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Name: Queen Danica M. Delan BS IND.


Instructor: Albert E. Perez EVSU-OCC

Incident Report

Date: 25th April, 2023

Guest Name: Mr. Edward Smith

Contact number: 09751542569

Address: Ormoc City

Dining Experience: Regular

Occasional First Time

Department: Queen's D Restaurant

Nature of Complaint Poor Communication

A British couple came at Queen's D Restaurant at around ten

o'clock in the morning. To celebrate their second anniversary.
They were seated at table number 2. They called the attention
of the waiter, they browsed the menu, and they mentioned
their orders to the waiter. At this moment, the waiter is
confused and does not really understand because of the guest's
british accent. That time the waiter forgot to repeat the guest's
Result of Investigation
order. At that time, the waiter was not feeling well and had a
personal problem. After 15 minutes, the food was delivered to
the guest at table 2. But the guest complained that the food
they ordered was not correct.

Actions taken to The staff ask for forgiveness from the guest. And the manager
tell the staff and all the TM to always maintain their presence
prevent recurrence:
in the workplace. Always be attentive to the guest to avoid a
failure of communication and focus on working, having a
good approach and interaction with the guest.

Actions taken as Apologies were extended to the guest and they changed the
incorrect order, gave free dessert, a bottle of wine, and flowers
Service recovery:
with lovely music due to the incident.

Signed by HOD: Albert E. Perez

MOD Queen Danica M. Delan

Completed Copy to: HOD Human Resource General Manager

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