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A hyperbola is a conic section formed by the intersection of the double cone by a plane
surface, such that the plane is perpendicular to the circular bases of the double cones.

Parts of a Hyperbola
Center of Hyperbola: The midpoint of the line
joining the two foci is called the center of the
hyperbola, located at (h, k).
Vertices: The points where the hyperbola intersects
the axis are called the vertices, each being a units
away from the center.
Latus Rectum of Hyperbola: The latus rectum is a
line drawn perpendicular to the transverse axis of the hyperbola and is passing through the foci of the
hyperbola. Each endpoint of the latus rectum is b2/a units from a focus.
Foci of hyperbola: The hyperbola has two foci, each being c units away from the center, where
c = √ a2 +b 2

Transverse Axis: The line passing through the two foci and the center of the hyperbola is called the
transverse axis of the hyperbola.
Conjugate Axis: The line passing through the center of the hyperbola and perpendicular to the
transverse axis is called the conjugate axis of the hyperbola.

Quick Reference for Comparison ng Two Cases of Hyperbola

SIDEWARD Hyperbolas UP-N-DOWN Hyperbolas

2 2 2 2
( x−h) ( y −k ) ( y−k ) ( x −h)
Ang equation ay 2
− 2
=1 Ang equation ay 2
− 2
a b a b
Center is at (h, k).
Vertices V1 and V2 are “a” units to the left and Vertices V1 and V2 are “a” units upward and
right of the center of the hyperbola downward from the center of the hyperbola
Covertices B1 and B2 are “b” units upward and Covertices B1 and B2 are “b” units to the left and
downward from the center of the hyperbola right from the center of the hyperbola
Foci F1 and F2 are “c” units to the left and right of Foci F1 and F2 are “c” units upward and
the center of the hyperbola downward from the center of the hyperbola
Transverse axis is 2a units long.
Conjugate axis is 2b units long.
Asymptotes have the equation Asymptotes have the equation
b −b a −a
y – k = (x – h) and y – k = (x – h) y – k = (x – h) and y – k = (x – h)
a a b b
2 2
( x−3) ( y +5)
− =1 Orientation: Horizontal, kasi (x – h) ang minuend.
36 64
2 2
( y +7) (x−9)
− =1 Orientation: Vertical, kasi (y – k) ang minuend.
100 25
2 2
( x−8) ( y −13)
− =1 Orientation: Horizontal, kasi (x – h) ang minuend.
49 99
2 2
( y−11) ( x +8)
− =1 Orientation: Vertical, kasi (y – k) ang minuend.
81 144
2 2
( x +5) ( y−7)
− =1 Orientation: Horizontal, kasi (x – h) ang minuend.
361 225
2 2
( y−16) ( x +15)
− =1 Orientation: Vertical, kasi (y – k) ang minuend.
441 49
2 2
( x−10) ( y−7)
− =1 Orientation: Horizontal, kasi (x – h) ang minuend.
144 25
2 2
( y−13) (x +1)
− =1 Orientation: Vertical, kasi (y – k) ang minuend.
169 31

2 2
( x−3) ( y +5)

=1 Center is at (3, -5)
2 2
( y +7) (x−9)

=1 Center is at (9, -7)
( x−8)2 ( y −13)2

=1 Center is at (8, 13)
( y−11)2 ( x +8)2

=1 Center is at (-8, 11)
2 2
( x +5) ( y−7)

=1 Center is at (-5, 7)
2 2
( y−16) ( x +15)

=1 Center is at (-15, 16)
( x−10)2 ( y−7)2

=1 Center is at (10, 7)
( y−13)2 (x +1)2

=1 Center is at (-1, 13)
Values of A and B
2 2
( x−3) ( y +5)

=1 A = 6, B = 8
( y +7)2 (x−9)2

=1 A = 10, B = 5
2 2
( x−8) ( y −13)

=1 A = 7, B = 3 √ 11
2 2
( y−11) ( x +8)

=1 A = 9, B = 12
2 2
( x +5) ( y−7)

=1 A = 19, B = 15
( y−16)2 ( x +15)2

=1 A = 21, B = 7
( x−10)2 ( y−7)2

=1 A = 12, B = 5
2 2
( y−13) (x +1)

=1 A = 13, B = √ 31

Coordinates of the different parts, and the equations of the

2 2
( x−3) ( y +5)
− =1 Horizontal, Center at (3, -5), A = 6, B = 8
36 64

Start with a draft using its orientation. First, draw two

intersecting lines para may asymptotic guide tayo ng
hyperbola natin.

Ilagay natin yung points na kailangan nating hanapin para

mabuo yung hyperbola.
Start tayo with the Center, tapos isa-isahin nating
hanapin yung coordinates ng other parts using
the values of a, b, and c.

Since a = 6, then the vertices are 6 units to the left

and to the right ng center natin. Therefore the
vertices are at (-3, -5) and (9, -5).

We can now find the foci using c, where

c = √ a2 +b 2=√ 36+64=10. So that means that the
foci are 10 units to the left and to the right ng
center natin.

Therefore the foci are at (-7, -5) and (13, -5).

We can also get the coordinates of the endpoints
of the conjugate axis by using b = 8. So ibig
sabihin, tig-8 units up and down from the center.

Therefore we have B(3,3) and B(3, -13).

Next, compute for b2/a, which should get us

approximately 10.67. Using this value, pwede na
natin kunin ang coordinates ng endpoints ng
latus rectum.

Lastly, pwede na natin kunin yung equations ng

asymptotes. Don’t forget to simplify your
fractions when possible.

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