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Big ideas, little packages page.

General idea
Some simple ideas can change the whole world or save lives. Just as the saying goes,
a little can make its way against much. When there is a compulsion by necessity, men
begin to become ingenious and creative. They come up with some simple
innovations that solve big problems. For instance, about 19 million low-birthweight
premature babies are born, and they run a higher risk of mortality because they
don’t have enough fat to keep their body temperature at 37 degrees Celsius.
American entrepreneur Jane Chen created the infant warmer to keep them from
suffering hypothermia. People in developing countries do not have access to clean
water and have to cover great distance to carry heavy containers of water on their
heads. The Q drum, a kind of rolling container, is a solution to the problem of the
shortage of water. It can roll over any kind of terrain and can be pulled easily with a
rope even by children. For people who are denied healthcare, a health detector is a
life saver. In a place devoid of doctors, medical supply and equipment, a health
detector invented by a Saudi Arabian scientist can save time and lives. It is made of
paper and contains a hole filled with chemicals. Once a drop of blood is dipped into
the hole, the chemicals begin to react with the blood and immediately identify health
problems. The best part about it is that it can be obtained at a low cost. All these
simple innovations confer benefits on the disadvantaged and help them out of their
distress and inconvenience.
Vocabulary of paragraph a
1 Innovation 創新 n.: a new idea or method
The fifth generation is the latest innovations in computer technology.
Grammar point
The use of such as
Such as is used to give examples
1 Students have obligations to fulfill _______________________________________
2 The interviewers often begin with easier questions
3 When the utilization of energy escalates in order to transform unfledged countries
into developed countries and to improve people’s lives, energy _______________can
be exhausted in the long run.
4 Most photovoltaics (PV) cells, ______________________________, rely on silicon
to convert sunlight into electronic current.
5 When it comes to budget allocation of universities, it is always complicated and
difficult to make decisions. Some people would prefer spending money on improving
A such as laboratories and general requirements
B such as coal and petroleum
C such as those on home rooftops
D such as completing homework assignments and research papers, studying for
exams, and writing term papers.
E such as “tell us about your time at university”.
Vocabulary of paragraph b c
1 entrepreneur 企業家 n.: someone who starts their own business, especially when
this involves seeing a new opportunity
He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made their money in property.
2 embrace 擁抱 vt.: to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking,
or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone.
She saw them embrace on the station platform.
3 wax 蠟 n.: a solid substance containing a lot of fat that becomes soft and melts
when warm
She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle.
4 benefit 好處 n.: a helpful or good effect or something intended to help
One of the many benefits of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the
Grammar point
Phrases followed by a gerund
reading; preparing; memorizing; rushing; visiting;

1 On __________ the call for help, the firefighters wasted no time (in) rushing to the
fire scene.

2 You should spend your time (on) ________ good books and keeping good

3 We had a swell time (in) ____________ the Disneyland in Los Angeles and had
some fond memories.

4 Students have difficulties (in)_____________ the vocabulary because they cannot

make sense out of it.

5 I have been busy (with) _____________ for my final exam and cannot find much
time for sports.
Grammar point
Compound adjective is made of two items with the first item being an adjective and
the second item being a noun
four-year; waist-high; three-dimension; three-time; last-ditch; two-way; five-star;
1 Modern education sets much store by __________ communication.
2 While they are traveling in Europe, they stay in ____________ hotels.
3 With the spread of education, many colleges have been raised to the rank of
___________ universities.
4 In watching a _____________ movie, you need to put on a kind of specially
designed glasses.
5 Whenever there is a downpour, there will be a ____________ flooding in this low-
lying area.
6 He made a __________ attempt to run the Marathon before he turns 60.
7 He is a ___________ champion in tennis because of his constant practice and
physical strength.
Vocabulary of paragraph d e
1 valuable 有價值的 adj: worth a lot of money
The country’s most valuable commodities include tin and diamonds.
2 container 容器 n.: a hollow object, such as a box or a bottle, that can be used for
holding something, especially to carry or store it
These organic olives are packaged in recycled glass containers.
3 store 儲存 vt.: to put or keep things in a special place for use in the future
The data is stored on a hard disk and backed up on a CD.
Phrasal verbs with come
come at; come away; come in handy; come up short; come clean; come on; come
down to; come down with; come by; come alive;

1 Fear _________ him when he spotted bones and skulls on the ground.

2 At the first gleam of dawn, the whole village begins to____________.

3 It is hard to _________ the exact truth of the murder now that all traces of
evidence have been erased.

4 The screw ____________ easily because it has been rusted.

5 Success is hard to _________ and hard work does not guarantee success because it
requires some luck.
6 Why not ___________ here and now as to those facts before it is too late to take
advantage of any mitigating circumstances?

7 We find that many crimes all ____________ the matter of money.

8 I am afraid I have to call in sick because I have ____________ a cold.

9 Don’t throw these old jars away; they may ____________ one of these days.

10 The growing vulnerability of the giant banks in these two countries is spurring
investor fears that Europe’s latest bid to get a handle on its festering debt crisis,
adopted just a few weeks ago, has_______________.
Vocabulary of paragraph f
1 device 裝置 n.: an object or machine that has been invented for a particular
We have a device that switches the lights on at a preset time in the evening.
2 identify 發現 vt.: to recognize a problem, need, fact, etc. and to who that it exists.
After she had identified the body of her husband, the police asked her to collect his
personal belongings.
3 indicate 顯示 vt.: to show, point or make clear in another way
Exploratory investigations have indicated large amounts of oil below the sea bed.
4 challenge 挑戰 vt.: to test someone’s ability or determination
The naughty children try to challenge the power of their teacher by dumping
trash on his legs.
Grammar point
Adj+ to V
1 If you want to run for a city counsellor, I will be glad _____________________
2 It is so easy __________________________________________________
3 When presented with questions, the professor is always ready

4 Affected by the Great Recession, many unemployed workers are hard put to it and
5 Alcohol is quick ______________ and will soon disappear when exposed to the air.
6 If it’s hard__________________________________, imagine trying to run from a
saber-toothed tiger or catch a squirrel for lunch.

7 The rioters in Hong Kong are accused being happy _________________________


A to be overwhelmed, or to judge and therefore to refrain from helping others.

B to see the thing through.
C to drive safely under the influence
D to give an appropriate answer.

E to evaporate
F to do any odd job that they can find.
G to foment this disorder.
Reading comprehension
1 Why do low-birthweight babies have a higher risk of mortality?
(a) They don’t have enough water to keep them from dehydration.
(b) They don’t have enough oxygen to keep them alive.
(c) They don’t have enough nutrition to keep growing.
(d) They don’t have enough fat to keep them warm.
2 What is Embracer filled with?
(a) cotton (b) wool (c) wax (d) straw
3 What does Embrace work like?
(a) incubator (b) respirator (c) test tube (d) monitor
4 What is the benefit of the Q drum?
(a) People can enjoy clean running water at home.
(b) People can carry more water per journey with less effort.
(c) People can buy more water at a lower price.
(d) People can make a fortune by selling clean water.
5 What is the lesson we may learn from the invention of Q drum?
(a) There are things that people accept less the more you defend them.
(b) It is only effective when it is done without talking about it.
(c) Harshness gives value to medicine.
(d) A man who wants to be effective must first make sure his tools are good.
6 How does a health detector identify a health problem?
(a) By sending the medical test to the lab
(b) By an intravenous drip
(c) By a chemical reaction with the blood
(d) By a pathological section
7 What does it mean by “medically challenged” in paragraph g?
(a) devoid of doctors, medical supply and equipment
(b) standing convicted of duplicity
(c) rendering signal service to the country
(d) full of deserted streets and run-down buildings
8 What is the best part about the health detector?
(a) It can cure diseases right on the spot.
(b) It allows tests to be done at a very low cost.
(c) It can bring the dead back to life.
(d) It is a hundred-percent correct in its diagnosis.
9 What is the general idea of this article?
(a) Silence seems to be by far the most prudent policy.
(b) A simple idea may make people’s lives easier and more comfortable.
(c) One has to know his place and negotiate his role in society.
(d) One has to bow to the inevitable.

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