Articles and Topics For Essays 2-nd Term 2022

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Articles and Essays

Articles The Economist Essay

1 Gender equality March 2nd – 8th 2019 Gender equality benefits
Divorce in Bangladesh. society in many ways.
Getting out of the house. Do you agree with this
2. Space research. Technology January 6th – 12th 2018 Some people think that money
spent on space exploration is a
Space debris. Junk hunting. waste and could be better used
to fund other urgent problems
in society. To what extent do
you agree?

3. Unhealthy eating January 6th – 12th 2018 Some people think that the
1. Obesity in France. Body government is responsible for
positive. the rise in obesity in children,
2. Economics and dieting. while others think it is the fault
Quantitative eating. of the parents. Discuss both
sides and give your opinion.

4. Sport: cheating in sport. For article 1 – Essay 1

Sport: violence in sport. February10th – 16th 2018 In many professional sports,
1. Doping in sport. there is an increase in the
Whatever it takes. For article 2 – January number of athletes using
2. Riding bulls. 26th – February 1st 2019 banned substances to improve
Masculinity on their performance. What are
steroids. the causes of the phenomenon
and what are some of the
possible solutions?

Essay 2
Some people think that sports
involving violence, such as
boxing and martial arts, should
be banned from TV as well as
from international sporting
competitions. To what extent
do you agree?

5. Economic aid February 23rd - March Essay 1

1st 2019. The wealth gap between 1st
The new alms-giving. world countries and 3rd world
Welfare states rising. countries seems to be
increasing. How can we reduce
this gap? Do you think that
developed countries have a
duty to assist developing
countries in every way?
Essay 2
The money given to help poor
countries does not solve the
problem of poverty, so rich
countries should give other
types of help instead. To what
extent do you agree or


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