inability to


day average hit 68,767 cases. comply with more burdensome
The U.S. has regularly been restrictions are complicating
adding more than 50,000 new efforts to beat back a resur-
cases a day since Oct. 7—fig- gence. Cases in Europe are ac-
ures not seen since Aug. 14, celerating fast following a
when the country’s most pop- summer lull, and in the U.S.
ulous states including Califor- recently topped a new daily
nia, Florida and Texas were record of more than 80,000.
experiencing surges. The coun- Others, though, including the
try recorded 66,784 new infec- World Health Organization, say
tions on Monday, helping push it is a gamble that could back- Passengers waited at the airport in Burgas, Bulgaria, this month. Covid-19 cases in Europe are accelerating fast following a summer lull.
fire and will likely result in
some additional cases slipping citing weak compliance, but Belgium and Germany impose fraying public approval of their Health, found that 97.5% of
through. And gaps in knowl- raised it to 10 days on Oct. 19 the same length of quarantine handling of the pandemic. A those who develop symptoms
The number of edge about how exactly the vi- after a surge in cases. Spain in on travelers as residents are September study by research- do so within 11.5 days, accord-
confirmed Covid-19 rus behaves make it difficult to September cut its period of required to self-isolate, while ers at King’s College London ing to a paper published in the
determine the best abbreviated self-isolation after contact Spain doesn’t impose any re- found only a quarter of adults Annals of Internal Medicine.
cases in the U.S. has cutoff date or strategy. with a coronavirus carrier to strictions on international ar- surveyed in the U.K. who lived “Our upper bound of that 14
passed 8.7 million. “There’s a trade-off because 10 days from 14. rivals. Some countries let ar- in a household where someone days still holds based on the
you might miss some people, In Germany, public-health of- rivals forgo quarantine if they had Covid-19 symptoms had data that we have seen,” Maria
but you could get so many ficials have said the quarantine can produce a negative test. obeyed instructions to stay Van Kerkhove, Covid-19 tech-
more people to adhere to the period can be reduced to 10 The shifting regulations run home. nical lead at the WHO, said
the total number of confirmed quarantine requirements that days from 14 starting Nov. 8, counter to advice issued by Behind the guidance from last month.
cases to more than 8.7 million. the gains would far outweigh though it is up to individual the WHO and, in European the WHO and others are esti- Some disease experts agree
Hospitalizations are also on the people you might miss,” states to decide if they want to countries, by the European mates of the incubation period that it is better to stick with 14
the rise, with more than 40,000 said Mark Plescia, chief medical follow that recommendation. Center for Disease Prevention of the virus, or the time from days. “You want to minimize,
people admitted to hospitals officer for the Association of The U.K. government is weigh- and Control. exposure to symptoms. That as much as possible, the risk,”
with Covid-19 for the sixth day State and Territorial Health Of- ing the case for a shorter quar- Some scientists and public- ranges from roughly two to 14 said Waafa El-Sadr, director of
in a row. On Monday, 42,917 ficials, which represents state antine but for now it remains at health officials say the extra days. People tend to be infec- the Global Health Initiative at
people were hospitalized, ac- health departments in the U.S. 14 days, Brandon Lewis, a mem- risk might be worth it. The tious a few days before symp- Columbia University’s Mailman
cording to the Covid Tracking France in September cut to ber of Prime Minister Boris thinking goes that by reducing toms start, and some 40% School of Public Health.
Project, up from 41,776 on Sun- seven days from 14 the length Johnson’s cabinet, said Sunday. quarantine stays, more people don’t show symptoms but can One middle way some pub-
day. Nearly 9,000 individuals of time those who have been in In the U.S., the Centers for are likely to see them through. still transmit the virus, mak- lic-health authorities are ex-
are in intensive-care units. contact with a known case must Disease Control and Prevention That might have a bigger ef- ing quarantine all the more ploring is testing for the virus
The U.S. reported 481 fatali- quarantine at home. The coun- is exploring ways to shorten fect on suppressing transmis- critical for disease control, in- midway through quarantine.
ties for Monday, and the na- try’s health authority concluded quarantine periods for school- sion of the virus if longer fectious disease experts say. Modeling focused on air trav-
tion’s death toll had passed that citizens were reluctant to children who have been in con- spells of quarantine are rou- Several studies suggest the elers by researchers at the
226,000 on Tuesday, according stay home for two weeks and tact with infected people in an tinely flouted, even after ac- median time to onset of symp- London School of Hygiene and
to Johns Hopkins data. Mon- said the risk of spreading the effort to speed their return to counting for the risk that some toms after exposure is around Tropical Medicine suggested
day’s total was higher than the contagion lessens over time. classrooms, though the two- people released sooner might five days. One study, by epide- that testing after seven days
340 deaths reported Sunday Belgium similarly shortened week guidance hasn’t changed. be or soon become infectious. miologist Justin Lessler and was almost as effective as a
and the 445 fatalities reported its quarantine period to seven Rules for incoming travel- Compliance is a worry for colleagues at Johns Hopkins 14-day quarantine in control-
a week earlier. days from 14 on Oct. 1, also ers are more varied. France, governments grappling with Bloomberg School of Public ling transmission.


Get Around
Beach Rule

Continued from Page One

at an unofficial swimming spot
full of sharp barnacles and
rocks, has been taking her
chances sneaking on to the
She had become adept at
slipping past the law—she
would swim around sunrise
before official beach patrols
arrived, and afterward, since Hong Kong closed beaches during the Covid outbreak, but devoted
the showers were closed, swimmers found ways to get in the water. Above, Edie Hu.
would get the seawater
sprayed off with a hose by 427 square miles of land, de- Boat traffic can make the
some beach cleaners. termined swimmers found waters outside the safety nets
More and more, though, she other ways in. a bit dicey. Still, Edie Hu, 45,
resorted to swimming pools. On a September weekend, an experienced open-water
“I still like the ocean, but I Mr. Courret said, he and some swimmer who has circumnavi-
have other things to do,” said companions could get to their gated Hong Kong Island,
Ms. Zhu, a 27-year-old archi- route legally only by navigat- hasn’t missed a day of swim-
tecture Ph.D. student at the ing through wind surfers at a ming during the beach ban.
University of California, Los reopened city-run water- On one early swim, she
Angeles who is taking classes sports center. Normally, the said, her group was nearing an
remotely. swim would begin in the pro- offshore island when an ap-
Hong Kong officials had tected waters off an adjacent proaching boat swerved to
maintained that with the public swimming beach. avoid hitting one person and
spread of Covid-19 not fully On the way back, the swim- almost hit another. Ms. Hu,
contained in the city—local mers decided it was better to who has an art appraisal and
transmissions have persisted, be on the wrong side of the advisory company, called the
mostly in the single digits law than the wrong side of a marine police, who came and
each day—it was prudent to
keep beaches closed. The fine
wind surfer, and rerouted to
swim inside the net off the
scolded the group, saying they
shouldn’t be so far from shore.
pretty in pink
for entering a closed beach is closed beach—the waters in- “But we’re like, ‘Hey, the chopard pink diamond watch
US$260. side the net, in addition to the beaches are closed,’ ” she said.
A spokesman for the gov- beach itself, have been off lim- Now that beaches are re- Legendary firm. Sophisticated style. Rare pinks. This
ernment department that its. opening, she said, she is grate- stunning wristwatch by Chopard is covered in exceptionally rare
manages the stretches of sand On another day, Mr. Courret ful the government has “fi- natural fancy pink diamonds with sparkling white diamonds
said it is difficult to enforce and other swimmers entered a nally come to their senses.”
the safety measures used at tiny unofficial beach in the Lee Williamson, 35, lives on
on the watch’s face. This timepiece was only made in limited
sports venues and swimming shadow of statues of god- Lamma Island, one of the edition and rarely comes on the market. The pink diamonds
pools, such as restricting the desses. They stashed their many smaller islands that are total 3.38 carats while the white diamonds weigh 0.91 carats,
number of people and check- bags in a pavilion and blew up part of Hong Kong. He said and all are set in 18K white and rose gold. 71/2” length. #31-1591
ing body temperature. He said the bright pink and orange crowds have grown on an un-
the department has issued buoys they attach to a belt to official beach there overlooked
thousands of warnings but make them more visible to by a power station. The local
only one official citation. boats. It was hard to see any- journalist opted to host his
The city’s bars and restau- thing in the water, and on the son’s fifth birthday party there
rants had their restrictions return Mr. Courret navigated recently. Children and adults
eased in September. But to shore around rocks covered swam, and some guests took
beaches, closed since mid-July, with sharp shells and spiky Mr. Williamson’s paddle board
remained blocked. sea urchins. out on the water, he said.
“You’ve got all this space, The trouble has been worth He took care to take photos
which is safe and open, but it to Mr. Courret. “The variety facing away from the giant
you cannot cross it,” said Oliv- of the conditions, the connec- concrete chimney stacks. “I 622 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA • 877-677-2801 • •
ier Courret, 46, a mental coach tion with the environment, the didn’t think that the backdrop
Since 1912, M.S. Rau has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
and clinical hypnotherapist space makes it so enjoyable,” to my kid’s fifth birthday party
who runs an open-water he said, adding that he and would be this big power sta- Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
swimming group. other open-water swimmers tion,” he said.
With 636 square miles of have had encounters with a lo- —Joyu Wang
sea to work with in a city with cal dolphin that they call Dave. contributed to this article.
A8 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Second Wave Crashes Over France Foreign
Government weighs
tighter restrictions as
coronavirus infections
In China
surge across Europe Holds Firm

PARIS—France has emerged Foreign direct investment

as the epicenter of the second in China largely held steady
wave of coronavirus infections during the first half of this
now sweeping much of Eu- year, even as inflows into the
rope, causing hospitals to U.S. and European Union
brace for a surge of new pa- plummeted, in a fresh sign
tients and pushing the govern- that the world’s second-largest
ment to consider tough new economy has suffered less
restrictions in some places. damage from the pandemic.
The country saw daily cases Globally, the monthly aver-
top 50,000 over the weekend, age for new investments for
while the seven-day average of the first half of 2020 was
new daily cases has increased down almost half on the
by more than 50% over the past A man walks through Bayonne before the start of a nighttime curfew. France saw daily Covid-19 cases soar past 50,000 over the weekend. monthly average for the whole
week, reaching 38,278 on Tues- of 2019, the largest decline on
day. That compares with a the Continent, reversing the Daily confirmed Covid-19 cases per million people, gist Martin Blachier. “People record, the United Nations’s
seven-day average of 69,967 gains Europe had won by the seven-day rolling average continue to have social inter- Conference on Trade and De-
cases in the U.S., whose popula- summer, when draconian, na- actions.” velopment said Tuesday. But
500 France
tion is around five times as big. tionwide lockdowns in many France’s neighbors are also while foreign investment in the
On Tuesday, health authorities European countries pushed in- fighting an alarming rise in in- U.S. and European Union fell
reported 523 new deaths, in- fections down to a trickle. fections. In Belgium, the aver- by 61% and 29%, respectively,
cluding 235 in nursing homes Now, European governments 400 age number of new daily cases inflows to China were down by
and other government facilities, are struggling to respond to Spain in the small European Union just 4%. China attracted for-
the highest toll since April. the second wave, loath to im- country jumped by nearly 40% eign investment totaling $76
In response, President Em- pose new lockdowns that 300 U.K. over the past week, local health billion in the period, while the
manuel Macron could imple- would compound the economic authorities said on Tuesday. U.S. brought in $51 billion.
ment tough new restrictions, pain the coronavirus pandemic Italy The country reported more The U.S. has long been the
as previous measures appear has already inflicted on their deaths per 100,000 inhabitants top global destination for
to have been insufficient in countries, but concerned about 200 than any other European businesses investing overseas,
containing the spread. the steady rise in hospitaliza- country over the past two with China ranking second.
This month, French authori- tions and deaths. weeks. To be sure, greatly ex- Unctad said the modest na-
ties ordered a curfew from 9 Jean-François Delfraissy, a 100 Germany panded testing has surfaced a ture of the decline in foreign
p.m. to 6 a.m. in the Paris re- doctor and immunology spe- larger number of infections investment to China was sur-
gion and nine other cities. cialist who leads a scientific than in the spring, when the prising. Back in March, when
The government is consid- board advising the French gov- confirmed cases were likely a China was the epicenter of the
ering earlier curfews in many ernment on how to tackle the 0 fraction of overall infections. pandemic with significant
parts of the country, as well as pandemic, said this week that M A M J J A S O Italy, Spain, Germany and parts of its economy in lock-
weekend lockdowns that the actual number of new daily Source: European Center for Disease Prevention and Control the U.K. have also seen a surge down, Unctad forecast that it
would sharply curtail individu- cases of infection in France is in new infections. would be the big loser, and ex-
als’ movements in virus hot probably closer to 100,000, and crippled its economy. But the double-cheek kiss, which had The number of Covid-related pected global flows of invest-
spots such as Paris, effectively is likely to continue to increase. government failed to protect been sidelined in spring. deaths in France remains com- ment to fall by 15% across
confining them to home, a “The second wave could be its hard-fought gains as sum- The nighttime curfew parable or even lower than in 2020.
close presidential aide said. worse than the first one,” Dr. mer drew to a close and colder French authorities ordered on other EU countries, though such However, China’s economy
Mr. Macron is meeting with Delfraissy said. temperatures approached. the Paris region and nine other figures typically lag behind in- reopened in April just as the
members of his government on France was slow to react to As they reunited with cities was extended last week fections by several weeks. U.S. and Europe were in lock-
Tuesday and Wednesday morn- a steady increase in Covid-19 friends and family, and flocked to 38 French départements—or But the death toll in France down, and the country has
ing to decide which measures cases that began in the sum- to restaurants and theaters, about two thirds of the French is increasing rapidly. since contained the virus with
to adopt, the person added. Mr. mer, epidemiologists say. The many people stopped follow- population—as the epidemic Hospital beds are filling up, only localized and short-lived
Macron will address the nation country had managed to re- ing social-distancing recom- accelerated across the country. too. The seven-day average of restrictions. By contrast, the
on Wednesday evening. duce the number of new daily mendations so closely, epide- But epidemiologists say it may new hospital admissions has U.S. and Europe have seen re-
The surge in infections in cases to fewer than 400 at the miologists and health officials be too little, too late. risen by more than 60% over surgences in infections that
France comes amid a sharp end of spring after a two- say. Some people even resusci- “This is not nearly enough,” the past week, reaching 2,016 have slowed their recoveries.
rise this autumn in much of month national lockdown that tated the country’s customary said Paris-based epidemiolo- on Tuesday. In the three months through
September, China’s economy
already had exceeded the lev-

Hong Kong Arrests Man Said to Seek U.S. Asylum

els of output recorded in the
last quarter of 2019, according
to data out last week.
The resilience of foreign in-
BY WENXIN FAN native city. Some have obtained vestment in China appears to
asylum in Germany, the U.K. and confound earlier expectations
HONG KONG—A disbanded Canada, and several high-profile that businesses would seek to
Hong Kong pro-democracy or- overseas dissidents are lobbying reduce their reliance on the
ganization said national secu- for more international punish- country as a key part of their

rity police arrested a former ment of China over its quashing supply chains. But James Zhan,
organizer of the group near of political dissent in the city. Unctad’s director of investment
the U.S. diplomatic mission in Hong Kong’s government and enterprise, said it is too
the city. said Tuesday that people early to reach that conclusion.
The organization, Studentlo- charged with criminal offenses “One of the main reasons
calism, which formally dis- should face trial by the city’s for reconfiguration of global
banded on the day China passed courts. “There is no justifica- supply chains is to increase re-
a new national security law in tion for any so-called ‘politi- silience, which requires backup
June, said on a Twitter account cal-asylum’ for people in Hong plans and redundant capaci-
that still bears the group’s Kong,” it said. ties,” he said. “A more practi-
name that police arrested Tony Thousands of protesters, cal approach companies can
Chung, 19 years old, on Tues- many of them young, have take would be building addi-
day, and two other former been arrested since social un- tional production bases out-
members elsewhere in the city. rest erupted last year over a side of China.”
All three had first been arrested local government bill that Across all developed econo-
in late July on suspicion of in- Tony Chung, seen in August in Hong Kong, was among the first arrested under China’s security law. would have allowed people to mies, inflows of foreign invest-
citing secession through social- be sent for trial across the ment were down 75% in the
media posts that called for the ment. The U.S. Consulate de- nations repeatedly have clashed Friends of Hong Kong said border into mainland China. first half of 2020 from the 2019
city’s independence, which they clined to comment. over Beijing’s handling of anti- it is assisting activists in the Though the measure was monthly average to total just
denied having made after a new Hong Kong police said they government protests in Hong city who are trying to seek scrapped, months of street $98 billion, a level last seen in
law banned such posts. arrested three people but Kong and the imposition of a asylum, but didn’t specify how protests rocked the city and 1994. In some cases—such as
A U.K.-based group called didn’t identify them, adding the national security law by Beijing they are advising them to go culminated in China imposing the Netherlands and the U.K.—
Friends of Hong Kong said Mr. trio were detained in relation designed to quash dissent. about it. U.S. rules state that its new security law under that decline took the form of a
Chung was arrested in a coffee to social-media posts published President Trump’s adminis- asylum seekers should claim which more than 20 people reduction in loans from the
shop across from the U.S. Con- since September, without elab- tration said earlier this year refugee status after they are in have been arrested. parent company to its overseas
sulate, where he was planning orating further. Police didn’t that people fleeing Hong Kong the U.S., but there have been The law provides for long subsidiaries, which are counted
to seek asylum. The Wall respond to a request to com- would be among those given instances of activists looking jail sentences for anyone con- as foreign investment.
Street Journal couldn’t inde- ment about the asylum claim. priority for refugee status, al- to flee through U.S. diplomatic victed of terrorism, secession, Foreign investment in de-
pendently verify the claim. The arrest potentially could though it has reduced the missions. subversion or colluding with veloping economies proved
Mr. Chung and his lawyer further increase tension be- overall limit on refugees per- Hong Kong activists are in- foreign forces to undermine more resilient, falling by just
couldn’t be reached to com- tween China and the U.S. The mitted to enter the U.S. creasingly seeking to flee their China’s national security. 16% to $296 billion.


to seven economists polled by tion.” Mr. Hong said he ex- China’s economy, which South Korea’s economic dealing with its second wave
South Korea The Wall Street Journal. South
Korea’s quarter-to-quarter re-
pects the economy to expand
in the fourth quarter, too.
grew for the second straight
quarter, has helped lift some
growth came as it dealt with a
second wave of cases that be-
helped small-business owners
like Bae Jin-sung get back on
sults also beat consensus ex- Remote working and neighboring countries and ma- gan in early August. During that their feet. His Cuisine La Clé
Economy pectations by 0.2 point.
Resilient global trade has
schooling have also driven up
demand for electronic gadgets
jor trade partners.
Japan, which has yet to re-
month, the country reported
more cases in three weeks than
restaurant in Seoul, which
opened last year, had seen sales
backed the rebound. In the
Rebounds third quarter, South Korea’s net
exports jumped 15.6% from the
and data servers that make up
the internet’s plumbing, a win
for South Korean chip makers
port third-quarter figures, has
seen its economy rebound more
quickly than expected because
it had in the prior three months
combined. But the raw numbers
were a fraction of larger out-
plunge as tourism all but disap-
peared and locals stayed in-
doors. But on a recent evening,
prior quarter and contributed including Samsung Electronics breaks elsewhere: New daily days after South Korea relaxed
Continued from Page One 0.4 percentage point to its over- Co. and SK Hynix Inc. cases peaked at 441 on Aug. 27. social distancing, Mr. Bae had
cord-level daily cases in the all GDP. In September, South “Korea has benefited a lot One positive surprise, econ- to turn away diners who had
U.S., where businesses wonder Korea posted a yearly growth in from the global demand for
The country has omists said, is the relatively shown up without reservations.
how lockdowns and pandemic exports for the first time since electronics,” said Alex Holmes, benefited from its modest fall in private con- “I’m so thankful,” he said.
concerns might dull commerce. February as shipments to the a Singapore-based economist sumption, which dropped 0.1% Park Jeong-woo, a Seoul-
South Korea, which dealt U.S. and Europe rose. at Capital Economics, adding
fast response to the from the previous quarter, or based economist at Nomura,
with a resurgence of Covid-19 Export demand has contin- slumps in petrochemicals and coronavirus. by 4.5% when compared with said South Korea’s export-led
cases during its third quarter, ued to improve this month, ris- oil refining have been drags on the previous year. growth doesn’t have the same
had slumped into its first re- ing 5.9% for the first 20 days of exports. Some economists had ex- pull on the domestic economy
cession on an annual basis in October from the previous year South Korea’s economy is ex- pected South Korea to be hit as it used to have. The gains in
more than 10 years. On a quar- after adjusting for the number pected to decline by around 1% of strong demand for cars and harder, as the country kept el- exports aren’t leading to in-
terly basis, a more widely used of working days. Exports in the this year, the best-performing high-tech goods such as semi- evated social-distancing mea- vestments in South Korea be-
measure in South Korea, it was third quarter showed their big- major country apart from China, conductor-manufacturing ma- sures in place nationally for cause of automation and off-
the first recession in 17 years. gest contribution to South Ko- according to the Organization chines, with exports to China much of August and Septem- shore production, Mr. Park
The economy grew quarter- rea’s GDP growth in decades. for Economic Cooperation and rising 14% in September from ber. Those restrictions limited said. “That’s going to lead to
on-quarter. But on a yearly ba- At a Tuesday policy meet- Development’s latest forecasts. the prior year. On a quarter-to- gatherings to 50 indoors and reduced jobs and ultimately,
sis, the country’s GDP con- ing, Finance Minister Hong By contrast, the U.S., Germany quarter basis, Singapore’s econ- closed venues like museums. less consumption,” he said.
tracted at 1.3%—though it Nam-ki said South Korea’s and Japan are forecast to con- omy grew by nearly 8% for the But restaurants, bars and other —Kwanwoo Jun in Singapore
handily topped a median fore- economy had “entered a re- tract by 3.8%, 5.4% and 5.8%, re- third quarter, though it de- stores largely stayed open. and Peter Landers in Tokyo
cast of a 2% decline, according covery path for normaliza- spectively, the OECD forecasts. clined 7% year-over-year. South Korea’s fast response contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | A9


Pompeo Touts Deal Bomb at Seminary
To Counter China Kills at Least 8
Increased U.S.-Indian military A powerful bomb blast ripped
and strategic cooperation will through an Islamic seminary on
help the two countries manage the outskirts Peshawar, Pakistan,
China’s growing influence in Asia, on Tuesday, killing at least eight
top U.S. diplomats said Tuesday. students and wounding 136 oth-
“Our leaders and our citizens ers, police and a hospital spokes-
see with increasing clarity that man said.
the [Chinese Communist Party] is The bombing happened as a
no friend to democracy, the rule prominent religious scholar dur-
of law, transparency, nor to free- ing a special class was delivering
dom of navigation—the founda- a lecture about the teachings of
tion of a free and open and pros- Islam at the Jamia Zubairia ma-
perous Indo-Pacific,” Secretary of drassa, said police officer Waqar
State Mike Pompeo told reporters Azim. He said initial investiga-
after the two countries signed a tions suggest the bomb went

landmark defense agreement. off minutes after someone left a
“We stand shoulder to shoul- bag at the madrassa.
der in support of a free and Several of the wounded stu-
open Indo-Pacific for all, particu- dents were in critical condition,
larly in light of increasing ag- and hospital authorities feared
gression and destabilizing activi- the death toll could climb. Au-
ties by China,” Defense thorities said some seminary
Secretary Mark Esper said. teachers and employees were
The agreement will give India also wounded in the bombing.
access to advanced American map The attack comes days after
and satellite imagery, enhancing Pakistani intelligence warned Police in Zanzibar, Tanzania, arrest a man ahead of Wednesday’s election, when President John Magufuli is seeking another five-year term.

African Votes Test Democracy

the accuracy of automated weap- that militants could target public
ons, drones and missiles. The pact places and important buildings.
is known as the Basic Exchange No one immediately claimed
and Cooperation Agreement. responsibility for the attack in
—William Mauldin Peshawar.
—Associated Press
NIGERIA BY GABRIELE STEINHAUSER damage wrought by govern- be more focused on problems where President John Magu-
ENGLISH CHANNEL ment-mandated lockdowns. in their countries and not be fuli is almost certain to win
Police Shooting of A series of elections across The votes could reinforce a concerned with foreign af- another five years in office in
Protesters Probed Migrants’ Boat Africa threaten to roll back de- pattern of African incum- fairs,” said Thierno Diallo, a Oct. 28 elections, never re-
Capsizes; 4 Dead mocracy on the continent and bents’ working to cement their Guinean opposition politician. sponded to an EU application
The shootings of peaceful destabilize some of the few power by overhauling consti- The European Union, usu- to monitor the vote, a spokes-
protesters in Nigeria last week At least four people, including economies around the world tutions and passing laws ally one of the most active woman in Brussels said. Dur-
will be investigated by a judicial two young children, died Tues- still projected to grow this year. aimed at silencing dissent. monitors of African elections, ing the 2015 election that
committee, an official announced day when a boat carrying at In the mineral-rich West Af- “Democratic trends have re- is dispatching just four ex- brought Mr. Magufuli to
Tuesday, as some seek account- least 19 migrants capsized off rican nation of Guinea, the versed and there are now fewer perts to observe the election in power, EU observers called out
ability for the worst turmoil in France while trying to cross the army has been de- democracies in Africa than 20 shortcomings in the way the
decades in Africa’s most popu- English Channel to Britain, ployed against opposition sup- years ago,” Christopher Fomu- votes were tallied and bias on
lous country. French authorities said. porters who accuse the govern- nyoh, a Cameroonian academic the part of state media’s cov-
The committee is also inves- Fifteen migrants have been ment of having rigged an Oct. with the Washington-based Na-
The pandemic is erage of the vote that favored
tigating alleged atrocities com- saved so far and rescue and 18 election that handed Presi- tional Democratic Institute, said crimping foreign the ruling party.
mitted by the now-disbanded search operations were still un- dent Alpha Condé a third term. in a September submission to The only sub-Saharan Afri-
police unit known as the Special der way, according to the re- Before year end, voters the U.S. Congress Foreign Af-
observers’ presence can country where the EU is
Anti-Robbery Squad, or SARS, gional administration for the in six more countries in sub- fairs Committee. “Many coun- and activities. deploying a full observer mis-
the Lagos state governor, Baba- Nord region. Saharan Africa will head to the tries in Africa are falling short sion is Ghana, whose Dec. 7
jide Sanwo-Olu, tweeted. It said that the dead were a polls, testing institutions in in their efforts to consolidate general election is widely seen
Protests against the squad 5-year-old and an 8-year-old, an regional powerhouses such as constitutional rule, in respect of as the least problematic of the
continued last week even after adult woman and an adult man, Tanzania, Ivory Coast and presidential term limits…laws Ivory Coast, rather than a full coming votes.
authorities agreed to ban it. and stressed that the toll so far Ghana, along with Burkina on elections, civic space and mission of around 100 observ- Despite the alarming trends,
“The scope of the panel has is provisional pending further Faso, Niger and the Central Af- political party activity.” ers. Meanwhile, observers from the picture is far from uniform
been expanded to cover the searches in the area. rican Republic, where conflicts The votes are happening as the Carter Center—the human- across the continent of 54 na-
Lekki toll incident,” he said. Despite joint police efforts on are likely to constrain voting. the pandemic is crimping the rights and pro-democracy tions. Last year in Sudan,
Amnesty International has both sides of the Channel, mi- While most of these coun- presence and activities of for- group founded by former U.S. peaceful protests ended the 30-
asserted that soldiers killed sev- grants have long used northern tries haven’t seen the balloon- eign observers, and Western President Jimmy Carter—met year dictatorship of Gen. Omar
eral peaceful demonstrators at France as a launching point to ing coronavirus infections wit- governments are preoccupied with civil society and other ac- al-Bashir. In Malawi, the opposi-
the toll plaza in Lagos, opening sneak into Britain, and the issue nessed in the West, with escalating virus out- tors via video calls rather than tion in June won a rerun of a
fire as protesters sang the na- has long strained relations be- disruptions caused by uncer- breaks at home. in person, before sending a 36- 2019 election after the coun-
tional anthem. tween the neighbors. tain election results could “The coronavirus has al- person team to monitor voting. try’s supreme court nullified the
—Associated Press —Associated Press compound the severe economic lowed many governments to Authorities in Tanzania, vote for irregularities.


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ahead of time and cook along, as the chef shares tips and inspiration.

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A10 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


DOJ Cites Article Access in Bid to Change Law

BY BRENT KENDALL The letter, signed by Ste- such conduct is covered under whose board Hunter Biden visions give them broad lati- they appeared to signal open-
AND ARUNA VISWANATHA phen E. Boyd, the assistant at- the legal protections afforded served. Efforts by Mr. Trump tude to police their sites and ness to moderate changes.
torney general for legislative online platforms and signaled to have Ukraine investigate the shield them from legal liabil- “Our Twitter Rules are not
WASHINGTON—The Justice affairs, said online platforms a willingness to get involved in Bidens and Burisma led to the ity related to users’ actions, based on ideology or a partic-
Department said it was con- “hold tremendous power over future litigation over the issue. president’s impeachment by except in relatively narrow ular set of beliefs,” Mr. Dorsey
cerned that Facebook Inc. and information” and must “be The New York Post’s arti- the House last year. circumstances. said in his prepared remarks.
Twitter Inc. restricted access honest and transparent with cles cited emails it said were The Biden campaign has The department has argued “We believe strongly in being
to recent New York Post arti- users about how they use that written and received by said that Joe Biden engaged in previously that platform com- impartial.”
cles about the son of Demo- power. And when they are not, Hunter Biden and had been no wrongdoing and that no panies must shoulder more re- Mr. Zuckerberg said Face-
cratic presidential nominee it is critical that they can be provided by allies of President such meeting took place. sponsibility for managing con- book wanted “to be a platform
Joe Biden, telling lawmakers held accountable.” Trump, who trails the former News Corp, the corporate par- tent on their sites in fair and for ideas of all kinds” and was
the department supported bi- “For example, the decision vice president in polls. The ent of Wall Street Journal consistent ways. ready to work with Congress
partisan interest in changing a by two social media companies Trump allies said they re- publisher Dow Jones & Co., In prepared testimony for on issues related to regulating
law providing legal protections to restrict access to news con- ceived the emails from a com- also owns the New York Post. Wednesday’s hearing before “harmful content, privacy,
to online platforms. tent of significant public inter- puter-repair person who found Mr. Boyd’s letter comes a the Senate Commerce Commit- elections, and data portabil-
The department made the est from the New York Post, a them on a laptop. month after the Justice De- tee, reviewed by the Journal, ity.”
comments Tuesday in a letter widely distributed journalism One article included a copy partment sent a legislative Messrs. Zuckerberg and Earlier this month, both
to Capitol Hill leaders ahead of publication, is quite concern- of an email said to have been proposal that calls for Con- Dorsey said removing Section Twitter and Facebook took the
a high-profile Senate hearing ing,” the department wrote. sent to Hunter Biden appar- gress to curb longstanding le- 230 immunity could make it unusual step of slowing the
Wednesday in which Facebook The letter didn’t mention ently describing a meeting be- gal protections for online harder for them to engage in spread of the New York Post
Chief Executive Mark Zucker- Facebook, Twitter or the Biden tween his father and an execu- platforms under Section 230 basic content moderation to articles about Hunter Biden,
berg and Twitter CEO Jack family by name, but suggested tive at Burisma Holdings, the of the Communications De- address harmful content and saying the articles ran afoul of
Dorsey will testify. the department didn’t believe Ukrainian gas company on cency Act of 1996. Those pro- protect people online, though company policies.

Employees at both Twitter

Twitter’s and Square have complained
about Mr. Dorsey’s absences,
current and former employees
CEO Stays and executives say.
As Square prepared to go

Hands Off public in 2015, Mr. Dorsey took

on the additional job of leading
Twitter. He defended his fre-
quent absences by comparing
Continued from Page One himself to Elon Musk, who also
sions to subordinates in part so runs two companies, Tesla Inc.
he can pursue his personal pas- and SpaceX. “You are no Elon
sions. Musk,” one Square executive
That management style now told Mr. Dorsey.
faces one of its biggest tests The issue of what some
ever, amid growing pressure to called “absentee management”
address the company’s prob- appeared to come to a head af-
lems. Starting Wednesday, Mr. ter Mr. Dorsey announced in
Dorsey is scheduled to testify late 2019 his intention to work
in Washington, along with remotely from Africa.
other tech CEOs, about their After a trip there to study
handling of the Post articles how people in Africa used the
and other issues related to con- internet, Mr. Dorsey decided he
tent moderation. wanted to immerse himself in a


The enigmatic Mr. Dorsey country where the web was still
has worn a nose ring, com- new, said one person familiar
pleted a 10-day silent retreat in with his thinking.
Myanmar in 2018 and has said Mr. Dorsey has long been a
he takes multiple ice baths a proponent of working from
day. He has an intense curiosity home, pushing for employees to
about people and social issues be able to work remotely even
across the political spectrum. before the pandemic, this per-
Among the many people he has son said.
developed relationships with Jack Dorsey, pictured in 2019, has an intense curiosity about people and social issues. The Africa plan sparked the
are Scott Adams, the creator of ire of Elliott, which had taken a
the Dilbert cartoon and a prom- Dorsey’s laissez-faire approach Double Duty son was protesting the death of roughly $1 billion stake in Twit-
inent conservative voice on to management and lack of at- Michael Brown, the Black teen- ter. In October 2019, Twitter’s
Twitter, and DeRay Mckesson, a tention to Twitter, placed one
Since Square's initial public 1,200% ager who was shot by a white stock price dropped 20% in a
offering in November 2015, its
civil-rights activist and leader of its own investors on the police officer. Mr. Dorsey in- single day after a disappointing
stock price has skyrocketed— 1,000
of Black Lives Matter. company’s board of directors. vited Mr. Mckesson to join his earnings report.
while that of Jack Dorsey's
Mr. Dorsey has maintained a The activist is treating this family’s Christmas Day tradi-
other company, Twitter, has
cordial correspondence with year as a probationary period 800 tion of meeting at a coffee shop
Charles C. Johnson, who was for Mr. Dorsey, according to
grown much more slowly.
in nearby St. Louis. Leadership style
once labeled by the left-leaning people familiar with the matter. Stock-price performance Square Mr. Mckesson said he Elliott undertook a quiet re-
Mother Jones magazine as Twitter’s chief financial offi- reaches out directly to Mr. view of Twitter’s leadership,
Twitter’s “most infamous right- cer, Ned Segal, has told inves- Dorsey with issues related to with current and former execu-
wing troll” and is permanently tors and analysts over the past 400 Twitter or Square. “Jack ap- tives telling the investor about
banned from the platform. 18 months that the company is proaches problems from a spirit the challenges of Mr. Dorsey’s
“Jack Dorsey is a beautiful working on acting more 200 of possibility, which is great,” leadership style and his jug-
man with the impossible job of quickly. In the past year, the Mr. Mckesson said. “He doesn’t gling of two companies, accord-
making everyone happy,” Mr. company has rolled out more run from ‘the big idea.’ ” ing to people familiar with the
Johnson said. initiatives than in the past. Mr. Adams, the Dilbert cre- matter.
Mr. Dorsey’s style is a sharp Twitter ator, called Mr. Dorsey a Elliott threatened to oust
contrast to that of Facebook –200 “seeker” who is genuinely in- Mr. Dorsey. Employees de-
Split time CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who has 2016 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 terested in the world views of fended him on Twitter with a
Investors and some employ- taken a hands-on role in pre- Source: FactSet others. #webackjack campaign. Mr.
ees say Mr. Dorsey should be paring his rival platform for the A prolific user of Twitter Musk, a frequent user of the
more focused on solving the coming election, including by Narayan Goenka, a teacher of over, Mr. Dorsey sports a large and its video app, Periscope, platform, also tweeted his sup-
major problems facing Twitter, signing off on high-profile en- Vipassana meditation. tattoo of the S-shaped integral Mr. Adams said he connects port. The activist compromised
which is valued at $38 billion forcement decisions. In June, Mr. Dorsey re- symbol used in mathematics on with Mr. Dorsey about site-spe- by taking a board seat, along
and has become a central cog Facebook has about 1.8 bil- sponded to a series of Signal his left arm and typically wears cific issues, but also to talk with another investor, Silver
in how Americans express lion daily users across all of its messages from Mr. Johnson to black T-shirts and hoodies. He about books. He said he be- Lake.
themselves online. products, compared with Twit- tell him that Twitter wasn’t was fired as Twitter CEO in lieves that Mr. Dorsey struggles Egon Durban, co-chief execu-
At Twitter’s annual share- ter’s 186 million daily users. censoring conservative voices. 2008 in part for leaving work with coming to terms with his tive of Silver Lake, said in a
holder meeting in May, inves- Both Messrs. Dorsey and As for Mr. Johnson’s ban from early to go to yoga classes. own success, as does Mr. Ad- written statement he has devel-
tors questioned Mr. Dorsey Zuckerberg are scheduled to Twitter, Mr. Dorsey said he was He often walks miles across ams. “He will never be done oped “a deep appreciation for
about his split time. “When will testify before a Senate com- “working on [a] path forward,” San Francisco from his home in trying to figure out this reality Jack’s leadership and strategic
Twitter obtain a full-time mittee on Wednesday, along according to the messages. the mansion-studded Sea Cliff thing,” Mr. Adams said. vision” and looks forward to
CEO?” one asked. Another with Alphabet Inc. CEO Sundar After an introduction neighborhood to his office In early 2019, as Twitter continuing to work with him.
added: “Why do you, Jack, Pichai, about their policies for through Mr. Johnson, Mr. downtown. Fascinated by the When the New York Post is-
think you are the right leader moderating content. Mr. Dorsey invested an undisclosed minimalist style deployed by sue erupted on the platform in
for our company?” Dorsey is separately scheduled amount in San Francisco-based the late Apple Inc. founder mid-October, Twitter initially
“To me, this is not a func- to testify along with Mr. Zuck- ClearLabs, a startup that is try- Steve Jobs, he owns only a
He has defended said it was blocking users from
tion of time, it’s a function of erberg before another commit- ing to use genomics to identify handful of pieces of furniture. his absences by posting links to the articles due
prioritization,” Mr. Dorsey said. tee in November about their Covid-19, according to Mr. The rapper Kanye West said to a potential violation of its
Twitter declined to make handling of the New York Post Johnson and people close to in a 2018 interview that Mr.
comparing himself rules about hacked materials.
him available for comment. articles and the election more the deal. Dorsey is his “favorite founder,” to Elon Musk. The Post said its stories
Mr. Dorsey has led both broadly. and the executive spent time were based on email exchanges
Twitter and Square to strong Mr. Dorsey has said that as this summer with Jay-Z in the with Hunter Biden found on a
financial performance. Twit- leader of two publicly traded ‘Deeply curious’ Hamptons. laptop given to allies of Presi-
ter’s stock is up more than 70% companies, he sees his role as Mr. Dorsey, 43 years old, “There’s a part of him that came under attack for its treat- dent Trump by a computer-re-
since Mr. Dorsey took over as asking questions of as many grew up in St. Louis. He has people don’t see, which is his ment of conservatives, Mr. pair person. News Corp, the
CEO for the second time in the different people as possible. His said that his father is a Repub- curiosity outside of tech,” said Dorsey gave interviews to a se- corporate parent of Wall Street
fall of 2015. Square, which Mr. contacts include Mr. Johnson, a lican, his mother is a Democrat, Mr. Mckesson. “He’s deeply cu- ries of media hosts, including Journal publisher Dow Jones &
Dorsey co-founded and has led former writer for conservative and that he is somewhere in rious about how to make an im- Joe Rogan and Sean Hannity. Co., also owns the New York
as chief executive since 2009, media outlets including the between. Both his parents use pact with regard to race and Some Twitter employees and Post. Mr. Biden’s campaign has
has seen its stock grow around Daily Caller. Twitter, and his mother often justice,” he added. executives objected to the denied allegations made in the
14 times since its 2015 initial Mr. Johnson was perma- tweets “Good Morning!” to In 2014, Mr. Mckesson met move, saying that some of the articles.
public offering. nently banned from Twitter in start her day. Mr. Dorsey on the street in Fer- shows were more invested in Twitter quickly reversed
The problems Twitter is 2015 for posting a call for do- A billionaire several times guson, Mo., where Mr. Mckes- stoking claims of anticonserva- course by changing its anti-
grappling with include the pro- nations for “taking out” Mr. tive bias at Twitter than pre- hacking policy from 2018. The
liferation of hate speech, ha- Mckesson, the civil-rights activ- senting facts, and didn’t make company said it would no lon-
rassment, bullying, disinforma- ist, according to a copy of the good-faith efforts to find com- ger remove what it considers
tion and accusations that it is tweet. Mr. Mckesson saw the mon ground, those people said. “hacked content,” unless it’s di-
censoring some users. tweet as a threat, as did Twit- Over the years, Twitter has rectly shared by hackers. It also
Mr. Dorsey has acknowl- ter. Mr. Johnson said the tweet faced growing calls from users said it would label such tweets.
edged these issues and repeat- was taken out of context. He to address harassment on its Mr. Dorsey did provide guid-
edly pledged to address them. later unsuccessfully sued over platform that targeted women ance on those policy changes,
Current and former employees the ban. and people of color, such as according to people familiar
say he often acts at a glacial He posted online in at least when the actress Leslie Jones with the decision. He usually
pace. Twitter took almost two one instance doubts about the was attacked with racist and doesn’t weigh in on user-spe-

years to increase the 140-char- scope of the Holocaust, and sexist memes. cific enforcement actions, in-
acter limit on tweets after Mr. was photographed making a Mr. Dorsey also faced inter- stead trusting his team to make
Dorsey began asking about it in symbol for white power. Now nal opposition in 2016 when he them.
2015. Employees developed largely a tech investor, Mr. suggested bringing Mr. Mckes- In an investor conference
dozens of variations internally Johnson said that he isn’t a Ho- son on to the company’s board, earlier this year, Mr. Dorsey de-
for how to get rid of the limit, locaust denier or a white su- according to people familiar fended his workload. “I have
but were delayed as they premacist. with the matter. That same enough flexibility in my sched-
waited for Mr. Dorsey to make Mr. Dorsey wasn’t CEO at the year, he tried unsuccessfully to ule to focus on the important
a decision, according to people time of the ban but Mr. Johnson give a board seat to Malala things and I have a good sense
familiar with the efforts. said they got in touch after- Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist of what is critical on both com-
Earlier this year, the activist ward, through mutual friends. who was a co-recipient of the panies,” he said.
hedge fund Elliott Management Mr. Johnson said the two have ‘There’s a part of him that people don’t see, which is his curiosity Nobel Peace Prize but had little —Jim Oberman contributed to
Corp., unhappy with Mr. discussed the teachings of Satya outside of tech,’ said civil-rights activist DeRay Mckesson. business experience. this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * NY Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | A10A


New Yorkers Urged to Avoid Holiday Travel
NYC will enforce 14-day
quarantine for people
visiting states with
high Covid-19 infections

New York City is ramping

up enforcement of quarantines
for out-of-state travelers, part
of an effort to contain the
spread of the coronavirus dur-
ing the holiday season.
At a Tuesday news confer-
ence, Mayor Bill de Blasio
urged New Yorkers to avoid
traveling in the last few
months of the year, especially
as Covid-19 infection cases
surge in many parts of the
country and around the world.
“This year we have to do
things differently,” he said.
“We have a real threat of a
second wave here in New York


City. We have been fighting it
back but we can’t take it
The city will “aggressively”
enforce a 14-day quarantine
for people coming from states
with a high percentage of pos-
itive tests for Covid-19, Mr. de ‘If they violate quarantine, there will be consequences,’ Mayor de Blasio says for travelers returning from states with a high percentage of positive Covid-19 tests.
Blasio said.
The list now includes 38 board a plane. campus students across its holidays, the statement said. Community Supervision. sion didn’t respond to a re-
states and the two U.S. territo- At LaGuardia Airport in network of 64 colleges and New York also is grappling “Mass incarcerations are a quest for comment.
ries of Guam and Puerto Rico. Queens, a test-and-tracing site universities, according to a with outbreaks at several of public health crisis,” said Mar- Last week, spokesman
“People have gotten the has been set up so travelers Tuesday news release. its prisons, including the up- vin Mayfield, a statewide orga- Thomas Mailey said the prison
message that quarantine mat- can be checked for the corona- Any students using on-cam- state Elmira and Greene cor- nizer at the Center for Com- system was implementing the
ters, but they need to get the virus immediately upon land- pus facilities, including gyms, rectional facilities. munity Alternatives, during a targeted testing of the entire
message that if they violate ing in the city, he said. A simi- libraries and dining halls, will On Tuesday, protesters Tuesday news conference. inmate population, which
quarantine, there will be con- lar testing site will be be required to test negative gathered outside the Elmira He said the positive test should be completed by the
sequences,” he said. established at John F. Kennedy within 10 days before leaving prison to protest a coronavirus rate in Elmira was nearly 30 end of November. He said vis-
Moreover, the Democratic International Airport, also in campus. outbreak that has led to 459 times the state average, and its would be suspended at
mayor said the federal govern- Queens. About 140,000 students will prisoners testing positive as of called on officials to improve both the Greene and Elmira
ment should mandate that all Ahead of the Thanksgiving be tested during this period in Friday. That is up from 10 peo- testing and health care inside prisons until further notice,
travelers show a negative test, break, the State University of an effort to control the spread ple just two weeks ago, ac- prisons. and all transfers in and out of
taken within the last 72 hours, New York is implementing of the virus as students return cording to data from the state The Department of Correc- the two facilities would be
before they are allowed to mandatory testing for all on- to their hometowns for the Department of Corrections and tions and Community Supervi- suspended.

Official Backs Sparing Regular Riders a Fare Boost

BY PAUL BERGER man of the MTA’s finance the region in March. It has re- bus fare at $2.75, but elimi- Authority officials project a she said it would hurt those
committee, said the authority turned slowly as many office nated the bonus on MetroCard $12 billion operating deficit who rely on mass transit the
Transit officials in New shouldn’t impose across-the- workers continue to work re- purchases above $5.50 and in- through the end of 2021, most. She called on the MTA
York should avoid raising board increases on commuters motely and as the city’s tour- creased the cost of a monthly mostly driven by a steep drop to forego fare increases in
prices on regular subway, bus when people are losing jobs or ism and entertainment sectors pass by $6 to $127. Most in revenues from fares and 2021 and to consider only rais-
or rail riders as they consider being furloughed because of continue to operate at a frac- monthly passes on the Long dedicated taxes. The authority ing tolls.
fare increases during the com- the pandemic. tion of their capacity. Many of Island and Metro-North rail- has called on the federal gov- The MTA’s nine toll bridges
ing months, according to a key “People aren’t making any the most frequent riders dur- roads rose by 3.9%. ernment to bail it out. and tunnels have been one of
member of the board that will money or they’re making less ing the pandemic have been Subway, bus and commuter- the few bright spots for the
set new prices for early 2021. money,” he said “I don’t need people who work in essential rail use remains significantly MTA. This fall, weekday traffic
The state-controlled Metro- to put an additional burden on industries and have no choice lower than pre-pandemic lev- has returned to about 90% of
politan Transportation Au- them at this stage of the game but to take mass transit.
‘I don’t need to put els. Average weekday ridership pre-pandemic levels.
thority began a process of bi- with an economy in flux be- “We are considering all op- an additional burden on the MTA’s biggest fare-rev- In 2019, the authority
ennially raising fares and tolls cause of Covid.” tions while we undertake a thor- enue generator, the New York raised tolls by 6.3%. Mr.
a decade ago. MTA Commis- The MTA runs New York ough analysis of equity impacts
on them,’ says the City subway, is about 1.8 mil- Schwartz said he has asked
sioner Lawrence Schwartz said City’s subway and bus systems, of proposed policies so they do MTA commissioner. lion passengers, down roughly MTA staff to consider new toll
this time, because of the pan- two commuter-rail lines and not disproportionately impact 70% compared with October rates that charge trucks more
demic, he has asked transit of- nine tolled bridges and tunnels. any one community,” an MTA 2019. to enter the city during the
ficials to present him and his The authority, which aims to spokeswoman said Tuesday. Betsy Plum, executive direc- day to reduce congestion.
colleagues with options that raise fare and toll revenues by The previous fare and toll MTA commissioners will tor of Riders Alliance, which MTA staff are expected to
keep prices flat for commut- about 4% every two years, has increase, in 2019, aimed to face tough choices between advocates for subway and bus present their proposals to the
ers, while raising fares for in- budgeted for the next increase raise an additional $300 mil- competing aims to raise reve- riders, said a 4% fare increase board in November. If board
frequent riders. to take effect in the spring. lion annually, often by increas- nues and to coax anxious rid- wouldn’t come close to help- members accept the plans, the
Mr. Schwartz, an ally of Transit ridership plum- ing prices for regular riders. It ers back onto the transit sys- ing solve the MTA’s multibil- authority would hold public
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and chair- meted after the pandemic hit froze the single subway and tem during a pandemic. lion-dollar fiscal problems. But hearings.


NEW YORK ward in terms of protecting TWU NEW JERSEY
Local 100 members from a possi-
MTA to Increase ble second wave,” Mr. Utano said. Mail-In Ballots Boost
Testing of Workers The testing will be done at Early Voter Turnout
field sites, including bus depots
The Metropolitan Transporta- and subway and train yards, and There is a week until Election
tion Authority announced Tues- at several medical-assessment Day and more than 2.6 million
day it is embarking on a first-in- and operational health centers. ballots have already been cast in
the-nation program to test Results will be available within New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy
thousands of workers weekly to 24 to 48 hours. said Tuesday. That amounts to
guard against a second wave of —Associated Press 67% of the voter turnout in 2016
the coronavirus. and stems from the state holding
MTA Chairman Patrick Foye CONNECTICUT its first mostly mail-in election.
said the goal will be to test 15% Mr. Murphy, a Democrat, cited
of front-line workers weekly. High-School Sports Covid-19 when he signed an or-
That would amount to Decision Is Delayed der in August calling for all ac-

roughly 6,000 bus and subway tive registered voters to get a

workers, Transport Workers The organization that over- ballot in the mail. Voters can
Union Local 100 President Tony sees high-school sports in Con- cast their ballot by sending it
Utano said in an email. Overall, necticut says it may need to back through the mail, dropping
the nation’s largest public-transit wait until mid-November before it in one of at least 10 official
system has more than 70,000 deciding whether or how to Mayor Bill de Blasio waited in a long line in Brooklyn to cast his ballot Tuesday during early voting. drop boxes in each county, hand-
employees. More than 120 MTA move forward with a winter delivering it to their county elec-
employees have died from sports season as the number of with the coronavirus had in- director of the Connecticut Inter- 10, but may need to push that tion office or taking it in person
Covid-19 this year. Covid-19 cases in the state con- creased to 4.1% of those getting scholastic Athletic Conference, back to the following week given to their polling place on Election
“This is exactly the type of tinues to rise. tested, the highest level in the said Tuesday that his organiza- the uncertainty with the pan- Day. Polls are open from 6 a.m.
screening program we have been Gov. Ned Lamont said Tues- state since early June. tion had hoped to release a full demic. until 8 p.m. on Election Day.
asking for and it’s a huge step for- day the rate of people found Glenn Lungarini, the executive plan for winter sports on Nov. —Associated Press —Associated Press
A10B | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


METRO MONEY | By Anne Kadet

It’s Crunch Time for New Apple Varieties in N.Y.

Jeff and Together, however, they
Joy Crist and still account for less than 1%
their grown of the $4 billion annual U.S.
children Joel apple market, compared with
Crist and 26% for Honeycrisp.
Jenny Crist The problem? RubyFrost
Kohn have bet the family and SnapDragon are just two
farm on an apple. Make that of several dozen “club” vari-
two apples. They’re hoping eties hitting supermarkets
one or both of the new, lo- these days, each with their
cally bred varieties they own marketing campaigns.
have planted in their or- It’s hard to get noticed.

chard—the SnapDragon and “I’m disappointed in the

the RubyFrost—will be the lack of grocery-store shelf
next Honeycrisp. A monster space, without a doubt, and
apple sensation. dismayed that they don’t
“It’s the greatest New give it to local apples that
York story and they are are this good,” says Joy Crist.
great apples,” says Joy Crist. Still, local farmers have
“We’re firm believers.” high hopes.
I recently took the trip 90 Scott Hill, owner of the
minutes north of New York Orchards of Concklin in Po-
City to visit Crist Bros Or- mona, N.Y., which sells pro-
chards in Walden, N.Y. The duce at its own stand and at
700-acre spread produces New York City farmers mar-
roughly 75 million apples a Joel Crist, below, says his family’s New York orchard is betting big on SnapDragon and RubyFrost upstarts to boost business. kets, says that while he of-
year, making it one of the fers 20 apple varieties, he’s
state’s larger wholesale or- SnapDragon and RubyFrost But the SnapDragon—yip- been blown away by the re-
chards. And the Crists have avoid the production risks pee! A cross between the action to SnapDragon. “It’s
converted 20% of their acre- associated with Honeycrisp, Honeycrisp and an unnamed the only apple I’ve seen that
age to the new varieties. while earning a decent Cornell apple-breeding selec- takes sales away from Hon-
It is an expensive, long- profit. At least in theory. tion known as NY752, it’s eycrisp,” he says.
term bet on consumer pref- “We’re betting that five even crispier and juicier And like Honeycrisp,
erences, says 32-year-old years from now, everyone than a Honeycrisp, and has a SnapDragon can fetch $2.99
Joel Crist, who represents wants SnapDragon and sweet, tangy flavor that is a pound retail—a dollar
his family’s fifth generation RubyFrost, not Red Deli- super satisfying. It’s my new more than all other varieties,
on the farm. Orchards cost cious,” says Mr. Crist, who favorite apple. he says.
about $20,000 an acre to trucks around the orchard Susan Brown, the Cornell

plant, and take about five listening to NPR podcasts University apple breeder f RubyFrost and Snap-
years to produce a commer- and samples up to 200 ap- who co-created both the Dragon sputter out, the
cial crop. ples a day at harvest time. SnapDragon and the Ruby- Crists are in trouble. An
“It can be darn near cata- Frost, says the two varieties orchard just down the road

strophic if you make the hile sales of Snap- were developed to accom- that failed to replace its
wrong bet,” he says. Dragon and Ruby- plish different things. older varieties with more
Why take the risk on two Frost are just gain- The RubyFrost is great for popular options was aban-
little-known varieties? It ing momentum, the story baking, resists browning and doned last year after produc-
comes down to economics, goes back more than a de- has the tart flavor profile ap- tion costs exceeded sales.
Mr. Crist says. cade, when Cornell Univer- pealing to about 30% of con- “The apples are still out
Core varieties such as Red sity’s apple-breeding pro- sumers. there, hanging on the trees,”
Delicious that were bred gram announced that the each tree, plus a percentage cal empowerment. But if the I asked which she prefers. Mr. Crist says.
mainly to look good and ship new varieties—then known of sales. apples are lousy, who cares? “I will not answer that!” she But so far so good. He
unscathed have fallen from as NY1 and NY2—were up Proceeds support both Last week, in the parking lot said. “I learned with my chil- says his farmer cousin, who
favor in recent years. They of- for grabs. Cornell’s breeding program outside the Crist Bros pack- dren that you have no favor- also has a road stand, re-
ten fetch less on the whole- A band of 147 New York and Crunch Time’s marketing ing plant, I tried both. ites.” ports that “Snaps” are out-
sale market than they cost to farmers bought exclusive efforts. Like minor celebri- So how are these varieties selling Honeycrisp two-to-

produce—roughly $18 for a rights to grow the apples, ties, SnapDragon and Ruby- he RubyFrost, a cross performing? During the past one among regular
40-pound box. which allows them to control Frost have their own web- between a Braeburn three years, nationwide sales customers.
The newer, popular Hon- quality and avoid overpro- sites, Facebook pages, and an Autumn Crisp, of RubyFrost grew 192%, to “It just proves it’s going
eycrisp, which the Crists also duction. Their organization, Instagram feeds, hashtags was disappointing. While it’s $2.4 million, while Snap- to work,” says Mr. Crist. “We
grow, can fetch $50 a box or Crunch Time Apple Growers, (#seekthesnap, #getyour- got a great crunch and a Dragon sales grew 154%, to just need to get it out there.”
more. But it’s fussy, delicate operates like a coop. Mem- chompon) and YouTube hubs. lovely, deep, red color, the $4.3 million, according to
and expensive to produce. bers pay a licensing fee for It’s a nice story about lo- flavor didn’t wow. Nielsen.

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© 2020 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | A11


ed Teuten is facing an
agonizing question for
Thanksgiving this year: Is
it safe for his 76-year-old
mother to come?
Mr. Teuten, an interior
designer, normally hosts a feast
with family and friends. This year,
he’s debating the risks his mom
will face if she travels to his home
in Chicago from hers near Albany,
N.Y. “My sister and I just finished
texting about whether to put my
mom on a plane,” he says. He’s
worried too about the risks of a
long, indoor dinner at close quar-
ters. “The whole thing is deeply
questionable at this point,” he
His mother, Marguerite, says
she will likely end up staying
home. “I have a feeling I’ll be
spending it completely alone,” she
says. “And I am really not looking
forward to that.”
The pandemic is creating some
gut-wrenching decision-making for
families. After seven months of
isolation, the pull of getting to-
gether is strong. But with cases
surging across the country and
hospitalizations rising too, the
risks are high for traditional cele-
brations. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention advises
against big indoor gatherings and
warns against travel.
Only 27% of people say they are
celebrating Thanksgiving as they
The Covid Thanksgiving
normally would, according to a re-
cent survey of 9,262 adults by Civ-
Is it safe to gather for Thanksgiving this year? As coronavirus cases surge, families are buying
icScience. Of those who are meet- outdoor heaters, contemplating virtual meals and worrying that grandma should stay home.
ing in person but taking
precautions, 20% plan to be with a
smaller group, 14% plan to wear ing holiday tensions that exist Still, many people say they are tor of NYC Health + Hospitals sys-
masks and 14% plan to social dis- even in ordinary times, as relatives craving connection. “Not being able tem’s Special Pathogens Program,
tance, according to the poll. disagree over precautions. “It’s to see each other on a regular basis says family members traveling to
Two-thirds of adults think trav- like the Civil War, when families has been hard enough,” says Rosie other states should quarantine for
eling for the fall and winter holi- had half their sons on the side of Mattio, a communications consul- 14 days before gathering with other
days poses at least a moderate risk the North and the other half on tant in Closter, N.J., who says her people.
to their health and well-being, the side of the South,” says Mi- family—including her two brothers, Many families are trying to
with 32% saying it poses a large chael Osterholm, director of the their wives and children—has been come up with new ways to cele-
risk, according to a recent Axios/ Center for Infectious Disease Re- cautious about visits since the pan- brate. In Kingston, Mass., Ken
Ipsos poll of 1,079 people. search and Policy at the University demic began. Her father is recover- Cook is taking a cue from his days
In some families, partisan di- of Minnesota. “It’s the same thing ing from cancer treatments; she has tailgating at Patriots football
vides over the virus are exacerbat- over Covid issues in families.” visited with him only outdoors and games and hosting a “Tailgating

wearing masks. Thanksgiving” in his backyard. He

She recently spent $500 on out- will pull out his old gear from the
door heaters and plans on hosting Ted Teuten, his sister Cate and basement, including three pop-up
a meal on her patio, underneath mother Marguerite in 2015. tents which he envisions will
tents she plans to purchase, with house “pods of cooking stations,”
four tables set up 6 feet apart to he says. Tabletop lanterns will sit
accommodate each family branch. tives and delivering them in a con- on folding tables to provide light
“These occasions seem more im- tact-free way; or having a virtual and heat. A turkey will be cooked
portant than ever,” she says. dinner. Indoor gatherings in a deep fryer outside along with
Rachel Simoneau, a develop- where people are in close contact vegetables and other side dishes
ment director for the Jewish Com- for extended periods are especially over propane camping stoves. Chil-
munity Center in St. Louis, wants risky: The virus spreads through dren can roast marshmallows over
to fly out to visit her parents in respiratory droplets produced a recently constructed fire pit in
Boca Raton, Fla., for the holiday. when people do things like talk or the backyard.
But she is struggling with guilt. breathe, and particles can linger in “We’re going crazy but it’s go-
“What if I am being absurdly self- the air of enclosed spaces for ing to be fun,” says the 65-year-
ish?” she wonders. “I just want to hours, the CDC says. old lab technician, who has four
see my family.” Dr. Osterholm notes that holiday sons and seven grandchildren.
The CDC offers suggestions for gatherings present particular risks His daughter-in-law, 44-year-old
lower-risk activities, such as a in part because of older relatives. Amanda Cook, plans to attend and
small dinner with members of “The consequences are so high,” he says she will probably make her
your household; preparing tradi- says. “These are multigenerational popular Brussels sprouts. “Maybe
Rachel Simoneau wants to fly out to visit her parents for Thanksgiving. tional foods for neighbors or rela- events.” Syra Madad, senior direc- we will make a new tradition.”

Helicopter about how it feels for your child,

who normally wouldn’t be sitting
been a couple of
times where I’ve won-

next to you in class. dered,” she said. “I’m
Jenny Rooney, a fifth-grade not going to accuse
teacher at Cornerstone School at anyone of not doing

In the Online Pedregal, a public elementary

school in Rancho Palos Verdes, Ca-
lif., said about a quarter of her stu-
the work, but I’m not
going to use those
particular assign-
Classroom dents have parents sitting next to
them during virtual class. “A couple
ments in final grades.
I’ve talked to the par-
of times parents have said some- ents as a whole, re-
FAMILY thing during the actual Zoom meet- minding them to
& TECH ing and I made it pretty clear that make sure it’s their
JULIE that wasn’t acceptable,” she said. child’s work that’s be-
JARGON Ms. Rooney teaches at a “parent ing submitted.”
participation school,” which re- I made several at-
quires parents to spend four hours tempts to reach par-

emote school has created a a week in the classroom. The idea ents in Ms. Rooney’s
whole new group of people behind that is for parents to pro- class to get their in-
for teachers to manage during vide extra support for all students, put, but I didn’t get
class time: parents. not just their own. “With online any takers.
Now that moms and dads have school, the focus is on their own Educators say re-
gotten a new window into the child, and the idea that we’re a vil- mote learning has
classroom, many are having a hard lage goes away,” said Ms. Rooney. changed the class-
time staying out of it. Some are “A lot of kids have headphones room dynamic.
asking questions during live video on and the parents don’t get to “Learning means you struggle. I’m not supposed to be hearing go?’ ” she said.
classes or texting teachers while hear us and so they’re asking their If students were in the classroom that, but I do,” said Ms. Martinez As an instructional technology
class is in session. Others are sit- child questions and the kid is re- they’d struggle and figure it out, Brumbaugh. “Occasionally a parent coordinator for a public school in
ting next to their kids and asking but at home they can run to mom will text me about something I Virginia, Ms. Lewis has seen the
them questions or prodding them and dad,” said Siri Fiske, founder said in class. You forget sometimes issue from the other side, too.
to speak up. of Mysa School, a private “micro that a parent is watching.” There have been times when she’s
In one hybrid class, an at-home
The hard part is figuring school” in Washington, D.C., that The hard part for parents is fig- seen parents appear on camera to
parent on Zoom interrupted a out how to support your emphasizes small classes and inde- uring out how to support their ask the teacher for tech help.
teacher to point out that a student pendence in children. “If parents children without overdoing it. “We’ve told parents they can’t ask
in the physical classroom wasn’t
children’s learning could just get out of the room, Marnie Lewis, the mom of a the teacher for tech help while the
wearing his mask over his nose. without overstepping. parents could get their work done fifth-grader at Mysa School, said teacher is teaching,” she said.
School districts have been sending and kids could get their work she grapples with this daily. One “They’re supposed to reach out to
memos to parents reminding them done. Kids need to take that re- day she began helping her daugh- me for help.”
of Zoom etiquette, such as not sponsibility, and they can.” ter with an assessment and then Even for parents like Ms. Lewis,
swearing in the background, not in- sponding and not focusing on It’s a conundrum because, with stopped herself. “I said to myself, who don’t want to overstep, it’s
terrupting kids or teachers during class. That’s pretty disruptive dur- remote school, teachers depend on ‘Marnie, you can’t help her with hard to know when not to.
class and remaining fully clothed ing online learning,” Ms. Rooney parental involvement. “I can’t go that or the teacher won’t know She said her daughter some-
while their children are online. adds. “It’s not the child doing the to your house and get your child what she knows,’ ” she said. times gets distracted during
I get it, parents. It’s hard to re- thinking, it’s the parents doing the out of bed and onto the screen or Another time when she logged breaks and doesn’t return to class
sist getting involved in the kids’ thinking.” make sure they’re listening to me,” into her daughter’s online class- on time. “I’m logged into her ac-
education when it’s unfolding right She suspects that some parents said Ariel Martinez Brumbaugh, a room and saw a reading assess- count on my computer and I tog-
in front of us. After all, research are doing their kids’ work for teacher and administrator at Mysa ment that indicated her daughter gle between her schedule and my
shows that parental involvement them. It’s the pandemic version of School. Still, she says, it’s made was struggling, she had to remind work. I don’t want to be a nag but
in school leads to better educa- the science fair where the kid who for a sometimes challenging situa- herself to step back and let the I’m like, ‘Lunch is over, you should
tional outcomes. But this is some shows up with the DIY DNA test tion for teachers. “There’s an awk- teachers work with her. “I’ve writ- go back.’ It’s a really tenuous line,”

next-level involvement. Think isn’t fooling anyone. wardness that didn’t exist before. ten to the teachers to say, ‘I really she said. “Before the pandemic I
about how it feels for the teacher “If something is typed, I don’t If you’re having it out with your want to stay out of this but I need wouldn’t think about any of her
to work under your constant honestly know if a child did the teen about putting their phone your advice on how to help. Do I school stuff until she came home,
watch. More important, think work or if a parent did. There have away or turning their camera on, just need to let her fail and let it but now it’s all day long.”
A12 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


that bad times do end. And they
gave me an intimate peek at how
people have held on to hope in the
darkest times.
“If you look at how surprising
events often come about in unpre-
dictable ways, it can get you out
of a fatalist way of thinking,” says

Finding Michael Milona, an assistant pro-

fessor of philosophy at Ryerson
University in Toronto and author
of a just-published white paper on

hope and optimism commissioned
by the John Templeton Founda-
tion, a philanthropic institution
that funds scientific research.

Future cast
Imagine yourself happy when life
when everything feels returns to normal. Arizona State’s
Mr. Miller recommends visualizing
four areas of your life—home and
hopeless family, career, community and rec-
reation—and to ask yourself how
you would like them to look in the
future. Picture them in great de-
tail. (Who are you with? What are

you doing? How do you look?)

Those are your goals. Next, think
about what you need to do now to
make that vision happen. Now
you’ve got agency.

Take a small step

Often, when we’re stressed, we
become overwhelmed. Setting one
goal for the week—and identifying
the steps we need to take—can
BONDS Most psychologists define hope ability to hold on to positive Similarly, if someone you know give us a sense of control. “Once
as a yearning for something possi- thoughts and feelings even while seems despondent or hopeless, we begin to experience the suc-
ELIZABETH ble but not certain—such as a bet- processing something negative. please reach out to them. In case cess in those steps, we start to
BERNSTEIN ter future—and a belief that you Spirituality is a belief in some- you need it, the National Suicide see more clearly that the future is
have some power to make it hap- thing larger than yourself. Prevention Lifeline number is possible and we have the power
pen. And they believe it has two The good news: Hope is mallea- 800-273-8255. to pursue that goal,” says Chan
I’VE GOT THE PERFECT four-let- crucial components: Agency, or the ble. You can boost it. Scientists say Here’s some advice for everyone Hellman, executive director of the
ter word for the moment: Hope. motivation, to achieve the desired it’s important that the area of the whose hope could use a boost Hope Research Center at the Uni-
Yes, it feels increasingly elu- goal. And a strategy, or brain that activates when right now. versity of Oklahoma-Tulsa and co-
sive—seven months into a pan- pathway, to do that. we feel hopeful—the ros- author of “Hope Rising: How
demic, during an emotionally ex-
hausting election cycle, as winter
bears down.
This is how it differs
from optimism, which
is the belief the future
is malleable.
tral anterior cingulate
cortex—sits at the inter-
section of the limbic sys-
Measure it
To increase hope, it helps to know
your baseline or starting point—and
the Science of Hope Can Change
Your Life.”

Yet hope is the very best reac- will work out no matter tem, which governs our which areas you need to improve. In Watch your words
tion for the moment, psychologists what you do. You can boost emotions, and the pre- the early 1990s, a psychologist Many years ago I interviewed Elie
say. It’s crucial to our physical and Think of it like this: it. We have frontal cortex, where named C.R. Snyder created the Wiesel, the Nobel laureate, author
mental health. It guards against If you want to lose 10 some thoughts and actions are Adult Trait Hope Scale, a list of 12 and Holocaust survivor. Mr. Wiesel
anxiety and despair. And it protects pounds, you need a influence over initiated. This shows we questions that test whether a per- told me something I have never for-
us from stress: Research shows that plan and the willpower feelings have some influence over son has both the agency and the gotten: “Every word we speak or
people with higher levels of hope to follow it. Without of hope (or feelings of hope (or hope- pathway-thinking necessary for write matters.”
have better coping skills and this, you’ve got no real hopelessness). lessness). “Hope is a hope. And Dr. Scioli has a longer Heed Mr. Wiesel’s advice. Think
bounce back from setbacks faster. hope for a fitter body. choice,” says Rick Miller, online quiz that explores the four carefully about your words. Use
They’re better at problem-solving Just wishful thinking. clinical director of the areas he believes hopeful people hopeful language: “I can.” “We will.”
and have lower levels of burnout. Some people are more hopeful Center for the Advanced Study and draw on: attachment, mastery, sur- “It’s possible.”
They have stronger relationships, than others, thanks to a combina- Practice of Hope at Arizona State vival and spirituality. It can mea- Spread hope. Emotions are con-
because they communicate better tion of nature and nurture. Dr. University. sure both your current level of hope tagious. And everyone is searching
and are more trusting. And they’re Scioli believes these people draw Of course, it seems harder to and your long-term capacity for it. for hope right now. So model it for
less-stressed parents—more able to on four main resources: Attach- choose hope at the moment, when others. Explain what makes you
teach their children to set goals and ment is a sense of continued trust the world seems so bleak and our Read history hopeful.
solve problems. and connection to another person. brains are on high alert, constantly Since the pandemic began, I’ve Share your goals. And describe
“You can think of hope as a Mastery, or empowerment, is a scanning for threat. read books on the Black Death, the how you plan to reach them. You
PPE—a Personal Protective Emo- feeling of being strong and capa- If you’re grappling with a deep Civil War, Winston Churchill’s in- may garner support. You’ll inspire
tion,” says Anthony Scioli, a profes- ble—and of having people you ad- despair and are having trouble ner circle during the London Blitz others, showing what is possible.
sor of psychology at Keene State mire and people who validate finding any hope, I strongly rec- and Miami in 1980 (it was a very Remember: Hope begets hope.
College in Keene, N.H., and co-au- your strengths. Survival has two ommend you speak to someone—a bad year). Each one cheered me “When people around you are en-
thor of “Hope in the Age of Anxi- features—a belief that you aren’t therapist, clergy member or coun- up. They helped me put 2020 in ergized, that can energize you, as
ety” and “The Power of Hope.” trapped in a bad situation, and an selor, family member or friend. perspective. They reminded me well,” says Dr. Milona.

MY RIDE | A.J. BAIME The Bradford

Model T Girls drove

This ’26 Ford Model T Has their car on road

trips in the 1930s.
It is owned now by
History Written All Over It John Butte, far left.

John Butte, 71, a retired Caterpillar on one in 1939 to the New York ford Model T Girls,
executive from Dunlap, Ill., on the World’s Fair, and my aunt, Eleanor and telegrams be-
1926 “Bradford Model T Girls” Ford, Butte, went on two. The trips were tween Henry Ford
as told to A.J. Baime. organized by Darlene Dorgan, who and mostly Darlene,

ran a beauty parlor in Bradford and but also others. I
eople talk about how the who owned the Model T. There was have found newspa-
Model T changed the world. To no air conditioning, and she enjoyed per articles and, by
me, this story is an example of going north for cooler weather ev- making contact with

how that happened. ery summer. the children of other

From 1934 to 1942, every sum- Now it wasn’t common for young women who went on
mer a group of women in their 20s women to take off unescorted, but these trips, I found
from Bradford, Ill., would take a trip these girls had spirit. At one point, three diaries and
in a Model T they called the Silver Darlene claimed they went 71,000 many letters, all of
Streak. Growing up, I first learned miles in this Model T, visiting 44 of which helped me to
about these trips because my the 48 states. I have doubted the fill out the story. In
mother, Regina Fennell Butte, went veracity of that statement as the 2015, I self-published
car had no a book called “Dar-
odometer. How lene’s Silver Streak
they kept track, every year from then on, wherever still existed. Using the internet, I was and The Bradford Model T Girls.”
I have no idea. they were on their travels, they would amazed at how much I began to un- Every year since I bought this car,
In 1938, the send him a happy birthday telegram cover. I found the car in Portland, except in 2020 because of the pan-
girls decided to (his birthday was on July 30). He be- Ore.; it was owned by a daughter of demic, I have driven it in Bradford’s
go from Brad- gan calling them the “Bradford Model Darlene Dorgan’s, and I was able to Labor Day Parade. This is a big event
ford to Dear- T Girls.” The trips ended in 1942 be- buy it from her in 2012. The car was in Bradford, and it goes down Main
born, Mich., the cause of World War II and the ration- still covered in original graffiti, what Street where Dorgan’s Café used to
home of Ford ing of tires and gasoline. they called at the time Lizzie labeling, be—the popular café run by Bill and
Motor Company, My mother always spoke so because people referred to the Model Daisy Dorgan, who bought the Model
to wish Henry fondly of the trip she went on. She T as the Tin Lizzie. T for their daughter, Darlene. In the
Ford a happy passed away in 2011, and when I was In 2013, my wife, Carmen, and I car with us was the last surviving
birthday. They writing an obituary about her, I in- made a trip to the Benson Ford Re- Bradford Model T Girl, Winnie
were uninvited, cluded a paragraph about her trip to search Center in Dearborn, Mich., Swearingen Hays, now 102 years old.
but they actually the World’s Fair. I felt this urge to which is basically the Ford archives. Those parades are some of the most
met him, and find out if the Silver Streak Model T We found photographs of the Brad- memorable miles I have ever driven.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | A13

Clockwise from left: images from Mr. Weaver is also on hand to
‘The Ape,’ ‘Curse of the Undead’ kvetch about “Curse of the Un-
and ‘The Face at the Window’ dead” (1959), a 79-minute mashup
melding horror and the western,
both of which were in vogue when
reer before playing fiends on film, it was made, even as black-and-
including Sweeney Todd three white movies, like it, were not. He
times, and with his plummy voice skewers the film mercilessly in his
and dagger-sharp enunciation he is sardonic yet learned commentary.
as much a joy to hear as to watch. (He does allow that the picture
Boris Karloff is the prime draw contains one great line, when the
in “The Ape” (1940), even if this vampire and principal malefactor
62-minute effort,
co-written by hor-
rormeister Curt
Siodmak, is largely
unworthy of its
star. Karloff plays
the discredited and
disliked Dr. Adrian,
who just may cure
polio if he can ac-
quire enough of
the right serum.
He certainly has
incentive in the
form of the
stricken Frances
(Maris Wrixon),
whom he loves as

a daughter. Per-
haps too much, for when he care- tells the town preacher, “It’s amaz-
lessly loses some of the precious ing how little influence you have
elixir, he turns to murder to create when you’re not around.”)
more. That he does so in the skin In fact, the film’s blending of
FILM REVIEW of an escaped circus ape should western and ghoulish modes—

Tamer Tales of Terror

lead potential viewers to conclude from a script co-written by Ed-
that plot is not among this pic- ward Dein, the movie’s director,
ture’s strengths. But there are some and his wife, Mildred—is consider-
fine characterizations by a capable, ably better than Mr. Weaver sug-
if not starry, cast. And there is al- gests. With its eerie, electric-violin
ways something compelling in any heavy score and noirish lighting, it
These horror films’ gentle scares are a respite from the year’s calamity Karloff performance, here aug- casts a potent spell. And its story
mented by an avuncular push- of a stereotypical western town
broom mustache. turned upside down by the arrival
BY DAVID MERMELSTEIN Warren’s 1897 stage melodrama, Not one but of a bloodsucking gun-for-hire (a
which the movie’s title card pro- two irreverent cadaverous Michael Pate) and his
IF EVER THERE WAS a year when claims “famous.” It contains a host commentary attempt to woo the county’s most
Halloween didn’t require any extra of tropes we now associate with tracks accompany eligible maiden (Kathleen Crowley)
frights, this is it. Medical calamity, classic horror pictures, among this picture from the arms of an earnest cler-
chaos in the streets, mental an- them a damsel in distress, a mad (heaven knows gyman (Eric Fleming) puts a wel-
guish—who needs a day dedicated scientist, an evil nobleman and a why), but they come spin on a stock scenario.
to exacerbating all that? Yet we passel of murders. But a romance will interest any- Films like these remind us that
can’t help ourselves. Concerns that lies at the heart of this 65-minute one curious scares do not have to be scarring.
“Halloween might be canceled” potboiler, set in Belle Époque Paris about Holly- They also assert that atmosphere
seemed to top the news, or at least and directed by George King with wood’s Poverty is at least as important as plot in
social media, for a few days earlier fine distinction drawn between the Row studios, spe- this genre, arguably more so. And
this month. So if there must be ad- high and low life depicted. cifically Mono- disconcerting things—like women
ditional scares, keeping them light The love story, in which a poor gram Pictures. in peril, bubbling beakers, mist il-
seems the wisest course, with gore but handsome bank clerk courts The track with luminated by moonlight, and Kar-
and its ilk eschewed for tamer his employer’s comely daughter, is Tom Weaver, a loff himself—can offer a strange
thrills. And Kino Lorber has come thwarted by the Chevalier del noted historian kind of comfort because of their
to the rescue with a trio of pic- Gardo (Tod Slaughter, conveniently of genre movies, familiarity. Now more than ever,
tures newly liberated from the named), an unctuous, unscrupu- is alone worth that seems appealing.
crypt, all in luminous 4K or 2K lous and supercilious character ex- City of Lights with a wolf’s call be- the price of this disc, so delightful
transfers on Blu-ray and DVD. uding malevolence from every fore every death? Or does he just and, at times, laugh-out-loud Mr. Mermelstein writes for the
“The Face at the Window” pore. Is he, perchance, the dreaded happen to frequent crime scenes? funny is his dissection. (Or should Journal on film and classical
(1939) preserves on film Brooke Le Loup, a killer terrorizing the Slaughter had a laudable stage ca- I say vivisection in this case?) music.




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A14 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

The Dodgers Win the World Series
The team claimed its first title since 1988, but Justin Turner exited early after receiving a positive Covid-19 test result

Arlington, Texas
The weirdest year in baseball
history ended Tuesday night in a
way that somehow seemed nor-
mal: with the Los Angeles Dodgers
celebrating a World Series cham-
pionship for the first time since
1988. Then, moments later, the
weirdness kicked back in to add a
surreal coda to baseball’s pan-
demic season.
As the Dodgers gathered on the
field for the trophy presentation,
it emerged that a key member of
the team—third baseman Justin
Turner—had left the game after
the seventh inning because his
coronavirus test from Tuesday
morning had come back positive
during the game. No explanation
for his departure had been pro-
vided while the game was in prog-
Afterward, Major League Base-
ball commissioner Rob Manfred
confirmed that Turner had re-
ceived the sport’s first positive
test for a player in nearly two
months. After early outbreaks on
the Miami Marlins and St. Louis
Cardinals threatened to bring
down the pandemic-shortened
season, baseball sought to avoid
the problem in October by moving
into a self-contained bubble, simi-
lar to how the NBA and NHL fin-
ished their campaigns. Though
players were tested every other
day during the regular season,
MLB increased the frequency to
daily testing in the playoffs.
The setup was designed to keep
players sequestered in a sterile
hotel, leaving little chance that

anybody inside could contract
Covid-19 The NBA and NHL both
successfully executed their bub-
bles for nearly three months. Un-
less Turner’s test result proves to
be a false positive, baseball’s out-
come will bring intense scrutiny Dodgers right fielder Mookie Betts celebrates after hitting a home run. Los Angeles rallied to beat the Tampa Bay Rays, 3-1, in Game 6 to win the World Series.
of how its health and safety proto-
cols could have failed on the most able strategic decision that ers acquired for this exact mo- bles became a rite of autumn The Dodgers prevailed, provid-
high-profile night of the season. changed the momentum of the ment, sealed it in the bottom of alongside leaf viewing. ing vindication for several key fig-
The test result put a weird spin contest. Rays ace Blake Snell the eighth with a home run. The Dodgers responded by tak- ures who long sought a champion-
on a Dodgers celebration that has looked untouchable, allowing just In many ways, the outcome ing a team with virtually no holes ship to solidify their legacies.
been 32 years in the making. two hits through 5 1/3 innings. came as no surprise. The Dodgers and improving it anyway. Already Roberts, the Dodgers’ skipper
Some players immediately donned Then, with the Rays up a run and finished the curtailed 60-game armed with a core highlighted by since 2016, finally navigated the
masks during the postgame cele- a man on first base, Tampa Bay schedule with a record of 43-17, a pair of aces in Kershaw and perils of the postseason after
bration, but others cavorted with manager Kevin Cash removed continuing their streak of eight Walker Buehler, the reigning MVP years of struggling to answer for
no face covering. Snell, replacing him with reliever consecutive division crowns. The in Cody Bellinger and a loaded tactical decisions that backfired.
After nearly a decade filled Nick Anderson, who had struggled Dodgers combined star power lineup that also featured Turner And Kershaw, the best pitcher of
with regular-season dominance in recent weeks. As Snell walked with a seemingly limitless supply and Corey Seager, Friedman his generation famous for his poor
followed by postseason disap- off the mound, the pandemic-re- of depth to build a juggernaut. sought the final piece that would performances in October, authored
pointment, the Los Angeles Dodg- stricted pro-Dodgers crowd of A similar sentiment also ap- erase all doubt. a World Series worthy of his
ers conquered the crapshoot of 11,437 cheered loudly. plied to the 2019 Dodgers. And the In February, the Dodgers greatness, going 2-0 with a 2.31
October to assume their long- The move followed a familiar 2018 Dodgers. And the 2017 Dodg- stunned baseball by swinging a ERA.
awaited place atop the sport. They script for the Rays, who rarely let ers. Since Andrew Friedman took trade with the Red Sox for Betts. MLB reaching this point at all
claimed the franchise’s first title a starting pitcher face an oppos- over the front office before the In July, after facing criticism for feels like an accomplishment.
since 1988, overcoming strict cor- ing lineup a third time. Given 2015 campaign—following a long declining to pursue top free Once the game returned in July—
onavirus protocols, a supersized Snell’s outing to that point, the tenure as the Rays’ general man- agents in previous offseasons, without the luxury of a bubble like
playoff format that lent itself to Dodgers didn’t complain--and they ager—the Dodgers are the only or- Friedman asserted the Dodgers’ fi- the NBA and NHL—coronavirus
flukey results and the ghosts of immediately pounced. Mookie ganization with an overall winning nancial muscle by signing Betts to outbreaks on the Miami Marlins
their own past failures. Betts doubled. A wild pitch plated percentage above .600. a $365 million contract extension. and St. Louis Cardinals raised
It wrapped up Tuesday night the tying run. The go-ahead run Despite perpetually stacked ros- Betts dazzled throughout the questions about whether the
with a 3-1 Dodgers victory over scored on a grounder by Corey ters, those other groups all fal- postseason not just with his bat, whole thing would crumble.
the Tampa Bay Rays in Game 6. Seager, with Betts sliding across tered, increasing the pressure on but with his speed, athleticism Ultimately, it all added up to
They benefited not just from stel- the plate ahead of first baseman Friedman and manager Dave Rob- and elite defensive prowess. Sea- create a season unlike any other
lar work from their oft-maligned Ji-Man Choi’s throw home. Betts, erts to succeed. As heartbreaking ger, who hits directly after Betts where one thing really made
bullpen, but also from a question- the superstar outfielder the Dodg- losses piled up, the Dodgers stum- in the order, surged as well. sense: the last team standing.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
30s d t
Edmonton 20s 20s <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 59 Play catch 23 On a slant
40s 0s with
Vancouver C ary
Calgary 14 15 16 27 Yonder thing
30s 10s 60 Yard makeup
30s ip
30s 17 18 28 Windmill parts
61 Russian 29 Snake oil
30s t
Montreal 40s 30s 19 20 legislature
Portl d
Portland l
Ottawa peddlers
50s Billings A g t
Augusta 40s 21 22 23 24 25
Eugene Down 30 7UP, in old ads
/St. Paul
Mpls./St. Pau T
Toronto A bany
Albany Boston
Boise 30s 30s 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Witness stand
80s 50s
rtford 60s 31 Wee
Pierre Sioux
oux FFalls
Milwaukeek t
Detroit Buffalo
l promise
Cl l d
Cleve ew Y
New Yorkk 70s 32 33 34
70s Reno 60s Salt Lak
L ke City
Lake C y Des Moines
Ch g
60s Philadelphia
h d lphi 2 Maker of calls 33 Zambezi
Cheyenne Omaha h 80s wallowers
Pittsb h Washington
Pittsburgh h ngton
on D C
D.C. 35 36 37
Sacramento 40s p g
di p
Indianapolis Richmond
h d 90s 3 Melmac alien
Sann Francisco Topeka Kansas 38 39 40 34 Colors
C l d Cityy Charles
Charleston 100+
80s Las p
Springs St.. Louis
LLou Louisville 70s 4 Juno probe
Vegas 30s
l igh
h 41 42 43 org. 37 Strange sort
20s 50s Nashville h ill
Los A
Angeles Oklahoma
kl homa City
C Charlotte
Ch l tt
Santaa Fe
F 39 “Alas, it’s not to
80s Phoenix LLittle
ittlee Rock
Memphis C b
Columbia 44 45 46 5 Masked Devils,
San Diego
Ph Albuquerque
Albb q q Warm Rain be”
Atl t
Atlanta e.g.
70s Tucson
T c Birmingham
h 47 48 49 50 51
El Paso Ft.. Worth
Wor Dallas Jackson
Jack 40 Start of a
80s Cold T-storms 6 Boring tool
Mobile Jacksonville 52 53 54 55 56 letter home,
A ti Stationary 7 Narrow valley maybe
10s 60s ew Orleans l d
Orlando Snow 57 58
Houston New 42 Inspect
20s 80s an Antonio
San A Tampa 8 Really hate
Honolulu 90s Miami
Showers Flurries 59 60 61
30s A h
Anchorage 70s ZETA 9 Announcement 44 Colors
70s upon opening
40s Ice 45 Sal of “Exodus”
SPOOKED | By Zachary David Levy the door
47 “Go away!”
U.S. Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 26 Em, say 42 Swimming 10 Origin of some
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Persia, now measures invaders 48 Queen of the
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow;
Omaha 49 32 s 43 28 pc Frankfurt 57 48 sh 53 51 sh 28 Clamp in a Nile, informally
Orlando 88 73 pc 90 73 pc Geneva 61 50 pc 57 45 sh wood shop 43 Rangers, Pacers 11 Slight taste
Today Tomorrow Havana 89 72 t 89 70 t
5 Joke
Philadelphia 65 54 c 56 46 r and Corsairs on 49 Squeezes
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Phoenix 71 52 s 83 58 s Hong Kong 84 75 c 78 73 r 29 Cry from a
8 Shares some 1950s lots 12 Scary-sounding affectionately
Anchorage 34 23 s 30 18 pc Pittsburgh 57 46 pc 50 38 r Istanbul 69 61 t 67 58 sh director lake
Atlanta 74 69 c 76 54 r Portland, Maine 49 38 sh 53 31 c Jakarta 92 77 t 92 78 t
juicy gossip
44 Fuss 50 Staples stack
Austin 58 44 sh 66 41 s Portland, Ore. 62 43 pc 61 44 s Jerusalem 80 62 pc 80 61 pc 14 Hip-hop trio with 32 Family that 13 Scorch
Baltimore 69 55 c 58 47 r Sacramento 78 42 s 80 42 s Johannesburg 86 63 s 84 59 s
the 1989 hit “Me includes the 45 Fairy queen 51 Word after
Boise 57 35 s 61 37 s St. Louis 55 44 c 49 36 r London 54 46 c 57 56 sh 15 Some are dire steel or pigeon
Boston 53 45 r 53 39 r Salt Lake City 52 33 s 59 37 s Madrid 60 45 pc 64 43 s Myself and I” potato, eggplant 46 Opposition
Burlington 52 41 sh 49 31 c San Francisco 74 52 s 73 51 pc Manila 89 77 t 89 77 t and tobacco vote 20 Slight bit 54 Wildebeest
Charlotte 72 65 sh 76 55 r Santa Fe 37 20 sn 46 22 s Melbourne 67 54 pc 68 55 c 16 Realm
Chicago 52 39 s 49 34 c Seattle 58 50 pc 59 49 pc Mexico City 78 53 t 76 50 pc 34 Sharpen 47 Pep rally 21 Where balboas 55 Genre for rave
17 Where Ophelia
Cleveland 54 43 s 50 40 r Sioux Falls 46 29 s 40 27 s Milan 62 44 pc 61 43 pc
dies 35 Titan concern are spent DJs: Abbr.
Dallas 48 41 r 53 38 pc Wash., D.C. 68 59 c 64 50 r Moscow 51 39 s 50 37 pc
Denver 46 29 pc 56 33 s Mumbai 92 78 pc 92 79 pc condemned to 52 Unwieldy 22 Appropriate 56 Hush-hush org.
18 Twain with five
53 38 s
83 72 sh 85 73 pc
48 34 c
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
57 51 sh
84 75 s
59 53 sh
85 74 pc Grammys
hold up the
heavens 53 Testosterone,
Today Tomorrow Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Houston 68 47 t 68 47 s Riyadh 89 58 pc 89 58 pc
19 Pennsylvania for one G O B A D R A C Y L O S
Indianapolis 57 45 c 50 35 r City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 66 45 s 67 50 pc 36 Dutch banking A R O A R E E R I E A G T
Kansas City 47 36 pc 47 28 pc Amsterdam 54 47 r 55 53 r San Juan 86 77 t 87 78 t senator for 30 giant 57 Mykonos’s R E X H A R R I S O N B R O
Las Vegas 74 51 s 76 52 s Athens 66 60 r 72 59 pc Seoul 62 35 pc 60 36 pc years surroundings S C A R C E B R E W
Little Rock 56 49 r 52 38 c Baghdad 93 57 pc 94 58 pc Shanghai 71 61 c 69 55 pc 37 Pound portion P A L O MA R A R E N A S
Los Angeles 78 57 s 79 55 s Bangkok 90 77 c 82 76 t Singapore 88 80 t 88 79 t 21 Informative 58 Fruitless E R I C A S L O G
Miami 88 79 s 88 76 s Beijing 66 37 pc 64 34 pc Sydney 66 62 c 67 59 r TV spot 38 Run into pursuits, and a P A T R I C K S WA Y Z E
Milwaukee 51 38 s 48 31 c Berlin 54 47 pc 51 46 sh Taipei City 84 74 pc 79 71 r feature of 14-, S P A Y T E E M S
Minneapolis 44 31 c 41 28 pc Brussels 55 46 sh 55 53 sh Tokyo 66 59 pc 69 56 s 24 Broadcast 39 Hot-rodder, often S K I H A T T I E A T I E
Nashville 67 64 r 73 44 r Buenos Aires 68 52 c 64 51 s Toronto 51 37 s 48 29 c
19-, 32-, 39- and G E E N A D A V I S A T E
25 Muck 41 Throw in 47-Across L A N K P I R A T E
New Orleans 81 62 r 70 53 s Dubai 91 73 pc 95 73 pc Vancouver 54 48 r 55 47 pc A N Y B R U C E W I L L I S
New York City 59 50 r 54 44 r Dublin 50 43 sh 59 54 r Warsaw 58 44 c 55 42 sh R C A O I L E D P L A T O
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Oklahoma City 41 34 r 47 31 r Edinburgh 50 43 c 57 54 r Zurich 56 47 pc 53 48 sh E E N B O T S S A T A N

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | A15

50 First Dates With Covid and Biden BOOKSHELF | By Charlotte Gray

I don’t like
doing it but
today’s col-
time dialysis patients average
65 years of age. Older people
socialize less and have a
Seems they really want to put
money directly in your pocket,
you know, to own a piece of
paid $10 million a year for a
Chinese deal in which he de-
livered his father as a party.
umn will ad-
dress two
separate top-
ics. Donald
stronger incentive than young
people to avoid Covid. Though
the authors adjusted their re-
sults for demographics, behav-
Joe Biden.
Dad: The hell you say?
(Cuffs the boy around the
Some of my readers say “so
what?” and mention the Clin-
ton Foundation and the
Trumps themselves, though
WORLD Trump con-
tinues to
ioral effects are harder to ac-
count for, so their estimate
When the Biden campaign
is done prevaricating about
the latter were in business be-
fore politics. Voters who want
The Company
By Holman W.
make dismis- may still understate the true documents reportedly found a liberal-progressive policy By Stephen R. Bown
Jenkins, Jr.
sive remarks spread in the U.S. as of mid- on an abandoned Hunter lap- mix will vote for Mr. Biden (Doubleday Canada, 474 pages, $28.95)

about coro- summer. top, the campaign may well anyway; voters who equate
navirus testing. It may sur- This now matters. Herd im- adopt this highly plausible decorum with character are n the 17th century, Europeans knew little about the
prise you that he has a point. munity, a subject mangled by scenario. On Biden transition likely to prefer him as well. immense interior of North America. But that didn’t stop
By now, the U.S. has con- the press, has always been the All true. It’s voters who King Charles II of England from issuing, in 1670, a
ducted 133,750,060 tests and goal, achieved by vaccine as vote strategically, who care grandiose charter granting an exclusive trading monopoly
detected 8,660,366 cases but much as possible, and by natu- To deploy a vaccine, most about Washington effec- across the entire Hudson Bay watershed. Eighteen well-fed
except for diagnosing a rela- ral immunity to the extent tively putting a vaccine in play London investors now claimed control of some 1.5 million
tive handful who end up in the that we can’t curb natural we will need accurate and supporting a return to square miles of land, spanning all of today’s Manitoba and
hospital, this giant testing en- spread at a socially and politi- data and Washington’s prosperity, who may need to much of Quebec, Ontario, southern Saskatchewan, southern
terprise serves little practical cally acceptable cost. recalculate. A scandalized Mr. Alberta, Minnesota and North Dakota.
purpose. Any vaccine is likely to be eye on the ball. Biden might find it harder to It was the age of the English East India Co. and the Dutch
Yes, I said that. only partly effective, and to resist his left-wing base in of- East India Co., European corporations geared to profit from
It does not limit spread be- dribble out slowly. Deploying fice. Recall that these forces distant, exotic territories. The Hudson Bay basin offered a
cause the results come too it effectively, to save as many letterhead, Hunter will apolo- tried to scuttle his nomination similar opportunity because it was rich in one of the most
slowly and, in any case, iden- lives as possible, means tar- gize to his father, family and earlier in the year when valuable commodities of the time—furs. During the next two
tify only a small percentage of geting it to squelch the epi- the nation for inappropriate Zephyr Teachout, a former centuries, the Hudson’s Bay Co. would extend its reach across
cases and therefore potential demic at the earliest possible representations while negoti- New York gubernatorial candi- the Rockies to the Pacific and into Oregon, Idaho and
spreaders. Nor does it provide date. Come January, when the ating a Chinese partnership date and Alexandria Ocasio- Washington. It would realign
a window on the true scale of first doses are expected to be that ultimately fell through. Cortez ally, published a the economy of North America.
the epidemic. Our flu surveil- available, as many as 100 mil- His father never was informed lengthy indictment saying “Bi- In “The Company,” Stephen
lance system, in 2016, used lion Americans may already of, and never would have ap- den has a big corruption prob- Bown, the author of “White
fewer than one million tests, have some immunity. The best proved, an agreement to be- lem and it makes him a weak Eskimo,” tells the story of the
and only about 85,000 in top- target, counterintuitively, may come a secret beneficiary in candidate.” Hudson’s Bay Co. with verve
tier labs, to estimate 24 mil- be those college-age people one of his son’s business deals. For these phlegmatic vot- and an astringent, contemporary
lion cases nationally. We have who don’t yet have antibodies Up to our elbows in prior ers, possible Democratic con- slant. Until the late 20th
no similar formula for relating because vaccinating them will reporting by the New York trol of the Senate has always century, histories of the HBC
today’s testing tip to the un- prevent the most future cases. Times, Politico and the New been the important wild card. were invariably accounts of
derlying coronavirus iceberg i i i Yorker magazine (now forgot- A vote for Mr. Trump then intrepid white men who paddled
that we know is there. Hunter Biden: Dad, I’m ten by all of them) on Biden would be a vote to spend through treacherous rapids and
At the end of July, U.S. con- working with a highflying, po- family buckraking, the latest 2021-22 enmeshed in a new struggled through thick brush to
firmed cases reached 4.5 mil- litically connected Chinese revelations are interesting impeachment drama. A vote emerge as bearded heroes. They
lion. A Stanford study exam- group on a vague investment only in suggesting that, in one for Mr. Biden would be a vote traded with the land’s Native
ined blood samples routinely partnership that will pay me instance, Hunter intimated to for a high-stakes battle over Americans, who supplied the furs
collected from dialysis pa- $10 million a year. potential partners they were progressive wish-list items but were rarely identified by tribe
tients and found that, in July, Joe Biden: Son, I hope you buying not just him but his fa- like the Green New Deal. or name. Mr. Bown widens the lens to include a more-informed
an estimated 9.3% of the U.S. know what you are doing. ther. The relative value? Neither is appetizing but portrait of the these peoples and a more-balanced assessment
population, or 30.5 million Hunter: Sure do. I told the Hunter Biden was reportedly we know from last year’s ex- of the HBC’s impact during 200 years of monopoly.
people, carried Covid antibod- Chinese I’d be setting aside a paid about $1 million a year by perience that impeachment He details how, in the late 1660s, two longtime New France
ies. Keep in mind that first- secret 10% stake for you. Bursima. He expected to be might hurt the economy less. traders sold the English monarch on the idea of a trading
monopoly, which would be a poke in the eye of England’s
rival, France. Soon the company was setting up trading forts

Without a Platform, Trump Falls at the mouths of the major rivers flowing into Hudson Bay,
the huge inland sea connected to the Atlantic by a single inlet.
There was already a well-developed trade network throughout
If President argues, tax cuts and regula- Stamping out the pan- ises in his debates against Mr. the continent’s waterways, dominated by the Cree and Ojibwe.
Trump loses tory reforms and trade deals demic, it turned out, was a Biden. Voters have no reason A handful of HBC managers bought into this system with
his race for had the U.S. economy break- necessary precondition for to believe that a second term their own supply of trade goods—primarily metal tools,
re-election ing all the records, and when getting the economy and soci- of President Trump would be implements, firearms, tobacco and gunpowder. They did
and takes Re- the virus goes away, I’ll do it ety back to normal. White different from the first. business first with Cree trappers and then with Cree and
publican in- again. He asks voters: Do you House chief of staff Mark More bad news for Mr. other Native American middlemen, who purchased the furs
POLITICS c u m b e n t s really believe that a career Meadows’ recent statement Trump: A headline in Mon- from people further inland.
down with politician like Mr. Biden, who that “we’re not going to con- day’s Wall Street Journal an- For the next 150 years, the Hudson’s Bay Co. gradually
him, histori- presided over the slowest trol the pandemic” was a con- nounced that “Tariffs on extended its activities, overseen by fewer than 500 North
By William
ans may see economic recovery in our his- fession of policy bankruptcy— China Fail to Aid U.S. Facto- America-based employees, known as Baymen, many of them
A. Galston
June 10 as an tory, knows how to create and a self-inflicted wound. ries.” The trade deficit—the from the Orkney Islands of Scotland. Each spring, Native
important day growth and jobs? president’s favored if contro- American trappers and traders arrived at the forts, their
in the story. That is when the Unfortunately for Mr. versial measure of success—is canoes loaded with lustrous beaver, fox, otter, muskrat and
Republican National Commit- Trump, many voters have a The GOP program is higher than ever. Manufactur- other furs. The Baymen welcomed them in elaborate
tee announced that for the different view. They experi- ing jobs haven’t been brought ceremonies signaling mutual respect. In late summer, ships
first time since its founding enced the pandemic as a life- the same as in 2016, back to the U.S. Manufactur- from London sailed into Hudson Bay, quickly unloaded trading
before the Civil War, the changing and often life- even though Covid-19 ing job growth had slowed goods and supplies to last the winter, packed their holds with
party would not draft a new threatening disruption, and and production had peaked pelts, then sped home before the ice set in. Mr. Bown describes
platform but would carry over they looked to the president changed the world. well before the pandemic hit. the harshness of those winters: “It was a land where . . . wine
the 2016 platform, word for for leadership. Drafting a Worst of all, at least if you’re froze when poured from the bottle and hoarfrost covered the
word. party platform would have Mr. Trump, is that the trade interior walls.” Summer was little better. One Bayman recalled
This decision symbolized forced the administration to As unemployment surged, deficit with China is as high how the bugs were so bad that “if a man open’s his mouth he
Mr. Trump’s takeover of the consider a plan for bringing millions of Americans faced as it was when the president is Lyable to be Joack’t.”
party. It deprived the party’s the novel coronavirus under the possibility of losing their took office. As HBC explorers and traders ventured farther and farther
candidates of an authoritative control beyond relying on a employer-provided health in- Mr. Trump’s trade policies westward, they charted the continent’s great rivers and
account of the Trump admin- speedy vaccine. Instead, the surance, and the expiration of have been controversial mapped new routes, finally reaching the Pacific. European
istration’s accomplishments. president minimized his role enhanced unemployment ben- within the Republican Party, diseases travelled with them; in some regions, Native
Perhaps most important, it and devolved responsibility to efits has made it harder for and they have divided the American mortality was as high as 80%.
meant that the party would the states, who struggled to them to afford alternatives. corporate community. In a re-
not offer an agenda for the obtain essential medical sup- This was a poor time for Mr. cent survey, executives cite
president’s second term. The plies. The president’s derisive Trump to attack the Afford- U.S.-China business relations It was the age of the East India Co., when
plan would be whatever Mr. skepticism about wearing able Care Act. as one of their top concerns European corporations exploited distant,
Trump says. masks further complicated Throughout his presidency, about a second Trump term.
In an ordinary year, this the efforts of governors and Mr. Trump has promised an The stock market—another of exotic territories. Like British North America.
might not have mattered. The local leaders. alternative to the ACA that the president’s favorite
conventional wisdom is that Instead, Mr. Trump tried to would preserve its popular benchmarks—has shrugged
elections featuring a sitting separate the coronavirus from features—such as guaranteed off the rising prospects of a Gradually, communities of mixed-race families settled
president are referendums on the economy. If states reopen, coverage for people with pre- Biden victory, even though around the forts, despite directives from London forbidding
the incumbent’s record—un- he argued, people would go existing conditions—without the former vice president’s liaisons between HBC employees and Native American women.
less the challenger can be de- about their business and learn the mandates to which he and plan to raise corporate taxes Throughout the 18th century, the commingling of communities
picted as unfit to replace him. to live with Covid-19 until his party object. The presi- is bound to reduce profits in generated little tension. The HBC muddled along, its profits
But former Vice President vaccines and therapeutics dent has never offered such a the short term. eventually beginning to shrink. Then, in 1821, a Scotsman
Joe Biden has turned out to were developed. This is not plan. That reality has bedev- Here again, drafting a plat- named George Simpson arrived to take charge of operations
be an elusive target, and the what happened. People voted iled Mr. Trump and Republi- form could have been the oc- and revive the company’s flagging fortunes.
Covid-19 pandemic disrupted with their feet, staying away cans in Congress since the casion for a midcourse cor- Short, plump and pugnacious, Simpson had made several
Mr. Trump’s campaign theme from restaurants and airports party failed to repeal the law rection. Instead, Mr. Trump is trips to the West Indies while working in the sugar trade.
of a strong economy. The and entertainment venues. in 2017. Drafting a party plat- likely to do worse in the busi- There he “absorbed notions of superiority based on skin color”
president’s instinct was to The president’s demand to re- form might have forced the ness community—as mea- and gender, views that infused the corporate culture he now
treat Covid-19 as a temporary open public schools met resis- administration to fill this sured by dollars and votes— imported to the fur trade. For the next nearly 40 years,
interruption: Until the Wuhan tance from fearful parents, void. Instead, the president than any other candidate in Simpson—an iron-willed executive dedicated to eliminating
virus reached our shores, he teachers and local officials. was reduced to empty prom- the history of his party. waste and inefficiency—crisscrossed his sprawling domain in
his birchbark canoe, propelled by Iroquois voyageurs who
would furiously paddle 100 miles in all weather during 18-hour

I Owe My Life to the A-Bomb days. Simpson swooped in on outposts, catching managers
unprepared. He treated his mixed-heritage employees and
mistresses with sneering cruelty.
By William Lloyd death row, due to die Nov. 1. I landings because it impairs Operation Downfall. Japanese Simpson could rule as “a virtual dictator,” Mr. Bown writes,
Stearman was shocked to read the Japa- rapidly dispersing troops. officials estimated that 20 because he kept the company so profitable that his landlords

nese had 5,000 kamikaze air- When checking a map of the million of their countrymen in London never questioned his decisions. According to the
was supposed to die 75 craft. Already our ship had area, Army Maj. Gen. Hugh would die defending the author, “the easy companionability that previously had
years ago. In June 1945, come very close to being Casey said that “anyone send- homeland. flourished between the peoples of the fur trade” dissolved
President Truman ap- taken out by a kamikaze at- ing troops ashore there was a But the two August 1945 under pressure from the racist, imperial attitudes of Simpson
proved Operation Downfall, a tack, and two others in our murderer.” In any case we atomic bomb attacks, against and his appointees. Mr. Bown’s judgment on Simpson is harsh:
plan to invade the Japanese might not have made it to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki, con- He was “the greatest tragedy to befall the Company and
Home Islands of Kyushu and beach without being taken out vinced Emperor Hirohito to northern North America. . . . Rather than helping to prepare
Honshu. Operation Olympic I was to be part of the by one of the several thou- surrender: “The enemy had its employees, contractors and customers for the tectonic
was to commence on Kyushu sand suicide boats. begun to employ a most cruel changes that were shaking the land in the later nineteenth
Nov. 1, 1945, followed in invasion of Kyushu in We knew the Japanese bomb,” he said. “We should century, [he] turned on them.”
March 1946 by Operation November 1945. But would fight back fiercely. In not continue fighting,” for By the mid-19th century, British North Americans felt
Coronet on Honshu. I was the the spring 1945 Battle of Oki- that “would result in an ulti- threatened by American expansionism and wanted to secure
officer on a Navy landing Hirohito surrendered. nawa—the first Allied attack mate collapse and obliteration their own country. Supplies of beaver pelts had long dried up,
ship who acquired classified on Japanese territory—12,613 of Japan.” and an influx of settlers wanted access to HBC land. In 1869,
documents for the ship, so I Americans were killed in ac- Hirohito made the surren- the company surrendered the vast majority of its territory to
came back to the ship with group had been sunk. It tion lasting 83 days. The Op- der official Aug. 15. I was the British Crown, receiving £300,000 in compensation. The
operation plans involving our turned out that 5,000 had eration Downfall plan called spared my date with death, lands were then transferred to the new Dominion of Canada.
flotilla. been an underestimate—there for some 450,000 Allied 2½ months later. As before, the Native Americans who shared the land were
I first checked to see where were actually 12,700 kamikaze troops on Kyushu two weeks not consulted. But the HBC continued to thrive, becoming
we were landing. It was at aircraft. after X-Day. Planners expected Mr. Stearman, who served the retail and real-estate corporation it is today.
Kyushu’s east coast city of Mi- We were also very con- them to face around 300,000 on the National Security Coun- “The Company” is compelling, both as a lively narrative
yazaki. Next I turned to the cerned about our landing Japanese troops. The actual cil staff under four presidents, about a corporation that helped shape North American
intelligence section, which de- beach’s facing a cliff that was figure, we learned after the is author of “An American Ad- development and as a thoughtful exploration of the complex
scribed what we were facing. honeycombed with gun em- war, was 917,000. venture, From Early Aviation indigenous cultures that once dominated the continent.
By the time I finished this sec- placements. It is common doc- The War Department esti- Through Three Wars to the
tion, I was deeply depressed. trine to avoid being trapped mated 400,000 to 800,000 White House” (Naval Institute Ms. Gray is the author of 11 books of biography and popular
It was clear that I was on close to a cliff in amphibious Americans would die during Press, 2012). history, including “The Promise of Canada.”
A16 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Coping With the Covid Winter EVs Will Be Your Future, So Get Used to It

erhaps you’ve heard winter is coming. Or sponded more swiftly in El Paso. Regarding your editorial “Target: needed predictability of demand so the
as Joe Biden warned last week about a Death rates have also fallen tremendously as Your Gas Car” about the potential ban- necessary charging stations can be put
ning of sales of new fossil-fuel-pow- into place. Charging arrangements are
third virus wave, “We’re about to go into treatments have improved. This includes thera-
ered cars (Oct. 22): There is nearly $1.3 the biggest barrier to ownership for
a dark winter, a dark winter.” peutics like Gilead’s antiviral trillion in outstanding automobile debt. urban dwellers and those with range
He’s playing up the worst case Death rates have fallen remdesivir and Regeneron’s About 35% of all American adults who anxiety. My Chevy Volt has 38,000
as the election nears, so some sharply amid better antibody cocktail, but also own a car have loans. An aggressive miles and has had no significant loss of
context is in order. medical protocols such as shift to electric cars will make the gas- range. Once the prices come down a
Virus cases are increasing, care and treatments. prone positioning, low-flow powered vehicles obsolete and severely little, all-wheel drive becomes standard
but this is inevitable as cooler oxygenation in lieu of invasive damage their value as loan collateral. and there are ubiquitous charging sta-
weather arrives and Ameri- ventilation, and anticoagu- There are currently about 110 million tions that compete on price, there will
cans go indoors. Cases have also been climbing lants to treat blood clots. auto loans outstanding. It doesn’t look be no going back. I don’t know anyone
across Europe, in some countries more than in A new study by the NYU Langone hospital like the global-warming crowd has who has bought an EV who regrets it.
the U.S. But the good news is that America is bet- system reports its mortality rate declined by thought this through. DAVID J. MELVIN
ter prepared to handle another virus surge, and 70% from March to August after accounting for
Leawood, Kan.
progress toward a vaccine continues. age, health risks, admission vital signs and other Even the cheapest EVs are still be-
i i i factors. The Houston Methodist hospital system No, they aren’t out to get your gas- yond most people’s budget. Other fac-
The seven-day U.S. rolling case average has reported its mortality during the early summer powered car. The folks defending coal tors come into play. With many people
nearly doubled from the recent low in mid-Sep- surge was about 3.5% versus 12.1% in the spring. find that it is no longer economical due renting their housing, not everyone
tember. Cases are more geographically dis- Deaths have also trended lower because the to cheaper natural gas and renewable has the capability of recharging a car.
persed than in the spring and summer, rising public is doing a better job of shielding the el- energy. Since electric trucks appear What will the electric bill look like?
even in states with strict restrictions and mask derly and those at high-risk. The Centers for Dis- likely to succeed first, fleet owners When the useful life of the batteries
mandates. This includes New York and its neigh- ease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported last (Amazon, UPS and others) will demon- expires, what will the tab on the new
bors whose governors were hailed for suppos- week the share of deaths in nursing homes de- strate the lower vehicle maintenance batteries be? What’s the value of the
and lower cost of ownership of EVs, EV at that point?
edly controlling the virus. The increase has been clined by 45% between May and August. Individ-
and they will become mainstream. JOHN L. HOH JR.
most acute in upper Midwest states that weren’t uals over age 85 are 630 times more likely to die Mandating electric vehicles creates the Beloit, Wis.
hit as hard earlier. Some of the increase is due than those between 18 and 29, says the CDC.
to more testing, which is detecting more asymp- i i i
tomatic cases. This is why the epidemiologists who wrote the
Most concerning are hospitalizations, which Great Barrington Declaration, which has been
Of Course Puerto Rico Deserves to Be a State
are up by about 40% since mid-September though signed by tens of thousands of doctors and scien- Your editorial “Packing the U.S. hood, yet fail to mention that island
are still 30% or so below spring and summer tists, advise a focus on protecting the elderly. Senate” (Oct. 17) states: “The Found- voters have twice rejected the cur-
peaks. Most hospitals have ample capacity to They also warn that government lockdowns lead ers developed a model of representa- rent territory status and favored
treat virus patients while continuing elective pro- to worsening heart-disease outcomes, fewer can- tion that would hold a diverse repub- statehood among non-territory op-
cedures, which were stopped during the spring. cer screenings and more mental illness. lic together.” Our Founders also tions in 2012 and 2017. You also omit
established a government with the to mention the coming statehood
Covid patients occupy 13% of hospital beds in Nearly a third of the so-called excess deaths
“consent of the governed.” “yes” or “no” vote that, according to
Wisconsin, 15% in South Dakota and 15% in North in the U.S. this year have been attributed to This inherent principle of our public polling, is expected to see the
Dakota. According to North Dakota’s virus data causes other than Covid, including cardiovascu- constitutional republic is just as im- island vote in favor of statehood for
dashboard, 45% of non-ICU hospital patients clas- lar disease and uncontrolled diabetes. Covid has portant, yet as it stands Puerto Ri- the third time in less than a decade.
sified “with Covid” are admitted for other rea- accounted for less than 10% of deaths among cans are relegated to second-class The editorial rightly indicates that
sons and test positive for the virus. those over 65 this year, and a much smaller share citizenship since they cannot vote “both parties have endorsed a path
Some hospitals report being swamped, but among younger people. for the president who establishes to statehood for Puerto Rico if resi-
resources can be deployed to areas that need the Treating non-Covid health ailments can re- the regulations they have to live un- dents want it.” Hopefully, when the
extra beds. In El Paso, where Covid patients duce virus deaths. Masks can also help at the der, and their elected congressional island votes in favor of statehood on
make up 40% of hospital beds (about twice the margins, and wearing them to protect others in- representative cannot vote for or Nov. 3, its voice won’t be ignored
summer peak), Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has an- doors and in crowds is public-spirited and im- against policies on the floor of the simply due to the potential political
House that might better the lives of implications.
nounced an alternate care site and the feds are portant until a vaccine is widely available, which
sending critical-care personnel. may be as early as this spring. You also point to the “strong Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico
Wisconsin has set up a field hospital in the Meanwhile, vaccines continue to progress, Puerto Rican resistance” to state- San Juan, Puerto Rico
Milwaukee suburbs to treat patients who aren’t and four in the U.S. have entered Phase 3 trials,
severely ill but may still need medical support. meaning they have already shown evidence of
As of Monday that hospital was treating four pa- generating antibodies in vaccinated patients. Mr.
tients. Hospitalizing patients with moderate ill- Biden says most Americans won’t be able to get
ness can prevent complications that cause long- vaccinated until the middle of next year, but An-
Biden’s Labor Plans Will Be a Major Change
term damage and can turn deadly. thony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health Regarding your editorial “Big La- time. The Office of Personnel Man-
Governors seem to have learned from mis- this month suggested April. bor’s Big Senate Plans” (Oct. 22): Joe agement estimates that federal em-
Biden would also create a “cabinet- ployees spent 3.6 million hours work-
takes during earlier waves, including New York If Mr. Biden is elected, he’ll benefit from vac-
level working group” to “explore the ing on union business while on the
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s failure to use field hos- cines developed thanks to drug-company inno- expansion of sectoral bargaining,” un- clock in 2016, costing taxpayers $177
pitals set up by the feds in New York City. Mr. vation and the Trump Administration effort to der which entire industries would be million. One of the president’s orders
Abbott was slow to deploy resources to the streamline the bureaucracy. Expect his winter forced to a single bargaining table seeks to reduce this “official time” by
lower Rio Grande this summer but has re- to become less dark soon after Jan. 20. with unions to set wages and working two-thirds.
conditions industrywide. The only dif- To discourage the kind of corruption
ference between sectoral bargaining that has recently plagued the United
A Rule for Cleaner Dishes and the New Deal-era regulation of in-
dustry by the National Recovery Ad-
Auto Workers, the Labor Department
has developed a trio of regulatory re-

or years American homes have been duce the average cycle to one hour from two, ministration is that union executives forms that would expand existing fi-
stuck with dishwashers that take forever while also giving better performance. CEI ar- write the rules instead of government nancial transparency requirements for
bureaucrats. unions and apply them to additional
and still don’t get the job done. A new De- gued that if the aim of the regulation was to con-
Mr. Biden would, on his “first day entities, such as union trust funds.
partment of Energy rule finalized this week will serve water and energy, it’s unlikely they in office,” rescind three executive or- While not explicitly mentioned by the
help change that. achieved their purpose. People responded to ders issued by President Trump to campaign, there is little doubt the pro-
If a camel is a horse designed by committee, poor dishwasher performance by pre-rinsing make collective bargaining in the fed- posals would be in jeopardy under a
Sam Kazman, general counsel for the Competi- each dish before putting it through their wash- eral government more efficient, Biden administration.
tive Enterprise Institute (CEI), says today’s low- ers, wasting more water, or running their dish- streamline the process of dismissing AARON WITHE
performance dishwashers must have been de- washers twice, wasting water and energy. poor-performing federal employees National Director, Freedom Foundation
signed by regulators who eat out. Regulations The revised DOE rule is not peace in the Mid- and limit taxpayer-funded union Washington
on energy and water usage—tightened in 2013 dle East or a Covid-19 vaccine. But it is an exam-
by the Obama Administration—mean that dish- ple of how common-sense deregulation can de-
washers now take at least two hours to complete liver real benefits for the public. Judging from Trump Should Stay Out of Korean Dispute
a full wash cycle. Dishes may still emerge with the public comments in support of the proposed
“Biz Doesn’t Stop for the Election” cision is expected Dec. 10.
pieces of last night’s lasagna baked on. rule, we’d bet most Americans will be delighted (Business World, Oct. 14), an exami- Mr. Jenkins speculates that Presi-
Two years ago CEI petitioned the Energy De- to learn they will soon be able to buy dishwash- nation by Holman Jenkins of the rela- dent Trump would overturn action by
partment to allow dishwashers that would re- ers worthy of the name. tionship between trade-secret protec- the commission holding SK Innovation
tion and economic vitality, builds to responsible for its wrongdoings, which
an unsubstantiated conclusion that would set a dangerous precedent.
Supreme Court Ballot Wisdom President Trump would abandon four
years of trade policy and protect a
SK Innovation is a Korean com-
pany that violated America’s laws

he campaign to stigmatize the Supreme and eroding public confidence in electoral out- foreign intellectual-property thief against a company that is actively
Court is already under way, even before comes,” Justice Gorsuch wrote. “No one doubts from punishment. employing thousands of Americans,
new Justice Amy Coney Barrett hears a that conducting a national election amid a pan- At issue is the trade-secret dispute paying taxes and partnering with
between LG Chem and SK Innovation, some of America’s most important in-
case. Witness the media hyper- demic poses serious chal- two makers of electric-vehicle batter- novators. Meanwhile, SKI employs
ventilating after the Justices It isn’t partisan to rule lenges. But none of that means ies. Earlier this year, an administra- fewer than 100 Americans and was
ruled 5-3 late Monday that that a state’s voting individual judges may impro- tive law judge at the International recently alleged to be using illegal
Wisconsin’s Nov. 3 ballot dead- vise with their own election Trade Commission ruled for LG Chem Korean labor in Georgia. This is not
line must remain in place. deadline should stand. rules in place of those the peo- in an initial determination. A final de-the profile of a company that Presi-
The order sustained an ap- ple’s representatives have ad- dent Trump should wish to rescue.
pellate-court ruling that had opted.” Nor is it the profile of a company de-
halted a federal judge’s intrusion saying ballots The Wisconsin decision should reduce the Privacy, Censorship and the serving of rescue.
mailed on time could be counted even if they ar- chances of postelection legal chaos if the vote Trade-secret protection is the
Free Social-Media Model linchpin of American job creation.
rived six days late. The judge claimed Covid-19 count is close. Clear rules that everyone knows
Greg Woods’s “Censorship and Get- And companies that steal intellectual
as the excuse, but Badger State law says absen- upfront mean fewer openings for political mis-
ting Social Media Right” (Letters, property should not be trusted to
tee ballots must arrive by Election Day. chief that requires Supreme Court intervention Oct. 22) makes some very good create the jobs they promise.
Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh a la Bush v. Gore in 2000. points regarding old-fashioned mail SEUNGSE CHANG
wrote opinions that should help educate lower- Intriguingly, Chief Justice John Roberts voted and the telephone. He believes that LG Chem
court judges who think they can rewrite state with the majority, though he had sided with the social media doesn’t warrant addi- Seoul, Korea
election law on election eve. Justice Kavanaugh liberals in a recent case involving Pennsylvania tional restraints on content. However,
cited the Court’s precedents that “recognize a state law and courts. The Chief explained that what he misses is that the post office
basic tenet of election law: When an election is he sees less cause to intervene to overrule state doesn’t read your mail and the phone Pepper ...
close at hand, the rules of the road should be courts. But Justice Kavanaugh added, in a foot- companies aren’t supposed to eaves-
drop on your conversations. Social
And Salt
clear and settled.” note to his concurrence, that “state courts do not
Justice Gorsuch added that Wisconsin has have a blank check,” since the U.S. Constitution media eavesdrops on your every word THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
and uses that information to sell you
gone to extraordinary lengths to take account of empowers state legislatures to direct the man-
things and shape your thoughts and
Covid, including sending all registered voters an ner of presidential elections. opinions.
absentee-ballot application and return envelope Justice Barrett will soon get her chance to Social media should perhaps be
in the summer that they have been able to return weigh in on this, as other ballot cases percolate prevented from extracting any infor-
since September. through the courts. After their request for a stay mation about you, without your ex-
If Wisconsin’s Nov. 3 deadline can be thrown was denied, Pennsylvania Republicans came plicit permission, for any commercial
out due to Covid and despite the many avenues back to the Supreme Court last Friday, asking purpose. Maybe social media should
for casting a vote, Justice Gorsuch wrote, then the Justices to take the case on the merits and be a paid service as the post office
“what about the identical deadlines in 30 other to expedite a ruling. Also pending is an appeal and the phone companies are.
States?” Why bump the deadline six days and from North Carolina, where a legal settlement ROBERT DUTY
not 10 days? Other judges, he continued, might extended the ballot deadline by nine days.
well “unfurl the precinct maps and decide The shame is that the left is portraying all this
Letters intended for publication
whether States should add polling places, revise as partisan when the law and Constitution are should be emailed to
their hours, rearrange the voting booths,” and clear. Both parties benefit from clear and widely Please include your city, state and
so forth. understood election rules before the counting telephone number. All letters are sub-
“Last-minute changes to longstanding elec- begins. So does the cause of democratic legiti- ject to editing, and unpublished letters “Sorry, son, one day this will
cannot be acknowledged.
tion rules” risk inviting “confusion and chaos macy, no matter who wins. all be run by robots.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | A17


The Amazing, Horrifying Age of Exaggeration

By Lance Morrow straint: a spirit of sobriety, a style Uighurs or anyone else.

of narrative temperance. In a bad It isn’t an accident that the ex-
xaggeration is the oldest time, reckless exaggeration ought aggerations of the 1960s and the
tendency of American hu- to be condemned as a sin against exaggerations of the age of
mor. Politics, too. Think clarity and the common purpose. Trump—of the baby boomers in
of Mark Twain and Huck But it’s something of a civil war their youth and their dotage—are
Finn’s “stretchers,” or of that Americans have on their similar. They call to each other
H.L. Mencken’s railing against char- hands, and so, addicted to their across the years. Both express
latan politicians and “the boobo- own righteousness as if to cocaine, themselves in the form of what
isie.” The genre of tall tales—Amer- they have abandoned restraint and might be called narcissistic general-
ica’s naive gigantism—began with made themselves at home in a ization—an overstatement of griev-
John Henry and Paul Bunyan. It has madhouse of hyperbole. ances, needs, desires, hatreds,
come to gorgeous flower in the Overstatement is Donald Trump’s fears, impulses and indignations
time of Donald Trump. natural style anyway. He exagger- emerging from the emotions of the
This is a golden age of American ates more shamelessly than the self-important and self-cherishing
exaggeration. Gaudy, reckless over- Wizard of Oz. His enemies return collective.
statement, whether deployed in the favor and exaggerate him in the Politics in a democracy is by
self-glorification, in vilification of opposite direction, so that every definition a circus of exaggeration;

enemies or in ideological hyper- day on Facebook and Twitter he’s a it deals always in the dynamics of
bole, has become the style of psychotic, he’s the anti-Christ, he’s competitive myths. You can’t get
American public life on both sides Hitler, he’s the Tasmanian devil. your party’s myth up and running
of the political divide. The Trump artillery lobs back rhet- without exaggerating a little: You
oric that abuses Joe Biden as a cor- geration. It turns a kernel of truth ritual epithet to “protests” or can’t have saints or demons, heroes
rupt, obtunded geezer infected with into a fancy lie. The first casualty “demonstrations.” Americans were or villains, without hyperbole to
Hyperbole was more fun in the socialist virus. Mr. Trump sums of ideology is historical accuracy. asked to accept the oxymoron of make them vivid. Exaggeration is
up the Bidens as “a crime family.” The subject of race has gener- overwhelmingly peaceful riots. The the yeast that makes the story rise.
Mencken’s age. Today it’s Exaggeration is a symptom of ated an idiom of exaggeration: The Orwellian phrase, manifestly un- It’s also true that electoral poli-
become ugly and fanatical, self-importance and insecurity. Yet phrase “white fragility,” for exam- true, told Americans to ignore the tics involves a Doppler effect. The
to describe either Mr. Trump or his ple, has taken its place as the neu- flames, the ruined businesses, the waves of exaggeration intensify, ris-
a weapon in a holy war. enemies on the left as “self-impor- rotic little sister of those twin rocks and bottles, the abandoned ing in pitch, as the election draws
tant” is a wistful understatement. brutes, “white supremacy” and police precinct, the lasers aimed at near. After the first Tuesday after
One might as well refer to New “white nationalism.” All three cops’ eyes with intent to blind the first Monday in November, with
Once upon a time, as in York City as the community across terms—resonant, self-confident and them. the crisis of election past, the Dop-
Mencken’s work a century ago, ex- the river from Fort Lee, N.J. self-evident to the minds of the be- Cartoon generalizations often pler waves normally recede and,
aggeration was fun; not so much The left’s exaggerations have a lievers—are irresponsible over- work. Now and then they are soon enough, the constitutional
now. Exaggeration has been milita- different tone and metaphysics statements that started out as costly. Hillary Clinton discovered process of acceptance sets in,
rized. It has been fanaticized. One from Mr. Trump’s carny-barking. modestly accurate perceptions. that in 2016, after her crack about bringing relief, possibly hope. But
meme after another gets puffed up The New York Times’s “1619 Proj- Now, in their exaggerated form, the “deplorables.” So, too, racial 2020 is much crazier than other
and sent into combat, transformed ect,” to cite one case, sets forth an they have become, shall we say, stereotypes of white people (claim- election years. We’ll see.
into ideology and, in the case of a invidious theory about slavery and privileged stereotypes. ing to know their very thoughts,
few choice exaggerations, sanctified race in America that obscures an Exaggeration may also take the conjuring the snakes of bigotry and Mr. Morrow is a senior fellow at
in the minds of the faithful. It is essential truth of the country by form of minimization, an effect meanness hidden behind their ice- the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
politics as holy war. exaggerating and distorting it to that went to work over the summer blue eyes) are no more valid than His latest book is “God and Mam-
You might expect a crisis as seri- the point that it becomes, in effect, in the phrase “overwhelmingly hatefully generalized projections mon: Chronicles of American
ous as that of 2020 to impose re- false. That’s the trouble with exag- peaceful,” which was attached as a about blacks, Mexicans, Walloons, Money.”

With Justice Barrett, Is the End Near for Racial Preferences?

During her confirma- who later moved left—from Sandra acknowledgment that these policies even reversed.” The emphasis is the pose explanation for social inequal-
tion hearings, Justice Day O’Connor to David Souter to An- weren’t working and, 17 years later, authors’. ity, or that blacks can’t progress
Amy Coney Barrett thony Kennedy—urges caution. there’s little evidence that anything In the 1940s and ’50s, black-white without special treatment, which is
faced many more In its earliest iteration, affirmative has changed. In the popular imagina- gaps were not only shrinking in in- why black politicians and civil rights
questions about action in practice meant outreach to tion of many on the political left, to- come, educational attainment, home- activists seldom bring it up.
ObamaCare than low-income blacks. It was argued day’s black middle class is a direct ownership rates and other measures. What affirmative action has suc-
about affirmative ac- that the policy was necessary to product of the civil-rights gains of The gaps were shrinking at unprece- ceeded in doing is stoking racial con-
MOBILITY tion, though her compensate for past injustices and the 1960s and the affirmative-action dented rates that have never been re- flict. It keeps race front and center
views on the latter would one day no longer be neces- policies that followed. But the data peated, even during the subsequent in our policy debates, regardless of
By Jason L.
are potentially far sary. Over time, however, quotas and tell a different story. era of affirmative action. relevance. Lagging groups are told
more consequential. set-asides replaced simple outreach, If anything, the evidence shows that others have gotten ahead at
The racial divi- and racial double-standards in col- that racial preferences have coin- their expense.
sions that have plagued the U.S. for lege admissions were defended on A new majority may cided with slower black upward mo- High schools that cater to over-
decades reached a head this sum- grounds that they enhanced “diver- bility. After the University of Califor- achieving students are under pres-
mer with nationwide protests fol- sity” on campus. stop equivocating on nia system ended its race-conscious sure to drop entrance exams and
lowing the death of George Floyd. Affirmative-action benefits were affirmative action, which admissions policies in the 1990s, adopt racial and ethnic admission
This type of social unrest has long also extended to other groups, in- black graduation rates rose. A policy quotas. Colleges are sued for dis-
been nurtured and exploited by cluding recent immigrants from Latin impedes black mobility. intended to increase the size of the criminating against Asian-Americans
black leaders and their political al- America who had suffered no past black middle class was in practice the way they once discriminated
lies, who have turned the hallowed discrimination in the U.S. As the limiting its growth. It would be diffi- against Jews. Corporations are
civil-rights movement of the 1960s country became steadily more di- The “progress toward equality for cult to identify a government pro- shaken down by “diversity consul-
into a lucrative racket today. These verse, the Supreme Court kept punt- black Americans didn’t begin in gram coming out of the 1960s that tants” who claim that the only pos-
efforts have been abetted by Su- ing on the validity of these color-con- 1965,” write Harvard political scien- did more to help blacks than what sible explanation for racial imbal-
preme Court decisions that hem and scious policies, and colleges and tist Robert Putnam and his co-au- black were doing to help themselves ance in the workplace is racial
haw over the legality of racial-pref- other institutions doubled down on a thor, Shaylyn Romney Garrett, in before the program. discrimination.
erence policies. racial spoils systems. What could their new book, “The Upswing.” “By For readers of conservatives like Racial preferences have also
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 plainly possibly go wrong? many measures, blacks were moving Charles Murray, Walter Williams, served to diminish the achievements
mandates equal treatment of individ- In a 2003 Supreme Court decision toward parity with whites well be- Thomas Sowell and Stephan and Abi- of blacks who have succeeded, such
uals regardless of race, and the addi- upholding racially discriminatory ad- fore the victories of the Civil Rights gail Thernstrom, this history is well as the person who swore in Justice
tion of Justice Barrett makes it more missions policies at the University of revolution, despite the limitations known. But it’s nice to see it chroni- Barrett on Monday, Justice Clarence
likely that the court will finally inter- Michigan, Justice O’Connor wrote: imposed by Jim Crow.” Moreover, cled by someone of Mr. Putnam’s Thomas. The sooner these two can
pret the law to mean what it says. “We expect that 25 years from now, “after the Civil Rights movement, standing on the political left. It’s a get to work applying their originalist
Nevertheless, our experience with the use of racial preferences will no that longstanding trend toward ra- history that seriously undermines jurisprudence to affirmative action,
other Republican-appointed justices longer be necessary.” It was a tacit cial equality slowed, stopped, and the notion that racism is an all-pur- the better off we’ll all be.

Dodd-Frank Undermines the Fight Against Covid

By John Berlau Under the law, companies listed on more than six million man-hours at- neer and president of the European adjoining countries mine the major-
And Seth Carter U.S. stock exchanges must audit tempting to trace their supply Passive Components Institute, in ity of tantalum.

their supply chains and disclose if chains for conflict minerals in 2014. the newsletter and electronics jour- Mining consultant Bill Millman,
s U.S. manufacturers race to their products contain even traces And 90% of those companies still nal TIC Bulletin. former president of the Tantalum
produce new vaccines, thera- of the designated minerals—gold, couldn’t confirm their products X-ray machines rely on tungsten International Study Center, says
peutics and medical equip- tantalum, tin and tungsten—that were conflict-free. Many decided to components to ensure stability in that while there are more Congo-
ment to combat the pandemic, might have been mined in areas avoid the Congo region altogether electron emission at high tempera- lese mines that participate in the
their efforts are impeded by a mis- controlled by warlords. and source materials from other tures. Chest X-rays are of height- Dodd-Frank compliance process,
guided decade-old government The provision was sold as pro- countries and continents. ened importance in helping detect there are still legitimate warlord-
mandate enacted, ironically, for hu- tecting Congolese citizens from When mining dropped off due to the presence and severity of free mines that can’t afford the
manitarian purposes. This rule— warlords who profited from the Dodd-Frank’s effects, Congolese vil- Covid-19 in many patients. cost. “So what you’ve got is a nar-
targeting “conflict minerals”—has mining and sale of these minerals. lages were hit by reductions in edu- row group of mines and a narrow
shrunk the medical supply chain Proponents claimed that restricting cation, health care and food supply. group of smelters supporting an in-
for components of everything from their use would save lives, and the In 2014, 70 activists, academics and The ‘conflict minerals’ ternational market,” he says. “And
ventilators to vaccine needles and only costs to Americans would be government officials signed a letter of course that’s got to push up
syringes. possibly slight increases in the blasting initiatives like the Dodd- provision blocks resources prices, and it does.” He adds that
The troublesome mandate is in a prices of laptops, cellphones and Frank provision for “contributing vital for everything from countries such as China, which are
last-minute provision inserted into other “luxury” items that contain to, rather than alleviating, the very not bound by Dodd-Frank, have ac-
the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul these minerals. conflicts they set out to address.” ventilators to vaccines. cess to Congolese tantalum that the
in 2010. That law’s Section 1502 They were wrong on two counts. Second, these minerals are also U.S. lacks because “they don’t have
forces manufacturers to disclose if First, the effects of the conflict- used in medical devices and equip- to deal with any of these additional
any of their products contain “con- minerals mandate proved to be dev- ment to dispense drugs and vac- Inogen, a maker of oxygen con- costs.”
flict minerals” mined in the Demo- astating for those it aimed to help. cines. AdvaMed, which represents centrators, said in a May SEC filing For the World War II-like efforts
cratic Republic of the Congo and As the Journal reported, manufac- U.S. medical device makers, stated that “one or more” of the Dodd- to ready billions of doses of
nine adjoining countries in Africa. turers spent about $709 million and in a 2011 comment to the Securities Frank minerals may be used in the Covid-19 vaccines, as well as medi-
and Exchange Commission that “it manufacturing of its devices that cal devices to tackle new surges in
is unavoidable that conflict miner- provide supplemental oxygen. In Covid-19 cases, American manufac-
als will be used” in medical devices, another recent filing, the company turers will need untrammeled ac-
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY and that “as there are currently no warned that the conflict-minerals cess to the world’s resources. That’s
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp
substitutes for these minerals, the mandate could cause price spikes why President Trump must use a
Matt Murray Almar Latour
continued sourcing of these miner- and shortages of its products. part of the Dodd-Frank conflict-
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher als is necessary to ensure the safety “Costs could significantly increase minerals provision that allows the
Neal Lipschutz Karen Miller Pensiero DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: and efficacy of medical devices.” and our ability to meet demand for president to waive the mandate for
Deputy Editor in Chief Managing Editor Ramin Beheshti, Chief Technology Officer; An AdvaMed spokesman says the our products could be impacted,” two years if he deems such a waiver
Jason Anders, Chief News Editor; Louise Story, Chief Kamilah Mitchell-Thomas, Chief People Officer; views expressed in that letter have the company writes. in the interest of national security.
News Strategist, Product & Technology Officer Edward Roussel, Chief Innovation Officer; not changed. Overwhelming evi- Then there is the race for Issues in the Congo region are
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, Coverage; Christina Van Tassell, Chief Financial Officer
dence confirms that the minerals Covid-19 vaccines and related medi- important and can still be ad-
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Anthony Galloway, Video &
Audio; Brent Jones, Culture, Training & Outreach; designated by Dodd-Frank still are cal supplies. The minerals restricted dressed in many other ways. But to-
Alex Martin, Print & Writing; Michael W. Miller, Jason P. Conti, General Counsel; essential to medical equipment and by the Dodd-Frank Act are fre- day the national security interest—
Features & Weekend; Emma Moody, Standards; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; devices—including those needed to quently used in the composition and global interest—of defeating
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Matthew Rose,
Kristin Heitmann, Chief Commercial Officer; fight Covid-19. and production of needles, syringes Covid-19 cannot be weighed down
Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi, Investigations;
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News
Nancy McNeill, Corporate Sales; Ventilators often rely on energy- and vials necessary to transport by outdated red tape that has failed
Thomas San Filippo, Customer Service; storage capacitors made from tan- and administer billions of doses of to serve even its own stated pur-
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large Josh Stinchcomb, Advertising Sales;
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
talum. “The ability of tantalum ca- vaccines. The compressors used to pose of alleviating suffering.
Suzi Watford, Chief Marketing Officer;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page Jonathan Wright, International
pacitors to answer requirements for refrigerate vaccines also use these
reliability, robustness and high en- minerals to function. For tantalum Mr. Berlau is a senior fellow at
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Professional Information Business: ergy density make them critically in particular, the conflict-minerals the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head important for advanced medical ap- mandate is cutting off a wide swath and author of the book “George
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: plications such as lung ventilators of the global supply for American Washington, Entrepreneur.” Mr.
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 and life support monitoring equip- manufacturers. According to the Carter is a research associate at
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
ment,” wrote Tomas Zednicek, engi- U.S. Geological Survey, Congo and CEI.
A18 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


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AMD Agrees to Buy Xilinx for $35 Billion

BY ASA FITCH financial boost immediately on biggest among chip makers and billion for Maxim Integrated centers that has taken off with problems with its manufactur-
closing. The Wall Street Journal would mark only the latest Products Inc. the introduction of new genera- ing process that analysts be-
Advanced Micro Devices previously reported the two landmark proposed transaction Santa Clara, Calif.-based tions of high-performance chips lieve could help competitors
Inc. plans to buy rival chip were close to an agreement. in recent months. It comes just AMD specializes in central-pro- in recent years under Chief Ex- like AMD advance. AMD shed
maker Xilinx Inc. in a $35 bil- The U.S. semiconductor in- weeks after graphics chip-mak- cessing units and graphics chips ecutive Lisa Su, making it a its chip-making facilities more
lion deal, adding momentum to dustry is going through a seis- ing giant Nvidia Corp. agreed to at the heart of modern comput- more formidable competitor to than a decade ago and now re-
the consolidation of the semi- mic transformation, driven pay $40 billion for Arm Hold- ers. Its shares have advanced larger rival Intel Corp. lies on others to make its prod-
conductor industry that has both by a wave of corporate ings, the British mobile-phone strongly this year as the pan- AMD is enjoying a surge at a ucts, such as Taiwan Semicon-
only accelerated during the transactions and a pandemic chip design giant backed by demic fueled the sale of laptops, time when Intel has been strug- ductor Manufacturing Co.,
pandemic. that has supercharged demand SoftBank Group Corp., in what as well as gaming systems such gling. Both companies have which runs some of the world’s
AMD and Xilinx on Tuesday for some chips. would be the industry’s biggest as Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox and benefited from the spike in de- leading chip plants.
said the companies reached an AMD’s planned purchase of ever deal if it goes through. Sony Corp.’s PlayStation that mand for laptops and cloud Please turn to page B2
all-stock deal that would signifi- Xilinx, which still must pass That proposed tie-up landed use AMD chips. The company computing as people increas-
cantly expand their product regulator scrutiny in the U.S. after Analog Devices Inc. in July has also benefited from a busi- ingly work from home. Intel,  Heard on the Street: AMD
range and markets and deliver a and abroad, would be one of the agreed to pay more than $20 ness selling processors for data however, has been stung by can roll the dice...................... B13

Covid Hits Ant’s Long Road to an IPO Games,

Sales for Ant Group’s initial public offering is poised to break global
records for total funds raised. The company became the world’s
Ant grew out of an online escrow service called Alipay—
a lifestyle and payments app with more than one billion users Cloud
Caterpillar most valuable startup after a fundraising round in mid-2018 that
valued it at $150 billion, and could raise more than $34 billion
with its coming listings and earn a valuation well in excess of
in mainland China—that was created in 2004 within online
retailer Alibaba Group. Alipay helped popularize QR codes.
Ant says it isn’t primarily a financial company, but
And 3M $300 billion.
That would place it among the world’s most valuable
a technology-solutions provider that connects individuals
and small businesses with banks, asset managers and other

technology companies.

Market value of the world’s top tech and payments companies

financial-services providers.
Big manufacturers are log- AT LISTING Alibaba CURRENT* Alphabet (Google) BY AARON TILLEY
ging lower sales to businesses Facebook
ranging from cruise-ship Ant $832B Visa $1.01T Mastercard Microsoft Corp. expects the
builders to medical offices, as $666B pandemic-era demand surge for
the coronavirus pandemic con- $326B $316B cloud-computing services, vid-
tinues to drag on economic ac- Estimate eogaming and computers that
tivity across the globe. delivered a bumper quarter to
Caterpillar Inc. said Tues- $313 billion $168B at listing $81B $43B $23B $5.3B persist at least through the rest
IPO: September 2014 May 2012 March 2008 August 2004 May 2006
day that revenue fell by at of the year.
least a fifth in the latest quar- The software company on
ter in each of its three global Apple Tuesday said sales rose 12% to
segments: construction, min- Microsoft Amazon $37.2 billion, generating a net
ing and energy and transpor- $1.99T $1.61T profit of $13.9 billion in the
tation. 3M Co. said sales were
$1.59T first quarter of its fiscal year.
down in about half its busi- The results surpassed Wall
ness lines from a year earlier
$694B Street expectations on revenue
and that demand for its prod- and profit for the quarter end-
ucts for nonemergency medi- $1.2B $0.8B $0.5B $0.4B ing in September.
cal and dental procedures December 1980 June 2004 March 1986 May 1997 Revenue from Azure, the
wasn’t likely to recover company’s massive cloud-com-
through next year. How its loan business works Where the money comes from puting service that has under-
Their results show demand pinned its financial success in
from commercial customers is Alipay connects about 100 banks in China to consumers and small businesses that Ant’s revenue comes from two main sources: recent years, increased 48%
on shaky ground as the pan- need short-term loans. Its credit businesses originate loans to millions of individuals. it collects fees from merchants when people from a year earlier.
demic continues to disrupt MYbank, an Ant affiliate, provides loans to small businesses. Banks underwrite the transact with Alipay, and earns fees from “Demand for our cloud offer-
work routines and commerce. debt, take the credit risk and collect interest payments, while Ant collects fees banks and other financial companies that ings drove a strong start to the
“It’s reflective of the chal- for facilitating the transactions. The majority of Alipay’s transactions take place make loans or sell investment products on fiscal year,” Microsoft Chief Fi-
lenges still with Covid,” 3M’s in China. It now handles more transactions yearly than Mastercard and Visa. its platforms. In the first half of this year its nancial Officer Amy Hood said.
Chief Executive Mike Roman operating margin was 34%. Microsoft’s personal-com-
said of demand for its medical puting business—which in-
Number of Ant’s individual Credit balance Annual transaction Revenue by division
and dental products. “It’s not borrowers borrowers volume* cludes licensing revenue from
going to be a perfectly 2.5 trillion yuan 60 billion yuan Digital Digital PC sales, the Xbox gaming plat-
straight line.” About payments finance form and Surface laptops—saw
Shares in 3M slipped 1.8% 500M sales advance 6% to $11.8 bil-
to $163.15 on Tuesday, and 2.0 Alipay lion. The gaming content busi-
Caterpillar dropped 3.7% to China $17.6 trillion† 40 ness saw a 30% jump in sales
$157.20. 1.4 billion 1.5 over the previous year. The
At the same time, demand business is also expected to
for 3M products such as N95 further benefit later this year
World population 1.0
masks and home-cleaning sup- 20 with the release of the new
7.7 billion Mastercard
plies is booming, and the St. Xbox Series X gaming console.
0.5 $6.3T
Paul, Minn.-based company’s Visa 1st The company this quarter
sales rose 4.5% to $8.35 billion $11.3T half will release its new Xbox Series
for the third quarter. Some 0 0 X gaming console into one of
consumer-focused manufac- 2017 ’20† 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 the hottest videogaming mar-
turers like Whirlpool Corp. kets. “We expect very strong
*As of October 26 †As of June ‡For the 12 months ended June 2020 **Converted from yuan at Oct. 26 exchange rate Note: 1 trillion yuan=$149 billion
have had trouble keeping up Sources: Dealogic (at listing); FactSet (current); staff reports (Ant); United Nations (world population); National Bureau of Statistics of China (China population); demand following the launch of
with demand from consumers Ant Group (borrowers, revenue); the companies (transactions) our next generation Xbox Se-
refurbishing their homes and ries X and S consoles,” Ms.
buying new vehicles. Please turn to page B4
“We are seeing both sides
of the pandemic,” Mr. Roman
Cases of Covid-19 are rising
sharply this month in the U.S.
and other parts of the world.
Market Moves Signal Less Anxiety Over Election
That is prompting new restric- BY GUNJAN BANERJI to higher economic growth, panies that typically trade at a something that hasn’t hap- stimulus plan in the cards. Al-
tions on restaurants and other have ascended in October, while low multiple of their book pened all year. though other dynamics are at
businesses. Industrial activity, Despite the recent stock- Treasury yields have jumped as value, or net worth—have out- Those market moves suggest play in markets, ranging from
meanwhile, remains subdued. market selloff, investors appear bond prices have fallen. Bets on performed. The S&P 500 Value investors are taking their cues the Covid-19 caseload to the
U.S. factory output fell in Sep- to be positioning for a speedy volatility falling through the index advanced 1.6% in October from polls showing former Vice vigor of the global economic re-
tember after three months of outcome to the presidential end of the year in the deriva- through Monday, beating the President Joe Biden with a covery, many investors say in-
gains, the Federal Reserve said contest and dwindling volatility tives market picked up, after S&P 500 Growth index’s 0.8% steady lead over President creased expectations for an or-
earlier this month. through the end of the year. months of investors positioning gain. The value index was on Trump, which increases the derly U.S. election season have
Some manufacturers said U.S. stocks, particularly for rocky markets into January. track to beat its counterpart for chances of a decisive victory. been among the key develop-
they have been whipsawed those in sectors most sensitive Value stocks—shares of com- the second consecutive month, They also see a robust fiscal Please turn to page B12
this year by a plunge in de-
mand followed by a big surge.
Engine maker Cummins Inc.
said Tuesday it logged its big-
gest-ever increase in sales for
INSIDE Face Masks, Decor Fuel Etsy’s Momentum
the latest quarter compared
with the previous three BY CHARITY L. SCOTT masks, making it the second-
months. best selling category on the

“Even with the dramatic in- Etsy Inc. is having a mo- site behind housewares and
crease, however, sales re- ment. home furnishings.
mained below last year’s lev- The online marketplace Several other product cate-
els,” Cummins Chief Executive built around selling handmade gories have fueled growth. Ex-
Tom Linebarger told analysts. and vintage goods is riding a cluding masks, sales for the
Coatings maker PPG Indus- wave of surging demand for home category were up 128%

tries Inc. said last week that face masks and home decor, year over year, led by products
sales of its coatings used on BUSINESS making it one of the few retail from furniture to wall art.
airplanes dropped 35% in its Raytheon continues winners in a year that has Sales of jewelry and accesso-
latest quarter as big plane punished the sector. ries jumped 50%, while demand
makers cut production and
with job cuts Now investors are looking also rose in smaller categories
airlines flew less. as demand slows to see if Etsy, which reports including toys and games,
Caterpillar said slower con- for jetliners. B2 third-quarter earnings on beauty and pet supplies.
struction of everything from Wednesday, can build on re- Etsy last year pegged the
cruise ships to pipelines dur- cent momentum. The company size of its market at $100 bil-
ing the pandemic is weighing PROPERTY REPORT said last quarter it had nearly A mask from Etsy. The site sold 12 million masks in April alone. lion, but the company and
on demand for its heavy ma- Lenders take 19 million new or reactivated some analysts now say the
chinery. buyers on its platform, while Masks have played a big more than 110,000 sellers had pandemic has proved it is
“Those are very big ma-
action against total buyers jumped 41% from role in Etsy’s run. The com- sold at least one mask on the much larger. Needham & Co.
chines, very expensive, and delinquent the same period last year. pany reported selling 12 mil- platform. Last quarter, 14% of analyst Rick Patel said strong
people are deferring [pur- mall owners. B6 Profit swelled to five times the lion in April alone, and by the gross merchandise sales from sales last quarter in tradi-
Please turn to page B2 year-ago quarter. end of the second quarter Etsy’s marketplace came from Please turn to page B4
B2 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Advanced Micro Devices
............................. B1,B13
Exxon Mobil................B3
Facebook .......... A4,A6,B4
Fifth Wall Ventures....B6
Poshmark .................... B6
PS Business Parks ..... A4
Raytheon Cuts More Jobs to Fit
Apartment Investment
& Management.........A2
Ford Motor................A12
Goldman Sachs...........B3
Raytheon Technologies
............................. B2,B13
Robinhood Financial...A6
Royal Dutch Shell.......B3
Downturn in Jetliner Demand
Ares Management......B6
Harbor Group..............B6 S BY DOUG CAMERON hiring had been halved to Raytheon didn’t provide fi- industry recovery.
Harley-Davidson ......... B3 Saks Fifth Avenue......B6 4,000, while corporate staff nancial guidance for 2020, but The International Air
Banco Santander ........ B3 Hero MotoCorp ........... B3 SoftBank...................B13
BASF............................B3 HSBC ........................... B3 Sony.............................B1
Raytheon Technologies was reduced by 1,000. analysts forecast sales of Transport Association forecast
Bayer...........................B3 Hudson's Bay..............B6 Stitch Fix.....................B6 Corp., the biggest aerospace Aerospace suppliers are around $64 billion that would global airline revenues would
BioNTech.....................B5 Stripe .......................... A6 supplier by sales, said it is shedding thousands of jobs in surpass those of Airbus SE be about $400 billion next
Blend Labs..................A6 I
T cutting 20,000 jobs this year— response to the collapse of air- and Boeing Co. for the second year compared with an esti-
BP................................B3 Industrious National
Management Company Taiwan Semiconductor up from a previously an- line traffic, though Raytheon year in a row. mated $350 billion in 2019. It
C nounced 15,000—as it adjusts has been able to fall back on Sales at Raytheon’s Pratt & pared previous estimates from
.....................................B6 Manufacturing..........B1
Callaway Golf..............B2 Intel......................B1,B13 ThredUp.......................B6 to the shrinking airline indus- military sales such as engines Whitney jet-engine unit fell by August because of rising coro-
Camber Creek..............B6 Intuit...........................A6 3M ............................... B1 try and the sharp drop in jet- for the F-35 combat jet and a third in the quarter, while navirus cases and pushed back
Caterpillar............B1,B12 T-Mobile......................B6
CBRE Group.................B6 J-K liner orders and deliveries. Patriot missiles. revenue from aircraft parts when it expects a vaccine to
Topgolf Entertainment The company, which sup- Defense rivals in recent halved as manufacturers re- be widely available.
Chevron ....................... B3 JPMorgan Chase.........B3
Citigroup......................B3 Kilroy Realty...............A4 plies engines, aircraft seats days have flagged slowing duced production and airline Airlines have cut back
Total ............................ B3
Coinbase Global..........A6 L Twitter........................A6 and other parts to airlines and growth in Pentagon spending flying remained subdued. sharply on maintenance
Columbia Property Trust Latchable.....................B6 plane makers, said the cuts in- because of the soaring federal Raytheon expects its sales spending as they have cur-
.....................................B6 U
Lord & Taylor .............. B6 clude a 20% reduction in its budget deficit. of parts and engines to Airbus tailed flying, hitting large and
Convene.......................B6 Unibail-Rodamco-
CoStar ......................... A4 M Westfield..................B6 commercial arm. It is also re- “Defense business also and Boeing to be down about small suppliers. Raytheon
Cummins ..................... B1 Mastercard..................A6 V ducing its office and factory gives us the ability to continue 40% this year and in 2021 Chief Financial Officer Toby
Curbio..........................B6 Microsoft ............. B1,B12 space by as much as a quarter to invest through this cycle compared with last year, with O’Brien said the health of its
Visa............................. A1
D N-O in response to pandemic- and to make sure that we have minimal shipments of parts own supply chain had im-
Davide Campari-Milano Notarize.......................B6 driven changes in demand and the right technologies for the for the Boeing 737 MAX. proved over the quarter. He
Walker & Dunlop ........ B6 working conditions. future,” Chief Executive Greg Mr. Hayes said he didn’t ex- said the company had con-
...................................B13 Nvidia........................B13
Douglas Emmett ........ A4 OpenDoor .................... B6 X Raytheon had previously dis- Hayes said on an investor call pect 2019 levels of flying to cerns about only around 50 of
E-F P Xilinx ......................... B13 closed around 15,000 job cuts as Raytheon reported a 77% return before 2023 at the ear- its 13,000 suppliers.
Eli Lilly.................B5,B12 PayPal ......................... A6 Z at its Collins Aerospace and drop in quarterly profit. liest, and the main airline
Etsy ............................. B1 Plaid ............................ A1 Zillow...........................B6 Pratt & Whitney engine arms. It Its shares fell 7%, or $4.28, trade group on Tuesday also  Heard on the Street: Remote
said Tuesday that contractor to $56.53 on Tuesday. tempered expectations for an work hits revenue................. B13

A H Quinn, Noel.................B3
Auchincloss, Murray...B3 Hayes, Greg.........B1,B13 R
B Hood, Amy..................B1 Rascoff, Spencer.........B6
Beckerman, Michael...B6 K Roman, Mike...............B1
Berman, Casey............B6 Kay, Scott....................B3 S
Bonfield, Andrew........B2 Shorenstein, Brandon.A4
Botín, Ana...................B3 Silverman, Josh..........B4
Brewer, Chip................B2 Linebarger, Tom..........B1 Su, Lisa................B1,B13
Bulger, Kate................A2 N-O U
C Nelson, Robert............A2 Umpleby, Jim..............B2
Costello, Jim...............B6 O’Brien, Toby .............. B2 Z
D P-Q Zeitz, Jochen...............B3
Das, Ankhi...................B4 Patel, Rick...................B1 Zenteno, Alex ............. B3

AMD open up a previously untapped

$5 billion market to AMD’s data
center processors, she said.

Agrees to Xilinx specializes in chips

that differ from the norm by al-
lowing users to reprogram

Buy Xilinx them after they are produced.


Because of that flexibility, they
are useful in arenas where fast
prototyping is valuable and
Continued from page B1 where customers don’t need to
This year’s almost 80% in- produce chips in large numbers.
crease in AMD’s share price Xilinx caters to some of the
gave it the financial firepower same customers as AMD, in-
to scale up in a move similar to cluding operators of large data
Nvidia, which plans to use centers filled with servers that
about $21.5 billion in stock to crunch companies’ data and Topgolf’s outdoor driving ranges have been a big draw during the pandemic. Above, race-car driver Kevin Harvick teed off in Allen, Texas, in 2018.
pay for Arm. power the internet.
Xilinx shares rose more than
8%. AMD fell more than 4%.
With the chip industry con-
solidating and customer needs
Xilinx would also give AMD a
foothold in areas where it is a
small player or entirely absent,
including telecommunications
Callaway on Course to Buy Rest of Topgolf
changing, Ms. Su said size is infrastructure and defense. Xil-
necessary to keep pace. inx chips are used in the U.S.’s BY CARA LOMBARDO value of about $2 billion as of over 50% of Topgolf’s custom- vate-equity firm Providence
“We built a very strong busi- latest combat plane, the Lock- Monday’s close. ers don’t identify as golfers. Equity Partners, had been
ness around the foundation for heed Martin Corp. F-35 Joint Callaway Golf Co. agreed to Topgolf, based in Dallas, op- “Topgolf is the best thing looking into an initial public
AMD, but when you look at Strike Fighter. They are also buy the rest of driving-range erates about 60 entertainment that happened to golf since Ti- offering. It was founded in
c F

where the markets are going in commonly used in superfast 5G operator Topgolf Entertain- centers in the U.S. and else- ger Woods,” Callaway Chief 2000 by British brothers Steve
the future, I think scale mat- network infrastructure. ment Group, in a move that where that offer virtual golf- Executive Chip Brewer said. and Dave Jolliffe.
ters,” she told the Journal, add- Financially, the deal, on clos- will bring a company known related games as well as les- “It’s going to be the largest Callaway first invested in
ing that the companies’ cul- ing, would immediately improve for its clubs and golf balls into sons and host private parties. source of new golfers for our Topgolf in 2006.
tures, technology strategies and AMD’s profit margins, earnings the fast-growing sports-enter- It generated about $1.1 billion industry.” The Carlsbad, Calif., com-
business models meshed well. and cash generation, the com- tainment business. in revenue in 2019 and has Topgolf’s outdoor driving pany, founded in 1982, early
Customers, she said, increas- pany said. The move could also Callaway on Tuesday said it grown at a 30% compound an- ranges have been a big draw last year completed the nearly
ingly want a variety of comput- aid AMD in reaching its goal of reached an all-stock deal that nual rate since 2017, the com- during the coronavirus pan- $500 million acquisition of ap-
ing engines—chips that special- 20% annual revenue growth values Topgolf at around $2 panies said. It could be a valu- demic as people look for ways parel and equipment maker
ize in artificial intelligence, for over the next few years. AMD billion. Callaway, which al- able entry point into a sport to safely socialize out of the Jack Wolfskin. Callaway’s
example, or networking—in- promises $300 million in cost ready owns a roughly 14% that has been struggling to at- home. The company, whose other brands include Odyssey,
stead of jack-of-all-trades chips. savings from the combination stake in Topgolf, had a market tract younger players, since other investors include pri- TravisMathew and Ogio.
And chip development costs are within 18 months.
rising, which gives the competi- Under the deal, Xilinx share-
tive edge to those with larger
AMD has steadily gained
holders are to receive around
1.7234 AMD shares for each of
their Xilinx shares, representing
Sales for quarter.
The company said it ex-
pects sales to improve in the
market share against Intel in re-
cent months, reaching almost a
fifth of the market for PC cen-
a premium of almost 25% over
the company’s current value.
The addition of Xilinx, led by
Caterpillar, fourth quarter compared with
the third. The company’s order
backlog increased $500 mil-

tral processors in the second
quarter, according to Mercury
Research figures. It has also
CEO Victor Peng, would put
AMD on a more even keel with
Intel, which entered the fray in
3M Drop lion compared with the second
quarter but remained $1.2 bil-
lion below last year’s quarter.
been gaining share in CPUs that the chips Xilinx specializes in— “While the situation re-
go into servers. called field-programmable gate Continued from page B1 mains fluid, overall, we are   
The Xilinx deal, Ms. Su said, arrays—through its $16.7 billion chases] until such time as they cautiously optimistic,” Chief     

wouldn’t distract AMD from acquisition of Altera in 2015. have clarity,” Andrew Bonfield, Executive Jim Umpleby told
that business. AMD will win Despite the meteoric rise in Caterpillar’s financial chief, analysts.
further market share, she said, AMD’s share price and ambi- said in an interview. Caterpillar saw an uptick in    
adding that the companies to- tion, it lags far behind Intel in The oil-and-gas market was late payments from customers,
gether would have more prod- other measures of size. Intel particularly weak for Caterpil- with the past-dues rate in-
ucts and a longer list of custom- has roughly 10 times the num- lar. Its sales to customers in creasing to 3.8% from 3.2% in
ers that they could sell to ber of AMD’s employees and that industry fell 41% as de- the same quarter a year be-
together. Xilinx’s relationships made $71.9 billion of revenues clining energy prices have fore. Still, the company said
with telecom equipment giants last year, compared with AMD’s caused development of new oil its customers remained in
Samsung Electronics Co. and $6.7 billion. And Intel still main- and gas fields to stall. Cater- good financial health. While
Ericsson AB, for example, could tains a commanding lead pillar continues to view energy some went on a revised pay-
against AMD in measures of as a long-term opportunity. ment schedule during the
 !  * ! 
AMD is parlaying the increase market share. During the quarter it said it heights of the lockdowns ear- !+'  '  ( 
in its share price to finance its Along with the transaction, would buy the oil-and-gas lier this year, about 90% are
biggest ever acquisition. Nvidia AMD on Tuesday reported a business of Weir Group PLC now back to paying on a nor- & !  ' ! '
also plans to use shares to help jump in third-quarter profit, for $405 million. mal schedule, Caterpillar said.
buy Arm Holdings. propelled by the same pan- Caterpillar said there were In all, revenue fell 23% to
( ! ' 

demic-fueled demand for vid- some positive signs in the $9.88 billion, from $12.76 bil- ) ( (!
Year-to-date performance eogame consoles and com- markets for its machinery. It lion in the same quarter a year
150% puter processors that has expects industrywide con- before. Profit declined 55% to  !

underpinned its stock much of struction demand in China to $668 million.
Nvidia the year. increase for the year as a 3M said sales of N95 and
+128% The company said it had
$2.8 billion in sales in the quar-
whole, despite a massive drop
at the start of 2020 as the
other masks were $235 million
higher than in the year-earlier
Advanced ter, up 56% from the year prior. country first worked to con- quarter. The company has sold "  #
Micro It generated 32 cents in earn- tain the virus. In the U.S., 1.4 billion masks so far this
Devices ings per share, almost triple the home builders have increased year and is on track to sell 2 
+72% year-ago figure. Both sales and construction rates recently. billion by the end of 2020 as it  !  
per-share earnings topped Wall “Residential construction is more than triples production.
Xilinx Street estimates according to a bright spot. That’s some- The company said its global
0 +27% analysts surveyed by FactSet. thing we expect to continue,” sales grew 0.9%, excluding ac-
AMD said it expects to have Mr. Bonfield said. quisitions and currency move-
about $3 billion in sales in the Caterpillar said it was well ments, including a 5% increase
current quarter, also ahead of positioned to weather the cri- in the U.S. and 8% in China. 3M
Wall Street expectations. sis, with $9.3 billion in cash posted a profit of $1.41 billion  
Xilinx last week posted quar- and $14 billion of available li- compared with $1.58 billion in
Source: FactSet terly sales of $767 million. quidity at the end of its third the same period last year.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | B3


Harley-Davidson’s At BP, Five Quarters of Losses

Profit Surges on Low oil prices, weaker
trading results, and
Leaner Production slim refining margins
hurt the bottom line
BY BOB TITA primarily in North America, BY SARAH MCFARLANE
Europe and parts of Asia—that
Harley-Davidson Inc. deliv- generate a large share of the LONDON—BP PLC reported
ered on its strategy to in- company’s sales and offer the a fifth consecutive quarterly
crease profit by curbing mo- best potential for growth. loss on Tuesday, providing the
torcycle production and costs. “We don’t want to grow for first glimpse of how major oil
The company’s shares the sake of growing. We want companies navigated the third
jumped 22% to $35.40. to grow profitably,” Mr. Zeitz quarter amid a prolonged
The manufacturer reported said during a conference call slump in demand triggered by
a 39% increase in third-quar- with analysts. the coronavirus pandemic.
ter profit despite selling 8% As the company retreats The loss follows one of the


less bikes than a year earlier. from a decadelong effort to worst second quarters ever for
Chief Executive Jochen Zeitz expand the brand globally, it the sector, in which BP halved
is scaling back overseas ex- has reduced its workforce by its dividend and cut jobs. In
pansions, eliminating slow- about 10% and plans to trim the third quarter, oil prices
selling models and lowering the number of current and stabilized at around $40 a
inventory at bike dealers to planned models in its lineup barrel after diving earlier in
sharpen Harley’s focus on by a third. the year. Still, prices remain
best-selling models in markets Overhead expenses fell 26% around a third below where BP is increasing investment in renewables, to rely less on oil. A BP gas station in New York City.
with the strongest sales. during the quarter. Motorcycle they were a year earlier.
The Milwaukee-based com- shipments from the factories BP’s earnings also suffered lowed by Chevron Corp. and cial officer, in an interview. pendent on oil, while increas-
pany is delaying or abandon- dropped 6% and dealer inven- from lower refining margins Exxon on Friday. The outlook for trading and ing investments in renewables
ing models aimed at younger tories of motorcycles shrank and weaker trading results. Refining and trading some- refining margins remained and other low-carbon energy
riders and customers overseas. by more than a third. Trading had provided a bright times offer some relief to ma- challenging, BP said, due to sources over the next decade,
Harley said it will exit 39 mar- For the quarter ended Sept. spot in the previous quarterly jor oil companies during times Covid-19, with inventories and at an event last month. That
kets overseas with low sales 27, net income rose to $120.2 earnings for BP, Royal Dutch of lower energy prices but re- a leveling off in demand for shift hasn’t eased investor
and rely on distributors to sell million, or 78 cents a share, Shell PLC and Total SE, but cently even these areas ha- gasoline and jet fuel. worry. The company’s shares
its motorcycles in 17 countries, from $86.6 million, or 55 a lower volatility in the quarter ven’t been as profitable. Refin- The company reported a re- are trading near a 25-year low
including in India, where it is share, a year earlier. Adjusted ended Sept. 30 reduced trad- ing margins have in the past placement cost loss—a metric and have underperformed
closing an assembly plant. profit increased to $1.05 a ing opportunities. risen when oil prices have similar to the net income fig- their peers in recent months.
India’s Hero MotoCorp Ltd. share, ahead of the 30 cents Other major oil companies fallen, but Covid-19’s decima- ure that U.S. oil companies re- BP plans to sell $25 billion
will sell and service Harley’s expected by analysts. are expected to report another tion of fuel demand meant this port—of $644 million for the of its assets by 2025 and has
bikes in India. Under a licens- Harley said it generated weak quarter, with Shell and didn’t happen. three months ended Sept. 30, already achieved around half
ing agreement with Hero, Har- $964 million in revenue from Exxon Mobil Corp. having al- “Oil prices went down but from a loss of $351 million in of the target, including recent
ley will allow Hero to develop motorcycles and related prod- ready flagged expected losses refineries couldn’t get the the year-earlier period. sales of its Alaska business
and sell motorcycles under the ucts, down from $1.07 billion in their oil-and-gas production product away to the market, It is the first set of earnings and its chemicals unit. Net
Harley-Davidson brand. in the year-earlier period but businesses in recent weeks. people weren’t flying, people for the British company since debt is expected to shrink in
Harley said it will concen- ahead of the $844 million ex- Shell is due to report its weren’t driving,” said Murray it gave details of a wide-rang- the fourth quarter as proceeds
trate on about 50 markets— pected by analysts. earnings on Thursday, fol- Auchincloss, BP’s chief finan- ing revamp to become less de- from the sales are received.

EPA Allows Weedkiller Type in a Win for Bayer, BASF

BY JACOB BUNGE say they need the spray to paired with soybean and cotton chemical is prone to evaporat- In June, the U.S. Court of To help protect vulnerable
combat hard-to-kill weeds. seeds that have been genetically ing and drifting on the wind, Appeals for the Ninth Circuit crops, the EPA said Tuesday it
The U.S. Environmental Pro- Tighter nationwide rules engineered to withstand the potentially threatening nearby ruled that the EPA overlooked would prohibit the dicamba
tection Agency will extend its around when and where the spray. The companies pitch the fields, and states have received risks to other crops when the herbicides from being applied
approval of controversial weed- herbicide can be sprayed on combination as a way for farm- thousands of farmer complaints agency last approved the herbi- to soybeans after June 30, and
killers for another five years, a farms will help limit injury to ers to defeat costly weeds like of crop damage linked to di- cides in 2018, and revoked on cotton after July 30.
victory for agriculture compa- crops and residential gardens, palmer amaranth and marestail camba. The chemical compa- those approvals. While that rul- BASF’s U.S. Crop Vice Presi-
nies Bayer AG and BASF SE. the agency said. that have developed resistance nies and some farmers have de- ing came after many farmers dent Scott Kay said the ruling
The agency said Tuesday its “We have reached a resolu- to other common farm herbi- fended dicamba, saying that were done spraying dicamba will help farmers keep fields
reapproval of dicamba herbi- tion that is good for our farm- cides, like Bayer’s Roundup. their formulations of the herbi- for the year, it raised pressure clear of weeds. Alex Zenteno, di-
cides, which have been blamed ers and our environment,” said However, dicamba has di- cide are less prone to evapora- on the EPA as the agency con- camba product manager for
for damaging millions of acres EPA Administrator Andrew vided farmers since the compa- tion, and that the sprays can be sidered granting new dicamba Bayer, said adding the new
of crops in recent years, would Wheeler. nies released the products controlled by following manu- approvals, which were sched- chemical agent would help farm-
provide clarity to farmers who The dicamba weedkillers are about four years ago. The facturers’ directions. uled to be decided by late 2020. ers keep control over dicamba.

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B4 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Facebook’s Head
Of Public Policy in
India Steps Down
BY NEWLEY PURNELL Journal identified as posting
material that violated hate-
A Facebook Inc. executive speech rules. Mr. Singh has


in India who was at the center said in Facebook posts and
of a political storm over the public appearances that Roh-
company’s policy on anti-Mus- ingya Muslim immigrants
lim hate speech on the plat- should be shot, called Muslims
form is leaving her position, traitors and threatened to raze
the social-media giant said. mosques.
Ankhi Das, Facebook’s top A subsequent Journal arti-
public-policy executive in its cle revealed that Ms. Das
biggest market by users, said made internal postings over
in an internal post provided by several years describing her
the company that she had de- support for the ruling party
cided to step down to pursue and criticizing its main rival,
her interest in public service. behavior some staff saw as
The Wall Street Journal re- conflicting with Facebook’s
ported in August that Ms. Das pledge to remain neutral in
had opposed applying Face- elections world-wide. An Amazon facility in Eastvale, Calif., in May. Excluding seasonal workers, Amazon’s world-wide workforce is headed to one million.
book’s hate-speech rules to a “Ankhi has decided to step

Amazon to Add 100,000 Jobs

politician from the ruling down from her role in Face-
Hindu nationalist party, along book to pursue her interest in
with at least three other public service,” Ajit Mohan,
Hindu nationalist individuals the company’s managing di-
and groups flagged internally rector for India, said. Ms. Das
for promoting or participating
in violence, according to cur-
rent and former employees.
Following the article’s pub-
lication, Indian lawmakers
was “one of our earliest em-
ployees in India and played an
instrumental role in the
growth of the company and its
services over the last 9 years,”
For Coming Holiday Season
questioned Facebook officials, he said. BY DAVE SEBASTIAN North America this year. Ama- The company will report until earlier this month. The
while the company’s staff Ms. Das said in her post zon said it pays its workers at third-quarter results on Thurs- promotion propelled consum-
pushed internally for a review that she had “decided to step Inc. plans to least $15 an hour. day. Analysts polled by FactSet ers to spend billions of dollars,
of how it handles problematic down from Facebook after hire 100,000 seasonal workers Last month, the company expect Amazon to post a profit but the event was also marked
content. long service to its mission of in the U.S. and Canada heading said it would hire 100,000 ad- of $3.84 billion on sales of by activism around the coun-
In a letter from members of connecting people and build- into the Thanksgiving and ditional warehouse employees $92.78 billion for the period. try, including an online peti-
Facebook’s internal group for ing communities.” Christmas holidays ahead of an in the U.S. and Canada. Ex- Amazon has experienced a tion targeting Amazon’s pro-
Muslim employees, called India is a key market for expected surge in online orders. cluding seasonal workers, Am- wave of orders this year as ductivity expectations for
Muslim@, staffers from India, Facebook, which isn’t allowed The e-commerce giant on azon’s world-wide workforce warehouse workers.
the U.S. and Middle East said to operate in China, the only Tuesday said the seasonal will be roughly one million af- Retailers including Walmart
the company needed to make other nation with more than workers would pack and de- ter accounting for the 100,000 Inc. and Target Corp., as well
its policy-enforcement process one billion people. liver items, among other roles, additional positions and
The company as e-commerce companies
for high-profile users more Facebook’s policies for po- during the holiday shopping 33,000 corporate and technol- accounts for more such as Instacart Inc., have
transparent and less suscepti- licing content on its platform rush. The additions build on ogy jobs it is adding. Amazon also seen immense growth on-
ble to political influence. have regularly drawn accusa- the company’s hiring spree will have more than 700,000
than a third of online line and hired hundreds of
Facebook later banned a tions of political bias in the this year to meet soaring de- employees in the U.S. once sales in the U.S. thousands of workers. Brick-
member of India’s ruling U.S., from Republicans and mand during the coronavirus those positions are filled. and-mortar retailers have
party, T. Raja Singh, whom the Democrats alike. pandemic, even as companies Amazon, which accounts for booked some growth through
across a range of industries more than a third of online their digital sales as their
have cut their workforces and sales in the U.S., has recorded Covid-19 restrictions pushed stores experienced Covid-19
filed for bankruptcy. record profits during the pan- more people toward online disruptions. Some retailers
The Seattle-based company demic. It posted a record shopping. After struggling to plan to close stores on
For more information:
In Memoriam
also said it has promoted
more than 35,000 operations
employees, including fulfill-
$88.91 billion in sales during
its second quarter, and profit
doubled to $5.24 billion from
meet a surge in online order-
ing at the outset of the pan-
demic, Amazon postponed its
Thanksgiving and are offering
Black Friday deals online dur-
ing November and December
ment-center workers, across the same period last year. annual Prime Day sales event to reduce crowds.


Face Masks for customers to find what

they are looking for—a rele-
quickly so that you can make
some extra income,” he said
home, some newly furloughed
workers with sewing skills

vant issue this spring when a during an April interview on gravitated to the platform,

MEMORIAM Fuel Etsy’s search for “mask” was as

likely to bring up costumes as
protective face coverings.
Fox News. The marketplace
was flooded with masks of a
variety of sizes, colors and
pushing the number of active
sellers to 3.1 million, the com-
pany said. Etsy charges sellers

Honor your loved one’s life

in The Wall Street Journal
Momentum In the early days of the
pandemic, the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention
fabrics, and Etsy quickly es-
tablished itself as a go-to des-
tination for fabric masks.
a fee of 5% of the list price for
items sold on the platform.
The platform is currently
recommended against wearing Stephen DeMent, 40 years adding between 45,000 to
Continued from page B1 face masks. When that posi- old, who owns an Etsy shop 50,000 new sellers a week, and
Share your loved tional retail categories such as tion changed in April, many called Funk and Chill, heeded already has outstripped the to-
one’s story with an home and accessories showed retailers weren’t ready, lead- that call. A Seattle native liv- tal number of sellers added last
announcement in the Etsy’s reach beyond crafts. ing Americans to piece to- ing in Thailand, Mr. DeMent year, according to data from
pages of The Wall Street “Masks might be bringing gether face coverings out of said his shop usually has three Marketplace Pulse, a research
Journal, either in our people to Etsy’s door, but it’s old bedsheets and T-shirts. times its current selection of firm. Half of those new sellers
doing a good job of retaining Amid the effort to source apparel and accessories. He are based in the U.S., a signifi-
national or regional
them to buy other products,” reusable face masks, Etsy ap- reduced listings and quadru- cant jump over the past two
editions. Our In Memoriam Mr. Patel said. pealed directly to its then-2.8 pled his formerly five-person years, said Marketplace Pulse
notices provide a dignified Etsy’s shares have more million sellers through blog staff to keep up with demand founder Juozas Kaziukenas.
    way for friends, family and
  than tripled in value since the posts, emails and even televi- for masks. Etsy said it is continuing to

   colleagues to pay tribute. start of the year. sion appearances from CEO Funk and Chill has sold make other improvements to

  !    To help make its case to Josh Silverman. about 100,000 masks, he said, the buying experience, includ-
  !      new customers, the company “We’ve got a lot of materi- pushing revenue up roughly ing giving sellers the ability to
 !  ! 
To learn more, visit has been increasing spending als available on Etsy that’ll 700%. “It’s basically been a display estimated delivery
#    $$
%   " # on marketing and customer show you the pattern that you six-month marathon,” he said. dates and rolling out Klarna,
   &# #$  support, including issuing re- need to use and give you tips While many Etsy shops are which allows customers to pay
 '  #  $ # funds more quickly. It also has and guidelines on how to get run by individual sellers who for purchases in installments,
  #&&   !
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Continued from page B1

Hood said.
Chief Executive Satya Na-
della is doubling down on the
company’s gaming effort. Mi-
crosoft last month said it would
 spend $7.5 billion to acquire Ze-
  "  , "#        niMax Media Inc., the owner of
,       "./  game developer Bethesda Soft- With many people at home, laptops and tablets are selling strongly.
,  ., 0)1  '&        works as well as the Doom vid-
2  "  , 3(  
 "#       "./  eogame franchise. The deal tions Inc. International Data Corp. Tues-
4  "  "#      $% &-5     "./ 2 came shortly after Mr. Nadella’s “The next decade of eco- day said that by the end of next

  6    4  "./ 4
failed bid to buy parts of the nomic performance for every year it expects 80% of enter-

7 popular short-form video app business will be defined by the prises will put a mechanism in
 .   4 ,# &  ) &       TikTok from Beijing-based speed of their digital transfor- place to shift to cloud-centric
 " 6 9&       ByteDance Ltd. mation,” Mr. Nadella said. infrastructure and applica-
2 " 6 . &  3( &       "./ 4 Microsoft forecast record- Teams, Mr. Nadella said, has tions—a rate twice as fast as
2 .   4, 35 : ;  !"# $ %  6    "./  breaking sales for the current more than 115 million daily ac- before the pandemic.
quarter. But its projection for tive users, up from 75 million Strong demand for long-
 2 " 6  4         2   $13.2 billion to $13.6 billion in daily active users disclosed in term Azure contracts swelled
   ! "#   2 ,#6(  &       revenue for the segment that April, and signaled that many commercial bookings in the
" $% &      2 " 6  , 
   2  "./ 2 included its gaming business of the changes made during the quarter, Microsoft said. They
 fell short of Wall Street’s lofty pandemic to how people work rose 23% year over year, far
 ' ()*+ ,  4'7="      "./ 2 expectations, sending the stock are expected to be lasting. “It’s ahead of the 7% and 12% in-
 '$ 44 &' (  , 1     4 down more than 1.5% in after- clear that people will need creases the Redmond, Wash.,
 ' ()*+ 7' -3  , ;       2  "./ 24 market trading. more flexibility in when, where company saw in the previous
 '$  5> 1 "1 & ! ,#   6     "./ 2 Throughout the pandemic, and how they work,” he said. two quarters during the start of
 '$ ' 5> 1  !)* $ % " ! =1 6   "./  Microsoft has enjoyed a boost “The next decade of economic the coronavirus pandemic.
2 "%1 & " 1&& ? -?
      to its cloud services, including performance for every business Azure is now a bigger source
 ' ()*+ ,-  2 ' ()*+ ,- 4       "./ 2
$% &.       "./  @ 4 =& 
)) " ) A
(B    4 its workplace-collaboration will be defined by the speed of of Microsoft revenue than its

!  " #"$ #%$ &% %  $ '( )  * + '  %  , -    
software package Teams that their digital transformation,” Windows software package,
offers features that compete he said. said Brent Bracelin, an analyst

         with Slack Technologies Inc. The shift to the cloud is ex- at Piper Sandler. The company
       and video-teleconferencing ser- pected to be a continuing focus doesn’t break out Azure sales
vice Zoom Video Communica- for companies. Research firm figures.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | B5


Pfizer Late-Stage Vaccine Trial Nearly Set

Covid study enrollment pandemic. view of whether the vaccine U.S. by March, and to deliver
“We have reached the last works safely, known as an in- about 40 million by the end of
close to done; CEO is mile,” Pfizer Chief Executive Al- terim analysis, which was this year.
cautious but says use bert Bourla said on a confer- planned once 32 study partici- He also said the company
ence with analysts discussing pants become infected with plans to provide the Covid-19
possible by year-end earnings. “Let’s all have the pa- symptomatic Covid-19, Pfizer vaccine to developing and low-
tience required for something said. The review is performed income countries, such as some
BY JARED S. HOPKINS so important for public health by an outside group of experts in Africa, on a not-for-profit
AND MATT GROSSMAN and the global economy.” known as the data safety moni- basis. The company’s price in
Mr. Bourla reiterated the toring committee. “We don’t the U.S. has tracked to about
Pfizer Inc. said a global late- time line he laid out earlier this have the 32 events right now,” $20 a dose, although the gov-
stage trial evaluating its month for the vaccine’s poten- Mr. Bourla said. ernment purchased the initial
Covid-19 vaccine is almost fully tial rollout. He said Pfizer could In an interview, Mr. Bourla doses and plans to provide
enrolled with participants, as file for an emergency authori- said it is “extremely unlikely” them to people free of charge.
its chief executive called for pa- zation to put the vaccine into any efficacy data about the vac- Sales for the vaccine are es-
tience as researchers advance initial public use in late Novem- cine would be made public be- timated at $3.5 billion next
in collecting trial results. ber, assuming positive trial re- fore Nov. 3, partly because once year before steadying at $1.4
The drugmaker hasn’t yet sults—suggesting shots could the company gets the data it billion annually, according to
conducted the first review of be made available in the U.S. would take about a week to analysts at SVB Leerink LLC.
whether its experimental vac- before the end of the year. thoroughly analyze it. Pfizer recorded third-quarter
cine works safely. He also sought to provide In Pfizer’s study, half the sales of $12.13 billion, com-
Pfizer’s Phase 3 trial seeking assurances that vaccine devel- participants get a two-dose pared with $12.68 billion in the
44,000 volunteers needs fewer opment won’t be politicized. regimen of the vaccine three same three-month period last
than 2,000 people to be fully Mr. Bourla called the upcoming weeks apart, with the rest get- year. Analysts surveyed by
enrolled, the company said presidential election “an artifi- ting placebo shots. A week af- FactSet had forecast $12.31 bil-

Tuesday while announcing cial milestone” and asked for ter subjects receive their sec- lion of sales.
third-quarter earnings. The patience as trial data is col- ond shot, researchers begin The company’s biopharma
New York-based company also lected, analyzed and potentially checking whether the vacci- revenue grew by 3% to $10.22
said that nearly 36,000 people filed to regulators. “This is go- nated group develops symp- billion as sales expanded for
in the trial received their sec- ing to be not a Republican vac- toms more or less frequently The vaccine is being developed in partnership with BioNTech. drugs such as blood thinner El-
ond injection of either the two- cine or a Democratic vaccine. It than those who weren’t vacci- iquis and arthritis treatment
dose vaccine or a placebo. would be a vaccine for the citi- nated. The Food and Drug Ad- Pfizer’s development time line, PLC, Moderna Inc. and Johnson Xeljanz. Revenue from the com-
Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, zens of the world,” he said. ministration is requiring two as well as those of the other & Johnson also have vaccines pany’s Upjohn segment, which
which it is developing in part- He added, “I know how months of observational safety top Covid-19 vaccine develop- in advanced development. focuses on generic drugs, de-
nership with Germany’s BioN- much stress levels are growing. data of vaccinated study partic- ers, make a pre-election green- Mr. Bourla said that Pfizer, clined by 18% to $1.92 billion.
Tech SE, is among the most ad- I know how much a vaccine is ipants. light unlikely. which is ramping up manufac- Pfizer plans to spin off Up-
vanced shots from needed for the world.” President Trump has said a Pfizer has already spent turing capabilities, will be able john in a combination with
pharmaceutical companies An outside panel of experts Covid-19 vaccine could be avail- nearly $2 billion on its Covid to meet its commitment to pro- U.K.-based Mylan NV that will
working to help stem the global hasn’t performed the first re- able before Election Day. vaccine program. AstraZeneca vide 100 million doses in the be called Viatris.

Eli Lilly Posts Lower Earnings, Has Setback on Drug

BY PETER LOFTUS by FactSet had forecast an ad- pany said it would continue nificant concerns for LY- tion, including staff and resi- slump earlier in the pandemic
justed profit of $1.71 a share. pursuing U.S. authorization for CoV555’s safety. “We’ve dents at nursing homes. as providers shift to telehealth.
Eli Lilly & Co. reported Revenue rose 5% to $5.74 an antibody drug to treat learned antibodies are more Lilly shares dropped 6.9% to Jared Holtz, a health-care
lower-than-expected quarterly billion from $5.48 billion, but Covid-19 patients in the early likely to work early in the dis- $131.90 Tuesday, which ana- equity strategist at financial-
earnings due to pricing pres- was short of the analysts’ course of illness and with a ease and are less likely to be lysts attributed to investor services firm Jefferies, called
sure on top products, while forecast of $5.88 billion. mild to moderate version of effective in later stages of the disappointment in the anti- the quarterly results slightly
the drugmaker said it would The revenue shortfall came the disease. That comes after disease,” he said in an inter- body study halt as well as disappointing and said the set-
proceed with plans to intro- primarily from lower-than-ex- the National Institute of Al- view after the company re- third-quarter results that back for the Covid-19 antibody
duce a new Covid-19 antibody pected sales of Lilly’s top lergy and Infectious Diseases ported its third-quarter results. missed expectations. The com- drug makes Lilly a less formi-
treatment despite a setback in drug, the diabetes treatment said late Monday that it would A separate study had shown pany lowered its profit guid- dable player in the hunt for
one of several clinical studies Trulicity. Lilly said that al- close a study of a different use that the antibody drug reduced ance for 2020, though it pro- treatments.
of its uses. though it made modest list- of that drug, later in the course hospitalization rates in people jected continued recovery in Drugmakers and health offi-
The company Tuesday re- price increases in the U.S., it of the disease in hospitalized with mild to moderate Covid-19, the health-care sector despite cials say antibody-based drugs
ported third-quarter profit de- had lower realized prices due patients. The institute con- and this is the basis for Lilly’s the continuing pandemic. may fill a treatment gap for
clined to $1.21 billion, or $1.33 to changes in its estimates of cluded the antibody drug request for U.S. regulators to The company expects new Covid-19 and provide tempo-
a share, from $1.25 billion, or rebates and discounts for the didn’t provide a clinical benefit authorize its use. Eli Lilly plans prescriptions for patients to rary protection, even before
$1.37 a share, a year earlier. On drug. As a result, sales growth to hospitalized patients. to continue testing the drug in continue to recover in the U.S. any Covid-19 vaccine becomes
an adjusted basis excluding cer- was lower than prescription Eli Lilly Chief Executive Da- other studies, in patients early Company executives also ex- available.
tain items, Eli Lilly’s profit was volume growth. vid Ricks said Tuesday that the in the course of their disease, pect general health-care activ- —Matt Grossman
$1.54 a share. Analysts polled The Indianapolis-based com- halted study doesn’t signal sig- and in people at risk of infec- ity to accelerate following a contributed to this article.

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© 2020 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ10087
B6 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Delinquent Mall Owners Face Foreclosure
Lenders take action as In one recent example, lend- who represents the various Delinquency rates for rower has been in default of its pressuring landlords to sell
ers to the Saks Fifth Avenue bondholders in the commercial commercial mortgage-backed debt payments since May, ac- properties, opposing fundrais-
landlords continue to store at Miami’s Dadeland Mall mortgage-backed securities securities cording to a court filing last ing plans that they believe will
miss payments amid are foreclosing on the property market that have the loan,
month. Harbor Group didn’t re- only prolong the suffering.
owner after it defaulted on its didn’t respond to requests to spond to a request to comment. A group of investors of Uni-
Covid-19 struggles mortgage payment in April, comment. Some mall landlords have bail-Rodamco-Westfield SE,
and hasn’t paid since, accord- Some lenders are now wor- Retail
given up. The owners of Park which owns properties in Eu-
BY ESTHER FUNG ing to court documents filed at ried about fast-falling retail Plaza Mall in Little Rock, Ark., rope and big malls in San Di-
a court in Miami-Dade County. property valuations, which ended loan modification talks ego and suburban New Jersey,
More lenders are starting to The $846 million mortgage around the country are plung- in the spring and turned the said the company’s recently
deliver a stern new message to is securitized with collateral ing by as much as 75%. Lend- keys over to their lender. The proposed €3.5 billion rights is-
delinquent mall owners: time from 10 Saks stores and 24 Lord ers say they are compelled to 10
mall was valued at $33.1 mil- sue, equivalent to $4.1 billion,
to pay up. & Taylor stores around the conduct foreclosure sales to lion when the negotiations col- would be severely dilutive to
During the early months of country, meaning the lender recoup what is owed them. lapsed, down from $142 mil- its share price.
the pandemic, lenders were could seize these properties Meanwhile, a number of property
lion in 2011, according to real- The investors said that the
willing to allow rent deferrals through the foreclosure process. mall owners are filing lawsuits 5 types estate data firm Trepp LLC. Paris-based company should
and offer other concessions to An entity affiliated with against retailers that they say A number of owners are sell its U.S. mall portfolio in-
retail property owners. Retail Hudson’s Bay Co., owner of have the financial ability to looking at converting malls to stead. URW’s acquisition of
cash flow would return once the the stores, said it has been in meet their obligations but ha- residential buildings or ware- Westfield Corp. in 2018 had
initial lockdown period passed, talks with the lender that be- ven’t paid rent. Some tenants, 0 houses, which are more in de- “disastrous consequences,” ac-
lenders figured. But the pan- gan before the foreclosure pro- in turn, have asked the courts 2019 ’20
mand. But that could result in cording to a presentation by
demic has accelerated store clo- ceedings. The owner “is disap- to allow them to break their valuations on the redeveloped the activist investors who
sures. In a big blow to dozens pointed that in the context of a leases. “Every step of the way, Source: Trepp properties falling by 60% to jointly own 5% of URW.
of malls, Lord & Taylor filed global health crisis the lenders everyone is fighting each 90% compared with pre- The Westfield acquisition
for bankruptcy in August and would choose litigation over other to see who will take the property in Midtown Manhat- Covid-19 levels, according to “burdened the company with
will close all 38 of its stores. cooperation but understand loss,” said Jim Costello, senior tan owned by Harbor Group research analysts at Barclays debt, distracted management
Now, as many landlords the background and continue vice president of research firm International. The property, PLC. Only 15% of mall conver- and was a gross misallocation
continue to struggle and miss to diligently pursue an amica- Real Capital Analytics. whose former tenants include sions to other mixed-use de- of resources,” said Léon
payments, some banks and ble solution,” a Hudson’s Bay In New York City, a Canadian fashion and accessories retailer velopers offered better recov- Bressler, a former chief execu-
other lenders think it is time spokeswoman said. bank has launched foreclosure Charming Charlie, had a $40 ery rates, the analysts said. tive officer of Unibail, the pre-
to start cracking down. An attorney for the lender, proceedings against a retail million mortgage. The bor- Some mall investors are also decessor to URW.

Pandemic Boosts
Startups Behind
Virtual Solutions
BY PETER GRANT which was launched in 2011 and
raised a total of $37 million in
The business of investing in its first two funds. “Then in
tech-oriented, startup prop- March, there was a moment in
erty firms took years to gain time when the perception of
traction in the stodgy real-es- technology went from a nice-
tate industry. But it is gaining to-have to a need-to-have.”
fresh momentum during the Camber Creek has invested
coronavirus pandemic. in more than two dozen start-
As fear of exposure to the ups. They include Notarize Inc.,
new virus is limiting the ability a firm that enables home buy-

to visit properties and close on ers and sellers to use the inter-
them, demand is booming for net to remotely notarize docu-
startup firms that provide vir- ments. In July, when Notarize
tual ways to do this. Revenue announced a new $35 million Residents of the One Blue Slip apartment rental in Brooklyn use a system developed by Latchable to unlock doors using a cellphone.
and investment is rising for funding round, it said its busi-
many, especially for those in the ness had increased 400% since lion in 2018, according to hard, such as retail and lodg- Beckerman said. Group Inc.’s former chief execu-
hot residential-sales business. March. Camber Creek’s other CREtech, a research firm. ing. With millions of office em- Those with rising sales are tive, recently co-founded a firm
In the latest sign of that de- portfolio companies include More than $10.4 billion has ployees working from home, a finding much friendlier capital named Pacaso. It uses a varia-
mand, Camber Creek, a ven- Latchable Inc., a startup that been invested in proptech year number of firms in the co- markets. Opendoor, a startup tion of the timeshare ownership
ture-capital firm that focuses allows apartment-building ten- to date, which analysts say is working business, such as In- that enables homeowners to model to sell weekend homes
on what is known as proptech, ants to use their phones to un- an impressive showing given dustrious and Convene, were lock in a sales price and close within a few hours’ drive of
this month closed its third fund lock building doors and unit the lockdowns that impeded forced to lay off staffers during quickly, combined with a spe- customers’ main residences, a
with $155 million. That easily doors, limiting contact with business early in the pandemic. the pandemic’s early months. cial-purpose acquisition com- market segment in hot demand.
exceeded the $120 million tar- possibly contaminated surfaces. “It’s still a healthy number,” Startups typically aren’t pany in a deal last month that Most of the hottest startups
get when the fund was opened Proptech already looked said Michael Beckerman, chief profitable for years, relying in- gave the online real-estate plat- these days are in the home-
last year. “Over the past 10 poised to break out when the executive of CREtech. stead on investor capital. If form a value of $4.8 billion. sales business, where activity is
years, there’s been this consis- pandemic struck. A record $31 The pandemic and recession their business models are now Other ventures are geared to booming. Deals have become
tent but slow transition to billion was invested in real-es- have hurt some of the startups, challenged by Covid-19, they emerging real-estate trends heavily reliant on remote meet-
technology,” said Casey Ber- tate-technology companies in particularly those specializing are likely to face a bumpy road born in response to the pan- ings, tours and document sign-
man, founder of Camber Creek, 2019, up from about $10 bil- in property types that were hit until the pandemic is over, Mr. demic. Spencer Rascoff, Zillow ings that use recent software.


Rent the Runway Considers Sales T-Mobile Makes Bid

For Pay-TV Viewers
BY DREW FITZGERALD from their bills, opting instead
Rent the Runway is raising to buy broadband internet ser-
a new round of financing and T-Mobile US Inc. is launch- vice as a stand-alone item and
is focusing on selling clothes, ing a new home television ser- sign up for a panoply of video
not just renting them, after the vice aimed at the millions of services such as Netflix and
startup suffered a near-fatal U.S. households that have cut Disney+.
blow from a coronavirus pan- the cable cord in recent years, So-called virtual pay-TV
demic that has kept women jumping into the already services delivered entirely on-
home for most of the year. crowded streaming-video mar- line haven’t fared much better.

The New York company ket. AT&T Inc.’s DirecTV Now ser-
raised roughly $100 million in The country’s No. 2 cell- vice, which delivers channels
new debt and equity financing phone carrier said Tuesday over the internet without a
this week, as it continues to that its long-planned TV ser- satellite, has shrunk since
work toward a public offering. vice will start next week with peaking at nearly two million
This funding represented a three tiers: TVision Vibe, a subscribers in 2018. PlaySta-
continuation of a $25 million bundle with nonsports chan- tion Vue, a TV service from
funding round this summer nels like BET and Comedy Sony Corp., shut down last
that valued Rent the Runway Central for a $10 monthly fee; year.
around $750 million, accord- TVision Live, a midrange pack- Wireless internet services
ing to people familiar with the age with local broadcast chan- are still a small sliver of the
terms, lower than a prior val- nels, sports channels like ESPN more than 100 million U.S.
uation. and news brands such as CNN; households that subscribe to
Rent the Runway launched and TVision Channels, which broadband. T-Mobile offered
in 2009 as an online clothing- The clothing rental startup said customers have shifted to buying more items than before the pandemic. adds on premium cable op- few details Tuesday about its
rental service for special-occa- tions like Showtime and Starz. planned fifth-generation home
sion apparel and accessories. It quickly had it not been for more items than they did be- speed up some moves, such as The company plans to de- broadband service. The com-
shifted to monthly subscrip- Covid,” said co-founder and fore the pandemic. A substan- giving customers the ability to ploy its TV service in stages. pany plans to roll out 5G
tion plans and expanded its of- CEO Jenn Hyman. She said the tial portion of the new fund- review items before shipment T-Mobile customers can access broadband to some areas over
ferings to include workwear, goal is to boost revenue at a ing, provided by Ares to reduce returns. the service starting Sunday, the coming months, though
children’s clothing, and more time when subscriptions are Management Corp., will be Like other retailers, Rent followed by its legacy Sprint the home-internet version
recently home goods. But coro- still below pre-pandemic levels. spent on new marketing initia- the Runway will use dynamic customers later in November. won’t be as widely available as
navirus has changed America’s Covid-19 hit the closely held tives. Ms. Hyman also plans to pricing. If, for instance, a cus- The wireless operator plans its mobile service.
wardrobe habits. Fewer people Rent the Runway hard, at one add more head count, includ- tomer looks to buy something to eventually provide the ser- Executives have promised
need as many work outfits or point cutting its subscriber ac- ing engineers and data scien- that has been listed very re- vice to customers of other to use the trove of airwave li-
dress up for events. tivity by as much as two-thirds tists. cently, it may be brand new, so cellphone carriers. T-Mobile censes acquired earlier this
The company has long of- compared with pre-pandemic Other companies that there will be no discount. As unveiled a $50 Hub device year through T-Mobile’s take-
fered customers the option to levels, Ms. Hyman said. sought to upend traditional re- the items begin circulating to with remote controls to carry over of rival Sprint Corp. to
buy items they rent, and it is To respond, she furloughed tail have also had to rethink members, buyers looking at the service through a plug-in offer 5G internet service over
expanding that service. Start- or laid off half the company’s their business models during used clothing will see prices dongle. The app is also avail- the air, but the company’s net-
ing next week, Rent the Run- workforce, scrapped its unlim- the pandemic. Stitch Fix Inc., fluctuate based on popularity able on Amazon Fire TV, Apple work overhaul is still a work
way will allow its members to ited subscription plan, shut all a service that sends customers and how much it has been TV and Google TV devices. T- in progress.
purchase any item on its site, retail stores permanently and curated boxes of clothes, saw rented. Mobile offered a year of free TVision is T-Mobile’s sec-
whether or not they have reworked pricing. Its rental higher demand this summer Several other e-commerce Apple TV+, the iPhone maker’s ond attempt at navigating a
rented it. More significantly, subscription now costs be- for direct purchases from its sites that sell used clothing are own on-demand video service, struggling pay-TV industry af-
the option will become avail- tween $89 and $199 a month, website versus its “fixes,” preparing to raise additional to customers who sign up this ter its 2018 purchase of Layer3
able to shoppers without a depending on how many items which are items the company funds from investors. year. TV for $325 million. The com-
Rent the Runway subscription customers want to have at a preselected and shipped to In recent weeks, both Posh- The wireless company’s TV pany has spent the past two
in the first half of 2021. time. customers. mark Inc. and thredUp Inc. service is taking on a market years piecing together the
“The company was always Rent the Runway said rental Stitch Fix CEO Katrina Lake have said they filed paperwork plagued by customer losses rights to carry enough tradi-
moving in this direction, but activity has improved from the said changes in consumer be- with the Securities and Ex- and dwindling profitability. tional live TV channels to
there is no way we would have summer lows, but existing cus- havior during the pandemic change Commission for initial Many cable customers have compete with its bigger cable-
headed in this direction as tomers have shifted to buying prompted the company to public offerings. dropped TV subscriptions TV rivals.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | B7


Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, s-New 52-week high.
0.68 Expedia EXPE 95.07 -3.94 Humana CognizantTech CTSH 73.39
HUM 432.14 -2.99 Loews L 34.15 -0.98 OccidentalPetrol OXY 9.27 -0.19 SBA Comm SBAC 301.83 -1.50 Tradeweb TW 59.75 0.78
NYSE Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock t-New 52-week low. 0.16 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 94.28 0.01 JBHunt JBHT 126.33 -0.94 LogitechIntl LOGI 87.04 1.21 Okta
ColgatePalm CL 78.85 OKTA 221.33 2.13 SEI Investments SEIC 49.83 -0.31 TraneTech TT 123.68 -2.47
Market listed securities. Prices are composite dd-Indicates loss in the most recent
0.21 s ExtraSpaceSt EXR 117.09 -1.52 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 9.94 -0.34 Lowe's
ColumbiaSportswr COLM 96.02 LOW 165.14 -2.99 OldDomFreight ODFL 189.59 -8.82 SK Telecom SKM 22.70 0.05 TransDigm TDG 464.02-19.18
quotations that include primary market trades four quarters. -0.33 ExxonMobil XOM 32.82 -0.53 HuntingIngalls HII 146.51 -3.20 lululemon
Comcast A CMCSA 43.44 LULU 333.81 2.21 OmegaHealthcare OHI 29.87 -0.74 SS&C Tech SSNC 62.98 -1.08 TransUnion TRU 80.60 -3.77
as well as trades reported by Nasdaq BX FD-First day of trading. -1.97 F5Networks FFIV 136.26 10.69 IAA IAA 56.69 0.72 LumenTech LUMN 8.96 -0.29 Omnicom
Comerica CMA 43.37 OMC 48.82 -2.42 StoreCapital STOR 26.29 -0.72 Travelers TRV 119.09 -2.45
(formerly Boston), Chicago Stock Exchange, h-Does not meet continued listing-1.69 FMC FMC 104.44 -0.92 ICICI Bank IBN 11.16 0.08 Lumentum LITE 83.84 1.24 ON Semi
CommerceBcshrs CBSH 61.33 ON 25.17 -0.38 SVB Fin SIVB 289.56 -0.38 Trex TREX 73.10 -1.54
Cboe, NYSE National and Nasdaq ISE. standards -0.59 Facebook FB 283.29 6.18 s IdexxLab IDXX 443.16 14.20 Lyft
ConagraBrands CAG 36.96 LYFT 22.94 -1.90 OneConnectFinTech OCFT 21.65 0.25 CRM 250.30 8.32 Trimble TRMB 50.66 1.43
The list comprises the 1,000 largest lf-Late filing -0.08 FactSet FDS 318.90 -3.37 IHS Markit INFO 81.29 -0.37 LyondellBasell LYB 73.37 -2.06 OpenText
ConchoRscs CXO 43.71 OTEX 39.62 ... Sanofi SNY 47.40 -1.73 TCOM 29.49 -0.87
companies based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq-0.06 FairIsaac ConocoPhillips COP 30.26
FICO 405.84 -9.75 ING Groep ING 7.19 -0.42 Oracle ORCL 57.08 -0.41 SantanderCons SC 20.93 0.12 TruistFinl TFC 41.73 -1.30
Underlined quotations are those stocks with requirements. 0.31 Farfetch FTCH 28.97 0.18 Invesco IVZ 13.97 0.18
ConEd ED 83.05 Orange ORAN 10.76 -0.28 SareptaTherap SRPT 139.62 1.00 M N Twilio TWLO286.29-14.33
t-NYSE bankruptcy -2.81 Fastenal FAST 43.58 -0.72 s IPG Photonics IPGP 201.79 6.46
ConstBrands A STZ 172.16 Orix IX 61.62 -0.91 Schlumberger SLB 15.09 -0.08 s Twitter TWTR 51.27 2.27
large changes in volume compared with the -1.82 Fastly FSLY 74.46 0.44 IQVIA IQV 159.14 -3.03 M&T Bank MTB 99.30 -3.97 OtisWorldwide OTIS 61.97 -1.24 SchwabC
Cooper COO 346.35 SCHW 38.47 -0.68 TylerTech TYL 397.06 -1.88
issue’s average trading volume. v-Trading halted on primary market. MGMGrowthProp MGP 26.80 -0.46
0.12 FedEx
vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or FDX 274.41 -3.21 IcahnEnterprises IEP 49.95 -0.08
Copart CPRT 112.10 OwensCorning OC 68.86 -0.36 ScottsMiracleGro SMG 155.19 -0.03 TysonFoods TSN 57.67 0.21
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues being reorganized under the -1.40 Ferrari RACE 185.34 -0.08 Icon ICLR 187.63 -4.36 MGM Resorts MGM 21.04 -1.09 PG&E
Corning GLW 32.85 PCG 9.91 -0.12 Sea SE 172.29 9.93 UBS Group UBS 12.09 -0.30
whose price changed by 5% or more if their Bankruptcy Code, or securities -0.37 FiatChrysler FCAU 12.91 -0.35 IDEX IEX 186.00 -4.08 MKS Instrum MKSI 109.80 -0.33 PLDT
Corteva CTVA 32.34 PHI 27.82 0.36 Seagate STX 48.56 -0.41 UDR UDR 31.09 -0.86
-1.87 FidNatlFin FNF 30.75 -1.25 IllinoisToolWks ITW 198.62 -1.29 MPLX
CoStar CSGP 828.88 MPLX 17.06 0.19 PNC Fin PNC 109.19 -2.44 Seagen SGEN 196.92 1.09 UGI UGI 34.45 -0.77
previous closing price was $2 or higher. assumed by such companies. MSCI 356.90 7.34 POSCO
2.01 FidNatlInfo FIS 137.86 -1.56 Illumina ILMN 321.74 2.68 MSCI
Costco COST 372.72 PKX 48.55 0.60 SealedAir SEE 40.60 -0.12 Uber UBER 34.16 -1.33
CoupaSoftware COUP 292.03
-0.71 FifthThirdBncp FITB 22.91 -0.54 ImperialOil IMO 12.97 -0.14 MMP 35.81 -0.40 PPD PPD 34.01 -0.17 SempraEnergy SRE 130.27 -1.05 Ubiquiti UI 189.64 1.34
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and -0.26 FirstRepBank FRC 125.75 -2.92 Incyte INCY 88.35 -2.09 MagnaIntl MGA 52.56 -0.79 PPG Ind
Credicorp BAP 119.96 PPG 127.39 -3.94 SensataTechs ST 44.35 -3.89 UltaBeauty ULTA 213.38 -7.59
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. -0.35 FirstSolar FSLR 82.39 -1.36 Infosys INFY 14.85 -0.07 ManulifeFin MFC 13.84 -0.33 PPL
CreditSuisse CS 10.34 PPL 28.54 -0.38 ServiceCorp SCI 43.60 -0.33 s UltragenyxPharm RARE 97.44 6.19
-3.19 FirstEnergy FE 33.39 0.07 IngersollRand IR 36.10 -0.46 MarathonPetrol MPC 28.19 -0.41 PRA HealthSci PRAH 103.50 -3.26 ServiceNow NOW 499.81 -1.80
Cree CREE 68.00 Unilever UN 60.48 0.59
0.40 Fiserv FISV 96.61 -1.77 Inphi IPHI 113.88 -2.71 Markel
CrowdStrike CRWD 133.48 MKL 969.65-26.34 PTC PTC 84.26 0.59 ShawComm B SJR 17.14 -0.18 Unilever UL 60.99 0.23
Net Net 0.69 FiveBelow FIVE 135.25 2.79 Insulet s MarketAxess
CrownCastle CCI 160.61 MKTX 573.00 25.69 PCAR 88.45 -2.12 SherwinWilliams SHW 673.47 3.09 UnionPacific UNP 179.57 -5.13
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 PODD 246.04 -7.49 Paccar
Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg -0.34 Five9 FIVN 145.20 3.90 Intel INTC 45.64 -1.08 Marriott
CrownHoldings CCK 87.86 MAR 93.46 -2.56 PackagingCpAm PKG 113.97 -1.81 ShinhanFin SHG 26.36 -0.51 UnitedAirlines UAL 34.17 -1.17
Net Stock Marsh&McLen MMC 110.41 -0.68
CubeSmart CUBE 34.04
-0.51 FleetCorTech FLT 231.69 -9.52 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 48.03 -0.24 PagSeguroDig PAGS 38.81 -0.03 Shopify SHOP 1082.89 44.84 UnitedMicro UMC 5.74 0.22
Stock Sym Close Chg ArcelorMittal MT 13.93 -0.62 Brown&Brown BRO 45.22 -1.37
-0.90 Flex FLEX 13.85 -0.25 ICE ICE 97.56 -0.20 MartinMarietta MLM 255.53 1.28 PalantirTech PLTR 10.95 1.00 Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 12.15 -0.13
s Cummins CMI 219.78 UPS B UPS 170.84 2.84
ArchCapital ACGL 29.21 -1.27 Brown-Forman B BF.B 72.29 -0.47 1.23 Floor&Decor FND 78.63 0.47 InterContinentl IHG 51.13 -1.40 MarvellTech MRVL 41.47 0.58 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 231.54 -0.08 SimonProperty SPG 61.98 -2.70
CureVac CVAC 49.89 UnitedRentals URI 174.81 -7.31
A B C ArcherDaniels ADM 50.36 -0.83 Brown-Forman A BF.A 65.76 0.09 -1.01 FomentoEconMex FMX 56.22 -1.23 IBM Masco
CyrusOne CONE 74.33
IBM 110.56 -1.66 MAS 53.57 -0.38
PanAmerSilver PAAS 33.38 0.65 SiriusXM SIRI 5.91 0.12 US Bancorp USB 38.41 -1.55
AresMgmt ARES 42.95 -0.44 Bruker BRKR 42.69 0.63 FordMotor F 7.92 -0.11 IntlFlavors IFF 105.62 -3.33 Masimo MASI 251.18 5.14 ParkerHannifin PH 211.76 -6.97 Skyworks SWKS 145.12 -2.17 UnitedHealth UNH 320.51 -2.55
ABB ABB 25.58 -0.43 arGEN-X Mastercard MA 317.11 -0.95 Paychex
ARGX 258.83 9.41 Bunge
AcadiaPharm ACAD 46.36 1.49 AristaNetworks ANET 210.55 1.68 BurlingtonStrs BURL 200.35 0.09
BG 55.69 ... Fortinet FTNT 124.23 1.05 IntlPaper IP 44.37 -0.92 D E F PAYX 81.93 -0.55 SlackTech WORK 27.93 0.18 s UnitySoftware U 104.00 4.04
AECOM ACM 44.33 -0.50 ArrowElec ARW 79.54 -0.82 CBRE Group CBRE 44.86 -0.72 DISH Network DISH 26.00 -0.25 Fortis FTS 41.35 0.19 Interpublic IPG 18.85 -0.15 MaximIntProducts MXIM 70.72 -0.52 PaycomSoftware PAYC 382.70 4.28 Smartsheet SMAR 56.73 1.95 UnivDisplay OLED 195.66 4.70
FTV 63.65 -0.87 Intuit McCormickVtg MKC.V 193.13 -1.37 AOS 53.03 -0.90 UniversalHealthB UHS 111.39 -3.40
AES AES 20.34 -0.24 ArrowheadPharm ARWR 61.69 2.59 CDW Fortive INTU 330.27 2.18 Paylocity PCTY 190.04 1.40 SmithAO
CDW 123.28 -2.39 DTE Energy DTE 127.17 2.93 FortBrandsHome FBHS 81.81 -0.27 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 720.90 9.13 McCormick MKC 192.21 -1.85 PayPal PYPL 200.43 3.21 Smith&Nephew SNN 37.23 -0.79 VEREIT VER 6.32 -0.17
Aflac AFL 35.36 -1.41 s AscendisPharma ASND 164.23 5.62 CGI GIB 64.02 -0.60 DadaNexus DADA 32.68 -0.05 FoxA McDonalds MCD 222.97 -1.30 VF VFC 72.38 -1.37
AGCO AGCO 78.02 -3.44 AspenTech AZPN 120.25 -3.59 CH Robinson CHRW 100.03 0.44 s Danaher FOXA 26.19 -0.23 Invitae NVTA 48.13 2.05 McKesson MCK 149.21 -3.06 Pegasystems PEGA 123.91 -5.47 Smucker SJM 113.10 -2.00
DHR 239.78 4.87 FoxB FOX 26.00 -0.18 InvitatHomes INVH 28.05 -0.59 Peloton PTON 121.15 3.05 Snap SNAP 41.54 0.27 VICI Prop VICI 22.63 -0.76
AGNC Invt AGNC 14.25 0.16 Assurant AIZ 120.69 -2.47 CME Group CME 159.47 -0.69 Darden DRI 95.84 0.44 Franco-Nevada FNV 138.05 2.26 IonisPharma IONS 46.98 -0.03 MedicalProp MPW 17.90 -0.27 PembinaPipeline PBA 21.08 -0.33 SnapOn VailResorts MTN 241.41 -3.36
Ansys ANSS 322.17 1.17 AstraZeneca AZN 52.48 -0.59 CMS Energy CMS 65.68 -0.47 DarlingIngred DAR 44.27 0.16 Medtronic MDT 105.21 -2.72 SNA 158.42 -5.83
FranklinRscs BEN 19.73 -3.11 iQIYI IQ 23.98 0.88 MelcoResorts MLCO PennNational PENN 57.75 -2.93 Snowflake SNOW 266.77 15.38 Vale VALE 11.04 -0.10
ASETech ASX 4.42 -0.10 Athene ATH 31.97 -1.34 CNA Fin CNA 29.00 -0.78 Datadog DDOG 101.33 1.57 FreeportMcM FCX 17.72 0.36 iRhythmTechs IRTC 225.09 6.65 16.15 0.24 ValeroEnergy VLO 38.26 -1.28
ASML ASML 366.37 -1.12 Atlassian Pentair PNR 49.94 -0.47 s SOQUIMICH SQM 37.32 0.89
TEAM 213.01 5.81 CNH Indl CNHI 8.06 -0.31 DaVita DVA 89.15 -0.56 FreseniusMed FMS 41.00 0.38 IronMountain IRM 27.02 -0.28 MercadoLibre MELI 1282.47 1.03 Penumbra PEN 238.83 2.12 SolarEdgeTech SEDG 261.84-11.16 VarianMed VAR 172.96 0.50
AT&T T 26.92 -0.46 AtmosEnergy ATO 97.07 -0.41 CNOOC CEO 95.17 -0.85 DeckersOutdoor DECK 262.03 0.23 Merck MRK 77.99 -0.85 VeevaSystems VEEV 302.35 5.48
AbbottLabs ABT 108.58 -0.42 Autodesk ADSK 250.60 1.47 CRH ItauUnibanco ITUB 4.37 -0.15 MetLife MET 37.77 -1.61 PepsiCo PEP 139.12 1.06 SolarWinds SWI 21.60 0.16
CRH 35.36 -0.74 Deere DE 228.51 -5.74 G H I Ventas VTR 39.95 -1.01
AbbVie ABBV 82.71 -1.21 Autohome ATHM 96.71 1.71 CRISPR Therap CRSP 98.12 3.99 DellTechC DELL 63.57 -1.17 MettlerToledo MTD 1052.58 7.29 PerkinElmer PKI 127.08 3.01 Sony SNE 77.47 1.27
VRSN 199.06 0.48
Abiomed ABMD 290.51 2.19 Autoliv ALV 80.01 -2.82 CSX CSX 78.09 -0.78 DeltaAir DAL 30.71 -1.22 GCI LibertyA GLIBA 79.20 -0.24 MicrochipTech MCHP 107.95 -1.78 Perrigo PRGO 44.03 -0.75 Southern SO 60.21 -0.40 J K L VeriSign
VeriskAnalytics VRSK 185.15 -0.34
AcceleronPharma XLRN 108.45 0.04 ADP PetroChina PTR 29.20 -0.07 s SoCopper SCCO 51.95 0.82
ADP 146.03 0.26 CVS Health CVS 58.15 -1.41 DentsplySirona XRAY 47.54 -0.07 GFLEnvironmental GFL 20.33 -0.91 JD 83.01 1.60 MicronTech MU 51.96 -0.18 PetroleoBrasil PBR 6.98 -0.21 SouthwestAir LUV 39.93 -1.17 Verizon VZ 57.38 -0.43
Accenture ACN 220.66 1.43 AutoZone AZO 1133.59-18.41 CableOne CABO 1753.49-29.40 DeutscheBank DB 9.25 -0.29 GSXTechedu GSX 68.29 0.32 Joyy YY 90.00 0.92 Microsoft MSFT 213.25 3.17 VertxPharm VRTX 212.19 5.04
ActivisionBliz ATVI 80.96 0.47 Avalara PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 7.01 -0.20 Splunk SPLK 208.77 -1.01
AVLR 151.76 0.51 CabotOil COG 19.09 -0.25 DexCom DXCM 380.63-37.37 Galapagos GLPG 128.02 0.75 JPMorganChase JPM 99.33 -1.91 MidAmApt MAA 114.86 -2.27 Pfizer PFE 37.43 -0.49 Spotify SPOT 287.45 2.49 ViacomCBS A VIACA 29.61 -0.69
AdaptiveBiotech ADPT 51.22 1.27 Avalonbay AVB 139.88 -3.50 CadenceDesign CDNS 109.84 -0.04 Diageo DEO 136.60 0.05 Gallagher AJG 105.57 -0.59 JackHenry JKHY 151.22 -2.90 MiratiTherap MRTX 209.16 12.48 PhilipMorris PM 71.33 -2.32 Square ViacomCBS B VIAC 28.21 -0.54
Adobe ADBE 478.56 3.36 Avangrid MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 3.96 -0.05 SQ 171.02 1.13
AGR 50.43 0.29 CaesarsEnt CZR 48.47 -3.29 DigitalRealty DLR 150.66 -2.01 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 37.31 -0.79 JacobsEngg J 95.64 -0.90 Phillips66 PSX 47.07 -1.07 StanleyBlackDck SWK166.31 -6.55 Vipshop VIPS 20.66 1.40
AdvanceAuto AAP 150.41 -0.80 Avantor AVTR 24.44 -0.29 CamdenProperty CPT 89.30 -1.52 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 65.26 -0.62 Gap GPS 20.35 -0.25 JamesHardie JHX 25.04 -0.07 MizuhoFin MFG 2.45 -0.04 Pinduoduo PDD 90.31 3.39 Starbucks SBUX 90.05 0.39 Visa V 190.06 -3.01
AdvMicroDevices AMD 78.88 -3.35 AveryDennison AVY 138.15 -1.10 CampbellSoup CPB 48.24 -0.05 DiscoveryA DISCA 20.10 -0.42
Garmin GRMN 98.61 -0.81 JazzPharma JAZZ 149.56 0.63 MobileTeleSys MBT 8.12 -0.15 PinnacleWest PNW 85.86 -0.65 StateStreet STT 61.65 -1.86 Vistra VST 18.44 -0.65
Aegon AEG 2.81 -0.12 AxaltaCoating AXTA 25.42 -0.77 CIBC MRNA 70.67 0.43
AgilentTechs A
CM 75.63 -0.95 DiscoveryC DISCK 18.23 -0.33 Gartner
106.04 1.41 AxonEnterprise AAXN 101.05 -0.88 CanNtlRlwy CNI 102.07 -0.02
IT 121.94 -2.09 JFrog FROG 81.56 -3.51 Moderna Pinterest PINS 52.52 2.06 SteelDynamics STLD 31.40 0.05 VMware VMW 139.10 -3.52
AgnicoEagle AEM 80.62 1.29 BCE
Disney DIS 123.31 -0.75 Generac GNRC 207.71 -2.69 J&J JNJ 143.15 -0.82 MohawkInds MHK 97.32 -2.00 PioneerNatRscs PXD 83.78 0.98 Stericycle SRCL 65.33 -0.58 Vodafone VOD 13.98 -0.54
BCE 41.96 0.03 CanNaturalRes CNQ 16.40 0.10 DocuSign DOCU 222.19 2.02 GeneralDynamics GD 134.87 -3.64 JohnsonControls JCI 42.18 -0.78 MolinaHealthcare MOH 203.87 -1.16 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 6.43 -0.08 Steris STE 185.35 -1.07 VornadoRealty VNO 32.22 -0.93
AirProducts APD 283.50 -2.90 BHP Group BHP 49.74 -0.62 CanPacRlwy CP 308.00 0.08
DolbyLab DLB 71.51 0.23 GeneralElec GE 7.10 -0.28 JuniperNetworks JNPR 21.85 -0.04 MolsonCoorsB TAP 33.81 -1.07 Pool POOL 366.99 4.44 STMicroelec STM 31.81 -1.35 VoyaFinancial VOYA 48.99 -1.60
AkamaiTech AKAM 106.71 0.65 BHP Group BBL 40.53 -0.52 Canon
Albemarle ALB 95.18 0.70 t BP
CAJ 18.32 0.70 DollarGeneral DG 213.71 1.67 GeneralMills GIS 61.12 0.14 KB Fin KB 36.56 -0.58 Mondelez MDLZ 55.01 -0.22 PostHoldings POST 90.87 -0.47 StoneCo STNE 55.98 -0.17
VulcanMatls VMC 142.10 1.01
BP 15.38 -0.42 CanopyGrowth CGC 18.66 0.13 DollarTree DLTR 92.82 0.29 GeneralMotors GM 34.89 -0.93 KE Holdings BEKE 70.60 0.76 MongoDB MDB 244.01 3.91 PrincipalFin PFG 39.35 -2.64 Stryker SYK 213.46 -1.28
Albertsons ACI 14.89 0.09 B2Gold
Alcon ALC 60.50 -0.75 Baidu
BTG 6.79 0.25 CapitalOne COF 74.06 -0.89 DominionEner D 82.47 0.75 Genmab GMAB 34.97 ... KKR KKR 35.81 -0.69 MonolithicPower MPWR 319.88 2.93 Procter&Gamble PG 142.36 1.06 SumitomoMits SMFG 5.58 -0.08 W X Y Z
BIDU 134.89 1.94 MonsterBev MNST 80.39 1.54
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 156.16 -0.67 BakerHughes BKR 14.17 0.27 CardinalHealth CAH 47.48 -0.55 Domino's DPZ 397.03 2.42 Genpact G 35.30 -0.25 KLA KLAC 198.59 -0.35
MCO 266.19 -2.81 Progressive PGR 93.80 -0.04 SunComms SUI 140.36 -1.87 WEC Energy WEC 102.47 0.26
AlexionPharm ALXN 120.00 -0.76 Carlisle CSL 123.06 -4.13 Donaldson DCI 49.85 -0.25 Gentex GNTX 28.30 -0.45 KSCitySouthern KSU 176.15 -3.64 Moody's Prologis PLD 99.14 -1.33 SunLifeFinancial SLF 40.55 -0.60 WEX WEX 138.25 -1.79
s Alibaba BABA 317.14 10.27
Ball BLL 91.10 -0.46 Carlyle CG 25.77 -0.48 Dover DOV 111.55 -2.27 GenuineParts GPC 93.87 -1.56 Kellogg K 64.93 -0.77 MorganStanley MS 48.59 -1.73 Proofpoint PFPT 105.69 -0.88 SuncorEnergy SU 12.00 -0.28
BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 2.82 -0.06 CarMax KMX 87.44 -1.35 Dow DOW 46.57 -0.58 Gerdau GGB 4.20 0.10 KeurigDrPepper KDP 28.60 0.16 Morningstar MORN 183.19 0.50 PrudentialFin PRU 63.46 -2.96 SunRun W.P.Carey WPC 62.26 -2.60
AlignTech ALGN 455.09 0.58 Mosaic MOS 18.35 0.20 RUN 54.66 -1.64 WPP WPP 40.72 -2.06
BancoBradesco BBDO 3.49 -0.13 Carnival CCL 13.76 -0.27 DrReddy'sLab RDY 68.02 1.12 GileadSciences GILD 60.01 0.05 KeyCorp KEY 12.63 -0.37 Prudential PUK 25.94 -1.53 Suzano SUZ 8.74 -0.28
Alleghany Y 561.51-21.55 Wabtec WAB 58.61 -1.66
ALLE 99.26 -1.58 BancodeChile BCH 16.41 ... Carnival CUK 11.81 -0.39 DraftKings DKNG 38.70 -0.99 GSK GSK 35.35 0.13 KeysightTechs KEYS 106.90 1.05 MotorolaSol MSI 172.36 0.06 PublicServiceEnt PEG 61.00 0.02 SynchronyFin SYF 26.23 -0.66
Allegion Mylan MYL 14.46 -0.59 WalgreensBoots WBA 36.00 -1.21
AlliantEnergy LNT 57.16 0.33 BancSanBrasil BSBR 5.79 -0.31 CarrierGlobal CARR 33.60 -0.11 Dropbox DBX 19.03 -0.09 GlobalPayments GPN 164.76 -4.04 KimberlyClark KMB 134.76 -0.93 s PublicStorage PSA 234.61 -1.62 SyneosHealth SYNH 55.92 -2.03
MyoKardia MYOK 222.91 -0.09 Walmart WMT 142.87 0.71
ALL 89.04 -1.78 BcoSantChile BSAC 15.33 -0.06 Carvana CVNA 208.32 6.94 DukeEnergy DUK 93.06 -0.12 Globant GLOB 186.28 -0.76 KinderMorgan KMI 12.17 -0.21 SNX 137.40 -3.91
GL 81.35 -2.48 KingsoftCloud KC 31.15 0.26 NICE NICE 230.08 2.99 PulteGroup PHM 41.33 -1.08 Synnex WarnerMusic WMG 27.88 -0.48
AllyFinancial ALLY 27.29 -1.18 BancoSantander SAN 2.00 -0.06 CaseysGenStores CASY 180.48 -0.95 DukeRealty DRE 37.74 -0.48 GlobeLife NIO 28.44 2.43 Qiagen QGEN 50.00 0.74 Synopsys SNPS 222.91 2.28 WasteConnections WCN 101.51 -0.89
AlnylamPharm ALNY 126.82 -1.85 BanColombia CIB 26.34 -0.60 Catalent CTLT 91.49 0.18 Dun&Bradstreet DNB 26.35 -0.41 GoDaddy GDDY 72.24 -0.67 KinrossGold KGC 8.75 0.24 NIO Qorvo QRVO 131.28 -3.17 Sysco SYY 58.34 -2.46 WasteMgt WM 110.63 -2.77
DNKN103.40 0.30 GoldFields GFI 11.65 0.13 KirklandLakeGold KL 46.54 0.68 NRG Energy NRG 33.04 -0.74
Alphabet A GOOGL 1598.88 14.59 BankofAmerica BAC 23.85 -0.69 Caterpillar CAT 157.91 -5.29 Dunkin' NVR 4000.66-36.86 Qualcomm QCOM 125.91 -0.29 Waters WAT223.96 3.65
Alphabet C GOOG 1604.26 13.81 BankofMontreal BMO 62.30 -1.06 Celanese CE 112.11 -3.39 DuPont DD 57.35 -1.15 GoldmanSachs GS 195.68 -5.46 Knight-Swift KNX 39.11 -0.30 NVR QuantaServices PWR 60.77 -0.37 T U V Watsco WSO 227.02 -0.80
3.98 -0.11 Dynatrace DT 40.79 0.48 GoodRx GDRX 49.16 -0.44 KoninklijkePhil PHG 49.25 0.41 NXP Semi NXPI 133.23 -1.66
Alteryx AYX 142.84 5.25 BankNY Mellon BK 35.56 -0.86 Cemex CX
NDAQ 125.10 -2.28 QuestDiag DGX 127.15 2.83 TAL Education TAL 66.56 -2.84 Wayfair W 274.34 2.98
AlticeUSA ATUS 26.89 -0.21 BkNovaScotia BNS 42.31 -0.62 Centene CNC 64.14 -2.25 ENI E 14.34 -0.37 Graco GGG 62.84 -1.11 KoreaElcPwr KEP 8.96 -0.19 Nasdaq Quidel QDEL 273.60 10.18 Weibo WB 41.67 1.87
Altria MO 37.17 -1.40 Barclays BCS 5.49 -0.25 CenterPointEner CNP 22.33 0.20 EOG Rscs EOG 34.58 -0.35 Grainger GWW 357.64 -3.64 KraftHeinz KHC 30.68 0.10 NationalGrid NGG 61.35 -0.26 TC Energy TRP 41.66 0.19 t WellsFargo WFC 21.82 -0.88
Natura&Co NTCO 17.22 -0.31
AlumofChina ACH 5.64 -0.05 BarrickGold GOLD 27.09 0.46 CentraisElBras EBR 5.80 -0.25 EPAM Systems EPAM 326.78 -1.66 Grifols
BauschHealth BHC 17.74 -0.09 CeridianHCM CDAY 88.84 0.04 EastmanChem EMN 82.45 -2.37 Grubhub
GRFS 17.90 -0.14 Kroger
GRUB 77.38 0.21 L Brands
KR 32.34 -0.82
LB 33.60 -0.56 NatWest NWG 3.06 -0.12
TE Connectivity TEL 101.67 -2.30
Telus TU 17.79 -0.16
R S Welltower WELL 54.03 -1.67 AMZN 3286.33 79.29 nCino NCNO 73.46 1.57 WestPharmSvcs WST 286.07 5.96
Ambev ABEV 2.44 -0.12 BaxterIntl BAX 80.62 0.61 Cerner CERN 72.74 -0.13 Eaton ETN 105.42 -2.00 s GuardantHealth GH 111.69 8.79 LHC Group LHCG 222.84 2.24 RELX RELX 20.90 -0.03 TJX TJX 54.13 -0.87 WesternDigital WDC 40.32 -0.17
BectonDicknsn BDX 244.24 2.24 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 229.26 -0.92 EatonVance EV 60.09 -1.02 Guidewire GWRE 98.69 -0.87 Line LN 51.33 0.31 NetApp NTAP 44.05 -0.88 RH RH 363.97 -1.23 T-MobileUS TMUS 112.82 1.04
Amcor AMCR 10.57 -0.06 NTES 88.42 1.71 RPM WesternUnion WU 20.85 -0.54
Amdocs DOX 56.32 -0.87 BeiGene BGNE 301.53 0.25 CharterComms CHTR 583.65 1.52 eBay EBAY 53.55 0.21 HCA Healthcare HCA 130.56 -4.87 LKQ LKQ 30.90 -0.82 NetEase RPM 86.07 -1.72 TRowePrice TROW 142.30 -2.73 WestlakeChem WLK 67.94 -2.10
Netflix NFLX 488.93 0.69 RaymondJames RJF 78.24 -1.57 TaiwanSemi TSM 86.71 -0.02
s Amedisys AMED 255.61 2.89 BentleySystems BSY 35.55 -0.87 CheckPoint CHKP 119.46 -0.54 Ecolab ECL 189.77 -8.40 HDFC Bank HDB 59.90 0.45 LPL Financial LPLA 79.63 -1.34 WestpacBanking WBK 13.15 -0.11
Amerco UHAL 357.22 -4.57 Berkley WRB 61.44 -2.36 Chegg CHGG 77.11 -9.58 Ecopetrol EC 9.53 -0.04 HD Supply HDS 40.38 -0.82 L3HarrisTech LHX 166.26 -3.57 Neurocrine NBIX 100.14 -0.80 RaytheonTech RTX 56.53 -4.28 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 167.36 2.31 WestRock WRK 38.30 -0.41
Ameren AEE 84.19 0.13 BerkHathwy B BRK.B 206.88 -1.61 Chemed CHE 484.26 -8.15 EdisonInt EIX 57.81 -0.38 HP HPQ 17.98 -0.27 s LabCpAm LH 206.49 4.53 NewFortressEner NFE 49.16 -0.49 RealtyIncome O 58.73 -1.10 TakedaPharm TAK 16.55 -0.03 Weyerhaeuser WY 27.56 -0.89
AmericaMovil AMX 12.39 -0.22 BerkHathwy A BRK.A 310540-2195.00 CheniereEnergy LNG 47.89 0.26 EdwardsLife EW 76.50 -1.58 HSBC HSBC 21.52 0.79 LamResearch LRCX 343.83 -3.80 NewOrientalEduc EDU 168.81 -1.63 RegencyCtrs REG 36.22 -1.33 TandemDiabetes TNDM 115.04 -1.87 WheatonPrecMet WPM 47.84 -0.06
NYTimes A NYT 41.25 0.08 TGT 157.03 -0.94
AmericaMovil A AMOV 12.36 0.03 BerryGlobal BERY 47.17 -1.11 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 36.05 -0.15 ElancoAnimal ELAN 31.55 0.72 Halliburton HAL 12.51 -0.28 LamarAdv LAMR 64.75 -2.92 NewellBrands NWL 17.19 -0.25 RegenPharm REGN 582.52 -3.22 Target Whirlpool WHR 195.82 1.76
BBY 113.58 -0.78 Chevron CVX 69.51 -1.43 Elastic ESTC 107.90 1.45 Hanesbrands HBI 17.50 0.03 LambWeston LW 66.23 -1.56 TeckRscsB TECK 12.56 -0.79
AmerAirlines AAL 11.23 -0.57 BestBuy Newmont NEM 61.65 1.33 RegionsFin RF 12.90 -0.45 Williams WMB 19.42 0.22
AEP AEP 92.53 -1.06 BeyondMeat BYND 161.95 -2.59 Chewy CHWY 67.72 4.23 ElectronicArts EA 126.62 -0.06 HartfordFinl HIG 37.56 -1.44 LasVegasSands LVS 48.29 -0.84 NewsCorp A NWSA 13.43 -0.22 ReinsGrp RGA 99.88 -4.11 TeladocHealth TDOC 223.06 10.91 Williams-Sonoma WSM 96.17 -0.62
BILI 45.82 0.82 ChinaEastrnAir CEA 21.20 -0.17 EmersonElec EMR 66.92 -0.81 Hasbro HAS 85.10 1.70 Lear LEA 127.09 -3.93
AmerExpress AXP 94.93 -1.95 Bilibili
ENB 28.31 -0.19 HealthcareAmer HTA 24.69 -0.81 Leidos NewsCorp B NWS 13.35 -0.24 RelianceSteel RS 108.89 0.99 TelecomArgentina TEO 6.76 -0.44 WillisTowers WLTW 200.44 -2.84
BILL 111.23 3.53 ChinaLifeIns LFC 11.82 -0.39 Enbridge LDOS 82.70 -0.74
AmericanFin AFG 74.00 0.84 NextEraEnergy NEE 75.78 0.12 s RenaissanceRe RNR 172.13 -2.77 TeledyneTech TDY 315.67-11.02 Wipro WIT 4.91 -0.02
AmHomes4Rent AMH 28.81 -0.80 Bio-Techne TECH 266.20 1.65 ChinaMobile CHL 32.51 -0.21 EncompassHealth EHC 65.01 -0.42 HealthpeakProp PEAK 27.35 -0.59 Lennar B LEN.B 58.75 -1.90 Nike NKE 127.99 -0.38 Repligen RGEN 175.84 -1.70 Teleflex TFX 351.46 -5.90 WIX 268.00 2.31
AIG AIG 31.16 -0.10 s Bio-RadLab A BIO 589.54 5.72 ChinaPetrol SNP 40.58 -0.17 EnelAmericas ENIA 6.74 -0.05 Heico A HEI.A 95.50 -1.03 Lennar A LEN 72.51 -2.51 Nikola NKLA 21.39 0.48 RepublicSvcs RSG 89.42 -1.44 Ericsson ERIC 11.78 -0.30 Workday WDAY 214.17 3.84
AmerTowerREIT AMT 236.16 -0.96 t Biogen BIIB 255.30 -1.46 ChinaSoAirlines ZNH 27.57 -1.20 EnergyTransfer ET 5.65 -0.53 Heico HEI 106.92 -2.24 LennoxIntl LII 283.64 1.83 NiSource NI 24.26 0.01 ResMed RMD 184.85 4.32 TelefonicaBras VIV 7.59 -0.22 WynnResorts WYNN 71.83 -1.69
AmerWaterWorks AWK 154.62 0.61 BioMarinPharm BMRN 76.18 -0.70 ChinaTelecom CHA 33.49 0.98 EnphaseEnergy ENPH 98.63 -5.04 HenrySchein HSIC 65.61 -1.26 LeviStrauss LEVI 16.52 0.25 Nokia NOK 4.24 0.01 RestaurantBrands QSR 53.41 -2.00 Telefonica TEF 3.57 -0.11 XP XP 43.11 0.33
AmericanWell AMWL 30.70 0.66 BioNTech BNTX 83.95 1.02 ChinaUnicom CHU 6.98 -0.09 Entegris ENTG 76.71 -0.44 Herbalife HLF 47.68 -1.24 LiAuto LI 19.21 0.13
NomuraHoldings NMR 4.68 0.02 ReynoldsCnsmr REYN 29.68 -0.37 TelekmIndonesia TLK 17.86 -0.06 XPO Logistics XPO 93.98 -0.27
AmericoldRealty COLD 36.92 -0.08 BlackKnight BKI 90.02 -0.31 Chipotle CMG 1310.15 -1.83 Entergy ETR 107.56 -1.45 Hershey HSY 142.50 -1.70 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 137.92 -0.65 Nordson NDSN 197.75 -5.30 RingCentral RNG 286.02 2.72 10xGenomics TXG 142.93 1.69 XcelEnergy XEL 72.33 0.64
Ameriprise AMP 162.39 -3.22 BlackRock BLK 614.53 -7.66 Chubb CB 123.41 -2.58 EnterpriseProd EPD 17.26 -0.05 Hess HES 37.40 -0.03 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 136.47 -0.15 NorfolkSouthern NSC 203.64 -7.02 RioTinto RIO 57.95 -0.33 Tenaris TS 9.89 -0.24 s Xilinx XLNX 124.35 9.80
AmerisourceBrgn ABC 97.65 -0.72 Blackstone BX 51.87 -0.97 ChunghwaTel CHT 37.96 0.32 Equifax EFX 147.81 -3.10 HewlettPackard HPE 8.80 -0.26 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 19.90 -0.27 NorthernTrust NTRS 80.70 -1.53 RitchieBros RBA 60.31 0.09 TencentMusic TME 15.00 -0.04 XPeng XPEV 19.90 0.28
Ametek AME 102.59 -2.51 Boeing BA 155.24 -5.59 Church&Dwight CHD 92.23 0.32 Equinix EQIX 773.31 2.83 HighwoodsProp HIW 31.17 -1.33 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 20.20 -0.38 NorthropGrum NOC 302.12 -7.72 RocketCos. RKT 20.11 0.23 Teradyne TER 87.46 -2.13 Xylem XYL 89.06 -1.01
Amgen AMGN 223.46 -1.43 BookingHldgs BKNG 1697.71-51.58 ChurchillDowns CHDN 164.17 -5.32 Equinor EQNR 13.43 -0.14 Hill-Rom HRC 94.36 2.85 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 33.12 0.02 NortonLifeLock NLOK 20.80 0.18 Rockwell ROK 236.88 -0.06 Terminix TMX 47.79 0.34 Yandex YNDX 59.53 0.40
Amphenol APH 115.05 -1.40 BoozAllen BAH 77.66 -0.22 Ciena CIEN 39.54 -1.03 Equitable EQH 18.50 -1.15 Hilton HLT 87.67 -2.71 LibertyFormOne C FWONK 36.00 0.18 Novartis NVS 80.95 -3.23 RogersComm B RCI 42.71 -0.19 Tesla TSLA 424.68 4.40 YumBrands YUM 97.99 -1.21
AnalogDevices ADI 120.29 -0.84 BorgWarner BWA 37.54 -0.94 Cigna CI 178.29 -3.59 EquityLife ELS 60.16 -1.76 Hologic HOLX 70.92 2.26 LibertyBraves A BATRA 21.05 -0.12 NovoNordisk NVO 67.95 -1.70 Roku ROKU 225.07 6.65 TevaPharm TEVA 8.74 -0.38 YumChina YUMC 53.98 -0.65
Anaplan PLAN 57.69 0.15 BostonBeer SAM 1076.57 29.00 CincinnatiFin CINF 73.85 -2.96 EquityResdntl EQR 49.69 -1.01 HomeDepot HD 276.84 0.80 LibertyBraves C BATRK 20.71 -0.09 Novocure NVCR 119.50 -2.00 Rollins ROL 59.29 -0.21 TexasInstruments TXN 147.12 1.17 ZTO Express ZTO 29.87 -0.52
AngloGoldAsh AU 24.70 0.24 BostonProps BXP 73.74 -1.67 Cintas CTAS 324.01 -4.92 s ErieIndemnity A ERIE 234.33 5.32 HondaMotor HMC 24.12 -0.34 LibertySirius C LSXMK 35.30 0.37 NuanceComms NUAN 33.37 0.33 RoperTech ROP 394.60-23.29 Textron TXT 32.95 -1.06 ZaiLab ZLAB 88.49 3.26
AB InBev BUD 55.25 -1.42 BostonSci BSX 36.05 -0.81 CiscoSystems CSCO 36.87 -0.80 EssentialUtil WTRG 43.46 -0.44 Honeywell HON 166.75 -3.42 LibertySirius A LSXMA 35.50 0.64 Nucor NUE 48.22 -0.06 RossStores ROST 91.45 -0.19 s ThermoFisherSci TMO 489.30 6.87 ZebraTech ZBRA 289.28 -5.82
AnnalyCap NLY 7.11 -0.03 BrightHorizons BFAM 159.99 -1.77 Citigroup C 41.88 -1.38 EssexProp ESS 195.34 -3.68 HorizonTherap HZNP 78.15 0.88 EliLilly LLY 131.90 -9.80 Nutrien NTR 40.41 -0.32 RoyalBkCanada RY 70.50 -1.10 ThomsonReuters TRI 80.39 -0.60 Zendesk ZEN 108.10 0.05
Anthem ANTM 298.88 -0.87 BristolMyers BMY 58.74 -0.93 CitizensFin CFG 26.66 -1.31 EsteeLauder EL 231.05 -1.12 HormelFoods HRL 50.03 0.58 LincolnElectric LECO 101.59 -1.13 NVIDIA NVDA 535.87 10.22 RoyalCaribbean RCL 57.38 -0.88 3M MMM 161.03 -5.13 Zillow C Z 92.52 0.47
Aon AON 199.48 -2.69 BritishAmTob BTI 32.69 -1.00 CitrixSystems CTXS 119.47 -4.35 Etsy ETSY 145.78 6.05 DR Horton DHI 69.10 -1.74 LincolnNational LNC 33.78 -2.01 RoyalDutchA RDS.A 24.19 -0.64 Tiffany TIF 128.88 6.06 Zillow A ZG 93.08 0.55
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 40.19 0.03 Broadcom AVGO 359.60 -3.44 Clarivate
Apple AAPL 116.60 1.55 BroadridgeFinl BR 139.99 -2.19 Clorox
CCC 30.36 0.86 EverestRe RE 202.10 -7.01 HostHotels HST 10.86 -0.33 Linde
CLX 214.18 1.45 Evergy
LIN 225.47 -2.52
EVRG 56.39 0.70 HowmetAerospace HWM 17.53 -0.75 LithiaMotors LAD 236.75 -4.55
RoyalDutchB RDS.B 22.98 -0.75 Toro
RoyalGold RGLD 121.33 1.14 TorontoDomBk TD 44.59 -0.69
TTC 82.64 -0.48 O P Q ZimmerBiomet ZBH 138.60 -0.91
Zoetis ZTS 162.47 1.99
ApplMaterials AMAT 58.83 -0.68 BrookfieldMgt BAM 31.85 -0.76 Cloudflare NET 55.98 1.23 EversourceEner ES 91.88 0.15 HuanengPower HNP 15.55 0.37 LiveNationEnt LYV 51.85 -2.68 OGE Energy OGE 32.49 -0.43 t RoyaltyPharma RPRX 37.87 -0.90 Total TOT 30.70 -1.21 ZoomVideo ZM 538.99 21.20
Aptargroup ATR 115.65 -1.45 BrookfieldInfr BIP 44.58 -0.79 Coca-Cola KO 49.90 0.10 s ExactSciences EXAS 131.12 24.55 Huazhu HTHT 41.47 -1.00 LivongoHealth LVGO 142.89 6.22 ONEOK OKE 29.32 -0.19 Ryanair RYAAY 83.05 -3.54 ToyotaMotor TM 132.46 -0.39 ZoomInfoTech ZI 43.06 1.77
Aptiv APTV 96.29 -1.90 BrookfieldPropREIT BPYU 14.58 -0.32 Coca-Cola Euro CCEP 38.13 -0.16 Exelixis EXEL 21.65 -0.25 Hubbell HUBB148.37 -0.63 LloydsBanking LYG 1.42 -0.06 OReillyAuto ORLY 450.22 -5.74 SAP SAP 114.50 -0.52 TractorSupply TSCO 134.16 -1.69 Zscaler ZS 148.64 -0.36
Aramark ARMK 28.76 -0.19 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 65.84 2.09 Cognex CGNX 66.70 -0.73 Exelon EXC 41.15 -0.55 HubSpot HUBS 304.56 -1.76 LockheedMartin LMT 362.43 -6.12 OakStreetHealth OSH 51.40 0.21 S&P Global SPGI 330.85 -2.70 TradeDesk TTD 613.36 5.04 Zynga ZNGA 9.45 0.12


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B8 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Contract Open Contract Open

Futures Contracts Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open High hilo Low Settle Chg interest Open High hilo Low Settle Chg interest

Metal & Petroleum Futures Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec 72.00 72.53 71.76 72.03 –.08 126,533 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Dec 304.75 309.75 s 304.25 308.00 1.50 4,668 March'21 72.72 73.15 72.41 72.73 .01 73,363 Nov 1.3036 1.3080 1.3004 1.3059 .0039 870
Contract Open
March'21 304.50 307.50 s 304.50 305.25 .25 825 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 1.3026 1.3084 1.3004 1.3061 .0039 141,917
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Nov 117.45 117.90 115.20 117.25 .15 728 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Nov 1086.00 1094.00 s 1081.75 1082.25 –5.50 94,458 Jan'21 115.20 116.00 114.10 115.50 1.05 8,392 Dec 1.1029 1.1051 1.1007 1.1034 –.0002 51,936
Oct 3.0880 3.0880 3.0880 3.0900 0.0015 137 1.1045 1.1081 1.1040 1.1066 –.0002 144
Jan'21 1083.00 1088.50 s 1076.25 1076.50 –7.00 378,119 March'21
Dec 3.0915 3.1125 3.0800 3.0935 0.0040 142,456 Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Interest Rate Futures
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Dec 389.40 392.70 s 383.50 384.00 –5.60 147,975 Nov .7129 .7147 .7117 .7133 .0007 530
Oct 1904.60 1908.30 1904.40 1908.80 6.10 499 Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% .7123 .7149 .7117 .7134 .0007 130,563
Jan'21 383.10 385.00 s 377.50 377.90 –5.20 88,932 Dec
Dec 1904.40 1913.80 1898.70 1911.90 6.20 439,099 Dec 216-150 218-130 216-020 217-180 1-02.0 996,918 Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Feb'21 1911.40 1920.90 1906.30 1919.30 6.10 53,425 March'21 216-100 216-220 214-130 215-290 1-03.0 46 .04788 .04788 .04746 .04763 –.00004 57
Dec 34.36 34.70 34.03 34.11 –.35 142,249 Nov
April 1917.30 1926.40 1913.60 1924.90 5.90 27,492 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% .04748 .04775 .04721 .04748 –.00004 126,192
Jan'21 34.20 34.42 33.84 33.92 –.32 91,923 Dec
June 1922.20 1931.20 1918.40 1929.70 5.80 17,971 Dec 173-170 174-130 173-120 174-030 16.0 1,210,236 Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt.
Dec 1939.20 1939.20 1935.40 1939.00 6.00 8,000 March'21 174-290 175-230 174-230 175-140 17.0 10,678 1.1818 1.1843 1.1798 1.1818 –.0001 1,874
Nov 12.28 12.52 12.27 12.48 .19 1,650 Nov
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Jan'21 12.41 12.62 12.41 12.48 .04 8,142 Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Dec 1.1822 1.1852 1.1804 1.1825 –.0001 625,564
Oct ... ... ... 2347.30 –14.60 12 Dec 138-200 138-290 138-185 138-270 6.5 3,133,598
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
Dec 2374.10 2395.00 2324.60 2353.90 –14.80 9,504 March'21 138-075 138-175 138-075 138-160 7.0 10,193 Index Futures
Dec 618.75 627.00 614.75 615.75 –4.25 218,665
March'21 2378.90 2390.00 2342.10 2364.90 –14.70 1,072 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March'21 619.75 625.75 614.50 615.75 –4.50 80,757 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec 125-210 125-247 125-207 125-242 2.5 3,056,277
881.40 884.50 879.30 882.10 9.60 18 Dec 27581 27713 27232 27365 –216 93,357
Oct Dec 552.00 560.50 547.75 549.25 –2.75 109,336 March'21 126-025 126-032 125-315 126-030 2.7 4,945
873.40 889.10 872.60 886.80 9.40 50,609 March'21 27475 27610 27152 27273 –215 3,021
Jan'21 March'21 559.00 567.00 554.75 556.25 –3.25 65,185 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Dec 110-132 110-137 110-131 110-135 .1 1,984,150
S&P 500 Index (CME)-$250 x index
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 3396.80 3409.40 3368.30 3383.10 –10.40 13,741
Oct 24.370 24.370 24.320 24.526 0.150 2 March'21 110-137 110-137 110-135 110-136 … 88
Oct 133.500 134.500 133.450 134.300 .600 1,380 March'21 … … … 3373.40 –10.40 26
Dec 24.385 24.760 24.265 24.570 0.150 127,762 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
Jan'21 127.275 129.450 126.950 128.425 1.650 24,471 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Oct 99.9100 99.9125 99.9100 99.9100 .0000 217,795
38.59 39.83 38.51 39.57 1.01 407,185 Dec 3394.25 3410.00 3368.25 3383.00 –10.50 2,389,403
Dec Oct 104.200 105.025 104.075 104.850 .875 1,275 Jan'21 99.9250 99.9300 99.9250 99.9250 .0000 167,031
38.95 40.13 38.83 39.87 0.98 229,777 March'21 3388.75 3400.00 3359.50 3373.50 –10.25 25,452
Jan'21 Dec 104.225 105.350 103.525 104.050 .650 108,005 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Feb 39.25 40.43 39.17 40.18 0.96 128,263 Dec 101-185 101-245 101-135 101-215 7.5 137,922
Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 1968.00 1979.10 1933.30 1943.30 –25.50 56,628
March 39.59 40.71 39.51 40.46 0.92 149,843 Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100%
Dec 68.175 69.650 67.425 67.650 –.100 85,537 March'21 … 1967.60 1933.80 1941.80 –25.50 ...
June 40.30 41.38 40.23 41.14 0.86 207,036 Nov 99.7700 99.7725 99.7650 99.7675 … 152,602
Feb'21 67.700 69.325 67.475 68.050 .400 47,619 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
Dec 40.95 41.95 40.91 41.74 0.76 229,271 Dec 99.7550 99.7600 99.7500 99.7550 … 1,047,468
Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Dec 11499.50 11623.00 11478.25 11588.00 95.75 224,429
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Nov 502.80 518.40 498.00 505.20 2.20 1,126 March'21 99.7900 99.7900 99.7850 99.7850 … 1,052,296
1.1252 1.1615 1.1221 1.1577 .0359 22,022 March'21 11492.75 11613.25 11470.00 11578.75 95.75 1,944
Nov Jan'21 464.80 485.60 464.80 484.00 17.40 1,340 June 99.7950 99.8050 99.7950 99.7950 … 867,940
Dec 1.1279 1.1635 1.1279 1.1590 .0311 115,137 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Dec 1601.10 1611.60 1577.20 1589.00 –13.10 536,546
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Oct 21.60 21.64 s 21.60 21.62 –.01 4,738 Currency Futures
Nov 1.1116 1.1471 1.1116 1.1434 .0318 22,128 Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Nov 22.74 22.75 21.94 22.37 –.39 5,294 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ Dec 1890.00 1900.40 1888.10 1890.00 –5.70 8,945
Dec 1.0981 1.1328 1.0968 1.1288 .0319 133,273
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. Nov .9545 .9581 .9537 .9573 .0034 254 U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Dec 2,495 2,509 2,427 2,452 –45 62,464
Nov 3.016 3.091 s 2.986 3.019 –.005 14,731 Dec .9543 .9586 .9539 .9576 .0034 171,948 Dec 93.06 93.13 92.78 92.93 –.12 28,347
March'21 2,500 2,502 2,430 2,455 –37 71,899 Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD March'21 92.92 93.00 92.79 92.90 –.11 647
Dec 3.242 3.336 3.180 3.311 .058 181,714
Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. Nov .7582 .7609 .7570 .7597 .0020 123
Jan'21 3.360 3.449 3.302 3.424 .053 203,251
Dec 106.75 108.20 106.15 106.95 .30 88,018 Dec .7572 .7611 .7570 .7597 .0019 121,506
Feb 3.320 3.400 3.263 3.376 .047 84,060 Source: FactSet
March'21 109.40 110.80 108.80 109.55 .20 76,814
March 3.204 3.272 3.155 3.247 .034 136,391
Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Oct 3.017 3.034 2.994 3.032 .011 89,992
March 14.83 15.04 14.68 14.83 .06 457,458

Agriculture Futures
May 14.00 14.15 13.82 13.91 –.07 165,077 Borrowing Benchmarks |
Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Jan 27.80 27.80 s 27.80 27.80 … 1,806
Dec 416.75 422.25 s 415.50 416.00 –1.75 718,993 March 28.00 28.10 s 28.00 27.95 .25 2,738 Money Rates October 27, 2020
March'21 417.50 422.25 s 415.75 416.50 –2.00 400,470 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions.
Cash Prices | Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Inflation Week
Latest ago
High Low
Latest ago
High Low
These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace— Sept. index Chg From (%)
level Aug. '20 Sept. '19 High 0.1000 0.1000 1.8700 0.1000 Commercial paper (AA financial)
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future Low 0.0500 0.0500 1.7000 0.0100 90 days 0.13 0.09 2.53 0.04
months. U.S. consumer price index Bid 0.0800 0.0800 1.7800 0.0100
0.14 1.4
Offer 0.1100 0.1100 1.8200 0.0500 Libor
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday All items 260.280
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *1822.5 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 5.5925 Core 269.054 0.11 1.7 One month 0.14463 0.14575 1.80475 0.13950
Energy Treasury bill auction 0.21325 0.21575 1.96050 0.20863
Copper,Comex spot 3.0900 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.0250 Three month
Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 115.7 International rates 4 weeks 0.085 0.090 1.710 0.000 Six month 0.24650 0.25188 1.92988 0.23375
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 59.500 Food 13 weeks 0.100 0.100 1.620 0.000
Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m 281 One year 0.33175 0.33713 2.01200 0.33175
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 11.750 26 weeks 0.110 0.115 1.610 0.080
Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 697 Beef,carcass equiv. index Week 52-Week
Metals choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 176.00 Latest ago High Low Euro Libor
Fibers and Textiles select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 158.52
Secondary market One month -0.566 -0.563 -0.360 -0.621
Gold, per troy oz Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 0.6875 Prime rates Three month -0.530 -0.533 -0.142 -0.540
1905.00 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.6250 Fannie Mae
Engelhard industrial
Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.6903 Butter,AA Chicago 1.4075 U.S. 3.25 3.25 5.00 3.25 Six month -0.512 -0.510 -0.052 -0.515
1905.70 30-year mortgage yields
Handy & Harman base
Cotlook 'A' Index-t *77.40
Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 245.25 Canada 2.45 2.45 3.95 2.45 One year -0.459 -0.464 0.008 -0.464
Handy & Harman fabricated 2115.33 Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 277.25 Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 30 days 1.920 1.915 3.388 1.751
*1901.60 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u 35.500
LBMA Gold Price AM
Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a.
Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 107.75 60 days 1.952 1.942 3.403 1.804 Secured Overnight Financing Rate
LBMA Gold Price PM *1898.45 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 0.9976 Policy Rates 0.09 0.09 1.82 0.01
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 1986.30 Coffee,Colombian, NY 1.5395 Other short-term rates
Grains and Feeds Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maple Leaf-e 2005.40 Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 1.0250 Value 52-Week
Switzerland 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00
American Eagle-e Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Flour,hard winter KC 15.60 0.10 0.75 0.10
Week 52-Week Latest Traded High Low
2310.77 Britain 0.10
Mexican peso-e Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 128 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u n.a. Latest ago high low
1875.08 Australia 0.25 0.25 0.75 0.25 DTCC GCF Repo Index
Austria crown-e Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 4.0350 Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 72.60
Austria phil-e 2005.40 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 128.4 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u 1.7790 Call money Treasury 0.114 43.150 1.873 0.002
Overnight repurchase 2.00 2.00 3.75 2.00 49.750 1.894 0.011
Silver, troy oz. Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 458.8 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u MBS 0.137
Engelhard industrial 24.4000 Cottonseed meal-u,w 320 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a. U.S. 0.09 0.07 1.87 -0.07
24.4670 131.94 Notes on data:
Handy & Harman base Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 100 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w
Handy & Harman fabricated 30.5840 Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 263 U.S. government rates U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks,
LBMA spot price *£18.6000 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 3.1750
Fats and Oils and is effective March 16, 2020. Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary
(U.S.$ equivalent) *24.2800 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 28.38 Corn oil,crude wet/dry mill wtd. avg.-u,w 42.4200
Discount widely by location; Discount rate is effective March 16, 2020. Secured Overnight Financing Rate is
0.25 2.50 0.25 as of October 26, 2020. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 18655 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u 6.1600 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.2850 0.25
average for overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-
Other metals SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u 383.00 Lard,Chicago-u n.a. funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET.
LBMA Platinum Price PM *878.0 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 10.6550 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u 0.3474 Federal funds
Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 885.0 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 6.9150 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.3225 Effective rate 0.0900 0.0900 1.8200 0.0600 Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 2380.0 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 6.2575 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.

KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; W=weekly; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 10/26
Exchange-Traded BANKRATE.COM® MMA, Savings and CDs
Source: Dow Jones Market Data Portfolios
Average Yields of Major Banks Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session
Type MMA 1-MO 2-MO 3-MO 6-MO 1-YR 2-YR 2.5YR 5YR
ADVERTISEMENT Tuesday, October 27, 2020 National average
Closing Chg YTD Savings 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.19 0.22 0.19 0.33

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Weekly change









CnsStapleSelSector XLP –0.26
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 24.23 –1.82 –21.3 Jumbos 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.00 -0.01
FT DJ Internet FDN 198.86 1.49 42.9
GSActiveBetaUSLC GSLC 68.78 –0.26 6.4
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CFG Community Bank
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Lone Star Bank $1,000 0.20 Goldwater Bank $5,000 0.80
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iShRussell1000 IWB 189.52
State Bank of India California $1,000 0.15 First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000 0.75
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Three-month CD Five-year CD
0.2 BrioDirect $500 0.50 Ally Bank $0 1.00
(877) 369-2746 (877) 247-2559
iShSilver SLV 22.73 0.53 36.3
NEW YORK iShTIPSBondETF TIP 126.20 0.20 8.3 Goldwater Bank $5,000 0.35 First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000 0.96
iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 86.42 ... 2.1
(480) 281-8200 (888) 873-3424
iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 120.97 0.22 9.8

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JPM UltShtIncm
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0.60 First Internet Bank of Indiana
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0.20 0.80



SPDR S&P 500
Lone Star Bank
(713) 358-9400
Live Oak Bank
(866) 518-0286
1 #0  0
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'%( !,       > $  State Bank of India California 0.15 CFG Community Bank 0.73
" #  $ UtilitiesSelSector XLU 64.68 –0.08 0.1
$$$ 01


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VangdInfoTech VGT 313.12 0.45 27.9 VirtualBank 0.10 BankDirect 0.70

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 VangdExtMkt VXF 135.50 –0.53 7.5 Two-month CD Two-year CD
VangdDivApp VIG 129.66 –0.78 4.0
!$(  Lone Star Bank 0.20 Goldwater Bank 0.80
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(713) 358-9400 (480) 281-8200

 VangdFTSE EM VWO 44.93 0.36 1.0
 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 51.57 –1.28 –12.0 State Bank of India California 0.15 Comenity Direct 0.75

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VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 50.86 –0.37 –5.4 (877) 707-1995 (833) 755-4354
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VangdGrowth VUG VirtualBank 0.15 First Internet Bank of Indiana 0.75
VangdHlthCr VHT 206.58 –0.43 7.7
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      (877) 998-2265 (888) 873-3424
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ADVERTISE TODAY VangdIntermBd BIV 93.26 0.19 6.9 Three-month CD Five-year CD
VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 96.12 0.22 5.2

     VangdLC VV 158.05 –0.33 6.9 BrioDirect 0.50 Ally Bank 1.00
    VangdMC VO 181.94 –0.66 2.1 (877) 369-2746 (877) 247-2559
(800) 366-3975 VangdMBS VMBS 54.12 0.04 1.8 Goldwater Bank 0.35 First Internet Bank of Indiana 0.96
VangdRealEst VNQ 77.94 –1.60 –16.0 (480) 281-8200 (888) 873-3424
 For more information visit: VangdS&P500ETF VOO 310.77 –0.33 5.1
Discover Bank 0.25 Goldwater Bank 0.95
VangdST Bond BSV 82.93 0.04 2.9 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 82.94 0.06 2.4 (800) 347-7000 (480) 281-8200
      !" # VangdSC VB 161.48 –0.95 –2.5
!" "$%& '(    
     ! " Notes: Accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 per person. Yields are based on method of
)  )&    !" # !" VangdTotalBd BND 88.04 0.24 5.0
"$%& '(         VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 58.43 0.19 3.3
compounding and rate stated for the lowest required opening deposit to earn interest. CD
!"     *++, ") ), figures are for fixed rates only. MMA: Allows six (6) third-party transfers per month, three (3) of
  - %)"    .   VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 52.58 –0.36 –5.6
 *++ " ),   - !"
  © 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. VangdTotalStk VTI 172.93 –0.40 5.7 which may be checks. Rates are subject to change.
# !" "$%& '(    ! # $ %&'( )
 *+,&''- All Rights Reserved.
 / .,0 "." VangdTotlWrld VT 81.62 –0.43 0.8 Source:, a publication of Bankrate, Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
VangdValue VTV 104.78 –1.34 –12.6 Internet:
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | B9


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Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
27463.19 t 222.19, or 0.80% Trailing P/E ratio 26.06 19.90 3390.68 t 10.29, or 0.30% Trailing P/E ratio * 38.25 23.68 11431.35 s 72.41, or 0.64% Trailing P/E ratio *† 37.62 24.75
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 24.01 17.99 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 25.55 18.25 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 31.31 21.87
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.24 2.28 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.73 1.91 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.74 1.01
All-time high 29551.42, 02/12/20 All-time high 3580.84, 09/02/20 All-time high: 12056.44, 09/02/20

Current divisor 0.15198707565833

30000 3600 12500

29000 3500 12000

28000 3400 11500

27000 3300 11000

Session high
DOWN UP 26000 3200 10500

Session open Close

65-day moving average 65-day moving average
Close Open 65-day moving average

25000 3100 10000

Bars measure the point change from session's open Session low
24000 3000 9500
July Aug. Sept. Oct. July Aug. Sept. Oct. July Aug. Sept. Oct.
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume* 795,557,625 12,301,886
Industrial Average 27707.69 27457.96 27463.19 -222.19 -0.80 29551.42 18591.93 1.4 -3.8 5.4 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 199,359,826 7,699,356
Transportation Avg 11629.03 11420.41 11431.61 -173.21 -1.49 11988.83 6703.63 5.6 4.9 4.8 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 583,646,561 4,507,665
Utility Average 900.68 887.57 890.68 -1.30 -0.15 960.89 610.89 4.2 1.3 5.8 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,138 263
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 35001.36 34779.54 34799.18 -119.00 -0.34 36434.12 22462.76 12.0 5.3 9.2 Advances 942 126
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 11,939.9 336.06 -2.16 -0.64 339.27 335.86
Barron's 400 748.96 740.41 740.41 -8.01 -1.07 767.01 455.11 6.5 1.1 2.3 Declines 2,086 129
TEGNA TGNA 9,876.0 12.40 -0.02 -0.16 12.42 12.40
Unchanged 110 8
Nasdaq Stock Market iShares MSCI Emg Markets EEM 6,740.3 45.79 -0.13 -0.28 46.02 45.63 New highs 31 2
Nasdaq Composite 11465.06 11361.86 11431.35 72.41 0.64 12056.44 6860.67 38.1 27.4 19.5 Microsoft MSFT 6,526.3 210.40 -2.85 -1.34 216.50 209.64 New lows 34 4
Nasdaq 100 11633.49 11503.10 11598.95 94.43 0.82 12420.54 6994.29 44.1 32.8 23.1 Vanguard FTSE Emerg Mkt VWO 5,070.1 44.91 -0.02 -0.04 44.92 44.85 Closing Arms† 1.09 0.55
Pfizer PFE 4,169.8 37.43 ... unch. 37.60 37.38 Block trades* 5,045 130
Advanced Micro Devices AMD 4,120.6 79.42 0.54 0.68 80.26 78.77
500 Index 3409.51 3388.71 3390.68 -10.29 3580.84 2237.40 11.6 4.9 9.5 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
Intel INTC 4,028.0 45.44 -0.20 -0.44 45.67 45.36
MidCap 400 1975.59 1946.68 1946.68 -27.20 -1.38 2106.12 1218.55 -1.4 -5.6 1.9 Total volume*3,107,872,280 186,486,983
SmallCap 600 914.78 901.87 901.87 -12.09 -1.32 1041.03 595.67 -8.0 -11.7 -0.5 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*1,508,743,551 91,356,524
Scholar Rock Holding SRRK 2,417.7 34.90 4.88 16.26 37.55 27.52 Decl. volume*1,569,379,367 94,147,471
Other Indexes
Community Health Systems CYH 60.9 4.96 0.57 12.98 5.00 4.35 Issues traded 3,587 1,401
Russell 2000 1609.53 1590.71 1590.71 -14.50 -0.90 1705.22 991.16 0.9 -4.7 1.8
Advances 1,362 538
NYSE Composite 12934.11 12817.87 12817.87 -118.52 -0.92 14183.20 8777.38 -3.0 -7.9 1.2 First Solar FSLR 1,638.6 91.12 8.73 10.60 98.50 81.43
Declines 2,097 845
Value Line 480.64 474.82 474.82 -5.82 -1.21 562.05 305.71 -10.3 -14.0 -4.4 Red Rock Resorts Cl A RRR 1,908.2 20.20 1.45 7.73 20.25 18.75
Unchanged 128 18
NYSE Arca Biotech 5404.66 5304.53 5356.88 52.77 0.99 6142.96 3855.67 19.9 5.7 9.2
cbdMD YCBD 164.9 2.29 0.11 5.05 2.74 2.14
New highs 42 5
NYSE Arca Pharma 642.66 634.21 634.57 -10.55 -1.63 675.64 494.36 5.3 -2.9 5.7 ...And losers New lows 64 5
KBW Bank 78.51 76.62 76.64 -2.36 -2.99 114.12 56.19 -27.5 -32.4 -9.2 Titan Machinery TITN 81.3 14.23 -1.47 -9.36 15.70 14.23 Closing Arms† 0.68 0.68
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 145.68 142.62 145.56 2.65 1.85 161.14 70.12 57.4 36.1 21.3 Arcus Biosciences RCUS 106.5 18.90 -1.83 -8.83 20.73 18.90 Block trades* 15,272 1,001
PHLX§ Oil Service 28.40 27.64 28.05 -0.45 -1.58 80.99 21.47 -59.2 -64.2 -39.8 Big 5 Sporting Goods BGFV 803.7 7.60 -0.52 -6.40 9.19 6.80 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 2331.72 2293.02 2300.91 -7.54 -0.33 2433.48 1286.84 38.4 24.4 22.1 Callaway Golf ELY 242.0 18.10 -1.18 -6.12 21.00 18.10 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 33.77 31.85 33.35 0.89 2.74 82.69 11.54 152.7 142.0 50.4 Akamai Technologies AKAM 306.7 100.60 -6.11 -5.73 111.00 99.82 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World The Global Dow 2981.47 –33.88 –1.12 –8.3 Scholar Rock Holding SRRK 30.02 16.30 118.80 31.69 6.95 257.4 Catabasis Pharmaceuticals CATB 1.56 -3.80 -70.90 8.59 1.52 -68.2
DJ Global Index 436.10 –1.47 –0.34 0.5 Synalloy SYNL 5.20 1.11 27.14 15.95 3.81 -67.2 NGL Energy Partners NGL 2.92 -0.69 -19.11 12.08 1.15 -73.8
DJ Global ex U.S. 249.33 –0.92 –0.37 –5.4 Exact Sciences EXAS 131.12 24.55 23.04 141.90 35.25 44.7 Kala Pharmaceuticals KALA 6.28 -1.45 -18.72 14.68 3.45 80.3
Americas DJ Americas 791.57 –2.58 –0.32 4.0 Harley-Davidson HOG 35.40 6.40 22.07 40.86 14.31 -12.5 Trxade Group MEDS 5.05 -1.15 -18.55 11.60 4.01 -29.9
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 99605.54 –1411.42 –1.40 –13.9 Harbor Custom Development HCDI 4.57 0.82 21.87 8.36 3.50 ... Amkor Technology AMKR 11.25 -2.14 -15.98 15.80 5.40 -24.6
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 16020.94 –58.61 –0.36 –6.1 1847 Goedeker GOED 8.27 1.36 19.68 17.75 5.65 ... BiondVax Pharma ADR BVXV 3.28 -0.62 -15.90 62.00 3.23 -39.3
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 38001.31 –244.55 –0.64 –12.7 Unifi Inc UFI 15.74 2.53 19.15 27.85 7.48 -42.0 Marin Software MRIN 2.86 -0.51 -15.13 5.70 0.77 38.2
Chile Santiago IPSA 2547.03 –6.20 –0.24 –23.6 Kaspien Holdings KSPN 12.38 1.83 17.34 15.00 1.68 319.7 Akerna KERN 2.93 -0.52 -15.07 13.50 2.79 -42.1
TuanChe ADR TC 4.08 0.60 17.24 10.95 2.70 -61.8 Akebia Therapeutics AKBA 2.42 -0.42 -14.79 13.71 2.34 -38.3
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 352.58 –3.37 –0.95 –15.2
Digital Ally DGLY 2.30 0.30 15.00 7.10 0.64 85.5 Scorpio Bulkers SALT 12.11 -2.09 -14.72 67.51 10.85 -81.9
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 344.54 –4.05 –1.16 –14.7
Belgium Bel-20 3153.02 –57.14 –1.78 –20.3 Flexsteel Industries FLXS 29.83 3.78 14.51 31.27 7.81 84.1 Ranger Energy Svcs Cl A RNGR 2.62 -0.45 -14.66 7.99 2.27 -48.2
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 1349.70 –5.61 –0.41 18.8 eXp World Holdings EXPI 47.50 5.97 14.38 62.50 6.51 442.9 KBS Fashion Group KBSF 2.41 -0.41 -14.54 4.45 0.95 17.0
France CAC 40 4730.66 –85.46 –1.77 –20.9 Rimini Street RMNI 3.55 0.44 14.15 5.97 2.22 -11.0 Genfit ADR GNFT 3.84 -0.63 -14.09 22.48 3.65 -73.8
Germany DAX 12063.57 –113.61 –0.93 –8.9 Prelude Therapeutics PRLD 36.75 4.40 13.60 50.19 23.69 ... Muscle Maker GRIL 1.76 -0.28 -13.73 5.09 1.31 ...
1346.49 –0.69 –20.0 Turning Point Brands TPB 37.25 4.32 13.12 39.42 14.09 76.8 Manitex MNTX 3.97 -0.63 -13.70 6.28 2.76 -28.5
Israel Tel Aviv –9.38
Italy FTSE MIB 18654.95 –290.20 –1.53 –20.6
Netherlands AEX 545.65 –0.30 –0.05 –9.7
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Russia RTS Index 1131.36 –20.97 –1.82 –27.0 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 54079.43 –811.45 –1.48 –5.3
Spain IBEX 35 6651.30 –145.60 –2.14 –30.3 Naked Brand Group NAKD 167,952 482.9 0.09 29.58 4.80 0.07 Scholar Rock Holding SRRK 51,564 40270 30.02 118.80 31.69 6.95
Sweden OMX Stockholm 700.39 –3.33 –0.47 2.9 Advanced Micro Devices AMD 155,924 172.4 78.88 -4.07 94.28 32.04 1847 Goedeker GOED 13,625 39940 8.27 19.68 17.75 5.65
Switzerland Swiss Market 9887.49 –98.13 –0.98 –6.9 NIO ADR NIO 103,561 -1.7 28.44 9.34 29.40 1.36 Aware UltSht Dur Enh Incm AWTM 806 14676 49.64 -0.03 51.05 46.25
1152.63 0.72 0.7 Insignia Systems ISIG 101,967 20400.7 1.28 34.75 1.75 0.54 dMY Tech Grp II Cl A DMYD 5,270 7597 10.26 2.60 10.60 9.80
Turkey BIST 100 8.19
General Electric GE 97,638 -1.6 7.10 -3.79 13.26 5.48 Catabasis Pharmaceuticals CATB 20,567 5980 1.56 -70.90 8.59 1.52
U.K. FTSE 100 5728.99 –63.03 –1.09
U.K. FTSE 250 17587.71 –265.59 –1.49 –19.6 Apple AAPL 91,779 -46.4 116.60 1.35 137.98 53.15 Avantis Emg Mkts Equity AVEM 651 1907 53.64 0.30 56.26 35.21
Weidai ADR WEI 85,628 3252.7 2.35 35.06 6.46 0.73 Fortress Value II Cl A FAII 614 1706 9.73 0.31 10.06 9.65
American Airlines Group AAL 65,120 3.3 11.23 -4.83 31.58 8.25 Harley-Davidson HOG 41,514 1539 35.40 22.07 40.86 14.31
Australia S&P/ASX 200 6051.00 –104.63 –1.70 –9.5
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 65,111 -3.5 338.22 -0.34 358.75 218.26 Trxade Group MEDS 1,309 1480 5.05 -18.55 11.60 4.01
China Shanghai Composite 3254.32 3.20 0.10 6.7
Ford Motor F 63,572 8.0 7.92 -1.37 9.58 3.96 Osprey Tech Acqn Cl A SFTW 1,309 1267 10.04 0.76 10.36 9.11
Hong Kong Hang Seng 24787.19 –131.59 –0.53 –12.1
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
India S&P BSE Sensex 40522.10 376.59 0.94 –1.8 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 23485.80 –8.54 –0.04 –0.7
Singapore Straits Times 2512.87 –10.44 –0.41 –22.0 Track the Markets
South Korea Kospi 2330.84 –13.07 –0.56 6.1 Compare the performance of selected CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Taiwan TAIEX 12875.01 –34.02 –0.26 7.3 global stock indexes, bond ETFs,
Thailand SET 1208.95 0.98 0.08 –23.5
currencies and commodities at Currencies
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data
U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
US$vs, US$vs,
Tues YTDchg Tues YTDchg
CREDIT MARKETS Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency
Vietnam dong
in US$ per US$ (%)
.00004315 23177 0.02
Argentina peso .0128 78.3030 30.8 Europe
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury Yields
yield curve Forex Race Brazil real .1751 5.7107 42.1 Czech Rep. koruna .04317 23.163 2.2

U.S. consumer rates Selected rates and

Yield toRates
maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Canada dollar
Chile peso
.7584 1.3187
.001294 773.00
Denmark krone
Euro area euro
.1585 6.3085
1.1797 .8477
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners .000262 3809.60 .003231 309.50
30-year mortgage, Rate Colombiapeso 16.1 Hungary forint 4.8
A consumer rate against its
Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007148 139.90 15.5
benchmark over the past year 2.50% Mexico peso .0475 21.0339 11.1 Norway krone .1089 9.1868 4.6 avg†: 3.04% 10%
Uruguay peso .02342 42.6950 15.0 Poland zloty .2571 3.8894 2.5
30-year fixed-rate East Boston Savings Bank 2.63% One year ago 2.00
Asia-Pacific Russia ruble .01294 77.283 24.5
mortgage t 5 Euro

4.00% Boston, MA 800-657-EBSB Sweden krona .1146 8.7226 –6.9

t 1.50 Yen Australian dollar .7127 1.4031 –1.5

First National Bank 2.63% Switzerland franc 1.1005 .9087 –6.1

3.00 China yuan .1491 6.7055 –3.7
0 Turkey lira .1222 8.1836 37.6
Waverly, IA 319-266-2000 1.00 Hong Kong dollar .1290 7.7500 –0.5
Tradeweb ICE Ukraine hryvnia .0351 28.4500 20.2
India rupee .01358 73.624 3.2
2.00 Farmers State Bank 2.75% Tuesday Close 0.50 –5 s
UK pound 1.3046 .7665 1.6
Indonesia rupiah .0000684 14625 5.3
10-year Treasury Waterloo, IA 877-FSB-1879 t WSJ Dollar index .009577 104.42 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen –3.9
t note yield 1.00 0.00
Prairie State Bank and Trust 2.75% –10 Kazakhstan tenge .002329 429.39 12.5 Bahrain dinar 2.6522 .3771 ...
Mt Zion, IL 800-597-2977 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 Macau pataca .1252 7.9885 –0.4 Egypt pound .0637 15.7081 –2.1
0.00 2019 2020 Malaysia ringgit .2402 4.1625 1.8 Israel shekel .2956 3.3826 –2.1
TBK Bank, SSB 2.85% month(s) years
N D J FM AM J J A S O New Zealand dollar .6707 1.4910 0.4 Kuwait dinar 3.2677 .3060 1.0
Dallas, TX 214-365-6900 maturity Pakistan rupee .00621 161.100 3.9 Oman sul rial 2.5972 .3850 0.01
2019 2020
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Philippines peso .0207 48.350 –4.7 Qatar rial .2746 3.642 –0.1
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg Singapore dollar .7349 1.3607 1.1 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7503 –0.03
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields South Korea won .0008855 1129.28 –2.2 South Africa rand .0617 16.1978 15.7
Federal-funds rate target 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 0.00 l 1.75 -1.00 Sri Lanka rupee .0054265 184.28 1.6
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Taiwan dollar .03496 28.603 –4.4 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Prime rate* 3.25 3.25 3.25 l 5.00 -1.00 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr Thailand baht .03205 31.200 4.8 WSJ Dollar Index 88.04 –0.06–0.07 –1.70
Libor, 3-month 0.21 0.22 0.21 l 1.96 -1.17
U.S. Treasury, Barclays 2466.130 0.540 0.560 1.870 0.400 8.16 5.45 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
Money market, annual yield 0.19 0.19 0.19 l 0.71 -0.13
1.430 17.58 11.61
Five-year CD, annual yield 0.61 0.61 0.61 l 1.53 -0.86 U.S. Treasury Long, Barclays 4781.920 1.470 2.370 0.980
30-year mortgage, fixed† 3.04 3.04 2.93 l 4.22 -0.95 Aggregate, Barclays 2274.220 1.200 1.220 2.410 1.020 7.24 5.29 Tuesday 52-Week YTD
Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 2.56 2.56 2.48 l 3.57 -0.72 Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2224.590 1.350 1.350 2.690 0.930 4.31 3.76
Jumbo mortgages, $510,400-plus† 3.09 3.10 2.93 l 4.42 -1.27 DJ Commodity 651.58 4.56 0.70 657.83 433.70 4.35 1.44
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3185.461 4.602 4.442 10.740 4.235 1.848 3.608
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.23 3.23 2.85 l 4.61 -0.29 TR/CC CRB Index 150.71 1.32 0.88 187.39 106.29 -15.51 -18.88
Muni Master, ICE BofA 585.335 1.120 1.134 3.441 0.838 4.324 3.961 Crude oil, $ per barrel 39.57 1.01 2.62 63.27 -37.63 -28.75 -35.19
New-car loan, 48-month 4.13 4.14 4.13 l 4.56 1.11 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 891.391 4.800 4.745 7.480 4.523 3.116 3.550 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 3.019 -0.005 -0.17 3.024 1.482 16.25 37.92
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Bloomberg Barclays; ICE Data Services Gold, $ per troy oz. 1908.80 6.10 0.32 2051.50 1452.10 28.37 25.62

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | B11

bonds/benchmarks BANKING & FINANCE
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
highs and lows for different types of bonds Equitable, Reinsurer
Reach Annuities Deal
Total Total
return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High

Broad Market Bloomberg Barclays Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Barclays

2274.22 6.7 U.S. Aggregate 1.200 1.020 2.410 2224.59 3.6 Mortgage-Backed 1.350 0.930 2.690
U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Barclays 2169.97 3.3 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 0.830 0.290 2.660

3374.82 7.2 U.S. Corporate 1.960 1.820 4.580 1314.18 3.7 Fannie mae (FNMA) 1.530 1.110 2.690 BY LESLIE SCISM and Athene Holdings Ltd. Equitable said the deal in-
3071.67 6.1 Intermediate 1.300 1.230 4.400 2016.86 3.6 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 1.520 1.080 2.710 Apollo, Crestview and Rever- volves about 13% of total vari-
ence each have 23% stakes. able-annuity business on its
4975.01 9.2 Long term 3.030 2.730 4.930 585.34 3.4 Muni Master 1.120 0.838 3.441
Equitable Holdings Inc. will Athene has a 21% stake and books as of June 30. The com-
689.19 7.1 Double-A-rated 1.500 1.300 3.360 413.34 3.6 7-12 year 1.120 0.771 3.447 transfer financial risk for $12 Voya has a stake just under pany said it remains commit-
891.50 6.5 Triple-B-rated 2.310 2.210 5.350 469.84 3.7 12-22 year 1.613 1.224 3.690 billion of retirement-income 10% ted to various types of vari-
High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 452.90 2.8 22-plus year 2.346 1.765 4.123 annuities to reinsurer Venera- The deal comes as many able annuities, even as these
ble Holdings LLC, as life in- U.S. life insurers have been older ones are reinsured by
470.68 0.8 High Yield Constrained 5.470 5.151 11.400 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
surers continue to reduce ex- selling or reinsuring blocks of Venerable.
412.15 -5.9 Triple-C-rated 11.310 10.735 19.071 614.97 5.5 Global Government 0.540 0.390 1.060 posures on their books in a business to affiliates of pri- In the years leading up to
3185.46 -0.3 High Yield 100 4.602 4.235 10.740 864.76 7.6 Canada 0.780 0.590 1.740 challenging environment for vate-equity-funded companies the 2008 financial crisis, in-
0.9 418.83 4.7 EMU§ 0.086 0.059 0.794 turning profits. that are developing expertise surers were in an arms race to
425.12 Global High Yield Constrained 5.478 4.893 11.310
The New York company has in managing the often-compli- offer more generous features
323.95 -1.4 Europe High Yield Constrained 3.869 2.464 8.183 793.26 4.5 France -0.110 -0.160 0.430
entered into an agreement cated products, including on their variable annuities,
U.S Agency Bloomberg Barclays 554.00 3.4 Germany -0.500 -0.740 -0.050 with privately held Venerable hedging the financial risks. and sales boomed. After stock
1864.29 5.3 U.S Agency 0.510 0.470 1.950 295.07 -1.0 Japan 0.290 0.040 0.320 to reinsure 114,000 variable- markets declined, those in-
1624.53 3.9 0.380 0.340 1.850
annuity policies that it sold come guarantees caused large
10-20 years 618.59 3.8 Netherlands -0.390 -0.540 0.080
between 2006 and 2008. losses to insurers.
4273.64 12.0 20-plus years 1.540 1.170 2.480 1087.39 8.2 U.K. 0.590 0.390 1.180 Variable annuities are in-
The deal comes as Insurers have been eager to
2883.80 5.5 Yankee 1.480 1.430 3.500 891.39 1.1 Emerging Markets ** 4.800 4.523 7.480 vestment products for conser- many life insurers divest themselves of the older
vative savers that provide a blocks of business because
*Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds
** EMBI Global Index
† In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Barclays; J.P.Morgan tax-advantaged form of invest-
are selling or they aren’t selling the same
ing in stock and bond funds. reinsuring business. type of guarantees and have
Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields They typically are sold with moved on to other products
guarantees of minimum life- with less risky features and
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in time income if the funds per- better profit potential.
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session form poorly. Equitable said the deal Venerable’s “conservative
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points The pact will double Vener- would free up $1.2 billion in investment approach, strong
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago able’s total assets, Venerable capital, among other benefits. capitalization, focus on operat-
0.125 U.S. 2 0.149 t l 0.154 0.137 1.635 said. The firm got up and run- It said it would accelerate re- ing efficiency and deep exper-
0.625 10 0.783 t l 0.804 0.658 1.796 ning in 2017 with an agree- turn of capital to shareholders, tise in managing risk has posi-
2.250 Australia 2 0.126 t l 0.126 0.160 0.766 -2.4 -2.8 -86.9 ment to buy various annuity with $500 million of incre- tioned us for this transaction,”
1.000 10 0.814 t l 0.819 0.810 1.071 3.1 1.5 -72.6 portfolios of Voya Financial mental share repurchases in said David Marcinek, Venera-
0.000 France 2 -0.708 t l -0.695 -0.646 -0.614 -84.8 -224.9
Inc. 2021. ble’s chairman, in a release.
Venerable was created by Equitable also said that it is Mark Pearson, chief execu-
0.000 10 -0.330 t l -0.297 -0.248 -0.072 -111.2 -110.1 -186.9
an investor group led by affili- negotiating to buy a 9.9% eq- tive of Equitable, said the deal
0.000 Germany 2 -0.773 t l -0.754 -0.701 -0.651 -92.2 -90.7 -228.6 ates of Apollo Global Manage- uity stake in Venerable’s par- “strengthens our ability to fo-

0.000 10 -0.612 t l -0.576 -0.526 -0.361 -139.5 -138.1 -215.8 ment LLC, Crestview Partners, ent holding company, VA Capi- cus on value-accretive busi-
Reverence Capital Partners tal Co., including a board seat. nesses.”

1.000 Italy 2 -0.370 t l -0.356 -0.202 -0.191 -51.9 -50.9 -182.6
1.650 10 0.708 t l 0.735 0.903 0.948 -7.5 -6.9 -84.8

Banks in Hong Kong Rest Easier

0.100 Japan 2 -0.135 t l -0.128 -0.155 -0.238 -28.5 -28.2 -187.3
0.100 10 0.030 t l 0.035 0.011 -0.145 -75.3 -76.9 -194.2
0.400 Spain 2 -0.555 t l -0.551 -0.485 -0.388 -70.5 -70.4 -202.3
1.250 10 0.163 t l 0.190 0.245 0.260 -62.0 -61.5 -153.6 BY FRANCES YOON plex for banks. Still, they have mainland China.
0.500 U.K. 2 -0.047 t l -0.032 -0.061 0.530 -19.6 -18.5 -110.6 AND JING YANG drawn reassurance from the Benjamin Kostrzewa, a law-
4.750 10 0.235 t l 0.277 0.190 0.686 -54.8 -52.8 -111.1 fact the U.S. hasn’t expanded yer at Hogan Lovells in Hong
U.S. sanctions over Hong on an earlier presidential Kong, said it was helpful that
Source: Tullett Prebon
Kong are likely to pose fewer blacklist of sanctioned offi- the State Department list con-
Corporate Debt headaches for international cials, and from its advice. sisted of just 10 people, all of
banks operating in the finan- The Treasury’s Office of whom had already been named
Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
cial hub than first feared, law- Foreign Assets Control re- by President Trump in a sepa-
yers say. cently said it would ask banks rate executive order in August.
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most… Banks have been on notice about suspicious transactions That move imposed U.S. asset
Spread*, in basis points
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week since July, when President before placing them on any freezes and travel bans on Ms.
Husky Energy HSECN 6.800 5.57 Sept. 15, ’37 401 –12 n.a. Trump signed a law targeting blacklist, and it would give Lam and other officials.
Energy Transfer Operating … 7.500 5.93 July 1, ’38 436 –10 n.a. people the U.S. sees as under- them time to end problematic “The State Department re-
American International Group AIG 4.125 0.74 Feb. 15, ’24 40 –9 n.a. mining Hong Kong’s autonomy, banking relationships, noted port was good news for Hong
John Deere Capital … 1.200 0.28 April 6, ’23 10 –9 14 and those handling their fi- Nicholas Turner, a lawyer at Kong, as they didn’t add in
Glencore Funding GLENLN 4.125 1.23 May 30, ’23 105 –6 110 nances. In a worst-case sce- Steptoe & Johnson LLP. new officials or entities,” said
HSBC Holdings HSBC 3.600 0.63 May 25, ’23 45 –6 52 nario, firms could effectively “Banks are breathing a sigh Mr. Kostrzewa, formerly a law-
Bank of America BAC 4.450 1.37 March 3, ’26 104 –5 106 be cut off from the American of relief,” said Mr. Turner, who yer at the Office of the U.S.
Canadian Natural Resources CNQCN 6.250 4.70 March 15, ’38 312 –5 313
financial system. The U.S. ac- advises financial institutions Trade Representative.
…And spreads that widened the most tion followed Beijing’s imposi- on compliance and economic- In practice, banks may have
General Motors GM 5.400 1.59 Oct. 2, ’23 140 12 143 tion of a tough new national- sanctions issues. “The Trea- only needed to take a few con-
Toronto–Dominion Bank TD 1.900 0.32 Dec. 1, ’22 17 9 n.a. security law in Hong Kong. sury guidance suggests that a crete steps.
Westpac Banking WSTP 2.000 0.33 Jan. 13, ’23 14 9 14 The Treasury Department bank won’t get caught off The Hong Kong Autonomy

Barclays BACR 4.375 1.64 Jan. 12, ’26 131 8 n.a. has until mid-December to pro- guard by a sanctions an- Act that became law in July
Delta Airlines, Inc. Retirement Plan … 4.750 4.23 Oct. 20, ’28 346 8 337 duce a blacklist of foreign fi- nouncement without receiving gives Washington discretion to
Shell International Finance RDSALN 0.375 0.36 Sept. 15, ’23 18 8 18 nancial institutions, after its some form of communication expand the sanctions’ scope at
Santander UK SANUK 2.875 0.84 June 18, ’24 51 8 53 counterparts at the State De- from Treasury prior to that.” any time.
Australia and New Zealand Banking ANZ 4.400 1.74 May 19, ’26 140 7 n.a.
partment named Hong Kong Hong Kong is home to many The U.S. has broadened
High-yield issues with the biggest price increases… Chief Executive Carrie Lam and international banks, invest- other sanctions recently, add-
Bond Price as % of face value nine other officials as individ- ment firms and insurers. They ing corporate entities to a list
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
ual targets earlier this month. have favored it partly because of targets it says should be
Telecom Italia Capital TITIM 6.000 4.20 Sept. 30, ’34 118.875 1.13 118.250 Legal experts say operating Hong Kong has a distinct legal punished for human-rights
Ligado Networks NEWLSQ 15.500 17.84 Nov. 1, ’23 94.710 0.96 95.500
0.81 97.122
in Hong Kong has become system, and is free of the capi- abuses in China’s northwest-
Occidental Petroleum OXY 7.500 8.23 May 1, ’31 94.952
Cleveland–Cliffs CLF 6.250 7.41 Oct. 1, ’40 87.980 0.73 82.000 more unpredictable and com- tal controls that apply in ern Xinjiang region.
Netflix NFLX 5.750 2.27 March 1, ’24 111.125 0.66 111.750
Sensata Technologies
June 15, ’22
Oct. 15, ’23
New Highs and Lows | Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
Graphic Packaging International GPK 3.500 3.31 March 15, ’28 101.250 0.50 101.625 CatabasisPharm CATB 1.52 -70.9 Metacrine MTCR 8.21 -8.1
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE ChardanHlthcr2Wt CHAQ.WS 0.55 -9.2 MetenEdtechX METX 3.00 -8.1
…And with the biggest price decreases American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session.
CogentComm CCOI
ConyersParkII CPAA
55.95 -1.8
8.66 -9.6
MingZhuLogistics YGMZ
NorthernOil&Gas NOG
3.85 -1.3
4.09 -4.2
Transocean RIG 7.500 58.28 April 15, ’31 13.250 –1.50 n.a. ConyersParkII Wt CPAAW 1.06 -8.6 OaktreeAcqnII OACB.U 9.99 0.1
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 CoreCivic CXW 6.00 -6.4 OpiantPharm OPNT 6.97 -1.0
American Airlines AAL 11.750 12.62 July 15, ’25 96.938 –1.31 99.000 CorEnergyInfr CORR 5.00 -3.1 PBF Energy PBF 4.62 -8.4
–1.23 103.845 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk %
Navient NAVI 6.125 5.17 March 25, ’24 102.956 Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
CuriosityStream CURI 8.46 1.1 ParamountGroup PGRE 5.89 -4.1
DBV Tech DBVT 1.45 -5.2 PeabodyEnergy BTU 1.43 -5.9
Ligado Networks NEWLSQ 17.500 29.37 May 1, ’24 75.000 –1.00 76.500 D8 A DEH 9.60 0.4 PhoenixTree DNK 2.04 -11.1
KodiakSciences KOD 102.74 1.1 Tantech TANH 2.99 10.4
L Brands LB 5.625 3.82 Oct. 15, ’23 105.020 –0.98 105.250 Highs LabCpAm
212.47 2.2
35.90 1.1
TekkorpDigital TEKKU
ThermoFisherSci TMO
EmpireStateReal60 OGCP
9.92 0.1
5.85 -1.5
PiedmontOfficeA PDM
Psychemedics PMD
12.12 -4.1
3.99 -6.1
Netflix NFLX 5.875 3.01 Nov. 15, ’28 120.316 –0.88 121.750 AciesAcqn ACACU 9.98 ... LianluoSmart LLIT 4.73 2.9 TurningPoint TPB 39.42 13.1 ExecutiveNtwk ENPC.U 24.68 0.1 PyxisTankersPfdA PXSAP 18.75 -0.1
BABA 319.32 3.3 Reading A RDI 2.40 -4.3
ADT Security ADT 4.875 4.39 July 15, ’32 104.386 –0.86 106.250 Alibaba LifeSciAcqn LSAC 14.98 1.8 Twitter TWTR 51.51 4.6 EyePointPharm EYPT 0.40 -2.5
RecroPharma REPH 1.81 ...
Amedisys AMED 259.85 1.1 LifetimeBrands LCUT 12.57 -13.3 USCellularNts2069 UZD 26.92 0.1 FSDPharma HUGE 1.72 -2.2
United Airlines Holdings UAL 5.000 9.06 Feb. 1, ’24 88.750 –0.66 90.590 AmicusTherap FOLD 19.47 1.0 LiveOakBcshs LOB 35.15 3.3 UltragenyxPharm RARE 99.79 6.8 FarmerBros FARM 3.87 -2.0 RockwellMedical RMTI 0.87 -4.1
ArenaPharm ARNA 87.59 1.9 FedNat FNHC 5.42 -4.4 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 37.65 -2.3
LordstownMotors RIDE 19.50 -12.7 UnitySoftware U 108.35 4.0
*Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread. AscendisPharma ASND 168.56 3.5 SachemNts2025 SCCC 24.56 0.1
LordstownMotorsWt RIDEW 7.79 -14.9 VaronisSystems VRNS 138.75 0.1 FinTechAcqnIV FTIVU 10.00 -0.3
BankofAmPfdE BACpE 25.15 ... SagaComm SGA 18.67 -4.0
Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more LuxHlthTech LUXAU 10.07 0.1 VoceraComm VCRA 35.36 4.2 FirstCash FCFS 54.12 -0.7
BioLifeSols BLFS 30.31 5.3 ScorpioTankers STNG 9.72 -3.7
Source: MarketAxess MallardAcqn MACUU 10.02 -0.9 WD-40 WDFC 239.47 1.2 FoghornTherap FHTX 15.99 -7.0
Bio-RadLab A BIO 592.66 1.0 SeaChange SEAC 0.73 -6.1
MarketAxess MKTX 575.60 4.7 Xilinx XLNX 130.40 8.6 FoleyTrasimeneA WPF 9.96 ...
Clarus CLAR 17.06 5.7 ShiftPixy PIXY 2.20 -0.9
MatchGroup MTCH 127.42 5.5 FortressValueIIWt FAII.WS 1.20 -2.8
SocialCapHedWt IPOC.WS 1.70 -2.8
CiaSiderurgica SID
CorsairGaming CRSR 26.45
3.88 ...
Moelis MC 42.12 2.8 Lows GEO Group GEO 8.24 -4.1
SocialCapHedV IPOE.U 10.35 ...
Dividend Changes Company Symbol
Yld % New/Old Frq
Payable /
CROX 55.40
CMI 231.35
MorganStanleyPfdA MSpA
24.49 1.6
24.85 0.4 AbraxisPetrol AXAS
Akerna KERN
1.62 -5.2
2.79 -15.1
GenesisHealthcare GEN
GlobusMaritime GLBS
0.43 -1.3
6.86 -1.5
StateAutoFin STFC
12.93 -2.5
9.99 ...
1847Goedeker GOED 17.75 19.7 GoresHoldingsV GRSV 9.75 0.3 TailwindAcqnA TWND 9.55 -0.4
DanaherPfdA DHRpA1637.99 2.0 ArmstrongWorld AWI 61.56 -3.2
Dividend announcements from October 27. Initial Danaher DHR 240.51 2.1
PJT Partners PJT
PitneyBowes PBI
76.45 5.0
7.67 0.9 AspirationalCns ASPL.U 9.89 -0.1
GreenwichLife GLSI
HallofFameWt HOFVW
4.00 ...
0.19 -5.6
TalosEnergyWt TALO.WS 0.05 -0.7
TargetHosp TH 0.92 -12.0
Amount Payable / RiverNorth/DoubleLine Pfd OPPpA 4.4 .0668 Q Nov16 /Nov02 DenaliTherap DNLI 45.95 9.0 PublicStorage PSA 239.40 -0.7 Astronics ATRO 6.95 -2.0 HallofFameResort HOFV 1.84 0.5 Teekay TK 1.86 -4.5
dMY Tech II DMYD.U 10.85 3.9 Repligen RGEN 180.84 -1.0 AtlStreetAcqn ASAQ 9.61 -0.2 HaynesIntl HAYN 16.43 -0.6 Teligent TLGT 0.58 -0.8
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record Stocks dMYTechII Wt DMYD.WS 1.65 20.8 AvenueTherap ATXI 3.06 -4.0 HealthStream HSTM 19.29 -7.6
ScholarRock SRRK 31.69 118.8 The9 NCTY 2.07 8.9
EllomayCapital ELLO 37.58 5.4 ShattuckLabs STTK 25.72 4.9 BCTG Acqn BCTG 9.83 ... HighPeakEner HPK 4.20 -6.7 9.66 -2.4
Increased WidePoint WYY 1:10 /Nov09 Thryv THRY
Endava DAVA 69.80 0.3 Shutterstock SSTK 70.60 11.8 BP BP 15.35 -2.7 HighPointRscs HPR 0.13 -3.1 Tricida TCDA 7.92 -4.2
Community West Bancshares CWBC 2.4 .05 /.045 Q Nov30 /Nov13 Foreign ErieIndemnity A ERIE 238.17 2.3 SilvergateCapital SI 23.48 3.0 BP Prudhoe BPT 1.35 -3.9 IntercorpFinSvcs IFS 22.00 -0.2 UnitedInsurance UIHC 4.69 -4.7
Global Partners GLP 12.3 .50 /.45875 Q Nov13 /Nov09 ExactSciences EXAS 141.90 23.0 SiyataMobile SYTA 6.10 7.5 BancoMacro BMA 12.21 -5.6 InVivoTherap NVIV 0.55 -4.2 UnivInsurance UVE 13.45 -4.6
Altera Infr 7.25% Pfd. A ALINpA 10.0 .4531 Q Nov16 /Nov06 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 120.29 -1.3 SiyataMobileWt SYTAW 3.00 41.4 BaudaxBio BXRX 1.19 -6.2 IterumTherap ITRM 0.48 -6.5 VG Acqn VGAC.U 9.85 -0.2
Kimbell Royalty Partners KRP 14.3 .19 /.13 Q Nov09 /Nov02
Altera Infr 8.5% Pfd. B ALINpB 11.0 .5313 Q Nov16 /Nov06 Flexsteel FLXS 31.27 14.5 SOQUIMICH SQM 37.85 2.4 Biogen BIIB 254.93 -0.6 JaguarHealth JAGX 0.22 -8.7 VastaPlatform VSTA 12.34 -4.4
Lake Shore Bancorp LSBK 4.1 .13 /.12 Q Nov19 /Nov05 GuardantHealth GH 114.33 8.5 SouthernNts2020C SOJE 25.56 0.1 BiondVaxPharm BVXV 3.23 -15.9 KiromicBiopharma KRBP 9.60 ... VectorAcqn VACQU 9.96 -0.2
Altera Infr 8.875% Pfd. E ALINpE 11.6 .5547 Q Nov16 /Nov06
Manhattan Bridge LOAN 10.4 .11 /.10 Q Jan15 /Dec31 HoulihanLokey HLI 65.25 3.3 SoCopper SCCO 52.65 1.6 BoqiiHolding BQ 5.01 -4.0 KismetAcqnOne KSMT 9.63 -0.4 VertexEnergy VTNR 0.40 -3.7
Mueller Water Products MWA 2.0 .055 /.0525 Q Nov20 /Nov10 KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; HovnanianPfdA HOVNP 7.98 3.4 SpruceBio SPRB 20.05 3.5 CCNeubergerII PRPB 9.80 -0.2 LefterisAcqn LFTRU 9.82 -0.7 WellsFargo WFC 21.82 -3.9
RBB Bancorp RBB 2.9 .09 /.06 Q Nov16 /Nov02 IdexxLab IDXX 444.96 3.3 StitchFix SFIX 38.17 6.1 CVR Energy CVI 10.61 -5.2 LexiconPharm LXRX 1.29 -1.5 X4 Pharm XFOR 5.80 -6.6
S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: spin-off. IPG Photonics IPGP 202.58 3.3 StokeTherap STOK 41.56 3.5 CapitalaFinance CPTA 8.71 -1.3 MallardAcqn MACUU 9.91 -0.9 ZosanoPharma ZSAN 0.40 -3.5

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret
TotRetBdI 10.73 +0.01 3.6 GroCo 31.95 +0.32 49.6 IntlEq 24.71 -0.06 NA PIMCO Funds I2 DivAppIdxAdm 35.19 -0.24 5.5 WdsrllAdml 63.61 -0.51 -0.7 WndsrII 35.85 -0.28 -0.8
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. Edgewood Growth Instituti GrowCoK 32.02 +0.31 49.7 Invesco Funds Y Income NA ... NA EMAdmr 37.37 +0.19 2.7 WellsIAdml 66.63 -0.30 3.0 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e EdgewoodGrInst 51.13 +0.30 32.7 InvGrBd 11.78 +0.02 8.2 DevMktY 46.77 +0.19 2.6 PIMCO Funds Instl EqIncAdml 70.97 -1.01 -8.5 WelltnAdml 75.93 -0.16 3.3 IdxIntl 16.88 -0.07 -4.2
and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, Fidelity LowP r 43.83 -0.42 -6.0 JPMorgan I Class IncomeFd NA ... NA ExplrAdml 106.25 -0.39 9.3 WndsrAdml 63.64 -1.11-11.0 SmValAdml 50.03 -0.79-13.8
12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r 500IdxInstPrem117.68 -0.35 6.5 Magin 12.22 +0.05 19.8 CoreBond 12.42 +0.02 NA Price Funds ExtndAdml 102.78 -0.54 8.4 VANGUARD FDS TotBd2 11.51 +0.02 6.5
apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not Contrafund K6 17.83 +0.13 23.3 NASDAQ r 144.35 +0.92 28.1 EqInc 17.58 -0.24 NA BlChip 159.36 +1.71 28.2 GNMAAdml 10.72 ... 3.3 DivdGro 30.93 -0.24 2.1 TotIntlInstIdx r112.93 -0.43 -4.1
available due to incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; ExtMktIdxInstPre 69.15 -0.36 8.4 OTC 15.81 +0.12 31.8 JPMorgan R Class DivGro 54.27 -0.30 2.7 GrwthAdml 119.20 +0.71 27.9 INSTTRF2020 25.22 -0.02 4.6 TotItlInstPlId r112.96 -0.42 -4.1
data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. FidSerToMarket 11.60 -0.04 6.9 Puritn 24.92 +0.06 13.0 CoreBond 12.44 +0.02 NA EqInc 26.77 -0.39-14.9 HlthCareAdml r 90.84 -0.68 6.4 INSTTRF2025 25.82 -0.04 4.4 TotSt 84.16 -0.29 7.0
IntlIdxInstPrem 39.86 -0.29 -7.2 SrsEmrgMkt 22.15 +0.13 7.4 Lord Abbett A EqIndex 90.08 -0.27 6.4 HYCorAdml r 5.82 -0.01 1.7 INSTTRF2030 26.15 -0.05 4.1 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
MidCpInxInstPrem 23.76 -0.20 1.1 SrsGlobal 12.63 -0.04 -4.1 ShtDurIncmA p 4.18 ... 1.7 Growth 92.12 +0.66 25.6 InfProAd 28.19 +0.04 9.3 INSTTRF2035 26.46 -0.06 3.8 BalInst 41.58 -0.05 7.8
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 18.18 -0.05 6.4 SrsGroCoRetail 26.89 +0.28 51.5 Lord Abbett F HelSci 95.99 +0.45 17.9 IntlGrAdml 138.43 +1.09 34.7 INSTTRF2040 26.76 -0.07 3.4 DevMktsIndInst 13.09 -0.10 -6.2
Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret
SeriesBondFd 10.77 +0.02 7.0 SrsIntlGrw 18.53 -0.03 5.8 ShtDurIncm 4.17 ... 1.6 LgCapGow I 56.21 +0.42 27.6 ITBondAdml 12.63 +0.02 9.0 INSTTRF2045 26.99 -0.08 3.1 DevMktsInxInst 20.47 -0.14 -6.1
SeriesOverseas 10.99 -0.05 1.9 SrsIntlVal 8.53 -0.11-13.8 Metropolitan West MidCap 104.99 -0.06 10.1 ITIGradeAdml 10.63 +0.02 8.8 INSTTRF2050 27.04 -0.09 3.1 ExtndInst 102.77 -0.54 8.4
American Century Inv WshA p 45.90 -0.40 -3.2 Dimensional Fds SmCpIdxInstPrem 20.24 -0.19 -3.5 TotalBond 11.18 +0.02 7.5 TotRetBd 11.61 +0.01 7.5 NHoriz 83.85 +0.39 41.2 LTGradeAdml 11.88 +0.05 12.2 INSTTRF2055 27.15 -0.09 3.2 GrwthInst 119.21 +0.71 27.9
Ultra 70.43 +0.57 35.0 Baird Funds 5GlbFxdInc 10.89 +0.01 1.5 TMktIdxInstPrem 96.50 -0.33 6.8 Fidelity SAI TotRetBdI 11.61 +0.01 7.8 R2020 23.08 -0.04 4.5 InPrSeIn 11.48 +0.01 9.3
MidCpAdml 225.19 -1.45 3.4 IntlVal 33.66 -0.32-10.3
American Funds Cl A AggBdInst 11.83 +0.02 7.6 EmgMktVa 24.58 -0.15-12.5 USBdIdxInstPrem 12.43 +0.02 7.0 TotalBd 10.61 +0.01 6.9 TRBdPlan 10.92 +0.01 7.8 R2025 18.63 -0.04 4.8 InstIdx 302.65 -0.91 6.5
MuHYAdml 11.67 ... 2.1 LifeCon 21.83 -0.01 5.2
AmcpA p 36.05 -0.11 9.3 CorBdInst 12.16 +0.02 7.5 EmMktCorEq 20.86 +0.03 -2.4 Fidelity Advisor I Fidelity Selects MFS Funds Class I R2030 27.16 -0.06 4.9 InstPlus 302.66 -0.91 6.5
MuIntAdml 14.64 ... 3.2 LifeGro 37.16 -0.10 3.6
AMutlA p 41.32 -0.31 -3.5 BlackRock Funds IntlCoreEq 12.48 -0.11 -8.3 Growth I 156.99 +1.31 23.5 R2035 19.98 -0.05 5.0
InstTStPlus 72.03 -0.24 7.1
NwInsghtI 38.03 +0.29 16.3 Softwr r 24.89 +0.16 29.4 MuLTAdml 12.02 ... 3.5 LifeMod 29.91 -0.05 4.5
BalA p 28.95 -0.09 3.3 HiYBlk 7.50 ... 0.9 IntSmCo 17.38 -0.14 -7.6 ValueI 40.84 -0.52 -7.2 R2040 28.46 -0.08 5.2
MidCpInst 49.75 -0.32 3.4
Fidelity Freedom Tech r 27.18 +0.15 42.2 MuLtdAdml 11.21 ... 2.6 PrmcpCor 27.22 -0.25 -2.5
BondA p 14.08 +0.02 9.3 HiYldBd Inst 7.50 ... 0.9 IntSmVa 16.19 -0.17-16.0 MFS Funds Instl MidCpIstPl 245.34 -1.58 3.4
FF2020 16.47 -0.01 4.7 First Eagle Funds PRIMECAP Odyssey Fds MuShtAdml 15.93 ... 1.6 STAR NA ... NA SmCapInst 77.32 -0.80 -1.6
CapIBA p 57.85 -0.40 -6.1 BlackRock Funds A LgCo 26.02 -0.08 6.5 FF2025 14.61 -0.02 4.6 GlbA 56.71 -0.31 -2.1 IntlEq 26.82 -0.18 -3.7 AggGrowth r 49.81 -0.10 10.9 PrmcpAdml r148.15 -1.05 2.8 TgtRe2015 15.91 ... 4.8 STIGradeInst 10.99
GlblAlloc p 20.31 ... 8.9 TAUSCoreEq2 20.03 -0.15 0.6 Old Westbury Fds ... 4.5
CapWGrA 52.26 -0.15 1.3 FF2030 18.08 -0.02 4.4 Franklin A1 Putnam Funds Class Y RealEstatAdml110.44 -1.82-13.9 TgtRe2020 34.01 -0.02 4.5 STIPSIxins 25.49 +0.01 3.8
EupacA p 58.96 +0.18 5.9 BlackRock Funds Inst US CoreEq1 26.08 -0.16 1.9 Freedom2020 K 16.46 -0.01 4.8 CA TF A1 p 7.64 +0.01 2.3 LrgCpStr 15.84 +0.04 5.1 StDurInc 10.10 ... 1.4 SmCapAdml 77.32 -0.80 -1.7 TgtRe2025 20.71 -0.03 4.4 TotBdInst 11.59 +0.02 6.9
FdInvA p 61.71 -0.29 1.8 StratIncOpptyIns 10.09 ... 3.5 US CoreEq2 23.50 -0.18 0.5 Freedom2025 K 14.60 -0.01 4.7 IncomeA1 p 2.09 -0.02 -6.8 Parnassus Fds Schwab Funds SmGthAdml 79.00 -0.34 13.5 TgtRe2030 37.94 -0.07 4.1 TotBdInst2 11.51 +0.02 6.5
GwthA p 61.75 +0.13 20.8 Bridge Builder Trust US Small 31.81 -0.45 -8.4 Freedom2030 K 18.07 -0.02 4.5 FrankTemp/Frank Adv ParnEqFd 51.55 -0.10 10.2 1000 Inv r 76.48 -0.24 7.5 STBondAdml 10.87 ... 4.4 TgtRe2035 23.37 -0.05 3.8 TotBdInstPl 11.59 +0.02 6.9
HI TrA p 9.70 -0.01 1.0 CoreBond 10.95 +0.01 7.3 US SmCpVal 27.98 -0.61-18.0 Freedom2035 K 15.19 -0.03 3.9 IncomeAdv 2.08 -0.01 -6.3 PGIM Funds Cl Z S&P Sel 52.62 -0.16 6.5 STIGradeAdml 10.99 ... 4.5 TgtRe2040 40.47 -0.10 3.4 TotIntBdIdxInst 35.07 +0.08 4.1
ICAA p 40.16 -0.14 3.1 CorePlusBond 10.67 +0.01 7.3 USLgVa 32.00 -0.49-15.6 Freedom2040 K 10.63 -0.03 3.6 FrankTemp/Franklin A TotalReturnBond NA ... NA TSM Sel r 59.77 -0.20 6.8 TotBdAdml 11.59 +0.02 6.9 TgtRe2045 25.49 -0.08 3.2 TotStInst 84.20 -0.29 7.1
IncoA p 21.90 -0.15 -3.5 Intl Eq 11.74 -0.07 -2.1 Dodge & Cox Fidelity Invest Growth A p 132.11 ... 17.7 PIMCO Fds Instl TIAA/CREF Funds TotIntBdIdxAdm 23.37 +0.05 4.0 TgtRe2050 41.04 -0.13 3.2 ValueInst 40.87 -0.55-10.5
IntBdA p 14.21 +0.01 6.8 LargeCapGrowth 19.45 +0.08 22.9 Balanced 93.06 -0.98 -5.5 Balanc 26.03 -0.04 11.1 RisDv A p 72.44 -0.61 4.8 AllAsset NA ... NA EqIdxInst 24.97 -0.08 7.0 TotIntlAdmIdx r 28.24 -0.11 -4.1 TgtRet2055 44.55 -0.14 3.1 WCM Focus Funds
N PerA p 54.51 +0.01 15.3 LargeCapValue 12.63 -0.18 -6.4 Income 14.74 +0.02 7.4 BluCh 147.20 +1.26 42.5 Guggenheim Funds Tru HiYld 8.78 -0.01 1.0 VANGUARD ADMIRAL TotStAdml 84.19 -0.29 7.1 TgtRetInc 14.60 ... 5.1 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 22.15 +0.03 17.1
NEcoA p 53.72 +0.26 17.5 ClearBridge Intl Stk 36.29 -0.44-16.8 Contra 16.96 +0.13 24.5 TotRtnBdFdClInst 29.80 +0.05 12.2 InvGrdCrBd NA ... NA 500Adml 313.13 -0.94 6.5
TxMCapAdml176.57 -0.51 7.8 TotIntBdIxInv 11.69 +0.03 4.1 Western Asset
NwWrldA 76.02 +0.35 7.8 LargeCapGrowthI NA ... NA Stock 166.77 -2.74-11.2 ContraK 16.99 +0.13 24.6 Harbor Funds TotRt NA ... NA BalAdml 41.57 -0.06 7.8 TxMIn r 13.08 -0.09 -6.1 USGro 60.83 +0.44 41.4 CoreBondI NA ... NA
SmCpA p 67.86 +0.03 15.3 Columbia Class I CpInc r 10.02 -0.04 1.2 CapApInst 105.94 +1.04 39.9 PIMCO Funds A CAITAdml 12.23 +0.01 3.1
DoubleLine Funds USGroAdml 157.66 +1.12 41.5 WellsI 27.51 -0.12 2.9 CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
TxExA p 13.38 ... 2.3 DivIncom I 23.28 -0.21 -3.2 CoreFxdIncmI NA DivIntl 42.87 +0.02 5.9 Harding Loevner IncomeFd NA ... NA CapOpAdml r167.86 -1.14 6.4
... NA ValAdml 40.87 -0.55-10.5 Welltn 43.97 -0.09 3.2 CorePlusBdIS NA ... NA
B12 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Nasdaq Outperforms Dow, S&P 500

AMD-Xilinx deal lifts offs in the past: evidence that Index performance, Tuesday volatility and returns that are most recent quarter.
parts of the economy have a bit more consistent with his- After the closing bell, Mi-
tech sector, but spread started to recover from dis- 1.0%
torical norms,” he said. crosoft reported higher sales
of virus pressures ruptions and shutdowns re- Nasdaq
Some investors also are bet- fueled by pandemic-era de-
lated to the pandemic. Composite ting that authorities will avoid mand for cloud-computing
other major indexes Orders for long-lasting fac- +0.6% the stringent lockdown mea- services. Shares ticked up 0.3%
tory goods increased for the 0.5 sures put in place in the spring after hours.
BY MISCHA FRANKL-DUVAL fifth consecutive month in to slow the spread of the virus, Overseas, the Stoxx Europe
AND AMBER BURTON September, Commerce Depart- which brought the global econ- 600 slipped 0.9%.
ment data showed Tuesday. omy to a jarring halt. At midday Wednesday in
Stocks wobbled, attempting Orders rose 1.9% in September “At the moment, the market Tokyo, the Nikkei was down
to stabilize after worries from August. is discounting for further lock- 0.3%, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng
about the coronavirus pan- The Dow Jones Industrial downs and for the economy to Index was down 0.4% and
S&P 500
demic sent markets tumbling Average fell 222.19 points, or suffer dramatically again, and South Korea’s Kospi was down
to start the week. 0.8%, to 27463, down four of I just don’t see that,” said Pat- 0.1%. U.S. stock futures were
Rising Covid-19 infection the past five trading days. The –0.5 rick Spencer, managing direc- down 0.5%.
levels around the world are blue chips are down 3.8% for tor at U.S. investment firm
compounding worries about 2020. The S&P 500 lost 10.29 Dow Jones Baird. “We’re in a V-shaped
the global eco- points, or 0.3%, to 3390.68. Average recovery.” Here are the results of Tuesday's Treasury auction.
TUESDAY’S nomic outlook. The Nasdaq Composite –1.0 –0.8% A string of earnings results All bids are awarded at a single price at the market-
MARKETS The seven-day climbed 72.41 points, or 0.6%,
9:30 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4
drove swings across the stock
clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference
between that price and the face value.
average of new to 11431.35. market. TWO-YEAR NOTES
cases in the U.S. reached a re- Technology stocks were a Source: FactSet Shares of Eli Lilly fell Applications $135,732,337,200
Accepted bids $59,729,134,900
cord Monday, while a number relative bright spot in Tues- $9.80, or 6.9%, to $131.90, af- " noncompetitively $141,024,700
of countries in Europe, includ- day’s market, buoyed by Ad- 4.1%, to $78.88. about the market’s recovery ter the drugmaker lowered its " foreign noncompetitively $5,000,000
Auction price (rate) 99.948240
ing Italy, Spain and Russia, vanced Micro Devices’ planned Despite uncertainty due to heading into next year. profit guidance for 2020. (0.151%)
tightened restrictions on ac- $35 billion acquisition of Xil- the rise in Covid-19 infections, “I think there are still more Shares of Caterpillar fell Interest rate 0.125%
Bids at clearing yield accepted 76.17%
tivity to curb the spread. inx, a fellow chip maker. Xilinx Craig Fehr, an investment gains that can be seen in 2021. $5.29, or 3.2% to $157.91, after Cusip number 91282CAR2
One factor that has helped shares rose $9.80, or 8.6%, to strategist at Edward Jones, We’re probably likely to see the company reported profit The notes, dated Nov. 2, 2020, mature on Oct. 31,
stocks bounce back from sell- $124.35. AMD fell $3.35, or said he remains optimistic the stock market produce both and revenue fell during its 2022.

U.S. Election
Adds to Pressure
On Turkish Lira


Investors already wary of surprised investors by not hik-
Turkish assets have a new rea- ing rates. Earlier this year, it
son for caution: the U.S. elec- repeatedly cut interest rates in
tion. a quest for growth. That
moved interest rates below in-
By Caitlin Ostroff in flation, discouraging investors
London and David from holding Turkish assets.
Gauthier-Villars The desire for growth,
in Istanbul championed by President Re-
cep Tayyip Erdogan, also saw
The Turkish lira, which has an expansion of credit to
lost a quarter of its value households and businesses.
against the greenback this This increased the gap between
year, tumbled past 8 to the dol- imports and exports, widening
lar for the first time Monday as the current-account deficit. The lira closed at a record low 8.15 to the dollar amid jitters that U.S.-Turkish relations could worsen. A currency exchange in Istanbul.
investors considered how the Meanwhile, Turkish exports
presidential vote could com- have fallen during the pan- consulate in Istanbul on terror- In January, Mr. Biden said in ins with Turkey—including re- more with international insti-
pound longstanding concerns demic, and the central bank ism-related charges. a New York Times interview garding the prolonged tutions and be more collabora-
over Turkey’s economic out- has spent billions of dollars de- Nazmi Mete Canturk, who that he was “very concerned” detention of a U.S. pastor in a tive with European allies, Mr.
look. On Tuesday, the currency fending the lira, drawing down worked as a security guard, by Turkey’s acquisition of Rus- Turkish jail, as well as over Markov said, contributing to
hit a record low at 8.15 lira to its reserves. was sentenced to five years in sian air-defense systems, known Syria—Messrs. Trump and Er- concerns that conflicts be-
the dollar. Turkey no longer has prison, according to Turkish as S-400, adding that Mr. Erdo- dogan have displayed a warm tween the EU and Turkey could
CURRENCIES Last week, enough reserves to cover two state news agency Anadolu, for gan had to “pay a price” for it. relationship. lead to more aggressive sanc-
Turkey, a mem- months of imported goods, ac- helping supporters of Fethullah Mr. Biden called the Turkish Mr. Erdogan’s administra- tions against Turkey.
ber of the North Atlantic Treaty cording to data from the Inter- Gulen, a cleric Turkey has president an autocrat, and said tion has clashed with the Euro- Other investors said a Biden
Organization, confirmed it con- national Monetary Fund. blamed for a coup attempt in he was in favor of supporting pean Union—its largest trading administration would have to
ducted a missile-firing exercise “Turkey is in a very difficult 2016. Mr. Gulen has denied political opponents to defeat partner—in recent months over reckon with the fact that Tur-
with an advanced air-defense position anyway because it’s playing any role in the at- him in elections. issues including maritime key plays a strategic role as
system it has procured from facing an unprecedented crisis tempted coup. Mr. Canturk, When excerpts of the inter- rights in the east Mediterra- guardian of NATO’s southeast-
Russia. The U.S. Department of and the authorities have not who has denied the accusation, view resurfaced in Turkish me- nean and the conflict between ern flank, and move cautiously
Defense criticized the move, provided the needed response,” is expected to be allowed to re- dia this summer, Mr. Erdogan’s Armenia and Azerbaijan over with sanctions.
stoking concerns that it could said Nikolay Markov, a senior main free pending appeal. spokesman, Ibrahim Kalın, said Nagorno-Karabakh. On Sunday, “Turkey is a strategic part-
lead to sanctions against Turkey economist at Pictet Asset Man- Mr. Biden has yet to outline Mr. Biden’s comments were France said it would recall its ner, and will remain a strategic
that analysts and investors see agement. “If we add the presi- any specific Turkey policies. “based on pure ignorance, ar- ambassador to Turkey after partner to the West,” said Po-
as more likely if Democratic dential election to that, the Still, analysts said they ex- rogance and hypocrisy.” Mr. Erdogan suggested that lina Kurdyavko, head of emerg-
candidate Joe Biden is elected. risk is quite elevated.” pected him to take a tougher Turkey’s acquisition of French President Emmanuel ing markets debt at BlueBay
The Biden campaign didn’t re- In a development likely to stance against Mr. Erdogan S-400 will trigger legally man- Macron needed a mental health Asset Management. She added
spond to a request for comment. further stoke tension between than Mr. Trump based on dec- dated congressional sanctions, check and called on Turks to that central bank policy, rather
This has exacerbated pres- Washington and Ankara, a larations he has made when he but their scope is still unclear. boycott French goods. than geopolitics, would guide
sure on the lira from last week Turkish court on Tuesday con- was vice president, as well as Although the Trump admin- Investors expect that, if her decision regarding expo-
when Turkey’s central bank victed an employee of the U.S. during the 2020 campaign. istration has had repeated run- elected, Mr. Biden would work sure to Turkey.

Anxiety on lysts have said that a Demo-

cratic sweep of the White
House and Congress could ben-
fiscal stimulus is needed to
help the economic recovery.
In some cases, investors say

Vote Is Seen efit the economy and markets.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. ana-
lysts said earlier this month
the idea of a speedy resolution
to the election is more comfort-
ing than a lead in the polls by a

Abating that a Democratic sweep could

be a positive for stocks. UBS
Group AG echoed that senti-
particular candidate. Still, there
remain countless unknowns
about how the election will af-
ment Friday, saying a “blue fect policy on everything from
Continued from page B1 wave or status quo outcome taxes to climate change and fi-
ments in recent weeks. would likely be modestly better nancial regulation.
“They no longer think the for stocks because it would lead The recent trading activity
election is going to be some- to larger fiscal support.” also highlights investors’ confi-
thing that takes us a long time Business leaders have also dence in such polling, despite
to figure out,” said Amy Wu Sil- embraced the prospect of a Bi- several political surprises in
verman, a managing director at den presidency, despite his 2016, such as Mr. Trump’s vic-
RBC Capital Markets. “People push to increase taxes on cor- tory and Brexit.
are expecting good news out of porations and wealthy individu- “There’s been kind of a re-
the fiscal stimulus as well as als. Their stances highlight the visiting of the sense that the

the vaccine.” importance of fiscal stimulus objective read of the polling is

Many investors had been and how the pandemic’s impact the right way,” said Josh Youn-
betting on prolonged uncer- ger, a managing director at JP-
tainty after the election in an- Morgan Chase & Co. “The wider
ticipation of a surge in mail-in the gap, the more decisive the
voting that would leave the
‘Expecting good victory.”
outcome undecided for weeks. news out of the Mr. Younger said it has re-
On Monday, as U.S. stocks fell cently gotten cheaper to pick
Signs are growing that there may not be protracted election uncertainty. Early voting in Brooklyn, N.Y. sharply and the Cboe Volatility
fiscal stimulus as up options around the presi-
Index, or VIX, climbed, some in- well as the vaccine.’ dential election.
Options contracts Ratio of bearish options VIX futures vestors positioned for its fall Other traders caution anxi-
outstanding on the outstanding tied to VIX contracts, by through bearish options on the ety surrounding the election
Invesco Solar ETF to bullish ones expiration date gauge, Trade Alert data show. A hasn’t dissipated entirely, and
bearish bet on the VIX is akin to on the economy supersedes the VIX has remained elevated
120,000 contracts 1.4 times 33 points
a bullish bet on the S&P 500 be- many other factors. Democratic even as stocks have climbed
cause the two tend to move in lawmakers in Congress have this month. On Monday, it
100,000 1.2 32 opposite directions. The S&P been pushing a $2.2 trillion jumped to the highest level

Call options
outstanding 500 continued to slip on Tues- stimulus package to combat the since early September.
80,000 Put options 1.0 31 day as worries about the pan- virus, much larger than Repub- Even some investors who
outstanding demic weighed on markets. licans’ proposal. had piled into exchange-traded
Sept. 23, 2020 “It’s been a very popular Republicans are often funds that would benefit from a
60,000 0.8 30 trade to position for volatility thought to be friendlier to the victory for Mr. Biden appear to
to go lower after the election,” stock market because of their be hedging their bets. Solar
40,000 0.6 29 said Christopher Murphy, co- policies on lower taxes, though stocks and other alternative en-
head of derivatives strategy at stocks have tended to go up re- ergy shares had surged in re-
Monday Susquehanna Financial Group, gardless of which party con- cent weeks, partly thanks to the
20,000 0.4 28
adding that these bets ap- trols Washington. Mr. Trump’s expectation they would benefit
peared resilient even during tax cuts, for example, helped from Mr. Biden’s $2 trillion
0 0.2 27 EXPIRATION DATE the stock-market selloff on boost the stock market early in plan to combat climate change.
J F M A M J J A S O J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J Monday. his presidency. But that calcu- But bearish put options out-
2020 2020 2020 2021 The recent jump in the stock lus has shifted ahead of the standing tied to the Invesco
Note: Data as of Monday. market’s laggards, including fi- coming election, in part be- Solar ETF recently surged to
Sources: Trade Alert (contracts outstanding, bearish/bullish ratio); Deutsche Bank (VIX futures contracts) nancial shares, comes as ana- cause many believe that more the highest level of the year.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | B13


Remote Work Is Tricky for Raytheon Factories

Hum Amid
Working from home has hit aerospace revenues but the company hopes it will also cut costs
The rise of Zoom and Microsoft
Teams amid the continuing pan-
demic is a worry for aerospace
companies, given the impact on
business travel. But at least remote
working can also help them cut
costs. Manufacturers struggle
On Tuesday, Raytheon Technol- to keep up pace
ogies chief executive Greg Hayes
said he plans to cut office space by
20% to 25%. The aerospace and de- Eight months into the Covid-19
fense conglomerate, which was crisis, manufacturers are facing an
born out of the megamerger of Ray- unusual problem: They are strug-
theon and United Technologies gling to keep up with demand.
earlier this year, already expected The Commerce Department on
to reduce its 31 million square feet Tuesday reported that orders for
of office space by around 10%. The durable goods—long-lasting items
experience of working through such as cold-rolled steel in cooling
Covid-19 has helped set much more towers—rose 1.9% in September
ambitious targets. from August, outstripping the 0.4%
“For these last six months, as gain economists expected. Details of
I’ve toured the country and visited the report were strong, including a
facilities where we’ve got literally a 1% increase in nondefense capital-
handful of folks working there and goods orders excluding aircraft,
everybody else is being efficient which economists use as a proxy for

working remotely, it became very capital-equipment demand.

apparent we don’t need all this The gain in durable-goods orders
space,” Mr. Hayes told analysts af- With the retirement of older fleets, Pratt is becoming a bit too dependent on Airbus’s A320 workhorse jet. was slower than in the late spring
ter reporting third-quarter results. and early summer. But with the
Raytheon’s ability to hold on to announced a new highly automated Contrary to earlier hopes of a probably gives Raytheon an edge overall level of new orders now
cost savings should be at the fore- turbine airfoil facility in North Car- second-quarter trough, sales for the over troubled rivals General Electric above where it was before the pan-
front of investors’ minds. olina that is supposed to be cheaper three months through September and Rolls-Royce. With the retire- demic, it is impressive. Much of
So far, its $2 billion cost-cutting and more efficient. were still down by a third at both ment of older fleets, Pratt is becom- that reflects a catch-up after orders
initiative for the year is bearing Investors aren’t sold. The stock divisions relative to last year. Major ing a bit too dependent on Airbus’s collapsed during the worst of the
fruit. Free cash flow came in at $1.2 fell roughly 7% Tuesday. U.S. airlines have reported flat re- A320 workhorse jet, but this is a crisis, but some unusual dynamics
billion for the quarter, more than Sales for the defense business—a pair expenses for the quarter, de- nice problem to have compared in two areas of demand—cars and
six times higher than Wall Street key source of stability while the spite having already cut them to the with Rolls’ focus on wide-body housing—are also playing a big role.
analysts expected. Earnings also commercial aerospace business re- bone during the lockdown period. planes. The ability to deliver a Automotive demand plunged
beat expectations. mains impaired—were a bit disap- Even if traffic were to return in lower cost base could prove crucial when the pandemic closed car deal-
Much of the cash-flow improve- pointing. The real cause of the pes- the fourth quarter, this so-called af- to gaining market share, especially erships; new light-vehicle sales in
ment came down to the timing of simism, however, is probably that termarket business wouldn’t see a if the extra cash is spent on tech- April were about half of their Feb-
customer collections and tax pay- the market hadn’t fully digested comeback in 2021, given deferrals nology rather than buybacks. ruary levels. And production came
ments, and another large part to how long it will take for the high- in shop visits and the abundance of Aerospace companies can be for- to a near halt as assembly lines
furloughs that will be reversed as margin maintenance, repair and usable parts that are being stripped given for wishing that videoconfer- shut down. But as the economy
aerospace business starts to return. overhaul business to bounce back. off parked jets, Raytheon Chief Fi- encing doesn’t radically reshape opened up again, sales jumped—re-
Still, a chunk of the savings could For Raytheon, this includes Pratt nancial Officer Anthony O’Brien corporate culture. Given their prob- flecting not only of pent-up demand
remain. Last week, Raytheon’s en- but also Collins Aerospace, which said Tuesday. lems, though, they are wise to em- but the new urgency many people
gine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney makes parts for aircraft. Still, a stronger balance sheet brace it themselves. —Jon Sindreu felt to get a first or second set of
wheels as a result of the pandemic.
Car companies and their suppliers
are the biggest contributors to the

AMD Can Roll the Dice With Xilinx

U.S. manufacturing base.
Meanwhile, the combination of
low interest rates and new demand
for suburban and second homes has
led to a resurgence in home build-
Advanced Micro Devices is tak- for the same period reported last ing. That is good news for factories,
ing a big gamble in buying Xilinx. week. And AMD’s strong projection because it is fueling demand for
The chip maker’s latest results for the fourth quarter didn’t mir- construction materials and equip-
show why it can. ror its rival’s claims of a “diges- ment. The rise in both new and ex-
AMD announced both on Tues- tion” period by large cloud provid- isting home sales, as well as the de-
day morning. For Xilinx, AMD will ers that could depress data-center cisions by homeowners who are
be paying the equivalent of about sales for the year-end period. AMD staying put to update their sur-
$35 billion in stock, representing a has the benefit of a strong product roundings during the pandemic, has
premium of about 35% to the value cycle to fall back on at the moment also led to higher appliance sales.

of Xilinx shares before The Wall with its next-generation Milan Manufacturers are racing to keep
Street Journal reported earlier this server processors shipping to up. It is a situation that won’t last
month that the two companies cloud customers this quarter. In- forever but is a good problem to have.
were discussing a deal. It is AMD’s tel’s comparable Ice Lake proces- —Justin Lahart
largest acquisition ever and fol- sors are expected to see volume
lows closely a string of other chip shipping in the next quarter, but Auto and light-truck
deals, most notably Nvidia’s an- they suffer from the perception motor vehicle assemblies
nouncement last month that it that it is built on a process tech-
14 million units
would purchase Arm Holdings from nology now running behind the
Softbank Corp. for $40 billion. one used for AMD’s latest chips. 12 RECESSION
That deal also represents an ag- CEO Lisa Su projected 20% annual revenue growth for a combined company. AMD will need all the momen-
gressive move by an ascendant tum it can get. Chief Executive Lisa 10
chip maker looking to significantly another chip maker from a very rency for expansion—quite helpful Su said Tuesday that a combined
ramp up its data-center business. different market segment and mak- to a company with less than 10% of AMD-Xilinx can still average 20% 8
Both transactions face significant ing the deal work in a way that has Intel’s cash on hand. And AMD’s annual revenue growth over the
hurdles getting the necessary gov- eluded Intel Corp. It bought Xilinx results for the third quarter were longer term—the same target she 6
ernment approvals in a semicon- competitor Altera in 2015 but has among its best ever, with revenue previously laid out for AMD alone.
ductor market that has become yet to show much benefit from the surging 56% to a record $2.8 bil- That reflects big hopes for Xilinx, 4
highly politicized with the U.S.- move. lion and adjusted operating income which has averaged just over 6%
China trade war. But Nvidia is a AMD is enjoying much stronger more than doubling to $525 mil- growth annually over the last five 2
good deal larger than AMD and is growth than Intel was at the time, lion, also a record. Both were well years and is expected to see reve-
more versed in the deal game. It is though. That momentum has ahead of Wall Street’s estimates nue fall this year.
also buying what is predominantly nearly doubled AMD’s market for the period. Investors need to hope that Jan. 2020
a licensing business, while AMD value just this year alone and Those results contrasted sharply AMD’s golden touch will prove con- Note: Seasonally adjusted annual rate
faces the challenge of integrating made its stock into a valuable cur- with Intel’s disappointing numbers tagious. —Dan Gallagher Source: Federal Reserve via St. Louis Fed

U.S. Can’t Copy South Korea’s Recovery
South Korea’s recession ended in Exports as a percentage of GDP for the same period a year earlier.
Why is Covid-19 spreading rap- from the “staycation” trend, in- the third quarter with the economy Germany, Europe’s export cham-
idly in Europe? The latest evi- cluding in Italy—an economy usu- growing by 1.9% from the second pion, hasn’t controlled the virus as
dence comes from an unlikely ally seen as dependent on global quarter. The country’s commend- successfully but has done well by
source: quarterly results from Ital- tourism. In the region that in- able control of Covid-19 has 50 European standards. Its third-quar-
ian liquor company Davide Cam- cludes Southern Europe, the com- helped—but like China, its pre-ex- Germany ter GDP won’t be released until the
pari-Milano. pany also noted “very favorable isting economic structure was
end of the month, but the Interna-
On Tuesday, the distiller behind weather conditions” and a “short- also key. South tional Monetary Fund expects the
brands such as Campari, Aperol term reaction” to reopenings after The real secret sauce for coming Korea economy to contract by 6% this
and Grand Marnier reported ex- the spring lockdowns. back from Covid-19 has been a mix 30 year, somewhat less than the 9.8%
ceptionally strong growth for the The results came the day after of the two: getting the virus under contraction forecast for France and
three months through September. Italy imposed a 6 p.m. curfew on control early and benefiting from 20 the U.K., or the double-digit drops
Excluding the impact of portfolio bars and restaurants to stop so- an existing export-heavy economic China projected for Italy and Spain.
and currency changes, sales were cial activity spreading the corona- model. South Korea’s expansion is in
13% higher than in virus. At 5.5 percentage points, exports 10 U.S. part to do with manufacturing the
the comparable pe- Young people made the largest contribution to things that have found continued
riod last year, led by have been at the South Korea’s GDP growth since at 0 demand despite a global economic
a 35% increase in its forefront of the sec- least 1960. Without that export freeze this year. Its goods exports
1990 2000 ’10
home region of ond wave of boom, a slump in capital investment are just 0.6% shy of their level one
Southern Europe, Covid-19 cases in would have left the country in re- Source: FactSet year ago, while services exports are
Middle East and Europe, prompt- cession. Private expenditures still down 23.4%. Even if they had
Africa. ing authorities to dropped 0.1% quarter on quarter. North America and Western Europe exercised Seoul’s impressive control
The company focus on reining A lift in exports has an outsize would struggle to replicate this per- over the spread of the virus, ser-

said its in drinking effect on South Korea because the formance. In September, the coun- vices-focused exporters would
aperitif establish- economy is far more trade-oriented try’s three largest export groups— struggle to mimic that outcome.
brands in ments. The than most. In 2019, exports ran to covering items such as electrical Not every economy can grow by
particular hangover about 40% of GDP, compared with machinery, machine tools and heat- leaning on overseas demand.
had ben- has ar- 18.4% in China and 11.7% in the U.S. ing equipment, and vehicles and Though controlling the virus is a
efited rived. Breaking down the components their parts—all grew by more than prerequisite for an economic recov-
of the surge offers the clearest indi- 10% year over year. That is mark- ery, structure matters just as
cation of why most economies in edly stronger than the growth rates much—if not more. —Mike Bird
B14 | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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