Unit 7 Asian Studies

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Saputalo, Jaharah G.

Bsed Social Studies ll

Unit 7

Geopolitics in Asia: An Overview


1. How does your local government relate to other local governments?

 Local governments have the ability to formulate and implement policies within a
defined geographic region that is smaller than the entire state. Every country in the
world has some form of local government, albeit to varying degrees. Local self-
government is significant because it emphasizes the independence of the locality to
decide and act. Governments are linked because they both serve the people. The quality
of life of residents is ensured by state and municipal governments. They are
collaborating to help our country grow. My local government has a terrific leader,
which is why my town is so different now.

2. What could be the reasons behind that way it relates to other local government units?

 Our government's leadership aspires to create a proper and developed country. That is
why they work with the local governments.

3. in your opinion, how is political power distributed among these local governments?

 Local governments are given authority through elections. Will elect suitable persons to
be leaders, including the mayor, city councilors, and other members of government
leadership. In municipal administrations, authority is apportioned in this manner.

Activity 1

1. in a creative way, present the relationship between geographical conditions and power.

 The natural physical environment offered by the inhabitants of the country must be
acknowledged as having features of soil, water supply, other mineral resources,
vegetation, wildlife, and geography. Power is significant because it influences the
climate, resources, and other economic variables.

2. from the geopolitical challenges cited above, choose one and reflect on:


2.1 The ways countries involved were affected;

 The Iran-Iraq War, which began in 1980, has become the deadliest and most damaging
military battle since World War II. Iran's and Iraq's previously rich economies are
severely crippled. The consequences of this war for regional stability and international
security are well acknowledged, but the cause of the conflict is not.

2.2 The issues confronted the countries involved;

 The major point of contention between the two countries is a border dispute. For
generations, they have fought over their border, notably the Shatt al-Arab canal. The
abrogation of the 1975 treaty was the most recent border treaty.

2.3 factors which led to such issues;

 A geopolitical analysis takes into account all important aspects, some of which are
fundamentally territorial, such as a border dispute, and others of a different character.
This article initially explains the conflict's timeline before delving into its fundamental
reasons from a geopolitical standpoint.

2.4 possible steps to handle the situations for the benefit of countries involved;

 Possible things to do in order to deal with the problem. To ensure a peaceful

atmosphere, both countries should reach an agreement and resolve it. It can benefit both
countries. It can benefit both countries.

1. Conduct a survey/interview with at least 5 people (through online or any means that would not
compromise your health and safety) and ask them about their views/opinions on the chosen
geopolitical challenge in Activity 1

Survey: Are you familiar with the geopolitical origins of the Iraq-Iran war? What is your opinion
about it? What are the activities that countries involved can do to respond to a challenge like this
without harming other parts of their societies?

Response: The Iraq-Iran war was a prolonged conflict between the arm forces of the both
country. It was also said that it become extremely serious when Iraq uses chemical and biological
weapons which causes a lot of destructions in the Iranian, many civilians and arm forces had
died. For me, that incident is really traumatic for both involved countries since they have lost a
lot of things both lives and materials. The war could have been prevented if it was just
immediately talked and tackled by the higher people that controls both party. Everything can
really be settled or any problem can be solving if it was just addressed properly and calmly.
Furthermore, a treaty could have prevented the war if they have just made one. They can make
agreements which will benefit both sides. The do's and don’ts can be specified here to prevent
any offensive acts that could trigger any conflicts and therefore, a war would be the very least
thing that they could have.

Survey: Are you familiar with the geopolitical origins of the Iraq-Iran war? What is your opinion
about it? What are the activities that countries involved can do to respond to a challenge like this
without harming other parts of their societies?


 Tensions between Iran and Iraq began almost immediately after the establishment of
the latter nation in 1921. One enduring source of conflict involved control of the Shatt
al-Arab, the waterway formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. In
September 1980, Iraqi forces launched a full-scale invasion of neighboring Iran,
beginning the Iran-Iraq War. More than half a million soldiers and civilians had been
killed. It’s time to change the rules so that those who wage war, particularly illegal war,
will have appropriate consequences. It’s time to end the double standards, and to
replace might makes right with the rule of law. It’s time to demand that our leaders find
peaceful ways to resolve conflicts.

2. From the interviewees' opinions and your views, make a plan of activities on what countries
involved may do to respond to such challenge without harming other parts of their societies.


 Iraqi forces launched a full-scale invasion of neighboring Iran in September 1980, kicking off
the Iran-Iraq War. The battle, which was fueled by territorial, religious, and political conflicts
between the two countries, ended in an effective stalemate and a cease-fire nearly eight years
later. The optimum course of action would be to file an agreement with both governments
involved in this situation. They can establish agreements that are beneficial to both sides. The
do's and don'ts may be specified here in order to avoid any aggressive acts that could cause
issues, and so a conflict would be the very least that they could have. It is in the best interests of
both countries.


 It has a good environment, a developing economy, and a peaceful country. As a people, rise up
and demand that your government uphold its constitution, stop supporting war, and find a route
to peace. Citizens in the United States must demand that Congress not cede or allow the
president to usurp their only authority under the Constitution to declare war. Citizens should
also demand that Congress use its veto authority to prevent war, including not providing
financial assistance to a president who is seeking to pay other countries to engage in an
unlawful war.

Plan of activities:

 a plan for the development of an agreement and a settlement for both countries' peace and

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