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FS Student: Cyrell M. Santos Program/Year Level: BSED 4-Math

Resource Teacher: Ma’am Lenie M. Espiritu Teacher’s Signature: School: HNHS

Grade/Year Level: 7 Subject Area: Mathematics Date: 01-10-23

Learning Episode 9

Preparing for Teaching and Learning

Learning Essentials
Here are major principles of development relevant to this Episode:
These are the time-tested principles of teaching and learning:
1. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
2. Learning is an active process. “What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember, what I do,
I understand.”
3. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas. Students are given the
opportunity to connect what they learn with other concepts learned, with real world
experiences and with their own lives.
4. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

A teaching method consists of systematic and orderly steps in the teaching-learning

process. It is the practical realization or application of an approach. All methods of
teaching classified either as deductive (direct) or inductive (indirect).

Begins with a rule, Methods Begins with the concrete,
generalization, abstraction experience, details,
and ends with concrete, examples and ends with a
experience, details, Teaching rule, generalization,
examples. abstraction.
Learning Episode 9
Activity 9.1
Demonstrating an Understanding of Research-Based Knowledge Principles of
Teaching And Learning

Resource Teacher: Ma’am Lenie M. Espiritu Teacher’s Signature: School: HNHS

Grade/Year Level: 7 Subject Area: Mathematics Date: 01-10-23


Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning given in Revisit the Learning
Essentials. I will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning. I
can cite more than one evidence per principle of learning.

What did the Resource Teacher do to apply

Principles of Learning
the principle of learning
 To apply this principle of learning, the
Resource Teacher presents her lessons
on what are her intended learning
1. Effective learning begins with the setting of
outcome regarding the topic. The
clear and high expectations of learning
teacher starts her class by asking
students what they expect from the
topic, and then she summarizes the
semester's lessons.
 To apply this principle of learning, the
Resource Teacher let her students to
participates or interacts her students
2. Learning is an active process.
actively with the learning process as
well as let her students participates in
the educational learning activities.
 To apply this principle of learning, the
Resource Teacher tasked her students
3. Learning is the discovery of personal to share their thoughts and ideas about
meaning and relevance of ideas. the subject matter and allow the
students to discuss and present it in
front of the class.
 The instructor should design a group
activity in which students must
4. Learning is a cooperative and a
research and develop a specific
collaborative process. Learning is enhanced in
project. As a result, the students will
an atmosphere of cooperation and
be eager to communicate their
thoughts and opinions. It was unusual
to see it in this context because it was
an online class.


1. What principles of learning were most applied? least applied?

Most Applied

 As I observed, the most applied principle of learning is the “Learning is an active

process” where a student-centered approach was applied. Students learn more when they
participate in process of learning. In this principle of learning, teachers are the facilitators
rather than the one-way providers of information.

Least Applied

 As I have observed, the learning principle that was applied least from the four principles
is the “Learning is the discovery of personal meaning and relevance of ideas”. In the
lecture session, the teacher used her 20minutes explaining the content of the topic and
sharing thoughts regarding the topic

Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied?

 The learning principle "Learning is the discovery of personal meaning and relevance of
concepts" encourages students to evaluate their work and assist them recognize where
they made mistakes or did incorrectly after the instructor has given them the job.
"Learning is a communal and collaborative process," concludes the author. Learning is
increased in a cooperative and collaborative environment." The teacher should lead a
group exercise and encourage students to cooperate. They should encourage students to
collaborate in groups.
From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?
 Principles of learning are guidelines for the ways in which people learn most effectively.
For me, I think the most important principle is “learning is an active process” because it
uses student engagement to teach. It encourages students to actively participate in the
learning process with the use of student-centered approach. With less lectures by the
teachers, students are expected to learn through collaboration and exploration in a more
student-centered approach that traditional learning that has relied on long teacher
discussions and lectures. With this kind of principle, the student’s job is to participate in
the construction of knowledge with the teacher and so the role of the teacher is to
facilitate them. in result, by encouraging the students to participate in the construction of
knowledge, it builds a deeper understanding, fosters critical thinking and develops
problem solving skills.
Learning Episode 9
Activity 9.2
Identifying Learning Outcomes That Are Aligned With Learning Competencies

Resource Teacher: Ma’am Lenie M. Espiritu Teacher’s Signature: School: HNHS

Grade/Year Level: 7 Subject Area: Mathematics Date: 01-10-23

Observe a class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated.
Determine if the learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not. Give evidence.

1. Write the learning outcomes stated in the lesson.

Learning Outcomes (SMART objectives?) Achieved

Yes No Yes No
✓ ✓
1. The learner evaluates rational numbers.
✓ ✓
2. The learner adds fractions.
✓ ✓
3. The learner subtracts fractions.
✓ ✓
4. The learners multiply fractions.
✓ ✓
5. The learners divide fractions.

2. Cite pieces of evidence that these learning outcomes were achieved.

1. The outcomes are obviously achieved since the students are involved.

2. Students asked questions during the discussion. Teachers inquired about the lesson with
their students, and they accurately responded.
3. The teacher issued an assignment, which the students performed before the deadline. They
each replied and completed the work on their own.

4. The teacher applied a multiple means of teaching discussion such as paper and pencil type
of assessment.

5. The students were completely learned all the targeted objectives and actively involved in the
learning outcomes that was met.

1. Do SMART objectives make the lesson more focused?
 In my own opinion, SMART objectives help the lesson become more focused because the
goals will set you up for success by making goals specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic and timely. With this, teachers are guided to achieve their desirable intended
learning outcomes. the SMART methods will help teachers to push further, gives them a
sense of direction, and helps them organize and reach their goals to achieve what they are
expecting from the students.

Reflect on the
Lesson learned in determining SMART learning outcomes.

 I have come to realize that in all the things that I do and plan, I have to set my goals so I
would have a compass that would direct me as where I will be heading and what I will be
needing to complete. Learning outcomes help me and my students come to a common
understanding about the purpose and goals of a course or academic program. Learning
outcomes are the cornerstones of course design and assessment, and help students focus
on what is important.
Learning Episode 9
Activity 9.3
Distinguishing Between Inductive and Deductive Methods of Teaching

Resource Teacher: Ma’am Lenie M. Espiritu Teacher’s Signature: School: HNHS

Grade/Year Level: 7 Subject Area: Mathematics Date: 01-10-23


I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the guide
questions, I shall reflect on my observations and analysis.

Teacher-centered Student-centered
Did teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-learning
 No. the teacher managed her time by process? How? Or were they mere passive
putting minutes in every part of the recipients of instruction?
lesson. She allotted time for the lecture,  Yes. The students were involved in the
for the quiz, and for groupworks teaching-learning process. They act as
the listener as well as act as a facilitator
when they had their group work. The
teaching-learning method involves
students participating in discussions and
responding to activity and recitation

Was the emphasis on the mastery of the lesson Was the emphasis on the students' application
or on the test? Prove. of the lesson in real life? Give proofs.
 The focus is on the student's mastery of  The emphasis is on applying what
the lesson. She concentrated on you've learned to real-world challenges.
explaining the lesson in a variety of
ways to ensure that students completely
get it.
Was class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was class atmosphere collaborative? Why?
 No. the teacher let them work with their  Yes. Because the teacher asked them to
group and peers so that everyone can group themselves and everybody should
participate and share their ideas and cooperate and participate in the
thoughts as a whole. activities.

Did teacher focus only on one Did teacher connect lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?
 Yes. From the start until the end, the  The teacher made no connections
teacher occupied all the class hour only between the lecture and other subjects.
in one subject so that the students will
not get confused, and they will still
remember it.

What teaching-learning practice shows that teaching approach was:

a) constructivist-connected to past experiences of partners learners constructed new lesson

 During the class discussion, the teacher let the students to connect the student’s past
experiences to the topic and tries to connect it to the new concept for the discussion

b) inquiry-based
 The teaching and learning practice I have seen from the teaching approach in Inquiry-
based was the teacher posed thought-provoking questions to the students about the
topic as well as encourages the students to have independent thinking. The questions
can be subjective so that it will encourage the learners to express their ideas and

c) developmentally appropriate-learning activities fit the developmental stage of children

 The instructor considers tasks that are appropriate for pupils' mental ability and those
they can do at their current level.

d) reflective
 The teacher encouraged pupils to think critically and come up with their own answers
based on their observations and realizations.
e) inclusive - No learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody.
 At the end of the conversation, the teacher asks the pupils if they all grasp the lesson. If
someone doesn't grasp anything, she'll explain it again to ensure that everyone learns

f) collaborative-Students worked together.

 Students are unable to collaborate since the style of instruction is an online class, and
the teacher restricts group activities to minimize crowding.

g) integrative - Lesson was multidisciplinary - e.g. In Science, Math concepts were taught.
 Mathematics and science were taught at the same time in school. As an example,
problems involving distance, force, and so on.

1. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and for the test?
 The consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and for the test is that the
student will not extend her knowledge because the teacher limits the learning or in the
concept and with no application. Also, I can also see that if this happens, maybe students
will study just for the sake of examinations and what the teacher had taught will be easily
2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or student-
centered? Why?
 If I were to reteach the classes I observed, I would be more of learner-centered because
the students could evaluate their own learning though the teacher also evaluates. The
class becomes interactive though noisy because the classroom is often busy with students
who are excited to work on their tasks.


Reflect on Principles of teaching worth applying

 As future educator, the principles of teaching are very important for us all educators for
us to improve ourselves and the process of learning of our students. This promotes
excellence in learning and teaching practices express in different institution that are
committed as learning. In all of these principles tackled, it enhances student to engage
and learn through effecting teaching.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Post proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this Episode. You may attach the
lesson plan (s) used by your Resource Teacher to show the intended learning outcomes and the
method used in class.

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